Description from extension meta
Ujemanje ocene Amazon z naročili z enim klikom
Image from store
Description from store
Ste se naveličali prejemati ocene izdelkov z eno zvezdico na svojih izdelkih Amazon, ne da bi razumeli, zakaj? Ta razširitev vam pomaga prilagoditi pregled Amazonovega izdelka naročilu kupca, tako da se lahko obrnete na stranko in ugotovite, kaj je šlo narobe.
Ta razširitev je edino Amazonovo orodje za ujemanje pregledov po naročilu na trgu. 23. septembra 2018 je Amazon spremenil svojo platformo za pošiljanje sporočil, da bi preprečil potrditev 100% ujemanja pregledov po naročilu. Ta sprememba je onemogočila vsa druga orodja za ujemanje pregledov po naročilu.
Če vam zgornji gumb za namestitev ne deluje, poskusite ali nas kontaktirajte na [email protected].
Želite deliti podatke, upravljati več uporabnikov in izkoristiti referenčni in pridruženi kredit? Prenesite razširitev za podjetje:
Če imate težave s plačili pri standardni različici, prenesite različico za podjetja.
Zagotovite si 10 USD za naročnino za vsakega prijatelja, ki ga napotite!
Bi radi razširili glas? Pridružite se našemu partnerskemu programu še danes!
Razširitev izvaja verjetnostni algoritem za ujemanje pregledov po naročilu, ki uporablja kombinacijo imena pregledovalca, datumov pregleda in naročil, mnenja o pregledu in številnih drugih dejavnikov, da dobite najverjetnejša ujemanja naročil za vaše ocene. Naše stranke so poročale o velikem uspehu pri iskanju pravega naročila s pomočjo tega algoritma.
Imate vprašanja, pripombe ali pomisleke? Obrnite se na nas na [email protected], naša skupina za podporo strankam se bo odzvala v 24 urah.
Obljuba Shopswaina: vsem našim strankam zagotavljamo 100% zadovoljstvo. Naročanje na razširitev je popolnoma varno.
Če iz kakršnega koli razloga s podaljšanjem niste zadovoljni, nam lahko pošljete e-pošto ali zahtevate vračilo kupnine prek storitve Google Payments, vaše zadnje plačilo pa vam bomo povrnili v 24 urah.
Proaktivno spremljamo spremembe v Amazonovem sistemu, ki bi lahko vplivale na delovanje razširitve, naša inženirska skupina pa je vedno v pripravljenosti, da odpravi morebitne težave z razširitvijo.
★ Za vse prodajalce, za večino trgov
Združljiv z večino trgov Amazon: Severna Amerika (ZDA, Kanada, Mehika), EU (Velika Britanija, Francija, Nemčija, Italija, Španija), Avstralija, Japonska in Brazilija.
★ Pridobite najbolj natančne rezultate
Naša napredna statistična analiza uporablja datum pregleda, ime pregledovalca in druge podatkovne točke, da najde najverjetnejše ujemanje vrstnega reda.
★ Raziščite ocene na kateri koli Amazon strani
Na straneh izdelkov Amazon ali straneh Amazon Review preprosto kliknite gumb »Poišči naročilo« poleg mnenja in opazujte, kako razširitev čarobno analizira vaša naročila, da najde pregledovalca.
★ Shranite tekme za pozneje
Razširitev omogoča shranjevanje ujemanj naročil, zato naročil ni treba iskati dvakrat.
★ Super uporabniku prijazno
Ste se sit sitnih razširitev, zaradi katerih se prijavite vsakič, ko jih želite uporabiti? Za delovanje tega orodja se morate prijaviti samo v Seller Central!
★ Vaši podatki naj bodo zasebni
Dostop do Amazon MWS ni potreben, pri uporabi razširitve se prijavite v Seller Central.
★ Vedno na tekočem z Amazonom
Naši celoviti nadzorni sistemi nas obvestijo, ko Amazon spremeni svoj sistem, ki vpliva na razširitev. Vaše podjetje ne sme zaostajati zaradi težav s programsko opremo!
★ Brez smešnega posla
Ta razširitev samo avtomatizira operacije, ki jih že lahko izvajate v prodajalcu Central, in nato izvede statistično analizo.
★ Obvestila o pregledu izdelkov in prodajalcev
Prejemajte obvestila o novih izdelkih in povratnih informacijah o prodajalcih, poslana neposredno v vaš e-poštni predal!
Opomba: V Seller Central bi morali biti prijavljeni z uporabnikom, ki ima dovoljenje »Upravljanje naročil« in »Upravljanje vračil«.
Vsa naša orodja so zasnovana in izdelana v čudovitem Vancouvru v Kanadi!
Pišite nam na [email protected] ali nas pokličite na
ali LinkedIn:
Pridružite se naši skupini za podporo na Facebooku!
Latest reviews
- (2019-09-14) Nathaniel Zimmerman: This extension is very easy to use , so it;s very good for amazon.
- (2019-09-10) Joseph Rodriguez: this is really works , truly it works . it's really me to amazon selling . 100% recommended.
- (2019-06-21) Patti Newman: Very impressed by how fast customer support responded to my questions. The app ended up finding the right order.
- (2019-06-18) Ismael Newton: I had some issues finding orders after switching regions in Seller Central. Was able to get it working again after clearing my cookies. Other than that, works fine.
- (2019-06-17) Marty Walsh: Not 100% sure how the app works, but it can fetch customer data that you can’t find directly in the order page. I was able to find the correct order in the first page of results.
- (2019-06-16) Cary Richardson: Ran into some weird errors in the beginning, but customer support helped me solve the issue.
- (2019-06-14) Johnnie Schultz: Saved me so much time reading order information to figure out the right customer.
- (2019-06-12) Mathew Cannon: Fast support, Gwen was very helpful when I wanted to transfer the extension to one of my VAs.
- (2019-05-24) Bomi Handels GmbH: Selbst, wenn der gesamte Rezensionsname = Kundenname ist, findet er die Bestellung nicht.. Schade.. Haben es an einigen Rezensionen getestet.. Ohne Erfolg..
- (2019-02-04) Michael Nunn: Works! Only tool I have found that has this functionality.
- (2019-02-04) Ronnie Mejia: Not sure how the algorithm changed, but I just recently found the order for a review that I wasn’t able to before. Keep up the good work!
- (2019-01-29) Brent Wallace: Just wanted to comment on the great support I got from Gwen. I had an issue with the extension and she worked with me to resolve the issue in a few hours.
- (2018-10-03) Anson L: It works! I am able to find the customer who left a 1 star review and ask them to remove the review, finally. This is probably the only one that still works.
- (2018-09-15) Vova Even: Awesome, founds my 1* reviewers and were able to make them change their mind. Thanks for this awesome software!
- (2018-08-26) Avery D.: This is by far the best extension for any amazon seller. It works so well! I can finally match my reviews to orders and contact the customer. The price is also unbeatable. I used feedbackwhiz for a longtime and constantly paid a pricey monthly fee when i really only needed this chrome extension. All in all this is the best choice!
- (2018-06-29) Asher Fergusson: Works like a charm every time! I've used it successfully about 7 times now and it never failed to find the correct order.
- (2018-05-30) Rattanachai Thapanaphong (Benzio): It can not find order 1 star and not match. Not happy, has plan to refund it.
- (2018-05-10) CrewbieStore: Fantastic extension for finding people who left my 1 star reviews and trying to resolve the customers issues!
- (2018-04-30) Lyman Chellis: Would recommend to any Amazon merchant.
- (2018-04-30) Louise Sanchez: Works! Easy to use.
- (2018-04-30) Maayan Peleg: great tool
- (2018-04-29) Jennifer Boone: Very cool, this tool actually works
- (2018-04-28) Jim Henderson: Can’t believe this works! saved me so much time and frustration dealing with bad reviews
- (2018-04-24) Rudolph Reyes: Responsive support. Great tool! I would totally pay for this!
- (2018-04-24) Roderick Burgess: Support got back to me in a few hours after sending them an email about not being able to find orders. Thank you for resolving my issue
- (2018-04-09) Razvan Tosa (JurnalMontan): Incredible great tool to find those pesky bad reviews!!! Thank you very much! I would pay for this extension at any time!
- (2018-03-29) Igal Shih: Great tool
- (2018-03-24) Oleksandr: Very useful tool for Amazon sellers. Recommend it!
- (2018-03-21) Efraim Friedman: Awesome! works! I almost left a negative review thinking it is not working. The place to look is on the main product page, I thought you need to go to the specific review. Maybe your overview picture should show this, by showing many reviews one after the other.
- (2018-03-17) Krasimir Yakimov: This is a great tool
- (2018-03-05) gil nush: I try to use the app and i am very disappointing the app doesn't work at all and make some issue for my chrome browser . after several days i gave up so I AM NOT RECOMMEND IT AT ALL. Regards
- (2018-03-04) Nadav Drori (מתנות ישראליות): This is a great tool, deserves much more than 3 5-star reviews. I'm going to share it with other sellers. Many thanks Nadav
- (2018-02-26) Moiz Rauf: It worked! Very cool