extension ExtPose

Live Custom CSS,JS injector on pages

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Description from extension meta

Live CSS JS/ Realtime CSS JS style will be added to the page for temprory. To test the style change. How it reflect on page reload.

Image from store Live Custom CSS,JS injector on pages
Description from store Revolutionize your web development workflow with Live CSS/JS Injector, the ultimate tool for experimenting with CSS and JavaScript on the fly. Instantly inject custom CSS and JavaScript code into any webpage to witness the effects in real time. No more waiting for page reloads or relying on browser developer tools. Live CSS/JS Injector is packed with powerful features to streamline your development process: Seamless CSS and JavaScript injection: Inject custom CSS and JavaScript code directly into any webpage with ease. Real-time style editing: Observe the effects of your CSS and JavaScript changes instantly, without the need for page reloads. Webpage style editor: Transform the appearance of any webpage with our intuitive CSS and JavaScript editing interface. Custom CSS injector: Enhance the visual appeal of webpages by injecting custom CSS styles. Custom JavaScript injector: Implement dynamic behavior and interactivity on webpages with custom JavaScript code. CSS style changer: Modify existing CSS styles on any webpage to achieve your desired design. JavaScript style changer: Alter the behavior of existing JavaScript code on webpages to enhance functionality. Whether you're a seasoned web developer or just starting out, Live CSS/JS Injector is the perfect tool to elevate your web development skills and achieve stunning results. Download Live CSS/JS Injector today and experience the power of real-time style editing!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-03-10) Ivan Bovin: сходу загадило логи. жесть ------ css injection ------ ga.js:18 Object[[Prototype]]: Object ga.js:19 ------ css injection ------ ga.js:26 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'http://localhost:3000/leads/contractors') at ga.js:24:40 (anonymous) @ ga.js:26 ga.js:56 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'http://localhost:3000/leads/contractors') at ga.js:29:39
  • (2023-02-28) Jovan Ralic: Works great! Thank you!
  • (2022-01-19) yosef langer: it should modify the page live on edit, not very useful for deving otherwise. good try tho
  • (2021-09-02) Sjors de bruijn (Boomkop3): It doesn't properly remember my code :/
  • (2021-06-09) IDREES AWAIS: Good Extension...
  • (2021-06-08) zain rana: Life saver!!
  • (2021-06-08) Shoaib Arshad: it's great it saves my time
  • (2021-04-20) Андрей Коперский: Возникнла задача скрыть нотификацию другой команды для демо. Плагин решил "на ура"! Отлично!
  • (2020-09-06) Pixelsplasher: It doesn't always save my CSS edits. I have to keep refreshing the page to see if it saved and view my changes. I wish there was a better extension than this but it seems to be the best one available so I will have to put up with it.
  • (2020-08-07) Tymski: It's not injected at the end of the css cascade rules, so your rules are overwritten by the page rules. You have to !important everything, but it doesn't always work because frameworks utilize !important themselves. Doesn't live reload the css. Sometimes it doesn't update at all even if I Hard Refresh and clear cache on the right click refresh button, then I need to refresh the extension from the extension page. Apply to domain checkbox unchecks itself for no reason at all. Doesn't auto-complete classes from the page. No parenthesis matching, no linting, no prettifying, no nothing.
  • (2019-12-10) Arnaud Sanchez: Seems useless to me : need to reload the page for styles to be applied.
  • (2019-09-16) Gilles Cavin: Works!
  • (2019-08-14) yusuf Sunset: Is working properly
  • (2019-05-10) Eric Hertenstein: So simple! Quick and easy way to add a few persistent style changes to any site you visit. Also, unlike some similar extensions I've tried, this one doesn't modify code in iFrame WYSIWYG editors, it just straight-up adds a style block to the bottom of the document body, and that's it.
  • (2017-11-13) Davide Ξ: L'unico che injetta il codice js direttamente dentro l'html, come se fosse parte integrata (altri tool non accedono a variabili della pagina). Migliorabile l'interfaccia grafica, ma fa il suo dovere.
  • (2017-02-28) M G: Simple and works!
  • (2016-12-19) Артур Шарафутдинов: Инжекты работают, но только для конкретного адреса страницы. Не работает на домен, а работает на страницу - не очень удобно. Works good, but only per page, doesn't work for domain.
  • (2016-06-01) Jockson: Инжектит в страницы localhost стиль, коверкающий содержимое.
  • (2016-02-16) Sasha Rio: Супер!
  • (2015-02-21) Matt Haidet: I really liked this. I only wish you could add some real-time functionality so that as I'm typing it would change and so that I don't have to refresh the page.
  • (2015-01-21) Aamir Shahzad: good..
  • (2015-01-21) Zohaib Hassan: Very helpful.

Latest issues

  • (2023-02-28, v:1.90) Jovan Ralic: Seems great. Would like a few additional features...
    I spent hours, looking for a CSS editor that sinks the data to the account, so that it's available on my other machine. Thank you!! Please, consider adding these features: - Apply CSS immediately - Place CSS and JS in separate tabs, instead one above the other - Option to move the window around and resize it, like this extension does: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/live-editor-for-css-less/ifhikkcafabcgolfjegfcgloomalapol - Dark mode
  • (2023-01-04, v:1.90) Yannick Lämmel: Wildcard
    Hi ;-) Is there a possibility to make a css or js like wildcard? That it works für all sub)pages of a website? Like website.com/*
  • (2022-03-13, v:1.90) codernize: Some improvements and suggestion
    Hi, nice work. Would love to use your extension but my workflow would benefit better from a different approach. What if you were to make it automatically inject some js and css to any page, and those resources and retrieved from a link, like for example a github repository. It would be possible to make custom navigation methods, or making own dark mode for every site just from one repository. Pull that baby down, make some changes, push them and see it on your next page reload. And it would be best if the code can be open source... I mean, it's a must. Let me know if you're thinking of going on this road, or I'll have to search for another way, or simply making an extension on my own. Happy coding ;)
  • (2021-12-16, v:1.89) Jon Seidel: How to remove injected code?
    I've tested the code; now I want to remove it -- how do I do that?
  • (2021-04-30, v:1.87) songloi mr: open source
    this extensions have open source on github?
  • (2021-04-23, v:1.87) Robert V: windows 10 chrome issues
    I injected a javascript several times and it messed something up with the script, i unisntallted chrome completly and deleted the extensions, just wondering what files could have been changed where a system restore might be necessary to fix? Thanks
  • (2019-08-07, v:1.7) Rene Hefner: won't inject if loaded in iframe
    Hi if I load a page directly it works fine, I am using the tool to build an embedded mockup of a website but if I load the page via an iframe it does not inject even if on domain level is selected.
  • (2019-01-11, v:1.7) Patrick Danielsson: Support for @media
    It seems like I can't add @media in the CSS injector, else I'm doing something wrong. Example: @media only screen and (max-width: 750px) .content-container { margin-top: 0px; } }
  • (2018-08-06, v:1.7) Abuzer Firdousi: Please suggests what can be added to this extension?
    Please suggests what can be added to this extension?


7,000 history
4.2 (35 votes)
Last update / version
2023-11-24 / 2.0.2
Listing languages
