extension ExtPose

Fluff Busting Purity

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Description from extension meta

Fluff Busting Purity cleans up & customises Facebook, letting you filter out the junk you dont want to see

Image from store Fluff Busting Purity
Description from store Fluff Busting Purity hides all the ads, game spam, sponsored posts and other annoying stuff on Facebook and generally makes Facebook less annoying to use If you like Fluff Busting Purity, please be sure to: ★ Give it a 5 Star review and share with your friends! :) ★ Donate to the project: https://donate.fbpurity.com to support all the hard work that goes into producing Fluff Busting Purity. For the latest news and info such as updates and bug fixes, please make sure you like the Fluff Busting Purity Fan Page on Facebook via the following shortcut: https://fans.fbpurity.com Fluff Busting Purity is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Meta or Facebook Fluff Busting Purity cleans the application spam and other annoying messages off your Facebook homepage. It adds a small information bar at the top of your news feed. It tells you how many game/application posts its hidden and also how many other "Extra" (extraneous) post types (which you can specify in the options screen) it has hidden. The options screen is accessible by clicking the FBP link in the top Navigation Bar. Fluff Busting Purity has multiple options to lets you block a huge range of Facebook post types, that you are not interested in. You can also filter out any subject on Facebook that doesn't interest you, using the "Text Filter" function, for example say you were not interested in Politics, you could put the relevant keywords/phrases that get mentioned in Political posts, such as the names of the Political party members, the party names, etc into the Text Filter box, and FBP will filter out any posts from the Newsfeed including that text. You can also use the Text Filter to filter out any mention of celebrities you are not interested in hearing about, such as Kanye, The Kardashians, etc. There is now also an "Auto Hide" filter, that works the same way as the "Text Filter" but it completely hides the post from your feed, if it detects any of your chosen keywords or phrases. Fluff Busting Purity now also has an image content filter that lets you filter out images of cats, dogs, selfies, babies, memes, food, smoking and also lets you set your own custom image content filters. You can also hide any of the links in the right hand column, such as: Events, Games and App Requests, Recommended Pages, Suggested Groups, People You May Know / Find More Friends, Get Connected, Pokes, Friend Requests, Birthdays, Chat, Trending Topics / Trending Hashtags, Businesses For You, Stories, Watchlist More Features ----------------------- * An option to Force Facebook to sort the Newsfeed by "Most Recent" * Hide all game and application posts, including "Games your friends are playing" and "Games you may like". It also gives you the option to whitelist application posts that you do want to see in your Newsfeed, so the app/game spam filter wont hide them. * Adds an easily accessible Block Application ("BA") link to every game/app post, so you can easily block games/apps from your news-stream and from getting your personal data. * Filters out game and application posts and other extraneous posts on profile pages * Hide the Sponsored Posts (aka Hide all adverts ) * Hide Upcoming Events * Change Facebook's colours (font and background / theme) (Choose what color font and background you want, to customise the site to your liking) * Hide links in left column, including App Center, Like Pages, Pages Feed, Games Feed, Events, Pokes, Music, Places Editor, Sale Groups, etc * Hide the ads. (Fluff Busting Purity is the best adblocker for Facebook) * Remove colored backgrounds from statuses * View Your list of Deactivated Friends * Tell you who deleted or unfriended or blocked you To learn how to use Fluff Busting Purity, please read the User Guide Page at https://user-guide.fbpurity.com If you have any problems or questions about Fluff Busting Purity, please first read the FAQ: ( Frequently Asked Questions) at: https://faq.fbpurity.com Please check https://news.fbpurity.com for the release notes for the latest versions of Fluff Busting Purity. If you appreciate the extension, please donate to help fund development and support costs. A huge amount of work has gone into this: https://donate.fbpurity.com ----- N.B "Facebook" and "FB" are registered trademarks of Meta / Facebook Inc. This extension is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Facebook or Meta

Latest reviews

  • (2024-03-30) AR PC: Sss
  • (2024-01-08) Paul Breen: I hate Facebook stories so getting rid of it was great. I just wish there was an Android version.
  • (2023-11-29) D G: Fantastic. Works beautifully for me.
  • (2023-11-12) Viktor Kovács: Stopped working a few days ago, "suggested for you" spam is back.
  • (2023-11-01) Douglas Floyd: This is a must have, and helps a lot, keeping out irrelevant items.
  • (2023-10-28) Dave Hankins: Now I'm getting many "sponsored" posts.
  • (2023-10-26) Tomasz Szepczyński: Its still showing Suggedted for you(in polish)..
  • (2023-10-20) K: Fungerade bra några dagar och sen slutade det att fungera helt. Tog bort det och installerade det igen men det fungerar ändå inte! Mycket besviken! :/
  • (2023-10-16) Pierre Erreip: Makes Fb super slow and bug the UI.
  • (2023-10-09) Tim Williams: Great browser extension that eliminates Facebook ads and allows me to keep my Facebook feed sorted the way I like, all the time. Make sure you use the correct version that corresponds to your broswer!
  • (2023-10-06) Frankie Ryan: dont work no more
  • (2023-09-28) Stefan Lundmark: Does not work. Suggested posts are still there.
  • (2023-09-24) Simple Guy: Amazing!
  • (2023-09-16) Sebastián Illés: It's good and all and I'm thankful for it, but please do something with the settings menu, I can't bring myself to look through it. Looks like cancer and nothing should look that disgusting and low effort in 2023, I'm sorry.
  • (2023-08-25) Nico: Vielen Dank an den Entwickler! Ohne die Extension ist Facebook nicht zu ertragen. Die "Vorschläge für dich" & "Reels" konnte ich damit problemlos eliminieren. Und jetzt ist meine Pinnwand wieder frei! Vielen Dank!! Ein absolutes Must have! Übrigens wer die deutsche Facebook Version benutzt, kann Begriffe einstellen die ausgeblendet werden sollen z.B. "Vorschläge für dich" oder "Reels". Das funktioniert einwandfrei. Das einzige was mit nicht gefällt ist dass die Extension ziemlich "bloated" ist. Sie verbraucht viel Leistung und oft ruckelt es.
  • (2023-08-24) WarpSpeedNyanCat: it just work , you can finally see what your friends are posting instead of having their content buried under 99% "sponsored" or " suggested" content that no one care about
  • (2023-08-24) Shamim Ahmed: Great extension
  • (2023-08-08) Brian Ferguson: Used this for years, love it. Recently many ads are still being shown, FB must have changed the code for the ads.
  • (2023-08-07) Manuel: It was working good for like 3 months but now it doesn't show anything, it doesn't show who deleted me etc or when people deactivate their account, i even blocked myself on another account and it did not show anything, I hope this get's fixed soon its a great extension and when it works it is a 5 star app.
  • (2023-08-02) Simon Skrbinek: TOP! Works as it is described.
  • (2023-07-26) Peej Urtica (Peej): Hiding "People You May Know" doesn't work and certain sponsored ads and deleted friend alert sometimes don't work.
  • (2023-07-22) Michael: good work
  • (2023-07-21) Somoud Barghouthy: We must support this PURE tool until we defeat the shark tanks!
  • (2023-07-21) Lucas Everly: I have only been using this for 5 minutes and all I can say is wow and thank you! I'll be donating at your PayPal donation page.
  • (2023-07-21) Jan D: Ohne diese kleine Erweiterung wäre Facebook absolut nicht zu ertragen. Funktioniert 1A! Facebook versucht natürlich die Erweiterung durch andauernde Codeänderungen zu blockieren, die Funktion lahmzulegen, aber der Dev kämpft jedesmal dagegen an, und das immer erfolgreich...
  • (2023-07-20) Chuck: god tier plugin
  • (2023-06-30) Matt Conheady: Works but introduces many issues. It disabled my ability to post from desktop in instagram. It sometimes breaks facebook. It's annoying. It needs a way to easily turn on and off the plugin. Otherwise, I find it useful.
  • (2023-06-14) SofiaXY: I hope you'll add an separate unfriend finder extension someday. Other alternative extensions and apps (even on mobile) are currently not cooperating.
  • (2023-05-09) K. Mitchell: People You May Know no longer hidden although it is checked. Stopped working a few days ago. What happened?
  • (2023-05-03) ANH DŨNG LÊ: It's unfortunate that in section "Groups", there is posts "Suggested post from a public group" that still appear. I could not find an option to turn block those contents. Please see a screenshot at https://i.stack.imgur.com/16trZ.png Could you elaborate if there is a way to do so? Thank you so much for your help!
  • (2023-04-20) Thomas Rücker: Funktioniert nur wenn man Facebook auf Englisch einstellt. Komplett nutzlos für alle anderen Sprachen.
  • (2023-03-31) foot print: thankyou for infinity
  • (2023-03-28) Dmytro Korolkov: It's hard to believe, but it seems that so called and very annoying "suggestions" are gone!
  • (2023-03-12) Bryan Jensen: Can no longer use it to get the old, good facebook back, but, it makes the current facebook tolerable. I do wish AppDetex would stop it with their nonsense trademark dispute. At the time I am typing this, AppDetex doesn't have one but they will because that's what they do. They word their disputes so badly that no one can even understand how to resolve the disputes so a lot of people creating extensions just give up and no longer support Chrome. Google, if you are reading this, stop giving in to AppDetex's disputes. They know they are BS, that's why they write them so poorly that no one even understands them. Ignore them if you can't clearly pass on to extension authors what needs to be changed in the extensions.
  • (2023-03-06) Hadi: amazing
  • (2023-02-11) Paul Edgar: I wanted to write a review, as I use it on safari on my mac. Excellent product that gives FB a headache and really does kill ads, until FB changes their code, FB Purity does its best to stay on top of changes that FB makes. Just too bad this extension cannot be added to the FB app on mobile devices. Thank you for "No Ads".
  • (2023-02-09) Paul R: The only reason I can tolerate Facebook and their unethical algorithm that tries to dictate what we give our attention to -- without it I would be an ex-user.
  • (2023-01-27) Oleg Cherneikin: dont working
  • (2023-01-23) Brian M: Great Extension. Have used it for years on Firefox and Safari. Noe Chrome as well.
  • (2023-01-12) Hà Lê: palatable
  • (2023-01-10) Daniel Birleanu: The best! Managed to get rid of all the facebook 'suggested' posts and videos that wasted a lot of my time. Turned my Feed into a more focused enviorment.
  • (2023-01-04) Cory C: Fantastic! Completely changes my view of using facebook these days, and brings back my personal control to see what I WANT to see, instead of what's being forced by Zuck to support his meta failure.
  • (2022-12-14) Evie e: This extension is the only reason I'm still on facebook.
  • (2022-12-02) Piers Carter: Brilliant, I wouldn't go within a barge pole of F.B. without it.
  • (2022-11-26) Comp Tech: Google. If you remove this extension, I'm removing chrome! This app just about make Facebook bearable to use.
  • (2022-11-24) Paul Eddy: I've been using Fluff Busting Purity for over 12 years, I won't do facebook without it. it works as advertised.
  • (2022-11-16) Bonny Lou Who: LOVE Fluff-Buster Purity! I would NEVER navigate FaceBook again without using it! My children told me about it a few years ago and I am ever so grateful RUNNNNN and do not walk to get if for yourself today!
  • (2022-11-14) Mohamed: excellent addon keep giong ❤❤❤
  • (2022-11-13) t: if purity no longer works on vivaldi i will be changing browsers . if it no longer works on any browser i will delete FB . without purity facebook is just about bearable . the one decent app around and it could be dead because of google and facebook fighting .
  • (2022-11-12) V V: Best extension ever


100,000 history
4.7758 (2,966 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-04 /
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