Insert any amount of fake data to a form field. Easy Peasy
This is a google chrome extension which will generate a random text of given length, and will paste the generated text into the last active input form field.
Use Cmd + Shift + I to insert fakeness in Mac
Use Ctrl + Shift + F to insert fakeness in Windows
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-22) Roger Holden: Doesn't work. Nothing happens with use the stated key combo
- (2022-07-22) Aidan Dalzell: How about some [Insert Primary Language Here] words?
- (2019-07-30) Ej Angelo Dalman: the app was okay but, the shortcut keys doesn't work in Ubuntu
- (2019-01-04) jigar: tired to copy from lorem ipsum, very help full tool for me. Loved it. Thanks