Description from extension meta
Block Facebook™ sponsored and suggested posts in any language
Image from store
Description from store
告别 Facebook™ 赞助和推荐帖子。
F.Block Sponsored 是一个简单的广告拦截器,用于拦截 Facebook™ 赞助的、推荐的帖子(广告)和视频广告,
它适用于所有 FB™ 可用语言,也适用于移动网站
- Facebook™ 视频广告拦截器(测试版)
- 允许用户单独启用/禁用每个功能的设置。
- 一些增强功能
- 阻止搜索结果上的赞助帖子
Latest reviews
- (2024-08-22) Lars Berglund: Funkar bra på svenska och gömmer sponsrade inlägg, vilket FBP, Social Fixer inte klarar av. Edit 3/4 2024: Nu var det ett tag sedan tillägget uppdaterades och nu funkar det inte så bra. Edit 22/8 2024: Det är enda nackdelen, att det kan gå ett tag mellan uppdateringarna av tillägget, så att grejer slinker igenom med tiden. Just nu funkar det bra.
- (2024-04-25) Linda Wisdom: I just installed it and it bleedin' works! OMG!! No more annoying sponsored Facebook ads... for now!!! Thanks. Update: March 2024 I am starting to see sponsored ads randomly again even though extension is on so marking down from 5 stars to 4 stars. Update April 2024 - starting to see sponsored posts again. So marking down to 3 stars.
- (2023-11-27) John David Thacker: Thank you. This makes Facebook usable. Is it possible to block "Reels and short videos" as well?
- (2023-11-16) Ari Schaeffer: fb breaks this, but dev updates, and it's working again. just keep the extension up to date and you'll be ok. thanks for maintaining this, it's sad how much racist/scam stuff meta allows on the platform now and not having to see it is fantastic!
- (2023-11-13) Krzysztof Solecki: does not work
- (2023-11-03) Špela Simić: Props to you for keeping this updated. It is very much appreciated. :)
- (2023-10-27) Pierre Erreip: Has of right now it works pretty good. No slow downs or infinite loading (compared with another). A day later : A sponsored from West Union just got through. So it's not 100% effective, but most of the time. Stopped working
- (2023-10-26) Jacob: doesnt work
- (2023-10-24) Christian Nikolajsen: Works (for now at least)! It's actually going to be enjoyable to scroll the FB feed again.
- (2023-10-13) Edward Akmad: good one!
- (2023-10-12) James Medina: Instantly improved my facebook experience. I could all of the sudden cut through and see what people I actually know have been posting.
- (2023-10-07) Anh Nguyen Tuan: It work perfect now: 2023-10-07
- (2023-10-02) AUTOdiMERDA: OK
- (2023-09-28) Stefan Lundmark: Does not work. Still get the posts.
- (2023-09-16) Samir Chajia: Does what is promised, Excellent Job
- (2023-08-07) Will Lesage: Ça ne fonctionne plus.
- (2023-08-01) SMART BRAIN: working good 08 2023.
- (2023-07-29) Олександр Сотников: Don't work again.
- (2023-07-16) Jad Bourji: Excellent. Straight to the point and no bull. Love it. Makes the whole Facebook experience surprisingly a lot more pleasant since you are seeing more of what you signed up for...
- (2023-07-13) Dmitry Gavrilov: Doesn't filter advertisements.
- (2023-07-11) Siddharth Velappan: Does the job!
- (2023-07-04) Kakha Khmelidze: Currently it does not work. I see lots of suggested c*ap.
- (2023-07-04) Mark Decena: I liked it before, but recently I see more and more sponsored/suggested posts
- (2023-06-29) Thanh Phí Phương: ôi cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều đã giúp cuộc đời tôi đi lên 1 level mới , biết ơn vô lượng kiếp, chúc bạn hạnh phúc và bình an :))
- (2023-06-22) S T: Doesnt work in "Feeds (Most Recent)"
- (2023-06-13) Anniek van der Peijl: works, the only thing it doesn't block are video reels but either way my experience on fb is way better now
- (2023-06-12) Silas Karayel: Perfectly does what it should do.
- (2023-05-31) Jirka geokoe: unfortunately it doesn't work much since end of may, but it was working flawlessly
- (2023-05-20) Blair Jackson: 5/20/23 - Awesome! This is the first one that has ever worked for me. Just like in the demonstration video. Users: How about giving that video some more Views & Likes for the developer?!!!
- (2023-05-17) Nguyễn Công Hoàng: it works
- (2023-05-16) Allan Mohr: Works great - just installed it today and finally got rid of all of those "Suggested for you" sponsored posts that I absolutely LOATHE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH.
- (2023-05-12) Mr Anderson: FB changed their code a few days prior to May 11th. I just downloaded the May 11th release of this and it does not work at all. Not only that but it reads your browser history. No reason to collect that data when the sole purpose is to block CURRENT browsing items....
- (2023-05-03) Scott Royle: It worked perfectly up until today. FB must have figured out how to avoid it. I hope it gets fixed as I really appreciated this extension.
- (2023-04-27) Kirsty Pepper: Installed it just now and it's working for me. The annoying sponsored posts are gone.
- (2023-04-06) MrJones512: Végre egy adblocker, ami működik is!
- (2023-03-27) M. Jafarov: не работает
- (2023-03-23) Antonio: installed last night and it wasn't immediately working. when I uninstalled, the creator has a message about how it may, from time to time, not work because of changed FB makes. Understandable, reinstalled and it still wasn't working but I just let be. Today, working perfectly and I appreciate the badges letting me know that elements were blocked. Thank you thank you for making this extension. In a world saturated with ads, its nice to be able to turn them the f--k off!
- (2023-02-18) titigwen: Works perfectly. Thank you!
- (2023-02-10) Phoebe Caulfield: It works well
- (2023-02-02) Piotr Dropek: Works fine
- (2023-01-22) Lion 23000: great this is exactly what i was looking for and i was about to move to firefox after i searched and did not find a way but after intensifying the search more and more in some way and by chance i found this wonderful extension i just hope it continues
- (2023-01-19) Filip Bartek: Dude you are a star, works perfectly. Thank you!
- (2023-01-10) JohnBee: Doesn't work!
- (2023-01-06) Chris P.: it used to work, i have the Greek language
- (2022-12-25) Soren Pedersen: This works! Finally got rid of "Suggested for you" spam.
- (2022-12-23) Senad Galijasevic: Works great so far. Just installed it. Need to restart the browser.
- (2022-12-20) Victor Varvariuc: The only one which currently blocks Facebook sponsored posts.
- (2022-12-19) Samuel Mok: working flawlessly as per date. much thanks for create this extension !
- (2022-12-19) Richard Hutson: Works like a charm in Brave Browser. I use Social Fixer for everything else, but it doesn't cover sponsored posts - this fills the gap! Thank you!
- (2022-12-15) Duy Nguyen (Levi): works good for me. English - Vietnam