Description from extension meta
A pet for your browser!
Image from store

Description from store
A pet for your browser!
Have a pet follow your cursor while you browse the web!
v4.0 - 5/15/2020
-Added 3 pets
-Redesigned pet selection layout and options
-Reduced extension file size
-Code cleaning and optimization
v3.1 (11/4/2017)
-Added friendly message when Pet cannot play on some sites
-Reduced pet sizes
-Dropdown bug fix
-Introducing multiple pets on screen.
-2 new Pets
-Improved performance
-Improved drag and drop
-Improved Gravity Mode.
-Rewrote almost entire code
v2.2 Update (May 24 2017)
-Added secret pet.
-Added Facebook Fan Page
-Bug fixes
Presidential update v2.1
-Added Donald Trump pet
-Added Gabe The Dog pet (RIP)
-Added Pezweon the fish
-Updated design
-Fixes lot of major bugs (including laser mode!)
Update v1.3
-New pet Nyan the Cat.
-Improved anti-gravity mode
-Improved pet sprites
Update v1.2 (4/8/2016)
-New pet: Doge
-Gravity mode added
-Fixed laser mode. More responsive.
-Optimized pet speeds.
-Changed menu layout.
-Code cleaning.
-Pet companion while you browse a website! Never feel lonely again.
-Drag and drop pet
-Customizable follow cursor interaction options.
-Laser mode.
-New: Anti-Gravity mode 2016
-Different pets to choose! (including Pusheen)
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-01) Júlia Tous: Me encantoooooo os lo recomiendo!!! ;D
- (2023-07-28) GamerGurl YT: Love it so much its so cute and i love the moon when hes all frowning and his face is rlly detailed i made it my wallpaper and some people that saw that photo said it was slay😎 If you cant find a website to release the pets just search up random letters like aushvdijclnksdfghkjlahbdajlsnadklnsdfjkal;hAKGVK;CV9Q8UNWO i actually searched that and it worked so i released the pets. If you read this and you're still not convinced if u want it, just get it and see what you think. Trust me, this is an extension you rlly need for when you feel like u r gonna die of boredom.
- (2023-05-28) All: Is what is said. The pictures aren't super high quality and i would like more interaction options but nice. It follows your mouse but has setings to change the conditions. not super optimised might just be my labtop being wierd tho.
- (2023-05-24) Santiago Carle: no me gusto, prefiero que instalen orta extencion de crome donde puedes tener una mascota por cada pestaña nueva, se llama: TABBY CAT
- (2023-03-22) JazzWill Reyes: I like this extension, but it would be cool if there were custom sizes for pets, they are very big
- (2023-03-07) Anonymous Mocha: it didn't work- It just kept telling me it wasn't safe for the pet to come out no matter what site I was on
- (2023-02-16) Alexis Tapia: OMG I LOVE THE PETS SO CUTE AND FUNNY OMG CANT STAND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2022-11-25) Ana barboza: ótimo! sou o a primeira Brasileira a comentar 🤨
- (2022-08-23) Hiroki Horie (A Lemon): Awsome, ive had this extension for 3 years now :D
- (2022-05-17) Rey Bouknight: IT IS AWESOME!!!
- (2022-01-24) Sean Michael Gullon: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NYAN CAT!!!!!! I LIKE NYAN CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2021-12-13) It's sooo cute! Plz just put more pets on but they are awesome thank you!!!!!!!!
- (2021-11-26) Mukti Wardani: This is the best app ever!!!
- (2021-11-15) LOBOSCO Tobias: no se pueden eliminar las mascotas ni eliminando la extensión.
- (2021-10-07) Yorgelis Salazar: Me ha gustado muchisimo, antes yo tenia una extension parecida a esta, que era mejor porque te dejaba escojer entre miles de mascotas pero, esta tambien es muy buena la recomiendo, esta, y la otra extension parecida xd
- (2021-08-24) Ramen Noodles: i got scanned1111111
- (2021-07-08) Not your mom: Está muy cool, y las mascotas son muy bonitas <3, y da mucha risa el trump y el putin XD
- (2021-06-22) Ava Lopez: I love it, but I rate it 4 stars because it dosen't work on chrome web store. That means I liked the extension! 1 --- hated it 2 --- disliked it 3 --- it was okay 4 --- liked it 5 --- loved it. Liked it means it's still good but not 5 stars.
- (2021-03-24) Giovanna: i loved it but could you add a thing that could add your custom pets if so thank you.
- (2021-02-02) jia hui: its really good but the trump face and Putin face is concerning
- (2021-01-21) Chevy: make it so you can upload your own pet that would be awsome
- (2021-01-17) Zoe Fairbanks: There are no direction to activate the pets...
- (2021-01-04) *grey*: i cant get it to work i downloded the extention and every thing i just cant get it to work if u have a cromebook please reply to me and help me thx
- (2020-12-10) Inky Ghost: EEEEEEEEE OML SO COOT UwU
- (2020-11-29) Yilin: SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2020-10-26) hannah: OMG this is so cool and fun! :D
- (2020-10-20) Joshua Hoke: This was really cool. I comboed it with another browser pet extension and did a Cat vs Doge.
- (2020-09-07) monse dalby: don't mind how I rated it but I don't know how to use this extension.
- (2020-07-28) Chenmeng Butterfly: it doesn't work...
- (2020-04-04) Miika Ampe: it made my computer sooooo glitchy, nothing would load, and it was slow and sticky. when the pet finally showed up, it wouldnt move, i regret this. :(((((((
- (2020-03-29) Alicia Foulkes: i love this extension sm but i wish you could customize your pet and i don't know why they put the trump pet😂
- (2020-03-26) Brooke Petersen: its cool and i play it in class
- (2020-03-21) Chelsea Hutton: I loved it!even though it didn't work on some sights it had a good excuse!It said it was not safe for the pet to play there. that's very true.If the pets not safe there then keep it safe!plus the pets were very cute!!!but it was kind of rude for them to make Trump a pet 🐶🐕🐩🐺❤
- (2019-12-11) Meow Meow: This is okay.Again,you should still be allowed to make your own pets.And my pets don't follow my mouse when I put them on 'Follow Mouse' mode. But they are sooooo cute!I like to have Pusheen,Facebook Fox,and Gabe the dog(who looks like a Pomeranian dog) on my screen.I like how clingy they are to each other when I make them follow the mouse.When I move one of them, the others follow it!I definitely recommend this!:D
- (2019-07-25) Nancy Vazquez: Facebook Fox(cita) is the best one <3 Add a chancito? or miaucito?
- (2019-07-08) Alan Kim: I like to make Trump stupid lol
- (2019-05-24) Crow W.P: didnt work ;-;
- (2019-04-23) Samuel Duff: you should add a pet called the kraken so it can say release the kraken idc what it is but i just want an extension that says release the kraken good app though
- (2019-02-04) Nate Switzer: I like Google Docs stuff with Jim and Pusheen.
- (2018-11-29) MellowChello: Butteiful
- (2018-10-20) marleen j. t.: oh maw gawd i ... LOVE IT ITS LIKE AMAZING kjbuhne3ji nde3jijn3n2jwndei3jkjdijoe error error error 2 gud 2 be true its like soooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- (2018-07-24) ThatCape 1: doesn't work
- (2018-06-10) The Thinker: I. LOVE. IT! I wish there was a custom pet option.
- (2018-06-02) Olivia Bell: Not a big selection of things and it is nt what I expected.
- (2018-06-01) Teresa Cueva: esta super cute :D
- (2018-05-21) LpsMoon Shine: SOOO CUTE
- (2018-04-29) Kawaii X Saffy: It was ok i just dont like it that much because i was on the google screen and it said that they couldnt come out ?_?
- (2018-04-15) David Brown: esta padrisimo