extension ExtPose

Awesome Cookie Manager

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Description from extension meta

Displays a list of all Google Chrome cookies. Allows searching, viewing, editing, saving, restoring, and deleting cookies.

Image from store Awesome Cookie Manager
Description from store The Awesome Cookie Manager lets the user manage cookies in Google Chrome. Supported Functionality: (1) Search for cookies. (2) View cookie properties. (3) Edit cookie properties (value and expiration date). (4) Delete cookies. (5) Save cookies, restore them later. (6) Various settings are optional. Version Notes Thanks to Procyon-b for the following fixes: * incognito mode cookies * cookie with no name now editable * support for range selection * domain name max-length css only * cookie name max-length css only * save/restore list sorting fixed * filters input fields: only letters are taken into account * background page settings were not updated (restart was needed) * hide error message when a specific cookie restore is refused ("non-secure" cookie * * restored over a "secure" cookie) Also fixed: * issue where cookie expiration date was NaNs

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-15) Lau R (喵閃閃): very helpful
  • (2023-04-20) Tony England: I absolutely loved it. Finally, I can use checkboxes again to search to delete unwanted cookies en masse, 5 stars from me.
  • (2023-03-30) enjunglipret: cant backup all saved cookies
  • (2023-03-09) Google User: Updated. Doesn't work! I had to restore my cookies using this extension as they were deleted using Chrome's cookie cleaner. I did this on purpose: saved my cookies with this extension, I then deleted them via Chrome. I went to "restore" the cookies and proceeding to my banking sites. The cookies weren't valid and I had to go through the same 2-Factor Authentication as there were no cookies saved. This kind of makes sense. This application was updated last in 2021, it's 2023. Chrome has changed a lot. Developer has abandoned this extension. What a shame!
  • (2022-08-19) User: Это лучшее расширение из всех. Осталось только добавить импорт и экспорт для полного совершенства
  • (2022-03-13) A: Best cookie manager for Chrome, Had to remove pesky tracking cookies from ads, got tired of being served stupid ads. It allowed me to remove certain cookies, I didn't want to clear my whole cookies due to sign ins. This is a great utility for advanced users.
  • (2021-11-28) Michael Elliott: As a cookie manager it's alright. Could be a lot better if it supported boolean search operations. However, there's no way to manually resize the window, and it is not large enough even in the largest size in the dropdown. It needs to be alllowed to be "taller", as tall as the entire screen. As it is, you have to mess with two independent vertical scrollbars to accomplish any task--the one farthest right for the entire window because it can't fit it's UI in the space it allows (750 pixels max!), and then you also have to use the "inboard" scrollbar to the left of the other one to scroll the list of cookies for selection operations. The ability to open the UI in it's own full tab would be much better than just a window that disappears if you accidentally click outside it anywhere, which is what it is presently limited to. It's *settings* open in a full tab; why not the actual UI?
  • (2021-07-18) Christopher Merrill: Not very awesome - can't add a new cookie :(
  • (2021-07-16) Eric Dawson: No frills, extremely efficient, zero bugs. A quick scan of the reviews betrays user deficiencies, not extension deficiencies. Type the domain to efficiently filter the cookies you're looking for, delete, and get on with your day.
  • (2021-04-29) warmDrift: Please add an option to save/load cookies to/from files and also to rename the title of saved cookies.
  • (2021-03-29) th ch: Nice !
  • (2021-03-06) Edward Parker: If I can't sort cookies, this is of little more use than the default cookie manager built into Chrome Dev Tools. Seeing cookies in alphabetical order is not helpful if I want to see cookies that were set in the last 15 minutes.
  • (2020-09-24) Emiliya: I've added it to chrome but the icon is nowhere to be seen...
  • (2020-07-20) Jacob Holmes: Not sure I trust it. My Internet connection was down and this extension failed to run or load any cookies. Once the Internet connection was back up it worked. Cookies are stored locally, so why did it need access to the Internet to work? Is it spying on me?
  • (2020-04-02) bin liu: Thanks author, this plug-in is very good. It can manage all cookies. This function is exactly what I need
  • (2019-12-30) Brad Walker: Only extension that does what I want -- to select individual cookies and delete!
  • (2019-12-03) Mc Dormant: Restoring saved cookies doesn't work (anymore)
  • (2019-09-20) Felipe Santtiago (Lipe): the save/restore is not working in the new chrome version.
  • (2019-09-04) RickFromPhila-II: PLEASE...provide a way to SEPARATE saved/not delete, cookies...from the list of current cookies....OR...MARK them with a little padlock icon...etc...better yet...place SAVED/NOT DELETE cookies in it's own section or tab (within the current interface). For example: next to the [Delete] tab at the top...you can add a [Locked Cookies], etc..etc..button...to filter the saved cookies from "daily" cookies. (Don't forget different font color, highlight saved cookies) Thanks.... Best manager I've tried so far....and it took quite a few tryouts to find this one! :)
  • (2019-09-02) D F: Does what it should and does it well, unlike other much more popular cookie managers
  • (2019-08-17) Bob t: contains half a million 'themes'...and absolutely no way to sort cookies by name/url/date created/date expired...which is nice.
  • (2019-06-27) Robert Hallsey: Wow, so far, this cookie manager is better than the three most popular ones in the webstore! It does exactly what I want. It lets me search for cookies and delete them without much fuss. Fantastic.
  • (2019-03-18) Matúš Koprda: Good stuff. Can be used to move cookies between computers. Chrome normally "protects" you from doing so.
  • (2019-01-28) Lukáš Vobruba: The only Chrome cookie manager I found to delete individual/batch cookies by filter. Not the most beautiful interface, but it does the job efficiently and remembers the filter from a previous session. Light on resources. Highly recommended.
  • (2018-12-14) Marc Galmes (mgalmes): Great, but I'm missing the option to import cookies from a file.
  • (2018-11-02) Phú Huỳnh Trọng: Đang bị lỗi
  • (2018-09-21) Life Form: It recently stopped working in incognito mode - it doesn't show any cookies at all. Please fix.
  • (2018-08-22) Bruno Ferreira: bom
  • (2018-08-16) WDG Dingguo: Fantastic for me to remove the "ScrollPos" cookies from Google domains. This fixes the "Google Map not displaying" issue. Ref: https://productforums.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!msg/maps/S3RKuY1rCIE/ciiCcv1OAgAJ
  • (2018-07-28) Justin Cram: More in-depth then other options!
  • (2018-07-26) Hansen W: Very good. I use this to solve the bug in Great Suspender where it holds cookies forever and never deletes them.
  • (2018-07-08) Dan Valentine: Has option to Save And Restore cookies, but I can't figure out how to save them on one computer/profile and restore them on another.
  • (2018-06-28) Tun Lin Thu: Nice, works with localhost
  • (2018-06-21) easy facility to delete all those unwanted cookies in one click. ilike it
  • (2018-06-02) Jeff K: Needs shift selecting, some sites put 15 or 20 cookies and if you want to keep or remove that site you have to select 20 times. I have over 5,000 cookies I'm trying to clean up so no having shift select makes it too hard to use.
  • (2018-05-15) 王凤伟: Hope the default view could be only cookies of current page's domain. couse it will be lag to display all cookies of chrome.
  • (2018-05-09) Hugh Hemington: Little mouse support, and what there is is off target. What you NEED is the date the cookie got there and what website(s) you were on when it got dropped. What you get is none of that. This is a "quick n' dirty" and it shows.
  • (2018-04-20) Linda Ruiz: It lets you selectively delete domains/matched URLs - a simple search/type ahead makes it easy to zero in on the offending site. That approach is far more useful than whitelisting cookies, since I might need to clear misbehaving sites that I would have whitelisted. I used this extension to try to fix a problem with a specific website, whose standard solution is to "clear your cookies". When you have hundreds if not more sites that actively use cookies that you don't want to clear, the clear cookies 'solution' is a nuclear strike solution, not the surgical solution you need. This allows me to surgically clear them and not nuke all the cookies.
  • (2018-03-25) John Robie: POS. Does little right and lots wrong. Can't select properly. Font too big to fit in window. Crummy programmer does crummy program. Deleted.
  • (2018-03-23) Ronald Jensen: Allowed me to search and delete specific cookies. -1 star because it was too difficult to select ranges of cookies. The checkbox target was too small and shift selecting didn't work.
  • (2018-03-22) Rupesh Maharjan: Awesome. This is exactly what we need!!!
  • (2018-03-20) Bill Hoag: The delete function is not working (maybe it used to?). The other features seem OK.

Latest issues

  • (2023-01-16, v: Google User: Doesn't work!!!
    Do something, please.
  • (2022-10-29, v: Google User (M. B.): Where is the cookie (saved file) stored?
    I extensively searched for it and it needs to be backed up externally or on the PC (elsewhere) in order to ensure the cookies are retrievable. It appears you have hidden the saved cookies within the extension itself which is useless when you have to reinstall Chrome.
  • (2022-10-29, v: Google User: Any updates or have you abandoned this extensions?
    Please reply.
  • (2022-01-19, v: marcelo sauaf: domain tree
    Hi Marc awesome project. Would you mind adding a tree view so one be able to select specific domains to delete all cookies? Selecting only by cookies when we want to delete all cookies from several domains is a tedious and improductive procedure. Regards!
  • (2020-07-23, v: ward Kh: saving cookies as a file.
    hey, would you mind for example add a way to export cookies from pc-1 and import cookies to another pc-2 with copy pasting or as a separate file? this read all of the cookies i wanted and i want to desperately save it, would you please do this?
  • (2020-05-10, v: 安達加奈子: nige1
    I am not very good at English, so I apologize in advance. Does not work Only some cookies can be restored Test vivaldi and Brave latest browser Thank you for showing wonderful useful extension !!
  • (2018-12-03, v: PaTRiCK Drd: where is the file stored?
    when we backup cookies where is the file stored? I would like to transfer it to another pc
  • (2018-09-21, v: Life Form: Doesn't work in incognito mode
    It recently stopped working in incognito mode - it doesn't show any cookies at all. Please fix. Chrome Version 69.0.3497.92 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • (2018-06-20, v: Blank Blank: Great Suspender/Google Maps Fix
    Used "Awesome Cookie Manager" from Chrome Web Store to search for all cookies containing the text "ScrollPos" (I had about 15 of them.) Deleted those cookies. FIXED! Took literally less than 5 minutes.
  • (2018-06-19, v: Hope Zimmerman: Auto-Delete Filter
    I use an extension, The Great Suspender, which creates cookies for every site I go to, these cookies which are "gsScrollPos" cookies, build up and, when enough of them build up over time on Youtube or other websites they can make the website either slow or outright not work, such is the case of Youtube. Numerous "gsScrollPos" cookies cause the site to throw a Malformed Request error. However, and this is finally the suggestion, if I could add a filter to this extension so it would auto delete any cookies with specific names, values, etc, the moment they're created it'd be immensely helpful. As far as I can tell the cookie itself doesn't actually affect the extension that creates them and I have no idea why the dev hasn't fixed it. So would you please add a system where you can add filters that auto-delete specific cookies that match specified names, values, or domains? Thank you for your time!
  • (2018-05-29, v: Claire: can't see long domain names. Please allow for long domain names
    it cuts off the important part of the 1st column of domain name with ... (ellipse) So there no way to scroll or hover to see the full name :( Please update layout to allow for enlarging the popup and filling the space available.
  • (2018-01-18, v: Евгений Васильев: Tell me where are backups stored?
    Tell me where are backups stored?
  • (2017-11-07, v: Chris Bloggs: save cookies to file for restore to another machine
    So you can save the cookies, but its internally somewhere, no way to load the extension on another machine in another chrome and then import the cookies. I dont understand the reason to make this extension without it saving to a external file.
  • (2017-06-29, v: Charles Tilley: Is this better than Click & Clean?
    My header describes the question, is this app any better than the included on in Click & Clean, or CCleaner? The latter of which shows an entire list of cookies to be deleted & one can save any desired ones. Plus has the onboard option to save 'smart cookies', so as not to be deleted with every run. What I don't care to do is add another extension that's not been reviewed 100 times since inception 2-3 years back, would have to remove from all computers that been fired up & has Chrome running in the background.
  • (2016-12-24, v: Jan Galkowski: There does not appear to be ..
    There does not appear to be a way to select or deselect a contiguous range of cookies. That would be extraordinarily useful.
  • (2016-11-27, v: Dirceu Lima: help
    hi dear, could you help me find some cookies that i already saved? my child commit a mistake and unistalled your extension i´ve tried find the files with cookies saved without sucess could help me? please, my email address is [email protected]


30,000 history
4.056 (125 votes)
Last update / version
2021-01-19 /
Listing languages
