Wyszukiwanie spraw na podstawie numeru sprawy
Rozszerzone wyszukiwanie spraw umożliwiające wyszukiwanie ich w systemie Salesforce.
Pozwoli to użytkownikom na pominięcie indeksowania, które powoduje problemy przy wyszukiwaniu nowo zgłoszonych spraw
Latest reviews
- (2016-01-29) Stronger Ever: Does nothing on m browser.
- (2014-07-24) Courtney Davis: This extension makes me so happy! It should be possible to find cases by number in Salesforce. It SHOULD be possible to do a lot of things. It's so embarrassing to explain to users that no, sorry, you can't use Salesforce search box to find anything ever. It's there as a joke. No really, a unique identifying number can't be used to find things. Really. I love this extension! It makes me hate Salesforce less - a very impressive accomplishment.
- (2014-07-17) Naty Arantes: Easy to use and helpful!!