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Play 2048 Multiplayer game On-line with your friends!
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Spēļu noteikumi:
Spēles mērķis ir tāds pats kā sākotnējā 2048. gada spēle:
Izmantojiet tastatūru, lai slīdētu numurētos flīzes uz režģa, lai tos apvienotu, lai izveidotu flīžu ar lielāku numuru.
Bez tam, jūs spēlējat tiešsaistē pret citiem spēlētājiem reālajā laikā!
- Iegūstiet punktus pēc iespējas ātrāk!
- Tas, kurš 30 sekunžu laikā ir par 1000 punktiem - WINS!
- Izvairieties no zaudēšanas, ja nav tukšas vietas un neviena blakus esoša plāksne ar tādu pašu vērtību, jūs zaudējat!
Spēles funkcijas:
- Pasaules kāpnes ar dažādām līgām
- Atbilstības sistēma ir balstīta uz ELO
- Tikai reāli spēlētāji, ne boti!
- Privāts vestibila režīms, lai jautri pavadītu tikai ar draugiem! Tas ir Unranked.
- visaptveroša apkarošanas sistēma
- Visi spēles kodi nav obfuscated = nav ļaunprātīgas programmatūras!
- Lietotāja profili ar to spēļu statistiku
- absolūti bezmaksas!
Izmēģiniet dažādas taktikas, lai būtu gudrākais un ātrākais TOP 1 Worldwide 2048 spēlētājs! :)
Kāpņu līgas:
- Nav līgas <200 punkti
- Bronzas 200-599 punkti
- Sudraba 600-999 punkti
- Zelta 1000+ punkti
- Pievienots režīms "Battle Royale". Noteikumi: 10 spēlētāji spēlē 2048. gadu reāllaikā. Ik pēc 30 sekundēm tiek izslēgts spēlētājs ar viszemāko punktu skaitu.
- Pievienoti iemiesojumi. Iemiesojums ir atkarīgs no jūsu punktiem. nopelnīts duelī režīmā.
Spēle joprojām ir beta versija. Lūdzu, ziņojiet par kļūdām, kuras jūs redzat [email protected]
Spēļu koncepciju un kodu aizsargā autortiesības © Macte! Labs Inc.
Lūdzu, neizmantojiet mūsu kodu bez mūsu atļaujas!
Kontaktpersona sadarbībai: [email protected]
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-16) artem71: всем советую - отличное расширение
- (2022-09-28) Ben He: great take on 20488
- (2022-04-10) Adam Fuentes: get on please we are playing
- (2022-03-08) Project: loved the game nothing they can improve on
- (2021-06-10) peter doran: I love 2048 and I think the multiplayer is really just spamming up down left and right but then when you rank up there becomes stragdey and if you master it you master the world. This is a great game to play during class and I seem to find games quickly and I like how you can see how many are online. I think there should be an end chat option were you can friend your opponent because I have had some real fun playing people. So please download the game and tell your friends and please 2048. Advertise this boredom breaker
- (2021-05-24) Tyler Clayton-Walker: Can't really say much... It's a shame you can't play as a "Guest" User as there seemed to be constant cookie issues with my browser (Microsoft Edge). From past experience 2048 has always been great so I'm giving it a 3.
- (2021-03-01) Olivers Birkmanis: why you have to put a timer for private room when u just wanna play and chill with friend -_-
- (2021-01-06) Дмитрий Волков: Всё прекрасно, хочется онлайн побольше, так что если вы это читаете, просто идите играть!
- (2021-01-04) Cathaldmcd dmcd: Its not that bad but it could do with some upgrades and also I keep on accidently pressing play again or rematch because its the big green option and it makes me play against this pro over and over again
- (2020-12-03) François-Xavier Guillemette: Super jeu! Dommage qu'il ne soit pas plus connu, on n'est pas assez nombreux. Venez les gens! Venez essayer de nous battre! :)
- (2020-11-13) MM2 KING: This game is fun but this Starstruck guy is too fast for me to beat. If I beat him then i rate it 5 stars
- (2020-11-04) Brian Tay: This is the best game ever!
- (2020-10-30) starstruck: An amazing chrome extension. Once you get to around 550-630+ PTS it will be challenging. Be ready! I challenge you to come to the top and beat me. See you in matchmaking... -Starstruck
- (2020-10-12) Star Struck: I have been playing this game for almost 2 years! An amazing game! I love it.
- (2020-10-12) ARVIN Tahmasebi: perfect
- (2020-03-05) Jamie: This Is Really Amazing Found It While At School And Its Really Fun On My Alt Google Account Im The Top Of The Game (IM REALLY SWEATY) Oh Yeah Btw If You Want To Win Easy, Just Spam right arrow, down arrow and left arrow for a bit and your score goes up quick, but dont spam too much or you will die
- (2020-02-21) Alex Avdeev: Отличная игра!!! Долго ждал, большое спасибо!!!
- (2020-01-31) Jake Russell: this is really fun, but it should have a chat at the end, instead of just 8 emojis
- (2019-12-28) L K: I've been player 2048 for over 2 years now and have got addicted to its gameplay, it gets very fun as you learn to master the mechanics of using arrow keys or wasd online
- (2019-12-10) meraba arkadaşlar puana bayıldım.
- (2019-10-25) Angel Thompson: This game is awesome keep working on it and it will become a great game (not that its not already awesome) :)
- (2019-10-22) OpCreep: Can you give me night mode??? I like this game a lot
- (2019-09-17) Zeke Engle: Works great, no adds or sketchy content.
- (2019-06-04) Mahdi Kazemi: عالی
- (2019-05-30) Mathews: Really fun!
- (2019-05-30) Justin Ryu: Bruh this game fr lit tho I have no problems with the game so far, but more game modes would be nice, such as a non-timed version of 1v1. I also wish you were able to play other game modes such as speedrun in a private lobby. Loving this game so far though, keep up the good work!
- (2019-05-14) Keith Dixon: I actually love this game, it is very fun but im pretty sweaty tho :) i'm 9 in the world rn.
- (2019-05-13) Grigory Kutarev: nice
- (2019-05-09) Claire Anna: It is okay, only if you lose you lose 19-21 points.
- (2019-05-08) RedE: people are bad and I am good so it is fun
- (2019-04-21) TheGreatAlfini: I really like the game, but can we get a feature to link our scores from 2048 to 2048 multiplayer? Also can we get the ability to add friends?
- (2019-04-03) Rmr: I saw my friend play it and it looked good but it wont let me get in the extension
- (2019-03-27) Jerome Chan: People Just spam though
- (2019-03-10) I like the game, but I want to talk to the people I play against, y'know? Just a little good luck kind of thing. Also everyone tends to just spam and then run out of moves. Another mode could be like this one but not timed, so just who can get the highest without just spamming, which would require more skill.
- (2019-03-04) Robin Renes: leuk spel, trage servers.
- (2019-02-26) very good and fun but hard to find a fair match
- (2019-02-21) I got it and for a bout a week it worked but now wont open the extension?
- (2019-02-12) Ez game. No one can beat me.
- (2019-01-20) H T: I clicked "ranked game" and I've been sitting and waiting for the computer to find a match for me to play for over 10 minutes. There 47 people online.
- (2019-01-17) Cindya: really fun and a really good concept.
- (2019-01-17) Tony Ruan: i like all the 2048 game!!! really good
- (2019-01-17) Marco Stefano Musumeci: I love the game! Makes one of my favorite casual games competitive.
- (2019-01-16) When i click on the extension nothing happens
- (2019-01-16) wont open...
4.283 (53 votes)
Last update / version
2022-06-10 /
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