extension ExtPose

Hitro shranite in ponovno objavite na Instagramu (delisted)

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Description from extension meta

Prenesite zgodbe Instagram, shranite kateri koli IG video in fotografijo. Objavite ponovno Instagram koluti v svoj vir.

Image from store Hitro shranite in ponovno objavite na Instagramu
Description from store InSave je vrhunsko orodje, zasnovano za poenostavitev in izboljšanje vaše izkušnje z Instagramom. S svojim obsežnim naborom funkcij vam InSave omogoča nemoteno prenašanje in ponovno objavljanje vsebine Instagrama, vse v okviru ene same platforme. Funkcija prenosa: Z zmogljivo funkcijo prenosa lahko brez težav shranite videoposnetke, fotografije in zgodbe iz Instagrama. Funkcija ponovnega objavljanja: Funkcija za ponovno objavljanje vsebine Instagrama je enostavna, saj vam omogoča, da svoje najljubše objave delite s svojim občinstvom in hkrati priznate zasluge prvotnim ustvarjalcem. Uporabniku prijazen vmesnik: InSave ima uporabniku prijazen vmesnik, ki daje prednost preprostosti in enostavni uporabi. Nemoteno krmarite med funkcijami prenosa in ponovnega objavljanja ter si tako zagotovite nemoteno izkušnjo. Urejanje prenesenih vsebin, načrtovanje ponovnih objav in učinkovito upravljanje knjižnice Instagram - vse to z intuitivnim vmesnikom InSave. Vodnik po korakih za uporabo razširitve: Namestitev: 1. Začnite z namestitvijo razširitve v želeni brskalnik. Obiščite trgovino z razširitvami za svoj brskalnik in poiščite razširitev po imenu (npr. "InSave"). Kliknite gumb "Namesti" ali "Dodaj v brskalnik", da namestite razširitev. Dostop do storitve Instagram: 2. Ko je razširitev uspešno nameščena, odprite brskalnik in pojdite na spletno mesto Instagram (www.instagram.com). Prijavite se v svoj račun Instagram, če se pri tem pojavi poziv. Prenašanje fotografij in videoposnetkov: 3. Na kateri koli objavi na Instagramu boste zdaj pod njo opazili dva dodatna gumba: "Download" (Prenos) in "Repost" (Ponovna objava). Če želite prenesti fotografijo ali videoposnetek, preprosto kliknite gumb 'Download', povezan z želeno objavo. Prenos videoposnetkov IG Reels: 4. Če želite prenesti videoposnetek IG Reels, obiščite razdelek "Reels" v profilu. Poiščite videoposnetek Reels, ki ga želite prenesti, in kliknite na ikono "Prenos", ki se nahaja v zgornjem desnem kotu koluta. Prenos zgodb IG: 5. Če želite prenesti zgodbo na Instagramu, kliknite zgodbo, ki si jo želite ogledati. V zgornjem desnem kotu zgodbe poiščite gumb "Prenesi" in ga kliknite, da začnete prenos. Ponovno objavljanje vsebine IG: 6. Če želite ponovno objaviti fotografijo, videoposnetek ali zgodbo na Instagramu, kliknite gumb "Repost", povezan z želeno objavo. Upoštevajte, da bo ponovna objava tuje zgodbe dodana v vašo zgodbo, medtem ko bo ponovna objava uvrščena v vaš kanal. Pri ponovnem objavljanju vsebine vedno spoštujte avtorske pravice in zaprosite za dovoljenje. Omejitve pri ponovnem objavljanju: 7. Pri ponovnem objavljanju videoposnetkov in fotografij se morate zavedati omejitev. Prepričajte se, da je vsebina, ki jo ponovno objavljate, skladna z naslednjimi merili: Trajanje: Ne sme presegati 60 sekund. Velikost datoteke: Ne sme biti večja od 4 GB. Razmerja vidikov: Pri tem mora biti razmerje stranic 16:9, pri kvadratnem formatu 1:1, pri navpičnem pa 4:5. Ločljivost: Ločljivost: Krajinski format mora imeti najmanjšo ločljivost 600x315 slikovnih pik, kvadratni format 600x600 slikovnih pik in navpični format 600x750 slikovnih pik. Z upoštevanjem teh navodil po korakih lahko razširitev učinkovito uporabljate za navigacijo, prenos in ponovno objavo vsebine na Instagramu. Ne pozabite spoštovati pravic ustvarjalcev vsebin in pridobiti potrebnih dovoljenj, ko uporabljate njihove vsebine.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-04) Gilmar viana de souza: very good , but when i try to download all from instgram profile, i don't want to download any videos, i want to download all the pic only. how can i do this?
  • (2023-10-03) Serge S: Absolute madlad(s), actually found a solution to the new IG format, and it works efficiently and perfectly for bulk downloads, well done!
  • (2023-10-01) Paul Suarez: Really helpful but be careful guys not to download too many images, Instagram can block you for downloading too many image.
  • (2023-10-01) Gauthier Duprez: You can find the download option near the follow button and don't forget to wait..it will take sometime to download
  • (2023-10-01) Henrique Lima: Itss da best insta downloder extension ever loved it thanks it really helps
  • (2023-10-01) Jarosław: Works exactly as advertised
  • (2023-10-01) 潘一然: Fix Video Download Not Working Getting Error IG Blocking
  • (2023-10-01) Admon Comercial: Outstanding, i have no words for this, awesome
  • (2023-10-01) Yrnehap AP: After updated It's not working with Chrome. Whenever I download reels section videos.nnIt shows nRequest did not succeed. If you are using Firefox go into you privacy settings ans select then standard setting (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/content-blocking). If that is not the problem you tried to download to many imagesn and instagram has blocked you temporarily.nnTypeError: Failed to fetchnnAnd nI am using Google Chrome.n??
  • (2023-10-01) qz c: Tested today and the bulk download for videos worked
  • (2023-10-01) Gustavo Menezes: I Love You, I am very glad now.your extension is very very very nice,wow wow wow
  • (2023-10-01) Andre Luiz: Thank you so much for the update, it works again.nThis is a great extension.
  • (2023-10-01) Michele Busia: Why am I suddenly getting a changelog tab loading up each day for this extension when I open Chrome? I do not want this feature. Is there any way to disable it short of removing the extension?
  • (2023-10-01) Débora Lopes: I really like this App, but seems like not working properly. Few weeks back, it was showing downloaded images and videos with the name of the profile, now its downloading with the name UNKNOWN, (like unknown_181081558_3008593042759292_6350216604668122851_n.jpg). Is there I could do to change like before or something or now the App will continue to be like this only.
  • (2023-10-01) UKSW VC093: Another extension downloads only the first picture if a post has multiple pictures in it. But this extension does a better job. It downloads ALL, literally.
  • (2023-10-01) Mari laguna: Nice!nbut it's not remember download location :s
  • (2023-10-01) eduardo escobar: Best one , so easy to setup and works like charm...
  • (2023-10-01) Shoriuken: Downloads at the real image size, not the preview size unlike other apps
  • (2023-10-01) Mizuki K.: Extension worked fine. Until it didn't and no one seemed to care to update it or respond.
  • (2023-09-30) Sani: This did exactly what I needed to download an entire small Instagram profile of 175 images. Be patient, it took many minutes, but downloaded a single .zip file with all of the photos.
  • (2023-09-30) Jair M.: The app was working great, then it stopped today and i can't get it going again. anyone else have this problem?
  • (2023-09-30) Giovanni Lupoli: I just love this extension... really awsame...thanks for that.
  • (2023-09-30) 서천마서면: It works perfect for both video and photos even if from story or reels etc
  • (2023-09-30) Samet Aydinn: it was amazing extention, but it's not working anymore, please fix it?
  • (2023-09-30) Grigoriy: Worked great for a long time. But it seems instagram changed their website code so that the addon is currently not working. Maybe we get an update soon.
  • (2023-09-30) xin chu: Hi nsome times when I download bulk from some pages it's very slow and also not finished. so I want to know where the location saves download files before finishing up. thank you
  • (2023-09-26) XxDucyxX Avakin: This extension was working perfect but after the recent update it is not downloading images and videos. Please fix it
  • (2023-09-24) Bruna Marques: The only extension that really works!
  • (2023-09-24) Nórton: 100% mli7a w ta7ya blaylli
  • (2023-09-23) Benjamin Founau: Doesn't seem to work with Kiwi browser, which handles other Chrome extensions very well
  • (2023-09-23) Florent Gomes: It does the job and it does it perfectly, god bless this whoever made this wonderful extension
  • (2023-09-22) 3623ab: Really good for videos, but photos download at slightly lower than their max quality. A 1440x1800 photo will download at 1080x1350
  • (2023-09-22) Mehmet Höke: Good extension for easily downloading Instagram photos at good quality. Downloading from posts works great, but downloading stories does not work.
  • (2023-09-21) Eren Kanyılmaz: Not working for me right now, no button at all
  • (2023-09-20) Dan Kif-Lobe: Please implement a feature to set RANDOM timmings at users choice. I got my 1st warning, so to speak, while using in Normal speed, for the 2nd time in 2 days. Only have used it in Slow speed 2 or 3 times before in the last week. So, please allow user to input like [minimum time: 5343 miliseconds | maximum time:11511 miliseconds], and then, a random algorithm sets the next fetch. As it stands, it's a great tool. Thanks
  • (2023-09-19) Paulo Andrade: It was working great until about 5 minutes ago. Now it will only download stories, not pictures in my feed.
  • (2023-09-17) Perseveranca Mineracao: works good but the quality is so low
  • (2023-09-17) 정지욱: It is not working now. The chrome extension icon is faded. Not showing download button now. nPlease check.nI love this extension. It allows me to download everything.
  • (2023-09-16) Ana Hernandéz: Exceptionally goodnWith just 1 click was able to download every photo from a profile with the best quality possiblennThese excellent features I was worried about:n1) Downloads photos at best possible qualityn2) Doesn't miss any photos, when there are a few within one postnnThis is the first extension I've found that does this. Even 3rd party sites didn't do this for mennThanx a lot!!
  • (2023-09-16) exploitation megarama: this is amazing, easy access, one click - complete profile downoaded with best resolution full HD.nn....................................loved it .............................thanks....................
  • (2023-09-15) Fernando Alves: Hey, i JUST HAving one trouble wit this app or extension whatever it calls but my point, could you change the logo because I have the dark theme and it is kinda difficult and I don't understand why the logo is black, because I do not like the black logo because many people here have the dark theme in google chrome, so please DO IT
  • (2023-09-14) Jahila Sophie: Too bad it's been blocked by Instagram :'(
  • (2023-08-16) Blue Richmond: Wow!! This is a wonderful app.
  • (2023-08-05) Joshua Martinez: works great as it should
  • (2023-08-04) Sourin Kabi: awesome working


700,000 history
4.8297 (2,155 votes)
Last update / version
2024-11-05 / 4.7.6
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