extension ExtPose

Enpass Password Manager

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Enpass extension autofills logins, passwords, credit cards and identities from the Enpass desktop application.

Image from store Enpass Password Manager
Description from store REQUIREMENTS: Free Enpass desktop application ver 5.2 or above on Windows, Mac and Linux. RELEASE NOTES: http://www.enpass.io/release-notes/enpass-browser-extensions/ Enpass password manager secures your passwords, credit cards and all other credentials offline on your device and is available for all major desktop, mobiles and tablets. For secure and smooth browsing experience on desktops (Windows, Mac and Linux), Enpass Browser extensions works in conjunction with desktop application for autofilling usernames, passwords and credit cards on the web pages where ever you need them. It also lets you create strong & unique passwords, save new logins and much more to avoid the copy/paste details between main app and browser.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-04-02) Ruskell JD: Love that the app works, hate that the browser extension doesn't. I can't find the autofill setting so it doesn't do anything and the extension doesn't help me at all. This a chromebook only problem, it works on everything else I have
  • (2023-03-23) S. Ronin McGowan: I don't often give 5 star reviews, because there's always room for improvement. However, I feel that Enpass' extensions for both Chrome and Firefox are well implemented. The Android app needs a little polishing, but it's more than serviceable. Enpass' entire "your data is never on our servers" design is so smart it's amazing to think that other password managers were written any other way. I bought the lifetime license, after using Lastpass (breached AND got monetization fever) and Myki (the software/company got purchased and the product was migrated to a closed project...I think?), not to mention encryption "vaults" for storage of my passwords via spreadsheets and other non-shiny methods, I can honestly say I've spent 20 years keeping my passwords safe in many many different ways, but Enpass appears to be the very best method (that doesn't involve me remembering thousands of passwords in my own head) to date. For that, I gladly give this review and the 5 stars.
  • (2023-02-10) hellduck D: Can not input user name and password in so many page since the last update of chrome plugin!
  • (2023-02-02) Adrian L.: Solid extension. Does what it needs to do.
  • (2023-02-02) Harrison T: Used to use 1Password and Lastpass. Was tired of those monthly subscription. Got a hold of a lifetime license and will not be ever switching back. Enpass works great on my iPhone and PC.
  • (2022-12-24) Vladislav Samoilov: Всё класс!
  • (2022-12-05) Susan Williams: I randomly keep 403 to point hard get screenshots. I been working support for over 3 weeks but gotten no further with error. So far their support has been awful, the worse I have seen.
  • (2022-12-01) andrii hulmetov: doesn't work endless process of syncing between app and extension and timeout error as a result
  • (2022-08-20) Hailong Lai: 很不错
  • (2022-08-18) Clayton Constant: The extension will not link to chrome browser. Using Chrome Version 104.0.5112.101 (Official Build) (64-bit) on an ASUS running Ubuntu 22.04
  • (2022-07-25) Alejandro Quintanar: Enpass Chrome Extension is reducing 32% performance in javascript (Chrome 103, #Windows 11, AMD Ryzen 9 Battery) only difference is the installed extension and not. Speedometer 2.0 results goes from 118 without Enpass extension to 80.5 with Enpass extension installed
  • (2022-06-13) Tobias: 80€ investiert. Müll. Schade. Browser autorisierung mit 6 stelligem Pin geht nicht. Deinstalliert und Enpass verklagt.
  • (2022-04-23) Loop: Does what it's supposed too.
  • (2022-04-13) Jett Abernathy: excellent
  • (2022-04-09) Mihai Sp: Enpass for desktop is one of the best choices on the market.
  • (2022-03-31) Chris: Best OFFLINE Password Manager There are many password managers, this one is mine. Lastpass, Bitwarden, etc are great but I don't want online managers. This is the type of manager your Company's IT guy uses.
  • (2022-03-31) sulake253: não está mais preenchendo automaticamente.
  • (2022-03-03) Lnine Digit: after myki went under i switched to this app instead. its great. 25 items cut off for free use on phone which is fine for me now. and i sync with my laptop not with any cloud which is great and easy feature of this app. overall quite happy with it. some bugs are there while updating password where username is mismatched.
  • (2022-02-22) Virendra Kumar: It even not-opening in 'Chromium' browser. Always gives following error message ................................................................................................................ Enpass app has denied access to data. Browser requesting the data is not code signed. You can share the following diagnostics with us at [email protected]. Learn More Diagnostics ......................................................................................
  • (2021-12-20) 搁浅被注册了: The old shortcut "Command + /" always open the page "chrome://extensions/shortcuts" when focus in text input box. Please fix it
  • (2021-12-03) Gabriele Maffoni: Applicazione ottima, password manager pure. Il plugin però è un disastro: 1. ogni volta che entro in un campo di testo che sia "email" mi compare il plugin, sovrapponendosi ai risultati 2. Quando sono in chat di Gmail mi sputa fuori dai campi di testo improvvisamente, no idea why Per il resto funziona bene. Fixatela, per piacere!
  • (2021-12-03) 郎君: Devtools - Console has this error content.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'runtime') at Object.init (content.js:1) at content.js:1 at content.js:1
  • (2021-11-26) Мак сиМ: Есть браузер Google-GOST. В нём данный плагин не работает, хотя другие менеджеры паролей вполне успешно работают. Написал в поддержку, а в ответ - тишина :(
  • (2021-11-19) Jamie H: the update has broken the extension. The frame is mostly a red background, with the extension in miniature the top left corner. Please fix
  • (2021-11-18) Direnc Timur: The new update to 6.7.0 is amazing! It brings the possibility to fill in fields from a popup!
  • (2021-10-01) Maurizio Fiorini: Ciao , ho provato vari password manager, poi alla fine ho scelto di usare Enpass , mi piace com' è impostata la sicurezza . Per la sincronizzare dei dati tra dispositivi, si utilizza il proprio spazio di archiviazione cloud, in più mi piace l'abbonamento a vita. L'unica precauzione da prendere è creare una password sicura, scriverla su un foglietto e costudirla perché non è recuperabile. Se si vuole maggiore sicurezza oltre alla password si può aggiungere un Keyfile per sbloccare Enpass, ovviamente come la password il Keyfile non va perso.
  • (2021-08-20) Álvaro Monaretto: Bom aplicativo mas não preenche senhas automaticamente, sendo necessário copiar e colar nos site, um tanto quanto cansativo e nada dinâmico (lastpass faz isso). melhorem isso, por favor.
  • (2021-07-01) Nik Sun: 为啥不支持中文输入呢,插件里面的中文字体也显示的怪怪的。
  • (2021-06-23) Cagatay Kozan: Macbook kullanıyorum chrome eklentisinide yükledim ama aktif...
  • (2021-03-12) Kevin Hamer: Great extension and great support. Never had a problem using it with Chrome and I've used it with Vivaldi and Brave Browser as well. Brave had a patch that blocked Enpass for a couple days, but Enpass reached out and it's already resolved.
  • (2021-03-12) A Zio: 경쟁사 보다 자동완성 기능이 별로네요 어플도 먹통이고 브라우저도 먹통입니다
  • (2021-03-08) Y Kim: As an extension, this works really well. Very easy to setup and integrate with the app. I've installed and reinstalled many browsers and never an issue. As an app, it's totally under my control. I can install the app on any device I own and sync across all devices when I'm home. My data never hits the cloud and I know exactly where my data is located. I've reinstalled Linux/Win/Android many times and never any limit on activation. I have to trust it's secure, but other than that, the app and extension just works. I've been using both for years now and not a single bug. App is packed with features and good price point, will gladly pay for it. Well done devs.
  • (2021-03-08) Bagha Shams: I've been using Enpass and its browser extensions for years now and it's consistently been the best part of my personal data security. This browser extension works perfectly and I use it on all my computers.
  • (2021-03-06) Bram Nikkelen: simply the best.
  • (2021-02-28) 너튜브: 업데이트 되고나서 오류 403 뜨면서 확장플러그인이 작동이 안되고 있음
  • (2021-02-21) Josef Burant: Great as expected. Enpass is the best password manager option that works across multiple devices and systems, syncs through a cloud storage of your choice and provides an audit for the stored credentials. All in a sleek user interface. Cannot recommend more.
  • (2021-02-08) 周雄: 作为3端同步来说,价格很便宜。
  • (2020-12-31) S List: Web app Chrome , firefox ,DATA;cloud gDrive Support. クラウド経由で同期が簡単 Linux機と連繋できる 買い切り
  • (2020-12-27) David McFalls: Often fails to start because it has trouble talking to the desktop app, even though it's installed. Has trouble associating saved logins with websites. No chromebook support? Just like the android app, the lack of updates is confusing. I would like to give a more detailed review, but i can never get it to work properly so i have given up. Edit - Still no Chromebook support. Congrats on that. No update to this ext. since Oct of last year. Edit. What part do you need me to elaborate on? No recent updates. No Chromebook support. Win10 support is extremely poor. I actually regret leaving LastPass for this. Edit. The windows version is not working fine. Have you used it. It often fails to load because it cannot find the app. There is no Chromebook support. I get that you are working on multiple platforms, but the fact is, this ext has not been updated since October of last year. Edit.There is no Chromebook support. You could start with that. Emailing support is a waste of time. I've tried. Edit again. Still no Chromebook support. Looking for a replacement. If you actually need a pass manager that works, don't install this. Edit. Still no chromebook support. Edit again. Still no chromebook support. Shocking.
  • (2020-12-26) 으이구이인간아: lastpass 처럼 자동으로 id pass 자동으로 채워지게 되거나, 옵션에서 자동으로 채워 지게 on/off 되게 라도 해주세요. ㅠㅠ
  • (2020-11-23) HHV vinterberg: hhvvhh vivi birgitte ulla mus
  • (2020-11-07) Yunus Akyürek: It does not work anymore. I am not sure what has when changed.
  • (2020-09-07) Claudio Osorio: Excellent. I love Enpass and I've been a user for years now before they transitioned. I love the system and although I had some issues like a year ago their staff helped me via emails and got it sorted out. Today i think it's pretty solid. The android version however i've noticed somtimes doesn't perform as well but with very very few exceptions
  • (2020-08-15) VCS LLC: Great if it wouldn't crash constantly...
  • (2020-08-09) ವಾಸುಕಿ ನರಸಿಂಹ: Brilliant. One time payment. For life. As most of you, I was scouting for some credible, secure alternative to LastPass and stumbled upon this.I bought iOS version on App Store app when each platform was sold separately. Was it worth it? Absolutely. After migrating to the subscription model, they've automatically upgraded my account to Lifetime Pro. 😊 Lovely service. How I use: I use Enpass as a backup along with LastPass Premium (which lasts till 2025). When my LastPass browser plugin had issues with 2-FA last month, this Enpass is what kept me going through. Thanks to someone who shared his experience of losing access to LastPass some time ago. Lesson: Whether it's LastPass, Enpass or whichever; don't rely on a single password manager. If you don't want to pay for multiple services, at least regularly take a back up with export feature. You may encrypt that with password on latest MS Excel. You won't regret. Back to the topic. When compared to LastPass, it's about 80% as good with filling, and this Enpass has an extra benefit that it puts your TOTP in your clipboard, so that you can conveniently fill TOTP with Ctrl+V. 😊 From the last 2 weeks, on one site, it's even filling TOTP and submitting it on its own. 😍 This company is not as old as LastPass and they are growing quite fast. I'm sure one day, this will be better than LastPass. One more reason I'm happy about, is that it's an Indian Company. You'll get the BEST at most reasonable cost. #AtmaNirbharBharat
  • (2020-08-07) c9h13no3 UK: Works okay in Chrome on Linux but doesn't work on Chromebook with Android app installed.
  • (2020-08-06) Alexander Efth: I have been using Enpass's extension for two years now. Always functioned as expected.
  • (2020-07-20) Steven Orechow: Moved from LastPass, perfect for personal or freelance use.
  • (2020-07-04) Pedro Henrique Carvalho: Bom aplicativo mas não preenche senhas automaticamente, sendo necessário copiar e colar nos site, um tanto quanto cansativo e nada dinâmico. melhorem isso, por favor.
  • (2020-06-27) Dylan: I like the app itself but they did not implement this chrome extension very well at all. The app has to be open for it to function, and if you close the app, it doesn't let you use Touch ID, so you have to type in the master password every time.

Latest issues

  • (2023-02-07, v:6.8.2) paulette sips: wachtwoord vergeten
    entreewachtwoord enpass werkt niet meer
  • (2022-09-15, v:6.8.0) Cor Kor: 작동안됨
    어느순간 갑자기 작동이 안됩니다.
  • (2022-08-18, v:6.8.0) Clayton Constant: Cannot link extension to application
    The extension will not link to chrome browser. Using Chrome Version 104.0.5112.101 (Official Build) (64-bit) on an ASUS running Ubuntu 22.04
  • (2022-04-09, v:6.7.4) Mihai Sp: Input Problem and Google Calendar shortcut
    If I have the enpass pass extension enabled I cannot edit/add text to this input: Textarea html attribute. If I disable the extension then everything goes fine. It took me a while to figured out that the enpass extension is the problem. I thought that is a browser problem. Another problem: if I have the enpass pass extension enabled I can create new events from the side bar of gmail using the calendar. Mac Os 12.3.1, Chrome 100.0.4896.75, Macbook pro M1 Max
  • (2022-03-29, v:6.7.4) Aurélien Chappard: Javascript error when extension is enabled
    Here is the error : content.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'runtime') at Object.init (content.js:1:148653) at content.js:1:172541 at content.js:1:172548
  • (2022-03-10, v:6.7.4) Sharif Younes: Prevents functions on Google Apps (Admin / Sheets / etc.)
    When I have Enpass installed as a Chrome Extension, I'm unable to complete certain actions in Google. For example, when trying to share with a user outside my organization, a little popup appears ("Share outside of organization?"), on which I'm unable to click "Cancel" or "Share Anyway".
  • (2022-02-24, v:6.7.4) Peter van Nes: When plugin is enabled form field focus change when clicking on select element
    Add and enable plugin in chrome. Open a form with some input fields and a select field. Mouse click on form select element. Focus changes to input field, select options are hidden. Disable plugin reload page Mouse click on form select element. Focus stays on select
  • (2022-01-19, v:6.7.4) M. G. (SpookyBerlin): Problems with drop-down fields with active extension
    I have been having problems with websites (Salesforce, Ticketsystems, etc.) for some time now. Whenever a form opens, I can often fill in the first line of text, but then when there are more fields to fill in or a dropdown field on the page, the text entry is blocked and/or the dropdown won't open (it's always hinted at, but not opened). I have been able to trace the error back to the Enpass Extension. When disabled everything works, when active the pages do not go). Am a bit desperate.
  • (2022-01-18, v:6.7.4) 搁浅被注册了: Shortcut
    The old shortcut "Command + /" always open the page "chrome://extensions/shortcuts" when focus in text input box. Please fix it
  • (2021-08-20, v:6.6.2) Álvaro Monaretto: automatic filling
    it would be very interesting to have the auto-completion on a website, or provide on the side of the user and password field to fill in, as with the lastpass
  • (2021-07-30, v:6.6.2) George Zarafonitis: Chrome extension
    getting error 403 cant install chrome extension maccbook air chrome browser
  • (2021-06-27, v:6.6.2) jean-michel Roblin: ENPASS SUR CHROMEBOOK
    Bonjour, comment installer l'APP sur Chromebook SVP ?
  • (2021-04-30, v:6.6.0) Dušan Braňo: Problem to install enpass extension to maiar browser
    Hi, I can't install enpass extension to maiar browser. Any help?
  • (2021-04-16, v:6.6.0) Aleksander Mierzwicki: Enpass extension is changing enter behavior
    I've started seeing problem recently - the search functionality in Confluence started to behave weird - whenever I press enter in advanced search to execute the search my focus was moved into contributors input instead of executing search. I was able to narrow down this problem to this extension - after disabling Enpass Extensions the problem was gone. So it sounds like Enpass intercepts enter in some case and introduces this weird behavior. How to reproduce: 1. Get Confluence Cloud (you can get free license or find some open instance) 2. Go to advanced search 3. Type something in search input and press enter 4. Without Enpass extension the search is executed BUG: With Enpass Extension the focus is moved to contributors I suspect that this bug is occurring in other sites also but that's the clean reproduction path that I know already. Note: I see that this extension was updated in March - it may be that this introduced the problem but I'm not sure when I first experienced this.
  • (2021-02-08, v:6.5.1) M DD: windows hello
    I've been using enpass with great satisfaction on windows 10 and as an extension on chrome for a long time using windows hello to sign in and never i had any problem. For some reason enpass doesn't link anylonger with windows hello thus no way for me to get access to enpass. What could be the reason of this problem Friendly regards pmbks1007
  • (2020-07-14, v:6.4.0) damian sa: extension not loading correctly in brave
    I am using Brave browser. The extension is not working correctly. It opens and closes rapidly. It is best described as "flashing" I have to constantly uninstall and install the extension to solve the problem.
  • (2020-04-10, v:6.4.0) Anjey Humen: CentBrowser
    Browser code : 3 origin : chrome-extension://kmcfomidfpdkfieipokbalgegidffkal path : D:\CentBrowser\CentBrowser\Application\chrome.exe port : 1937 server_port : 10391
  • (2020-03-29, v:6.4.0) Fernando Vega Catalán: Issue with 2FA autocompletion
    When autocompleting 2FA codes, enpass will fill the input with the ascii codes i.e "55,56,55,52,51,53" (no quotes) So, String.fromCharCode(55,56,55,52,51,53) would give the correct value (787435)
  • (2020-02-05, v:6.2.1) Jean-Noël Colin: Chrome extension not detecting new login
    When logging in to https://app.wooclap.com/auth/login, enpass extension on chrome does not detect the login and does not record the password
  • (2019-12-13, v:6.2.1) Gary Michael Marchese: installing the extension on chrome Version 79.0.3945.79 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    can't seem to install the enpass extension on my browser
  • (2019-12-01, v:6.2.1) Christina Cannon: Chromebook Recent Update Renders Extension Usless
    Conditions: * App, Enpass, v6.3.2.283 * Ext, Enpass Password Manager extension for Chrome, v6.2.1 * Chromebook, HP Chromebook x2, v78.0.3904.106 (Official Build) (64-bit) Replication Steps: 1. Install app and extension 2. Be signed into app 3. Connector should auto link after app sign in 4. Click on Enpass extension in Chrome Expected Result: Extension opens, showing related entries. Actual Result: Extension pop isn't showing.
  • (2019-10-17, v:6.2.1) Christian Johansson: New permissions
    What are the new permissions for in the october 17 update?
  • (2019-10-07, v:6.0.2) Eliana Rebisz: Enpass will not synchronize as I type the new logins ...
    I paid for the app on my desktop and iPhone, however, I have to enter the logins and password manually, even though I have installed the extension on the Chrome browser. For example, if I log in to a new website and create a login and password, it does not automatically save on Enpass.  How can this problem be solved? 
  • (2019-10-07, v:6.0.2) Michael Rothkegel: Since update the extension can not connect to my enpass app
    Since the the last enpass app update this extension cannot connect to my enpass app on my mac. I have this errors on my both macs. Enpass runs in the background but this extension always say "No connection to enpass".
  • (2019-08-30, v:6.0.2) Allan Tygert: Error when trying to use Enpass in Chrome
    On Windows 10, I have the chrome extension installed. I have Enpass open and in the foreground. when I click on the extension, I get the error "Enpass Assistant is unable to connect with the Enpass app". This was all working earlier today and just stopped.


100,000 history
3.6407 (398 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-04 / 6.11.0
Listing languages
