extension ExtPose

Context Menu Search

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Description from extension meta

Use the right-click menu to search for selected text in different search engines

Image from store Context Menu Search
Description from store This extension can be used to search for selected text using the context menu. Different search engines can be added according to the user's wish to the right-click menu. The search results are shown in a new tab which can either be a focussed tab or a background tab depending on the options set by the user. The location of the newly opened tab can also be set by the user to be either next to the current tab or the last tab. The order of the search engines in the right-click menu can also be arranged. A list of 40 commonly used search engines has been added so that users can choose easily. If needed, the user can also add an option which has not been included. You need at least Chrome version 6.0.472 to install and use this extension. If needed you can install from any channel you want here: http://goo.gl/4fHh *This extension is under continuous development. Any feedback is highly welcome and will help me in adding new features. If you like the extension, please don't forget to rate it 5-star (preferably!) and spread the word by using the FB Like button on the extension options page. In case of any issues/suggestions, leave a comment at the support and FAQ link provided below. Known issues: -------------------- 1. The extension icon reverts back from the magnifying glass to default Chrome extension icon sometimes. Disabling and enabling the extension again should bring it back. This is perhaps an issue with chrome.contextMenus.removeAll() method. 2. Favicons for search engines cannot be displayed in context menu currently as the contextMenus API does not allow it. 3. Taking settings from omnibar search configuration is not possible. Change-log: ---------------- 2.93: Removed ./ in manifest to avoid chromium bug : https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410666 2.92: Fixed the delete item button. Added new FB share/like button. 2.91: Fixed content security violations. Removed tweet option due to direct script loading. 2.90: Changed to use manifest version 2. 2.82: Drag and drop to rearrange options. 2.80: Minor code changes, Option for Google+ search added. 2.72: Bug fixed: Chrome restart no longer needed to apply settings. 2.7: Users can now use either 'TESTSEARCH' or '%s' to denote search terms. Context menu icon changed. Minor CSS changes. 2.6: CSS problems fixed on options page. Option for Cuil Search removed and options for Yahoo! Japan, Reddit(Google search) and Google Definitions added.'Facebook Like' button added. 2.5: Users can choose to have the link to options page displayed at the end of the context menu. Export/Import search engines' list feature is provided to facilitate saving of configuration. Options page redesigned for easy use. Added Baidu and Rotten Tomatoes. 2.0: Added options for the user to choose if the search results show in a background or foreground tab. They can also pick whether the new tab opens next to the current tab or at the end. A list of 35 search engines has been added as options for the user to add. 1.5: The order of the search options can now be re-arranged. 1.0: Users can now add as many search engines to the right click menu as they want. An existing option can now be disabled or deleted if not required. 0.9: Added the ability for enabling/disabling particular search engines. Users can also customize which search engines they want and what the name of the search engine in the list should be. 0.5: Added Bing images to default pack

Latest reviews

  • (2024-02-11) Adam Gagne: I love this extenson but it keeps forgetting my saved search engines. Ive had to set it up 4 or 5 times
  • (2023-11-07) Ming Su: very useful tool! it can save time. it's good .
  • (2023-11-02) Yau: It reset all my settings, nice. 0/10
  • (2023-10-17) Vivĕre est cogitāre: Огромное спасибо за это чудесное и невероятно полезное, упрощающее жизнь расширение. Всё в нём очень нравится и работает без проблем. Пожелание: если можно, добавьте, пожалуйста, горячие клавиши/shortcuts для быстрого вызова контекстного меню со всем списком поисковых машин. Например: я выделяю какое-нибудь слово или предложение, нажимаю на shortcut и мышкой (или стрелками вниз/вверх и клавишей Enter) выбираю, на каком сайте следует выделенное слово найти. Спасибо!!!
  • (2023-09-22) masapi: Please support in-page search.
  • (2023-09-15) Don't do it: It is useful, but it would be a good idea to have an option that recognizes the search engines added to the browser. I had about 20 in Chrome and I was forced to transfer one by one (name and link), it was tedious.
  • (2023-09-10) Josh Wilson: Sooooo handy, just wish there was a dark mode for the settings page
  • (2023-08-18) Tony Nguyen: Please extend the character limit of the URL field. I have a very long one with many parameters but it's truncated in the URL field of this extension. Thanks!
  • (2023-07-13) John Pandes: Exactly what I was lookiing for! As a recruiter I am always looking for a way to quickly search for people on linkedin. This extension makes it so simple.
  • (2023-06-17) Twy: Це чудове розширення! Я б вам буквально платив, якщо б ви могли також додали можливість налаштувати гарячі клавіші для швидшого доступу до кожного доданого сайту.
  • (2023-06-16) Ivan Hrytsai: Чудовий інструмент! Через нову фічу ранньої версії Гугл Хрому не міг нормально відкривати пошук по виділеному слову в іншій вкладинці, лише в боковій панелі.
  • (2023-06-16) Mark Palmos: I wanted it for one thing, and it does that perfectly, thanks!
  • (2023-05-30) This is a nice extension, but there's just one annoying little thing. In Firefox, you can right click on a hyperlink and there will be an option to search for the hyperlink title in the context menu. This extension adds *similar* functionality, but it still requires you to highlight the text yourself. I like being able to just right click, hit the search option, and go. Is that not possible in Chrome?
  • (2023-03-25) Luisa Valdes: Me encantó, es muy útil y configurable. Solo aparece al dar clic derecho sobre un texto, así que no te llena la pantalla del buscador de íconos. Excelente!!
  • (2023-03-07) Николай Виноградов: Отличное расширение! Значительно ускоряет поиск по различным сайтам.
  • (2023-02-25) Rhonda Lea Fries: Google continues to make Chrome hard to use. Google Lens and the new sidebar make me miserable every time I forget what Google has done. This extension solves the problem, and search now works for me again. Better yet, I can search other sites more easily too.
  • (2022-10-11) Brett Schaal: I'm having trouble getting the highlted text to transfer over to added search engines for example Salesforce
  • (2022-09-04) Matin S: loved it
  • (2022-08-26) Irene Soisson: One of the best extensions out there! Major time saver
  • (2022-08-21) P GS: seems good!
  • (2022-08-12) Ross Tallo: I had it set up for youtube music searches and it worked a treat but has stopped in the past few months. Any ideas anyone?
  • (2022-07-28) NOUM: Doesn't work if you search a term with a "&" in it (Youtube), the phrase gets cut because he forgot to url encode that character
  • (2022-07-01) Piotr Ka: Very usefull tool. Only one thing missing - ability to sync settings between computers.
  • (2022-05-14) Максим М: Отличное расширение 👍 Не хватает только возможности, при желании, ставить иконку поисковой системы вместо стандартной. С этой функцией будет идеально.
  • (2022-04-25) Tony: This is still the best.
  • (2022-04-22) Samurai D: 离完美还差一点:菜单图标
  • (2022-03-27) Mateus Auri (Pereira Neves): Awesome! Just what I needed, and it works perfectly. Would be neat to have the ability to group search engines under submenus, though.
  • (2022-03-23) Павел Павел: SUPER!
  • (2022-03-20) ぴょんた: とても便利でいつも使っています。一つ残念なのは日本のサイト「価格コム」をオプションで追加しているのですが、選択した文字列が文字化けを起こしてしまい検索することができません。日本のソフトでないので仕方ないのかもですが、この一点以外は満足してます。修正していただくと嬉しいなあ。。。
  • (2022-03-14) Lộc: doesn't work with strings containing &
  • (2022-03-09) Tony LaMere: I use this nearly every day and it's irreplaceable. I'm not sure if it's possible, but I'd love to see keyboard shortcut (or hotkey) options added for even further efficiency.
  • (2022-02-02) Jay Peek: Site corrupted. Developer AWOL.
  • (2022-01-28) Евгений Анатольевич Стригунов: Can you add user hotkeys for each search system?
  • (2022-01-25) Mr. Eagle: Not working anymore.
  • (2021-12-12) 野良: 日本語で検索すると文字化けするところがあります そこでは日本語で検索することができますが これを通すと化けます
  • (2021-10-13) Александр Поляков: 1 проблема – часто после аварийного завершения браузера все настройки обнуляются...Искал альтернативу этому расширению... но, похоже, его нет.
  • (2021-09-03) lee lee: 汉典 - https://www.zdic.net/hans/TESTSEARCH 海词 - https://www.dict.cn/TESTSEARCH ytb - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=TESTSEARCH 维基百科 - https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/TESTSEARCH 谷歌 - https://www.google.com/search?q=TESTSEARCH 哔哩哔哩 - https://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=TESTSEARCH 谷歌翻译 - https://translate.google.com/?hl=zh-CN&q=TESTSEARCH 豆瓣电影 - https://search.douban.com/movie/subject_search?search_text=TESTSEARCH 西瓜 - https://www.ixigua.com/search/TESTSEARCH 知乎 - https://www.zhihu.com/search?type=content&q=TESTSEARCH 微博 - https://s.weibo.com/weibo/TESTSEARCH 成长 - https://cn.pornhub.com/video/search?search=TESTSEARCH 成长 - https://www.xvideos.com/?k=TESTSEARCH 谷歌新闻 - https://news.google.com/news/search?q=TESTSEARCH 谷歌图片 - https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=TESTSEARCH 必应 - https://cn.bing.com/search?q=TESTSEARCH 百度百科 - https://baike.baidu.com/item/TESTSEARCH 海词zh - https://hanyu.dict.cn/TESTSEARCH 京东 - https://search.jd.com/Search?keyword=TESTSEARCH ask - https://www.ask.com/web?q=TESTSEARCH DDG - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=TESTSEARCH ecosia - https://www.ecosia.org/search?q=TESTSEARCH privacywall - https://www.privacywall.org/search/secure/?q=TESTSEARCH 哔哩影视杂谈 - https://search.bilibili.com/all?tids_2=182&keyword=TESTSEARCH 哔哩影视 - https://search.bilibili.com/all?tids_1=181&keyword=TESTSEARCH 哔哩知识 - https://search.bilibili.com/all?tids_1=36&keyword=TESTSEARCH 哔哩生活 - https://search.bilibili.com/all?tids_1=160&keyword=TESTSEARCH 哔哩最新 - https://search.bilibili.com/all?order=pubdate&keyword=TESTSEARCH 哔哩美食 - https://search.bilibili.com/all?tids_1=211&keyword=TESTSEARCH 哔哩资讯 - https://search.bilibili.com/all?tids_1=202&keyword=TESTSEARCH 哔哩60分钟以上 - https://search.bilibili.com/all?duration=4&keyword=TESTSEARCH
  • (2021-07-23) Eric Mutta: Great extension, very handy for creating custom searches (e.g. using a number on a page to get the exchange rate for a particular pair of currencies). Simply works, no fuss. Which is how it should be!
  • (2021-07-13) Gary Oikawa: Love this extension! Works great! Easy to add and remove search engines.
  • (2021-06-11) Сергей Панфилов: Отличное решение упрощающее работу, использую в CRM для быстрого поиска по сделкам
  • (2021-05-08) Claudi H: Just what I've been looking for - needed facebook search. Has to change the link because the one offered in the extention doesn't work anymore but that was done within a second and now it works and makes my workflow easier.
  • (2021-04-28) stefano elidori: absolutely perfect. and can be better almost, including support to mailto: commands. for example selecting text like an emails and ask to send email (in case the is a correct link to emails).
  • (2021-03-01) gdn gdn: useful extension! the following functions would be great: 1. save settings in google account or export-function 2. custom menu label in context menu instead of "context menu search" thanks!
  • (2021-02-25) Oliver Lu: Have used some kind of extension like this in browsers for 15-20 years and this one used to work but now seems to be dead...can no longer customize the search engines (still offering me *Bing* as a choice)...webpage seems gone so if anyone can recommend an up-to-date replacement please do so.
  • (2021-02-24) eyes wide open: FIVE STARS - just what I was looking for - configuration is super simple and easy - an extremely well conceived and executed extension. A bonus for me, too, is being able to create custom display names for contextual search items. Bravo!
  • (2021-02-09) João Serra: This is awesome, except doesn't seem to work with strings that use & its a small detail that bit annoying
  • (2021-02-08) Ray Cornwall: No longer supported, but still does what I need it to do. Would love to see it picked up by a new developer, but grateful it's still a useful extension.
  • (2021-02-01) Louis Waweru: Important feature missing from all browsers.
  • (2020-11-17) J. Scott Elblein: Update 4 yrs later: Had to remove it. It kept randomly deleting all my configs. Donezo! Next! Previous: Missing one small thing to make it perfect; The ability to categorize searches into groups. i.e. Search Engines -> Google, Bing, etc. Images -> Google Images, Picasa, etc. News -> CNN, etc. Instead of having one, long list where they're all mixed together.
  • (2020-10-31) Lexx Firecore: works nice but some times it resets the configuration and I am loosing my search engines, please improve configurations. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=TESTSEARCH http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=TESTSEARCH&go=Go https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/%s

Latest issues

  • (2023-08-14, v:2.93) Iván Torres: Way to submit search term to ChatGPT or Bard in the works?
    I've noticed that these sites don't show parameters on their returned URL so we can't add them manually. I would suppose they intentionally want to obfuscate their workings. So, are you trying to figure out to if it can be done?
  • (2023-08-07, v:2.93) Никола Поповић: Add AliExpress search
    Hi, Could you tell em what is the code for adding Aliexpress to search engine? Thanks. :)
  • (2023-08-05, v:2.93) 藤堂銀三郎: Favicon display is desired.
    Would like to see an update to show the favicon to the right of the label. Like this Firefox addon https://addons.mozilla.org/ja/firefox/addon/contextual-search/
  • (2023-07-09, v:2.93) Ahmad Abu Shmais: Option not working
    open result in the background tab its not working checked or not it still opening and moving to it
  • (2023-06-23, v:2.93) generic etcetera: firefox?
    is there no longer a firefox version? i can't find it.
  • (2023-04-04, v:2.93) M B: Open two search engines at once ?
    Can you provide me with a command to make context menu search open a multiple search engine at once when i click for a research ? Thank you
  • (2023-03-03, v:2.93) Alejandro III Manalo: amazon
    not working
  • (2022-12-13, v:2.93) Alex akaVea: extra feature request
    I use a extension on safari that works a lot like this but instead of searching from the context menu, you search from the omni bar. you set a word or letter, and either from the beginning or end or both, so it would look like this: if i type gi wallpaper, it will search google images for the query "wallpaper", or if i type wiki dragon, it will search wikipedia for dragons. and there's an option to add your own website search's, like for youtube or amazon or even steam. I love this extension but I can't find anything like it in the chrome web store, the only thing I find when I even try to search is SEO keyword optimizers and dumb applications like that. This is the closest i've found that you can search and add your own sites to search, i'm just asking to add a feature where you can search from the omni box and let us make our own keyword, like let me set the custom command or keyword, and the site and you do the rest. I would actually pay for that.
  • (2022-12-05, v:2.93) Morgan Godwin: IS there a way to make a shortcut?
    Do you know if there is a way to make a shortcut either on a keyboard or mouse button to be able to click so I don't have to right click and select context menu search first?
  • (2022-11-15, v:2.93) Al Neuman: Open results in a background tab" no longer works
    The option to "Open results in a background tab" no longer works. The tab that it opens is made primary when search is complete. It might have to do with the latest Chrome release (Version 107.0.5304.63 (Official Build) (64-bit)).
  • (2022-10-27, v:2.93) Patrick Grote: Open results in a background tab no longer working
    Hello, The option to "Open results in a background tab" no longer works. The tab that it opens is made primary when search is complete. It might have to do with the latest Chrome release (Version 107.0.5304.63 (Official Build) (64-bit)). I disabled and reenabled the options without change. Thanks.
  • (2022-10-20, v:2.93) Xemnarth: can't search
    can't perform a search of text containing symbols like '&'
  • (2022-09-10, v:2.93) Sir Books-A-Lot: Question?
    Hi, when i try using this link https://www.bookfinder.com/isbn_search/ it will just open up that exact page, but not actually perform the search. Could you please advise me on how i can enter the link so it automatically performs the search? Thanks!
  • (2022-07-16, v:2.93) Alexander Makosiy: open a page as a popup
    I love your extension and would love to see another useful option that i'm really looking for. I'm looking for the option to be able to open my search as popup window instead of a new tab . It's fine if the popup gets reused each time i run the extension. Do you think you could add this? thanks
  • (2022-05-24, v:2.93) Ross Tallo: YTM
    Hi there, I had YTM installed but it has stopped working now. I have uninstalled then readded the following without success: https://music.youtube.com/results?search_query=TESTSEARCH Any ideas? Thanks Ross
  • (2022-03-09, v:2.93) Tomáš Fiala: spaces in the searching string
    Some pages change the spaces to a different escape character For example, if I search for text like this "test search" directly in the page search engine the url after looks like this: https://pagename.com/test-search/s But if I use your extension for it it looks like this: https://pagename.com/test%20search/s and the page is also looking for text "test%20search" what is wrong So we need a possibility to define the escape char for spaces and white spaces on page level. :-) I really like your extension, but this small detail broke the search for such pages.
  • (2021-12-17, v:2.93) Christopher Harley: Not summoning Google's Shopping page for items queried.
    It doesn't seem to be responding with Google's Shopping page. Returns no values and then the user must choose "All" and then "Shopping" to summon results.
  • (2021-10-25, v:2.93) Tanielle Bench: Adding websites
    I tried to add walmart.com as one of the custom links I wanted to search from, but everything I select that option, it keeps giving an error file not found. Please advise how to resolve this
  • (2021-10-04, v:2.93) Morey Jones: Privacy policy?
    Hi, our security team has implemented an MDM solution and this extension has been blocked. Can you add some privacy details that would allow us to use this again?
  • (2021-09-14, v:2.93) Guia Lorenz Bugante: How to Add Search Engine From https://cmcar.crsdata.com/mls/
    Hi, I am having a hard time figuring out the right search engine link on this website https://cmcar.crsdata.com/mls/. I already tried TESTSEARCH but it does not work. I am using it to search for a property Tax Record. Can you help me please? Thank you.
  • (2021-06-28, v:2.93) Peter N. Hrebicek: Oh wait, it does work now.
    After restarting Edge Dev, the settings transfer worked like a charm. Thanks!
  • (2021-06-28, v:2.93) Peter N. Hrebicek: Transfer options doesnt work
    In Chrome Dev, the transfer options function does not work. I can click the Save button how many times i want, the extension won't take over my config from the old Browser (Edge Release).
  • (2021-06-05, v:2.93) Turk: Beatport (or other stubborn sites)
    Using all known methods to search BEATPORT ("/search_results/TESTSEARCH" etc etc) every variantion I've tried returns an error. Is it a case that some sites are just stubborn or I'm doing something wrong? Please help - for my job I need to search online music stores (price comparisons & purchases) and this would save me hours per week . Thanks for a cool tool.
  • (2021-05-07, v:2.93) acala vajra: URL notation when specifying search terms in Shift JIS
    Hello. I always use Context Menu Search. I have no problems with most of the search engines, but there is one site where the search does not work. It is the following site called "価格.com (kakaku.com)", which is the lowest price search site in Japan. https://kakaku.com I have registered the URL link of this site as follows. https://s.kakaku.com/search_results/TESTSEARCH There is no problem when I search for product model numbers or product names consisting of alphanumeric characters and symbols, but when I search for product names in Japanese, the search results are garbled. WordLight, a Japanese search app for iPhone, can unify various search sites, so I registered kakaku.com, and the URL link is as follows. https://s.kakaku.com/search_results/<%@><%AddingShiftJISEncoding@>/ In short, it looks like I should specify the search term as Shift JIS, but in that case, please tell me how the URL will be displayed. Jooen
  • (2021-04-28, v:2.93) stefano elidori: insert MAILTO:commands
    simply select a text and send like mailto:TESTSEARCH to open a new mail in client
  • (2021-04-18, v:2.93) Lord Trollalot: context menu search
    Context: ["link"]-Search for link.innerText: something like searchOnClick_4_links( info, tab) .... would be awesome im using context-search all the time on firefox but now i switched to chromium...im new to chrome and have no clue, if its hard or not ... just an idea .. this extention is very well done... and im looking forward to see, what comes next ;) with friendly and thankful regards romi bonetsmueller from germany
  • (2021-02-27, v:2.93) Stuart McCutchan: Selecting individual words for submission
    Quite often I'm on a page and see separate, non-contiguous words I'd like to search on. I can right-click on one of them and search that, and then add the other words when on my destination page, but doesn't Context Menu exist to save its users from hassles like that? It would be much easier to be able to select non-contiguous words on the original screen. Double-click the first word to define it. Then Command-click the second word to define it, while the first word remains defined. And so on, until I'm ready to right-click and have Context Menu do its magic. Another request would be to give us the option to have results come up in a new window, not just a new tab. This would be a great addition for Mac users like us. Thanks for your consideration. This extension has been a game-changer for us. Really appreciate it, and the work you do!
  • (2021-02-22, v:2.93) Moshe Heller: Option to Add Search Engines to Groups for Easier navigating
    It would be very helpful if there would be an option to allow grouping of search engines. for example if I have UPS Tracking, USPS Tracking & Fedex Tracking and I can add them under 1 group called Shipping Tracking so when I right click in Chrome and select Context Menu Search it Will Show Me the group Called "Shipping Tracking" in the list and once I hover it will expand to show me the 3 Search Engines under this group. It will be much cleaner to navigate. Thanks
  • (2021-02-09, v:2.93) João Serra: Allow use & on search strings
    Could you add support to search stuff like "this & that" the & seems a problem
  • (2020-11-18, v:2.93) Crystal Owens: not working
    my context menu is not working it wont even let me uninstall it to reboot it i click on it and it will bring it up but it wont let me click on anything
  • (2020-10-16, v:2.93) Ariel Benjamin: Location of custom search file
    To whom it may concern, I've been a long-time user of the Context Menu Search chrome extension. It's a great tool. Thank you for that! Sadly, I recently had to reinstall my computer. Fortunately I am backed up but rather than simply restore from the backup (and potentially restore some of the issues with it) I've reinstalled. With that I lost my substantial custom searches that I built up over the last several years using your extension. I'd like to go into my backup and just restore that data. Where is that data stored? I was able to find the context menu search extension folder in the appdata/local/google/chrome/userdata/default/extensions folder but looking in that folder I don't see any file that contains my custom search strings. Thanks in advance for the help. Ariel
  • (2020-10-12, v:2.93) Jessica Hernandez: Privacy Policy
    Can you share your privacy policy?
  • (2020-09-24, v:2.93) Steven: Multiple Search Engines with One Click
    If possible, please add a way to search multiple different search engines at the same time with one click (opening in different tabs). I perform a single search on four different pages/search engines very often. If I were able to click one button each search, instead of four, this would save me a lot of time. Thank you for a great extension.
  • (2020-09-22, v:2.93) Moshe Heller: Option to Open search in Incognito Mode
    When Adding a search in Context Menu there should be an option if this search should open in Incognito Window.
  • (2020-09-21, v:2.93) twndrgns: About startpage.com
    Searching for TESTSEARCH on startpage.com does not reflect the link in the URL. Please tell me the link.
  • (2020-09-12, v:2.93) John Navas: Options not backed up
    Reinstall of Chrome lost all my customization! PLEASE use Google Auto Backup for options!
  • (2020-08-16, v:2.93) Josep puig casanas: context menu code
    Please, indicate where is the box to enter the ¨context menu search code¨
  • (2020-04-22, v:2.93) Philippe Dekyvere: Extension not active ?
    Hi I am using this extension a lot, and today 4/21, I tried to change some options (extension was active until i saved, and suddenly the extension is no longer active or responsive to for example other options. and it disappeared from the context sensitive menu.
  • (2020-03-24, v:2.93) Dre Kernodle: LinkedIn
    Hi there! Do you have a recommendation for searching on LinkedIn? For instance, I'd like to be able to highlight a name and have it search on linkedin. Thanks!
  • (2020-03-24, v:2.93) Work - Lucas Vieites: Version for Firefox?
    Hi Ashu, I'm trying to find the same functionality of your add-on for Firefox, but none of the existing ones do what this one can. Do you have plans to create a version for Firefox? Thank you, Lucas
  • (2020-03-02, v:2.93) Bannie Pan: enable multiple search?
    love this extension. was wondering if it's possible to enable multiple search of a keyword using search engines that I've created? thanks!
  • (2020-03-02, v:2.93) Walker Huang: security related
    Does the extension share any information with the web in any way, or does it run entirely locally?
  • (2020-02-14, v:2.93) Marco Coletti: Slash is not urlencoded
    Try "one/two/tree" with https://translate.google.com/ the translator loses any text after the first slash.
  • (2019-12-31, v:2.93) Ibrahim Najjar: Faster search
    is there a possibility to search a site in one click meaning to assign a keyboard shortcut to search selected text in an assigned site without having to access the Context Menu or right click menu. right now i right click and hit S on the keyboard to search since i dont need to access the context menu extension to search for google but i want to be able to search for google with one click of a button and also be able to search other sites with different keyboard shortcuts.
  • (2019-12-23, v:2.93) A K: how to back up
    Thank you for your great extension! Please tell me how to backup because i want to re-install chrome. In which file the websites sleeping saved on the following? I use Mac. ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default Thank you in advance. Atsushi
  • (2019-12-14, v:2.93) Philippe Dekyvere: Hierarchical menus
    Hi I love this extension soo much. I do a lot of research online for genealogy and it's great to automate searches. since I have been adding so many options, I would really like a hierarchical menu to arrange my options, for example one main menu for Image search, another for genealogical searches, etc... a bit like the folder structure in bookmarks.
  • (2019-11-25, v:2.93) marco bollini: ricerca titoli di netflix nel menu contestuale ?
    troverei molto utile un tasto destro di chrome che ricercasse i titoli (su netflix) che mi vengono suggeriti dai miei amici o da altre fonti esiste???
  • (2019-10-30, v:2.93) Thomas Vilfroy: not getting context menu search when I right click...
    I am not getting the context menu search when I right click on an image or even text. I verified I have the options selected in the extension and saved those options. am using extension version 2.93 and chrome Version 78.0.3904.70.
  • (2019-10-27, v:2.93) Matt Piper: Add url completion so we can have direct links to pages from partial urls
    This extension is seriously my favorite and first thing i install on any new machine (btw, backing up the export to gdrive would make it a lot easier to get this running on a new machine quickly ;) But the only thing i would love to see added to this is the ability to complete urls. So if i create a paramater for youtube like `http://youtube.com/TESTHANDLE` Then when i highlight `phillyd` the extension will take me directly to `http://youtube.com/phillyd`. This wold work with all social media (twitter, instagram, reddit, etc) And really complete this extension for me!
  • (2019-09-17, v:2.93) Mauricio Matiz Rueda: No funciona
    Hola, le doy clic derecho pero no funciona. Ya lo he instalado tres veces y nada. Ya incluí el link con el que necesito trabajar pero no me funciona. Alguna idea de porqué?


111,261 history
4.5787 (788 votes)
Last update / version
2014-10-18 / 2.93
Listing languages
