Description from extension meta
Shows impact factors/JCR quartile, filter search results by impact factors/JCR quartile, and more
Image from store
Description from store
Show the impact factor (IF) and JCR quartile information (Q1 - Q4) of the journals in PubMed web pages; Filter the search results by impact factors or JCR quartile of journals; Expand or Collapse the snippet; Show or Hide the abstract.
Sep. 17th updates:
- Update the database of impact factors to the 2020 version
- Optimizations.
Oct. 20th 2020 updates:
- Optimizations.
Oct. 6th 2020 updates:
- Expand or Collapse the snippet; Show or Hide the abstract.
Aug. 26th 2020 updates:
- Add data of some missing journals. Now our database covers most of the journals in PubMed.
- Show the JCR quartile information (Q1 - Q4) for each journal
- Add checkboxes to filter search results based on the journal of JCR quartile
July 26th 2020 updates:
- Update the database of impact factors to the 2019 version
- Bug fixes
July 18th 2020 updates:
- Update to reflect the changes on PubMed web page tag names
- Bug fixes
June 27th 2020 updates:
- Added data of some missing journals in our google spreadsheet
- Simplified by removing the support to old PubMed
- Bug fixes
Feb 24 2020 updates:
- Using a slide to set IF filter in the filter panel of the webpage (See option)
- Bug fixes
Feb 20 2020 : Updated to support the legacy PubMed.
- Abstract Preview.
- Copy citation to clipboard.
Feb 19 2020 : Updated for the new Pubmed.
- Add a direct link to PMC webpage for the free PMC articles.
- Add impact factor filter to the left setting panel of the webpage.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-19) Shirley Tom: This is a very nice extension. I've also found another extension that's similar, and you're welcome to use it
- (2023-03-03) N C: 目前還可以使用嗎? 外掛沒反應...
- (2022-10-02) Farinata: Bug: gives impact factors for journals that have no impact factors! Need to be fixed.
- (2022-08-31) Veille multi Service documentaire CNIM: 2 questions : Has the IF been updated since 2019? Is there a way to export PM results with the IF and Quartiles in Zotero or End Note? Thank you!
- (2022-08-10) Ol Gi: Very helpful pluggin. Would be great if the IFs would be updated for the 2021 JIFs.
- (2022-07-25) Lizong Deng: 非常好的应用,感谢作者。请问什么时候更新最新版本的影响因子呢?
- (2022-07-16) Hamidreza Karimi Sari: Please update the impact factors 🙏
- (2022-07-08) Yue Sui: pls update the latest IF. THX
- (2022-02-15) Jiali Wang: 非常有用的插件! 太感谢了
- (2021-12-16) EN DO: excellent
- (2021-10-29) 哈哈哈Susie: 你好,chrome显示安装插件成功,但是pubmed左侧和右侧均无IF滑块等控制器出现,请问如何解决?谢谢
- (2021-09-23) Aliny dos Santos Carvalho: very useful!
- (2021-09-09) Glory Park: Need to update as new released JCR IF.
- (2021-08-29) Wojciech Feleszko: Usually working grat, but IFs need regular update!
- (2021-07-27) Yuzhen Gao: Why not update in the lastest version of IF ?
- (2021-07-21) 秦浩洋: 目前可以,會出現在文章下方
- (2021-04-04) Eyyüb Selim Ünlü: Hi Sir, Is there any chance to filter overall results? I think it just filters the articles on the first page. Thanks
- (2021-04-03) Sergio Cordovilla: It shows the last IF and should show the IF of the year of publication of the paper. Also, I have found errors in the quartiles
- (2020-11-29) Parasvi Patel: Great extension! Has been very useful to me. One point: While most IFs are accurate, I found Methods Mol Biol (IF: 38.31) to be inaccurate. It would be great if this could be fixed. Thanks!
- (2020-11-29) 东风烈: 很实用的扩展!
- (2020-11-19) Chris: Works Perfect for me!
- (2020-11-18) Xiaojie Lao: 一拉滑块,或者点击中科院分区就啥都没有了,不知道啥情况???????
- (2020-10-29) xiaochun feng: 我用的新版PUBMED,一拉横条,什么都没了
- (2020-10-22) Jian: 沒辦法使用耶 每次只要一拉橫槓 所有搜尋內容都會消失
- (2020-10-09) Liang Zhang: If you can't use this software,maybe you use old edition homepage.You can use this website:
- (2020-08-20) Thank you so much for making this extension and keeping it updated! It helps a lot!! Agree that it would be great if it is able to sort the search query based on the impact factor.
- (2020-08-15) Fei Luo: 好用
- (2020-08-11) Yindi Liu: 很好用,非常感谢~
- (2020-08-08) lalau ferreira: Amazing!
- (2020-07-24) Dr. Rajanikant G. K.: Journal impact factor is not the latest one. I cross-checked with some journal websites. Purpose not served unless IF is updated.
- (2020-07-22) Nath White: Very helpful extension, would be great to add a function to be able to sort the search query based on the impact factor i.e. from the highest impact factor to the lowest.
- (2020-07-20) 小静最: 很好用的一款扩展程序,最近PUB跟新,程序出了点问题,我给作者发了封邮箱,作者竟然很快就回复了,很感谢作者给我们提高了这么好的扩展程序,也感谢他的认真负责和默默付出。
- (2020-07-17) 노현석: It sucks! It didn't help me at all. ZZanGGae Class~~~!
- (2020-07-04) xiaodi xue: 还是有些问题 新版pubmed上,点击单独的文章页面下会显示cited和similar papers两部分,IF因子有的时候在这两部分无法显示,只能显示出NEJM、JACC、CNS这类比较著名刊物的IF,很多都无法显示
- (2020-04-16) 荣玉静: 新版pubmed里面拉动滑块感觉没变化,另外能不能加一个IF筛选范围而不只是大于某个IF值,有时候就想找低分文献...
- (2020-04-03) 潘悦炀: 我用的应该是旧版的,为什么右边没有类似于介绍中的滑动的块呢?不知道怎样筛选IF,求告知
- (2020-04-02) Mingyu Tang: It's very very very very useful and convenient!!!!!!! Thanks for saving me time!!!
- (2020-03-31) J Y: 滑塊 在舊版中整理過幾次網頁後就會消失,無法看到IF較低的文章 但使用新版pubmed上並沒有相關問題
- (2020-03-19) Muhang Li: very useful!!!
- (2020-03-19) jiajian gong: 请问一下显示的IF能够跟题录信息一起导出来吗?刚试了一下好像不行,如果可以就太完美了
- (2020-03-12) Hongying Hu: 会筛选出高分文章,但是“显示全部文章”的选项不知道为什么找不到了。 可以帮忙处理一下么?
- (2020-02-25) Shen Zhou: 希望能更新影响因子,新英格兰和JAMA等杂志都没有显示影响因子 XD
- (2020-02-08) Clementine Cheng: 希望可以加入对新版Pubmed的支持!
- (2020-01-16) lee米粒: 反复多次,还是不可用,不知什么问题
- (2020-01-06) Yanjie Shen: 不过针对新版PUBMED,好像不能用了,希望能在新版pubmed里已然使用
- (2019-09-30) Edwin Reynaldo Núñez Pinilla: Could you create a similar application for firefox please? Excellent extension
- (2019-09-29) Uke C: 既不能看到摘要,也看不到影响因子
- (2019-06-09) Sundy Stan: 好用
- (2018-12-06) Márquez King: 很好用,很方便!
- (2018-09-26) 蹇磊: 很好用的一款影响因子助手,pubmed IF直接在杂志后面,还可以选择隐藏一些低分文章,但个别杂志不能显示影响因子的也会直接隐藏,总的来说好用!