extension ExtPose

Focus Pro

CRX id


Description from extension meta

End machine manipulation by removing targeted content and curated recommendations

Image from store Focus Pro
Description from store How many times have you visited a webpage for a specific purpose and instead get distracted by curated and targeted content and forget your original goal? The goal of this plugin is to give control back to the user by allowing them to decide what they view instead of machine generated suggestions dictating their experience. Thanks for checking out my plugin! Currently Supported: https://www.youtube.com https://www.ebay.com

Latest reviews

  • (2018-09-05) Azhar: I love the idea. I often get distracted by videos on recommended pages, so this helps a lot. One problem is that it doesn't work very well when you are watching playlists on Youtube. When you're watching a playlist, the menu thing on the right doesn't show up, so you can't choose the option to loop it or shuffle it. Also, sometimes it autoplays videos still. Because of this, I removed a star. Please fix it!
  • (2018-08-29) Dobri Janevski: Great plugin, hoping for more custom controls and sites.
  • (2018-08-27) Coby Walker: I caught myself today hitting back to find another recommended video to watch, but I only noticed this after installing the plugin. I now have more time to read books, hangout with friends, do research, etc. I didn't realize over consumption was an issue until now. Thank you. Can't wait until more sites are added.


42 history
4.75 (4 votes)
Last update / version
2018-08-29 / 0.9.6
Listing languages
