extension ExtPose

NeatDownloadManager Extension

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Sends Download Links to Neat Download Manager

Image from store NeatDownloadManager Extension
Description from store Integrates Neat Download Manager Application with Chrome browser. Sends your Download links to Neat Download Manager and helps you Download Video/Audio from many websites. Caution: For Mac and Windows and needs Neat Download Manager to be installed. Can’t download YouTube videos and encrypted media files. NeatDownloadManager does not collect or send any personal data. Holding down Delete-Key will bypass the extension.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-14) Specter Midnight: 最近总是出现自动下载文件的bug,望修复。
  • (2023-11-12) Andhika P: it was fine app, but now it make login authorization on diagram.net always fail.. maybe i was paranoid but this makes me think if this has spyware or something that makes the login process not authorized
  • (2023-11-05) El Mustapha Nouamane: i cant dowload videos from youtube !!!!
  • (2023-10-21) Ali Saud Al-Saeed: please fix auto download f.txt
  • (2023-09-28) Md Ariful Islam: Thanks to NDM Team
  • (2023-09-18) 云云众生: auto download f.txt ----------- https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/js/car.js
  • (2023-08-05) Jeremy Hua: 希望能增加一个排除部分网站的功能, 类似于一个黑名单,在某些特定网站会自动关闭, 比如在https://t.bilibili.com/网站上会自动关闭下载功能,避免出现过多的下载提示条,十分感谢! I hope to have a feature that allows me to exclude certain websites, similar to a blacklist, where specific websites will be automatically disabled. For example, on the website https://t.bilibili.com/, the download function will be automatically disabled to avoid excessive download prompts. Thank you very much!
  • (2023-08-04) ch z: usually consume too much cpu resource,it make my thinkpad fan too noisy
  • (2023-08-04) Anup Kumar Sarker: It's really good to use..best download manager ever i have seen.
  • (2023-07-09) felix huang: 还是很中肯的评价了个一般。会影响到正常网站的访问和使用。刚开始都没想过是插件, 一直以为是网站的问题,还重新搭建了好几遍,光备份数据都头疼,第一次还因为没备份上,还好之前有导出,然后,一条一条的重新写进去。要不是最后突发奇想换了个浏览器,在准备放弃当前浏览器的时候又突发奇想的用隐身模式打开(隐身下,插件不运行)才排查到是插件的问题。
  • (2023-06-21) Hala Ahmed: It contains malware that could not be removed. is there anyway to remove this virus from the extension. i couldn't find anyway
  • (2023-06-20) Cherry Popcorn: Perfect
  • (2023-05-13) Lahiru Madushan: Why Virustotal detects it as hacktool?
  • (2023-05-02) Tong Cool: 为什么总是自动下载 f.txt?很烦恼
  • (2023-04-08) Ym Yin: 非常实用!希望它更好用。如果增加快捷键,支持一些键盘操作,如ENTER、ESC、TAB等等。
  • (2023-03-28) Asif: Why Virus total detects it as hacktool ??? https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/3474f9a78cf4a443eeba53d136d0d36d860cecdf955c39075f99287fc759c69e
  • (2023-03-18) Leo Chow: It's great and really easy to use. But I hope we could have a setting to bypass some small file downloading. And those small files like image, audio are frequently failed to download using this. So let's set a threshold size.
  • (2023-03-06) Taha: By far, The best free alternative to Internet Download manager! Great work by the developer!!
  • (2023-01-31) Sabri info: not work
  • (2023-01-02) Aya#Radia# Pro: very good
  • (2023-01-01) مجتبى الربيعي: the Extension doesn't work in youtube,the tool not appear just in youtube
  • (2022-12-21) Tanmay Acharya: Nice
  • (2022-12-19) TECNICEL: tiene muchas fallas no descarga videos fomato mp4 ...o sea esta incompleto downloader idm realiza todo....
  • (2022-12-19) Mohammed Mare: i have problem i can't see download video when i want download video in youtube .
  • (2022-12-06) O BH: I don't know weather my settings are wrong. I found that some websites' videos cannot be downloaded. NDM sniffs out that the video is in mp4 format, but the download speed is 0.
  • (2022-12-02) Shafiul: turning off the extension still detect video llinks to download videos popups automatic .add completely off options have to turns it off per new pages.
  • (2022-11-15) Yisen: not working on Gimy
  • (2022-11-12) satheesh .B: good working . speed maintaining equally.
  • (2022-11-09) Jordan Fischer: This app has been working for me for years, on multiple devices without issue. Love it.
  • (2022-10-07) Muhammad Budhy: Please fix the show download panel on the web media players on chrome, cuz it doesn't appear
  • (2022-09-17) Mahesh Bandara Wijerathna: TS files doesn't have any audio. This is on ufcfightpass.com. I see that the audio is streamed separately but IDM downloads it fine except the audio is out of sync.
  • (2022-09-03) Leon Zheng: nice
  • (2022-09-01) yyuu lliiuu: Google更新了一下 就下不了油管视频了 别的网站的可以 有同样情况的么
  • (2022-08-22) Sadio Mane: every time i download something. it donwloads only servicelogin.html file.
  • (2022-07-31) Zhigang Hu: Error : SSL HandShake Error.
  • (2022-07-20) vyf .W: all good.
  • (2022-07-06) Yin Chen: No download icon shown when i useing the chrome or firefox browser, but it can shown when i use in edge browser, why?
  • (2022-07-05) Weng Leong Chan: I don't know why there has no new download history, until I delete the NeatDB.db file.
  • (2022-03-09) Rentang Song: 能不能加个关闭视频嗅探的功能?我完全不需要下载任何网页视频,但是只要网页上出现视频,就会附带嗅探的图标,让人烦恼。
  • (2022-02-26) Wisin Fun: Very easy to use. I hope to add the function of white list and blacklist
  • (2022-01-21) Andrew Kartakusuma: better than folx pro!! i really regret paid folx pro then found this one!! don't do mistake like mine
  • (2021-11-30) MicrΩΩΩwååve: 3 stars. The app is great, but the box that shows up how many files that it can download will not show up, I tried reinstalling 10 times but no will do.
  • (2021-11-15) hashem soltani: tnx developer , after missing IDM was only for windows , I found very good alternative in mac
  • (2021-10-06) Johan Musk: Hello sir, Why neat download manager can only download 1080p mkv video from youtube? Can you fix it??
  • (2021-09-27) 。: 良心
  • (2021-08-18) 諾揚: 希望能给个开关,不要整个插件不停禁用和开启。
  • (2021-08-09) Edward Yuan: 对解析网站的下载支持还需要再稳定些,总体还不错
  • (2021-08-04) 一只皮卡丘的快乐: 为什么会出现DownloadEngine Internal Error: Sorry, Something went wrong的情况,怎么解决啊
  • (2021-08-02) 镜中长安: How can I add some sites into blacklist? Because when I open some particular sites, the plugin always download some file automatically, such as font file, some mov file.
  • (2021-07-29) Duyet Nguyen: I'm on mac but recently Neat keeps showing that the Extension Can't Connect to NeatDownloadManager Application. Problem cant be solved until i restart my mac, but after a few minutes it's again happening

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-12, v:1.9.9) Shi Shu: Add the download panel for media player
    I use some local browser. So are there any way to add the download panel for media player for these browser. Because i only see the option for edge, chrome, fire fox. The browser i use can add neat extension from the chrome store but not show the download panel when media play. Thank for your attention hope you guys can add these option for all browser.
  • (2023-11-05, v:1.9.9) 刘源: 1.1 4.3 Foebidden
    INFO 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) Opening LogFile... INFO 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) DownloadID = 22 , Protocol = HTTPS , OS = MAC , AppVersion = MacVersion1324 INFO 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) DownloadEngine State Changed : Unknown -> Starting... DEBUG 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) DownloadEngine is Starting... INFO 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) Trying to Start Download for -> https://d.pcs.baidu.com/file/09f2805d2q0ef39aef073aa2856e006b?fid=1103608296344-250528-853875744288810&rt=pr&sign=FDtAERK-DCb740ccc5511e5e8fedcff06b081203-X75cgv/Sd57FrblJrbp1M3RMOMA=&expires=8h&chkbd=0&chkv=0&dp-logid=1186774478489132924&dp-callid=0&dstime=1699186825&r=644554428&vuk=1103608296344&origin_appid=15195230&file_type=0 INFO 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) New Socket(s) Created. MaxAllowedConnection = 8 And ActiveSockets = 1 DEBUG 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) Socket ( 1 ) Connecting to ... INFO 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) Initializing SslHandShake for Socket (1 ) INFO 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) SslHandShake OK for Socket ( 1 ) DEBUG 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) SegmentManager Created a New Segment and now has 1 Segments. DEBUG 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) Socket ( 1 ) HttpStatus = HTTP_STATE_VOID RoundNumberServer = 0 and RoundNumberProxy = 0 INFO 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) Sending Http-GET for Socket ( 1 ) Range = 0- DEBUG 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) HttpStatus Changed for Socket ( 1 ) HTTP_STATE_VOID -> HTTP_STATE_GET_SENT INFO 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) GET Sent : << GET /file/09f2805d2q0ef39aef073aa2856e006b?fid=1103608296344-250528-853875744288810&rt=pr&sign=FDtAERK-DCb740ccc5511e5e8fedcff06b081203-X75cgv/Sd57FrblJrbp1M3RMOMA=&expires=8h&chkbd=0&chkv=0&dp-logid=1186774478489132924&dp-callid=0&dstime=1699186825&r=644554428&vuk=1103608296344&origin_appid=15195230&file_type=0 HTTP/1.1 Host: d.pcs.baidu.com User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36 Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: identity Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9 Accept-Charset: * Origin: https://pan.baidu.com Referer: https://pan.baidu.com/disk/main?from=homeFlow Cookie: BIDUPSID=A85860B2767C32A8B28FBE0A12AB3926; PSTM=1698232395; BAIDUID=A85860B2767C32A8E795036940336772:SL=0:NR=10:FG=1; newlogin=1; BDORZ=B490B5EBF6F3CD402E515D22BCDA1598; BAIDUID_BFESS=A85860B2767C32A8E795036940336772:SL=0:NR=10:FG=1; BDRCVFR[feWj1Vr5u3D]=I67x6TjHwwYf0; delPer=0; PSINO=1; ZFY=orrrcgSCxOIbOfAAKC65qdQIuTSfx9XOTjcgFsgqPrA:C; BAIDU_WISE_UID=wapp_1699186460998_27; BA_HECTOR=2585ag052g8h20042gag04ai1ikf1ou1q; arialoadData=false; BDUSS=9uUk84SjFRa3JMcVZPUnd5aUtEYVBaVkJjcXh0flRyck9CZ1I1ejEtTjVGVzlsRUFBQUFBJCQAAAAAAQAAAAEAAAB99EcqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHmIR2V5iEdleE; BDUSS_BFESS=9uUk84SjFRa3JMcVZPUnd5aUtEYVBaVkJjcXh0flRyck9CZ1I1ejEtTjVGVzlsRUFBQUFBJCQAAAAAAQAAAAEAAAB99EcqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHmIR2V5iEdleE; pcsett=1699273211-597a3f9ef48157c656216c62dedde01a; STOKEN=15b105818045efa663eb6124d033a613c3b137faa7de2218a073668044fada2b; ab_sr=1.0.1_YzYyNTEzM2E5NjhhMTMzNTMxZTNjNjIxMGE0N2Y0NGQzZmM3NTVkOTdlNWFjOGQ2NmRlYTk3MjRlNjM5YTQ4ZmY0ZmUxZTljZjgwNWUyZGEyMzViZWE3M2M0MzZiY2ZiNzljYTIwZTg0NjNlODBiMmU0ZjFjZDEzY2NlNjE0ODU2YzY1YWMzM2JhZWU2YjNhYTcxYTE3NjY2MzM5YmQxZmFmODBjZjVhZWYxMGYyZDI4MTRjM2ExMWI3YmZlYzg1; H_PS_PSSID=39396_39531_39419_39592_39141_39540_39497_26350_39560 Range: bytes=0- >> INFO 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) All Response Headers For Socket ( 1 ) : INFO 2023-11-05 20:21:43 ( 1699186903 ) <<HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2023 12:21:43 GMT Http-X-Isis-Logid: 245537909727241810 Remote-Ip: d.pcs.baidu.com Server: openresty Vary: Accept-Encoding X-Bs-Remote-Ip: X-Bs-Request-Id: Ymp5ei1mZWVkLTE3NzM1OTEyMy1uZXRkaXNrLmJqeXouYmFpZHUuY29
  • (2023-09-07, v:1.9.9) Islam dz: problem instal extansion
    An error has occurred Download interrupted
  • (2023-07-19, v:1.9.9) 不可知下载
  • (2023-07-19, v:1.9.9) 不可知下载
  • (2023-06-18, v:1.9.9) Khundrakpam Veeshel Singh: Show 80 Files but cannot scroll through them
    When i tried to download a video, NDM extension shows 82 files. when I click there are 30 subtitles and I cannot see the other files nor scroll the list. Is there any setting to filter subtle and only show the video, or scroll through the file list
  • (2023-04-11, v:1.9.9) Victor Adebiyi: A SUGGESTION FROM A PROBLEM
    Hello NEAT, great extension there. There's this issue I notice on some videos I want to download (esp. on hdtoday.tv) your extension shows a lot of subtitle files download while hiding the main video formats. the suggestion: can you make a toggle off subtitle in app setting or 2. is there a way we can scroll up/down the list of files available for download. thank you!
  • (2023-02-24, v:1.9.9) achour benfattoum (acurBFTM): PROBLEME
  • (2023-02-06, v:1.9.9) Abdelmajid gh: Neat Download Manager
    عايز حل للمشكله في google يظهر في اليوتيب ولا يسجل
  • (2023-01-13, v:1.9.9) يقظان عبد العزيز: التحميل على كروم
    اخي العزيز جزاك الله خيرارجو ان تشرح كيفية استخدام البرنامج انا حملته لكن لم يتم التحميل ولم ارى ايقونة التحميل اعلى الفيديو
  • (2022-12-29, v:1.9.9) Said Amazigh (Mazighus): Youtube download panel
    I'm testing the extension in Microsoft Edge, the Youtube download panel appears but in Chrome it doesn't work
  • (2022-08-09, v:1.9.9) 石超然(Frank): Interception error
    Now there will be two downloads, NDM and the browser's own, and the browser download is not blocked out.
  • (2022-08-08, v:1.9.9) Mark Owens: constant errors
    like 2 hours after i installed it i cant download anything it just gives errors like server stopped suddenly or ssl error
  • (2022-07-22, v:1.9.9) AMOS COMPUTERMAN: NET DOWNLOADER
  • (2022-07-07, v:1.9.9) mourad yacine378: icone
    comment afficher l'icone sur une video youtube pour que je puisse la télécharger merci
  • (2022-06-14, v:1.9.5) X L: blacklist feature
    for some websites, it will get error if downloaded using this. It would be great if there is a black list to exclude these websites. Thanks
  • (2022-06-14, v:1.9.5) mehedi hasan: Auto Download a Unnecessary file
    I using "1.9.5" version. When I search ggole anything it automatic download this file "cert.pem.msg". When I use "1.9.0" it never happend(check the attechment). I request also a feature. Exclude file formate (like .pdf, zip etc) and exclude any website. https://prnt.sc/qT8fEpq-_ptL
  • (2021-12-26, v:1.8.0) Najeeb Voice: extension
    extension is not visible on anywhere!!
  • (2021-10-06, v:1.8.0) Johan Musk: Youtube download problem.
    Why NDM can only download 1080p mkv formet? Can you fix it?
  • (2021-08-16, v:1.8.0) 邵帅: wonder
    How can M1 macbook use NDM?
  • (2021-07-01, v:1.7.5) Maverick Look: WIFI speed slowdown
    The WIFI speed is very inconsistent, whenever I start the download, the speed will go up and reach its peak(around 13mb/s) and after a few seconds the WIFI speed will slowly decreases and eventually stuck under 2mb/s, its very annoying . I set the connections to 32. Are there any fixes?
  • (2021-06-15, v:1.7.5) Ziad Abu Khatoa: ظهور ايقونة التحميل في اليوتيوب
    عايز حل للمشكله دي
  • (2021-05-14, v:1.7.5) Muhammad Kamran: Grabbing Video Link From Web Players
    Hello! Neat Download Manager has stopped grabbing video links from web players like youtube in chrome.
  • (2021-02-16, v:1.6.0) Jingyang Wang: Disabling video grabbing panel
    Amazing downloader, the speed and experience is really fascinating. However I was just wondering how you can disable the little pop up window of video download? Because it's kind of affecting the viewing experience. I just thought it would be much better if you can turn it on or off whenever you need it. Thank you!
  • (2020-12-24, v:1.6.0) x jimmy: some suggest
    Can I set file suffix blacklist? Some websites will download font files automatically when they are opened
  • (2020-10-23, v:1.5.0) Naufal Blogger: Gagal menyelesaikan download batch
    saat nendownload file berukuran besar selalu gagal seperti koneksi internetnya hilang, tapi koneksi internet nya memang tidak bermasalah, tapi bug pada ndm. bug lainnya adalah gagal melanjutkan download pada link kadaluarsa pada googledrive dan mengulang sownload dari awal.
  • (2020-08-10, v:1.5.0) Jalal Shahvand: Extention On Chrome not worked
    Extention On Chrome not worked Video Player Download are you anyone Solution ?
  • (2020-04-24, v:1.4.0) Tanvir Sharif Knight: Download Issue
    Hi there, I am trying to download few videos but it doesn't show the download option. Please kindly check this issue. I am sending you the link. https://www.expressmvs.com/?p=23320
  • (2020-04-01, v:1.4.0) Magical Mystery: Not supported on UC Browser (Chromium based Browser)
    I've added the extension it doesn't work with UC browser
  • (2020-01-06, v:1.3.0) 森Jare: 怎么选择保存文件夹
  • (2019-12-11, v:1.3.0) Emma Gill: download error
    Hi, the download is 100% but it says there is an error in "merging segments" and i am not sure what to do thanks
  • (2019-09-01, v:1.3.0) Dieebr Pec: 无法在特定网站使用


400,000 history
4.1233 (219 votes)
Last update / version
2023-11-21 / 1.9.92
Listing languages
