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Internett -sikkerhetsfunksjoner: annonse, usikkert søk og uskarphet på nettstedet; slørestatistikk over hele verden,…
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Opplev en ny og forbedret måte å tone ned annonser og sløre ondsinnet / upassende innhold på nettet! Inkluderer en ny fane-funksjon som er designet for å øke internett-sikkerheten din.
• Slører irriterende annonser på Internett, inkludert videoannonser på YouTube
• Beskytter deg så du ikke lar deg lure av villedende nettsteder og svindel på internett
• Beskytter øynene dine mot upassende innhold i annonser og søkeresultater
• Inkluderer en ny fane-funksjon som er designet for å øke internett-sikkerheten din
• Hjelper deg med å se forskjellen mellom ekte og falske søkeresultater
• Lar deg tilpasse intensiteten til uskarpheten, slik at du velger hva og hvor mye du ser
• Beskytter deg mot uønsket skadelig programvare og falske nedlastinger
• Viser deg hvor mange annonser og søkeresultater som totalt har blitt gjort uskarpe, slik at du vet at du er trygg
• Det gir deg muligheten til å gjøre en annonse synlig hvis du velger å gjøre det, så du har kontroll over nettlesingen din!
• Den forteller deg hvilke lenker som er skadelige for datamaskinen din, og hvorfor du ikke skal klikke på dem, så du er informert når det gjelder sikkerhet på Internett!
Denne utvidelsen er laget av AppEsteem Corporation. Vi hjelper de store antivirusbedriftene med å beskytte mer enn 2 milliarder kunder mot uønsket programvare.
Takk for at du prøvde! Du kan sende oss en e-post på [email protected], eller gå til for mer informasjon. Adressen vår er AppEsteem Corporation, 655 156th Ave SE, Suite 275, Bellevue, WA, 98007 USA
Latest reviews
- (2020-12-02) kuzey arıkök: some times making ads ?!?!
- (2020-09-15) Sabina Yasmin: u can get an ad blocker for free no money and this just blurs them and asks for money
- (2020-07-10) Kirk Lawrence: The thing I like about Blur is that, unlike ad blockers, you have the option to view ads if you like. Sometimes you want to see who is advertising and with Blur it's so easy. (feature request: How about a hot key or context menu item to unblur all ads on page, for that page only?) I installed it and it was only after a couple of days of using it did it start to grow on me. I usually don't like ANY extensions but this one is a keeper. Disclosure, I know the author so it's possible that I'm biased (but I'm not).
- (2020-03-18) Kevin Pillay: I am white.
- (2020-02-08) ThePlanetLord: very good browser extension
- (2019-12-31) Will Long: After I saw blurred contents in my son's computer one day, it looks interesting to me. I used it about one week. It reduces noise level of website content. People naturally treat all those blurred ads as background noises and ignore them. It works surprisingly better than I thought. I like this product. It also keeps website content layout in its original nice design after blurring ad contents, that I appreciate. I tried other ad removing products before, most time ads areas become blank after ads were removed, and website content layout looks ugly after that.
- (2019-11-10) Richard Sun: Two days ago my friend recommend it to me, after adding it to my browser, I realized how many ads in the news websites I visit everyday. The blurring results are amazing. Such a creative idea to blur the unsafe search results and annoying and hidden ads. I love this application!
- (2019-10-30) Liza Zakharova: Really great extension! The features are pretty straightforward, any time I'm on a page it blurs all the annoying third-party ads, and when I'm searching for software it blurs any potentially harmful results, which is especially useful. It doesn't block the results, it just makes it visually clear what could be potentially harmful and what you should probably avoid. Overall, really helpful. Highly recommend!
- (2019-10-24) Bogdan O: Super easy to use. I actually forget its there most of the time and only remember it when it tells me to avoid a bad download. I especially love the way that it allows me to focus on any web site's actual content by blurring out the distracting ads!
- (2019-10-23) David Gershnik: Blur does its job very well :) It functions like an adblocker, but way better. Instead of blocking ads, it blurs them, which doesn't make websites angry at you for using adblockers. Additionally, it blurs unsafe search results making research and web surfing much easier. It doesn't just work on Google! It works on most download sites, making searching for good software that won't hurt you much easier. It's main function is to blur out deceptors - a list of softwares that aren't bad enough to be considered malware/viruses, but still are bad enough to trick you, cheat you, and hurt you. A list of them can be found at . It's surprising how many deceptors are hiding in plain sight when you search things! For a free chrome extension, getting safer browsing with NO cost to the performance is an amazing deal. 10/10, remarkably non-buggy for a new extension. I see this software going places!