extension ExtPose

شرح وإرسال لقطات من البرنامج

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Description from extension meta

القبض على أي جزء من صفحة ويب ، وتفسير ذلك مع السهام ، والدوائر ، والنص ، تماما مثل سنجت

Image from store شرح وإرسال لقطات من البرنامج
Description from store إلتقط جزء من صفحة الويب او إلتقطها كلها او حتى إرفع الصورة التي تريد ان تشارك بها او ترسلها إلى شخص ما. يمكنك ان ترسم عليها أسهم, خطوط, دوائر لتشير إلى اشياء او حتى تحرك او تمسح ما تم إختياره او حتى تضع حواشي لـ الصورة الملتقطه بوضع نص على يمين الصورة. ثم يمكنك ان تنسخ الصورة لـ الكليب بورد وتلصقها في البريد الإلكتروني او ترسل الصورة الملتقطه كـ رابط او تنزيل الصورة على سطح المكتب الخاص بك او حتى تشارك بها على الفيس بوك, تويتر, او ماي سبيس. الفائده الرئيسية من هذا الإختصار انه يشبه برنامج السناجيت, ولكن مجاناً, سريع وسهل الإستخدام ويمكن استخدامه لعمل نماذج بالحجم الطبيعي!. الصورة يمكن ايضاً إستضافتها في سرية اونلاين على .

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-16) 無無: 擷取整個網頁截圖會有問題,拼接後圖片會重疊一小部分,截圖進行修圖後,保存會有浮水印能去掉最好,部分功能要付費但不多基本功能夠用了。
  • (2023-11-04) Brandon Fifer: I've been using the paid version of this extension for over a year now. Absolutely fantastic extension. Does everything I need it to do and more, is available on all my computers, is quick, convenient, and has no un-needed nonsense. The only thing I could wish to add is a quick keyboard shortcut or two. but tbh I would only remove 0.2 of a star for lacking that, as the right-click option is pretty easy as well.
  • (2023-10-15) sep comp: very good extention. thanke you i wanna recomend one thing, show date and time in screenshots in watermark.it will be usable
  • (2023-08-09) Nick WANG: the new version has some question, the video recording, I found the double image occurs when mouse moves
  • (2023-08-08) Katerin: Es la primera extension que valoro con cinco estrellas, de verdad cumple todas sus funciones.
  • (2023-07-18) Miguel Prado: Ha dejado de funcionar
  • (2023-05-14) xrx: Идеальное расширение в сравнении с остальными схожими!
  • (2023-04-13) Ellen Yeresh: You are doing the great job!!! Thank you for the such amazing tools!
  • (2023-01-31) Da7win: С каждым обновлением всё хуже и хуже работает на каких-то сайтах, постоянно выдает ошибку что не может сделать скриншот. Пользуюсь плагином уже много лет, есть премиум доступ, но чувствую придется искать что-то другое...
  • (2022-08-25) Xavier Guzman: I have been using this for a while, on and off. I love it, makes it easy to track stuff when doing reviews of things that need to be fixed on websites. However lately, i'm unable to correctly capture the Entire Page. It has been working exactly as the the "Visible Page" option for me...So i keep needing to take multiple screenshots by manually scrolling the page, which is inconvenient :(
  • (2022-05-16) Jon Fisher: Usually works flawlessly, but the past few days, it hasn't been triggering when I want it to. Anything I can do?
  • (2022-04-27) _MemoryCore_: wow much more easier to do than my mac ss. i'll defintely keep using this for a long time. the only thing i think is inconvient like is how it always start with arrow tool
  • (2022-04-07) Jose M: Wow! Simplicity and effectiveness of this light tool! The best that I have used so far. Thank you Jason!
  • (2022-03-30) Aaron Herbst: unsure why not 5 stars
  • (2021-12-16) damiansanz: Muy buena extencion cumle con todo lo que dice, muy util
  • (2021-10-15) GeckoTech GeckoTech: Simple, full featured, easy to use, added so much value for me.. Thanks Jason, keep up with the great work, suing in Chrome and Vivaldi browser
  • (2021-09-16) Angelique Mercurio: Been using this for years and it's truly the BEST screenshot tool ever. Thank you Jason Savard for these awesome life improvements.
  • (2021-09-14) Douglas Okolaa: favorite
  • (2021-07-16) Grand Stand for Piano: Very helpful extension! We use this regularly! May you will continue to produce extensions that will help make other lives better. :) Thank you, Jason from all of us at grandstandforpiano.com
  • (2021-07-12) Ehsan Amini: I rarely ever write reviews, but this high-value work surely merits one! Simple and intuitive interface, fairly full featured, well designed. Obviously done by a professional. A delight to use. Easily deserves a prize. An indispensable tool for every educator. Kudos to the developer. Can't thank you enough for the awesome job.
  • (2021-04-18) Ka bi: In full page capture crop tool selection is bugging as hell, and extension able to crash. Cant select more area then actually visible and unable to modify selection. Zoom is not zoom, it shrinks image, so cant zoom out to select more area and save original dimensions.
  • (2021-03-25) BlueSky Cliffdog01: I love this extension and use it a lot along with your Gmail one you're definitely one of the best Chrome extension Devs 😁😁😁
  • (2021-03-12) Jay Liu: Great!
  • (2021-03-02) ROUNAK NANDI: It's not only an extension that not only takes screenshots but also records screen. Best utility extension I ever saw in chrome web store.
  • (2021-02-21) Lin sen: 很棒,可以满足日常需要截图
  • (2021-02-13) Cop Parazzi: Not only a Chrome extension but an extension of me!
  • (2021-01-26) Blake O'Ruairi: Installed 3 others, didnt really work. Installed this extension - clicked it, it worked right away. No messing around; simple direct and intuitive. Edit/blur etc. all from one step screen. Keeping It Stupidly Simple really works~ Thank You! great work~
  • (2021-01-22) Perfect. "Just enough" to take screenshots or snippets. Wonderful developer tool.
  • (2021-01-07) th ch: Ότι καλύτερο βρήκα στην κατηγορία αυτή.
  • (2020-12-06) Bob Loucks: Excellent! Upon downloading it I was able to execute everything I had hoped to - which means THIS is a very user-friendly and handy tool ! Thank you*
  • (2020-11-22) Robert De Sena: HOLY SHEAT. I've been looking for a really good screenshot tool for a while but chrome has enough really good apis for screenshots to where there are like 15000 crummy, half-baked screenshot extensions, and most of the better ones have an overcomplicated UI, use way too much cpu, or upload your photos to their server for processing. This has most of the features I want in a screenshot tool, and doesn't have any of the ones I don't want. However, I do have to say that if you're trying to really accurately capture an area (like near pixel perfect), this extension isn't always the best, but I'd consider that relatively minor. (for capturing areas really neatly, I use lightshot, but there are plenty other good ones for that).
  • (2020-10-29) Juan Nicolas Carlotto: Genial! tambien se puede abrir desde el porta papeles, muy practico. gracias
  • (2020-10-23) Deb Reynolds: Actually, my 5 stars are a bit premature, since I JUST downloaded the extension. However, it looks easy to use with just the types of features I am looking for! I work at home doing a variety of product and tech support, customer advocacy, etc., and I frequently need to either take/submit screenshots myself with a trouble ticket, etc., or to share product features and other types of resources with customers. I'm looking forward to trying it out!! Thank you.
  • (2020-09-24) Paolo: recommend I use daily congratulations to the creator
  • (2020-09-18) Algériennes Affaires: After editng my screen it did require me to buy a paid version or it sticks a water mak what a waste of time so disapointed
  • (2020-09-09) 白书杰: 超级强大,虽然名字比较朴素,真心好用
  • (2020-08-31) uzisan uzisan: the best screen shot app. fast and easy to use. tanx jason
  • (2020-08-25) Alexandre Lopes: Excellent.
  • (2020-08-20) Hi, I was able to use it for couple of times until it says I can’t save to drive anymore. I tried revoking and re-granting access to the drive but nothing happens. here's the error message Problem uploading to google drive: internal error
  • (2020-08-20) Nguyễn Sơn Hà Giang: ok
  • (2020-08-19) edmundo choque flores: Muy bueno
  • (2020-08-18) Amir SoLo9: رائع وجميل جيدا تطبيق ممتاز ورعة
  • (2020-07-01) WT: Better to use than fireshot
  • (2020-04-09) Adrian Arenas Lopez: Muy interesante!!
  • (2020-03-28) Mohammad Azad: Better than what I expected.
  • (2020-03-19) Subrata Sarkar: Nice and simple tool!.
  • (2020-03-15) David Chan: I was thinking to stop using the FVD Nimbus version because of recent updates have ruined a good thing. But this one as a replacement is missing two features I enjoy having in the FVD Nimbus version like an ability to enable/disable an overlay onscreen countdown timer. And the ability to capture the tabs sounds. This extension captures from the mic only and no premium option to capture the tab sounds. FVD Nimbus allows sound capture from either tab or mic. To capture here, is simpler. Click to capture, click to stop. The FVD version is a bit buggy and sometimes won't stop if we've hidden the sharing notification. I was hoping it would at least have similar functions like the tab sound capture, but it does not. Even as a premium option, I'd consider donating because FVD recently changed their capture engine and now their tools are buggy. But it's not quite there yet as it can't/won't capture the tab sounds. I use the screen record tool of the FVD version to record gameplay to create mini how-to (mic) or create proofs for bug testing purposes (tab sounds). And this version only allows mic recording with no option to record tab sounds. So the 3-star rating remains IMO. If he adds the countdown and tab record option that rating would change to a 4 or 5. If I'm in love with the tool, then heck ya, I'll donate, but its not quite there yet.
  • (2020-03-08) Mark Turnbull: first time iv reviewed any app, but this one was worth the time. great app. love it. so simple to use. cant understand why anyone would leave a negative review.
  • (2020-02-29) 王了: 非常好,值得掏钱。我付了一美元给开发者表示感谢。
  • (2020-02-13) 肖清文: 还不错,但是在截整个网页的时候,总是会无法很好的拼接,导致有一条很粗的白线


100,000 history
4.2346 (1,151 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-14 / 17.0
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