Description from extension meta
Liked de YouTube videos van je favoriete content makers automagisch.
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Description from store
Het enige wat deze extensie doet, is het indrukken van de like knop van videos van kanalen waarop je bent geabonneerd. Geen inspanning vereist. Geen authenticatie vereist. Je kunt zelfs ELKE video liken.
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Latest reviews
- (2021-02-11) SwagaliciousPig: It works! I am now a algorithm helper for my favorite channels
- (2021-01-28) Wh1t3st4r: I consider it the best, it's simple and it works
- (2020-12-17) YehoJon: It dosent work when you are inside a playlist, but otherwise its good.
- (2020-12-03) Kinomora: Works great to support my favourite youtubers! The option to like instantly, after 2 minutes, or halfway through the video makes me feel like it's less likely to get picked up by Google trying to "counter" it. Perhaps another option where it will simply like the video at a random time?
- (2020-11-03) Daniel Nora: It works well in what it purports to. However, I would like to be able to blacklist channels that I'm subscribed to yet don't want to auto like watched videos.
- (2020-10-17) Bangladesh International Trade & Contracting: :D
- (2020-08-07) Daniel Jimenez: Very good.
- (2020-07-26) Joener Sison: ok
- (2020-07-18) Defrosted Turkey: • Helps content creators that you enjoy watching, • Helps you remember to dislike the video by having a few visual cues • You barely remembers that the extension is there Great extension, thanks Austen.
- (2020-07-14) wendley gustavo: mano não tenho palavras que descrevem sensacional
- (2020-06-29) Madhav Patil: this is best above rest auto liker i love it
- (2020-04-01) Alex Pawlowski: It works beautifully. It's very useful when watching a playlist of a music album, as it will like every song in the album automatically as it plays. (Note: it only works within YouTube, not YouTube Music.) As a bonus, it only runs within YouTube, meaning it can't know anything about your other tabs.
- (2020-03-30) BAD: Работает идеально.
- (2020-03-21) rinfumi: 5 stars if there wasn't rickroll on the front page. man i got rickrolled
- (2020-03-15) Cristofer: yo y los youtubers que sigo te agradecemos xD
- (2020-02-09) Chester Southwood: At first I wanted to make an extension, a basic version of this, but before doing so I went to the Chrome store to see if anyone else had the basic idea. I was right and beaten to the punch a long while ago. This application is great with simple settings and a concise interface. I try to watch videos in a sense that all should be liked or disliked to give feedback, but I sometimes forget to hit a like/dislike after watching it.This application simply helps with it.
- (2020-02-05) SPIRITUALITY TWOMSV: Thank you. it saves time. I also wanted auto cooment "Thanks for Sharing" comment
- (2019-12-07) M'hame D. Chahir Hathout: Thank you ! Saved me much time ! appreciated <3
- (2019-11-20) John McFree: Very good for when you have adblock but still want to support the youtuber in someway. Thanks for making this
- (2019-11-16) Salah Sawafta: great extension
- (2019-11-07) Chris Musix: I don't believe it: IT WORKS!!! November 2019
- (2019-10-25) 天光臺灣: The old version of youtube is not supported after the update. (Normal in 2.4)
- (2019-09-30) androns mc: Works great. Unfortunately, the useless panel button can not be removed. Please, add to preferences an option "show/hide panel button".
- (2019-09-27) ntelas: I thought no one will like every video after watches it, as I do. I was wrong! There is even an extension of it! I love it!
- (2019-09-21) Ruby Snow: Worked really well for a long time, but no longer does some of the time.
- (2019-09-18) Aloha Fourpeaks: It stopped working today and I tried all the options, hopefully it'll be fixed soon. Works awesomely.
- (2019-09-14) Abdullah Mallik: Amazing. I always forget to like videos. this extension helps a lot
- (2019-08-10) Jenny C.: it works, and it has a little bit of customization which is nice, but the custom option of liking only after 50% of the video is watched isn't working properly, it still likes the video automatically in the beggining, i don't really mind, if i don't like the video i just remove the like, but it was the only extension i found that at least give us this option of liking only after we've watched a big chunk of the video so it's kinda sad this option is not working properly, but still love the extension and i'll keep it ^^ and hope the devs update it and the option works again some day
- (2019-07-31) Mathendro: Bah... ça ne fonctionne tout simplement pas
- (2019-07-30) Neko AI: how do i use it
- (2019-07-17) Nicodemus: This extension is amazing and a must have. It is easy to use and does not override your dislike when you dislike something. It also does not slow down youtube at all.
- (2019-07-15) CODEX: КЛАСС!!! Всё как и хотел!!
- (2019-06-16) LeSaCa: me encanta
- (2019-06-15) Wadena: It stopped working last night. I don't know why, it just don't auto like the videos I'm watching. I've restarted it in chrome (turned it on/off) but that didn't help.
- (2019-06-11) Fat Guy Plays: worked perfectly fine up until recently. hopefully it'll be good soon i love this thing
- (2019-06-05) Matheus HS: O plugin é sensacional mas parou de funcionar de ontem pra cá. Por favor arrumem. Obrigado.
- (2019-04-29) David Epic: Of all the auto like'rs I have tried I can honestly say this is the first one I've found that works correctly the first time. The GUI is simplistic, and straight to the point. Love the options. Overall this a great extension that I will recommend to everyone.
- (2019-04-06) el famoso facho: ne fonctionne pas
- (2019-04-02) Sana Ma Gustohan Nyo
- (2019-03-30) RadarMadura id: good
- (2019-03-11) Olivier Gariépy: Must have if you use youtube a lot, that fantastic!
- (2019-02-24) Nicolai Bredholt: Doesn't always like your subscribed channels :(
- (2019-02-21) Dibutil Ftalat: It may sound good but currently does not work - dormant at all times, no error messages or logs or notes. Useless as it is now.
- (2019-02-11) Chanla Ek: Works really well as advertised with some pretty good options.
- (2019-02-10) Daniel Daniel: Perfeito, não retira os likes dos vídeos q ja levaram like tbm, o q acontece em outras extensões.] Além disso tem configurações inteligentes
- (2019-01-26) douglas carley: when it works 5 stars. it had been great for like 4 month since i installed but about a week ago it stopped working...