Description from extension meta
Speak the selected text
Image from store

Description from store
Made with Love For You, SpeakIt is an easy-to-use, Instant Text to Speech Converter tool.
How To Use?
(Just Install the extension on Chrome, Select the text you want to speak and click on "SpeakIt" icon)
The extension is changing the new tab
Latest reviews
- (2022-01-07) Курбан Байрамов: Озвучивает пару предложений и затыкается.
- (2021-08-11) Zoran M: I don't want my New Tab changed.
- (2021-07-08) Ramesh Pallikara: Hijackes new tab url and changes it to Dont Install!
- (2021-02-17) User: Зачем изуродовали прекрасное приложение SpeakIt - это прото отстой! ПОЗОР на ваши плешивые головы!
- (2021-01-20) Edward Shcherban: Нет возможности настройки речи.Читать читает,а как остановить например непонятно.И получается,что вроде как и работает,но через одно место все реализовано.
- (2021-01-03) Jerzy Pieńkowski: Zmieniła stronę startową po naciśnięciu znaku Nowa Karta i nie da się jej konfigurować.
- (2020-12-17) Max F.: Finalmente un estensione molto utile e allo stesso tempo comoda e semplice. Se hai voglia di leggere semplicemente una guida ma hai altro da fare, il problema e' risolto basta un po' di attenzione all'audio e alla concentrazione. Se invece vuoi leggerti comodo una sceneggiatura, un libro o una recensione musicale basta un click ed e' tutto fatto. L'unica pecca e' che se hai bambini devi tenerli alla larga o perderai il gusto di leggere le favolette della piccola, o i romanzi fantascientifici del piccolo genio, ma li e' la tua personalita' a far da padrone contro una voce fredda almeno confronto alla tua.(vago) Insomma molti lati positivi e un grazie a odlyzko953 o a chi l'ha creata.Aggiungo un altra nota negativa che non e' niente di esagerato, la pagina si riapre su un motore di ricerca con tema anonimo col nome di Speak e riga di comando.
- (2020-12-05) Ольга Старицкая: Не работает!
- (2020-10-02) Wayne Booth: Changes homepage to which is related to key-loggers and other mail-wear. DO NOT USE - DANGEROUS
- (2020-03-22) Alberto José Barbosa: ahorra pereza, muy buena
- (2020-02-07) Ainal Idham Saidin: Hijackes new tab. No clear warning when installing it. Uses the "replace new tab" permission. Get back your normal tab by removing this or Settings --> Scroll down to On Startup section
- (2020-01-19) Yves NOEL: Aucun réglage, voix robotique
- (2020-01-12) Tamaasa Teruo: love it!
- (2020-01-03) Dwight Stegall: Speakit extension forces you to use Yahoo Search on the new tab page. There are 2 ways to defeat it. Open Chrome Settings > Advanced > Site Settings > Cookies & Site Settings. Block this URL That will make new tab page blank. If you insist on using that worthless new tab page install Speed Dial 3. One of it's middle buttons at the bottom will take you to the new tab page you are used to seeing. Method 2 Install Redirect New Tab extension. You can enter any URL to load when you click the new tab button. There is no way to get the New Tab page back this way. You'll still be able to use it for reading text. At least they could have forced us to use a good search engine. Yahoo always has been a joke. :(
- (2019-12-29) Dogueel Bernardo García Uribe: ¡ES EXTRAORDINARIA HERRAMIENTA, ME ES MUY ÚTIL Y ME ENCANTA! ¡GRACIAS! Fraternalmente: Dogueel
- (2019-12-26) emily Baker: it is the best
- (2019-12-08) Rondeau André: Je suis déçu car il n'y a pas accès aux options pour paramétrer l'extension. Je n'ai aucune commande si ce n'est dans le menu contextuel, le démarrage de la lecture. Aucune commande pour stopper la lecture, rien pour la ralentir.
- (2019-12-02) Андроник Мурашов: как настроить это расширение?
- (2019-11-25) shu rin shu rin: Пидары.
- (2019-11-22) Marie A: Why does SpeakIt replace my new tab page with Fortnite search? I liked the links that I had set on the new tab - right where I can easily see them when opening a new tab. Hey SpeakIt, please fix this or I'll have to find another reader. Thank you
- (2019-11-21) Donald Sunny: SpeakIt changes your default new tab and you can not change it unless you uninstall SpeakIt
- (2019-11-20) Janis Yowtz: Loaded this from the Google Chrome Web store. What I got was " powered by Google". I was not looking to have my web browser hijacked. After enabling this extension, NOTHING about my searches worked properly. Extremely disappointed Google would let this pass as is.
- (2019-11-17) Henrik Eriksson: Suddently redirects new tabs to: Note this parameter: utm_campaign=spkit
- (2019-11-11) ave2833: Идиотство! Верните мой SpeakIt
- (2019-09-27) Jarallah Al Humran: لا تعمل
- (2019-08-12) Václav Hubáček: čte nesmysly. Jak tam mohu aplikovat hlas "Eliška" ? Kam se ztratil pgeolalilifpodheeocdmbhehgnkkbak SpeakIt ???????
- (2019-08-05) Joe Raza: SpeakIt (Text to Speak tools) are one of the essential applications for people with dyslexia! First off, I would like to thank application developers who have created numerous applications to help bridge the gap when writing basic emails etc.… Now to the SpeakIt developers, please add voice improvement and unlimited words options to your excellent extension. Thank You!
- (2019-07-22) Minh Triết Lương: good
- (2019-04-02) не работает!
- (2019-02-25) no deja leer textos largos es una estafa
- (2018-05-22) Rodrigo Galvez Aviles: not working
- (2018-03-21) Александр Никитин: Жалкая подделка! Где мой старый добрый SpeakIt! которым я пользовался много лет? Зла не хватает!
- (2017-12-10) Ram Chandra Sharma: voice should inprove
- (2017-11-18) Lindsey Nowak: It stopped working about a month ago, tunein still works as speakit used to work though.
- (2017-10-21) hoang nguyen: ok
- (2017-09-13) Will Virella: I like Speakit but it would be nice it can read 10000 words or unlimited. Please expanded longer reading. Thank you
2.9 (51 votes)
Last update / version
2019-12-11 / 1.6
Listing languages