Description from extension meta
Quickly access EXIF data of your photos
Image from store
Description from store
Quick access to EXIF data of any image you view in Google Chrome
Just right-click on any image on the web contains EXIF data and you will see the dialog with EXIF properties of related image
Also, supports Template, Cache, Exclude and more features in Options page.
==== QUESTIONS ====
"Read and change all your data on the websites you visit"?
- "Read"? To get the details/properties of all images/pictures on any website
- "Change"? To display the EXIF data by changing/displaying the attributes of those images
==== UPDATES ====
- Support enhanced chrome feature as part of manifest v3 version
- Takes less CPU and faster, and safer as well
- Added new features and crushed some bugs
- Added notification system to better co-ordinate with users
- Fixed previous bug of hiding overlay information
* Fixed few bugs
* Added useful notification features
* ISSUE: We just noticed an issue with on-hover image details. We are currently working on it and release the ASAP!!
* Fix the "ExposureBias" parse bug
* Fixed bugs
* Added close button to remove info bar
* Remove debug outputs
* Added FR languages
* Fixed GPS parse bug.
* Update Japanese languages
* Fixed template parse bugs
* Change icon design
* Fixed gps parse bug. (Thanks Guzzi)
* Now you can disable extension on some site by keyword
* Fixed too much cache entries will crash the extension
* Fixed bug makes extension crash on chrome mac
* Cache feature comes back, with better performance:D
* Adds GPS Support. "GPS" link will be added on tooltip if GPS data is available
* Cache feature has been disabled
* Added supported tags in options page
* Added notify when extension first installed
* Fixed bugs
* Now supports view exif infomation on dynamic loaded image
* Fixed can not download images from site which referrer protected
* Improved EXIF parsing speed, now you can almost immediately get EXIF after image downloaded
* Added EXIF info Cache to avoid duplication EXIF parsing. You can also set the cache in options page to get faster parsing speed (default 100 records)
* Fixed can not parsing EXIF in pages which have too much images
* Fixed relative path can not fetch exif data
* Added zh-TW, ja Language supports
Fixed viewing photo page of makes page crash
Initial release
Latest reviews
- (2024-06-06) Veeresh Devireddy: Works awesome!! The latest version is much 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿, 𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 and 𝗰𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗻 extension. Now we can read Exif Data much faster and efficient.
- (2023-03-25) George: Very useful and awesome extension, the best in its category. I wish we could change the background colour, font and size of the pop-up and also for the size it showed the original size of the image, rather than the size of the image in its current state (downsized by JavaScript for example). EDIT: Slight correction to the above. If you want to display the downsized size and the actual size, add this: {ExifViewer.Image.Width} x {ExifViewer.Image.Height}, ({PixelXDimension} x {PixelYDimension}
- (2022-08-24) John Pravus: Does nothing, at least on MacOS.
- (2021-12-28) all kar: A strong idea in itself, but... Incorrect implementation of the GPS coordinates in Europe for images that come from an IPhone, for example. Here the east-west positioning is confused and you are in the Atlantic instead of on the mainland (10.814 .... East is evaluated as -10.814 ... West. In contrast, the coordinates from the Android devices are correctly evaluated. Problematic data comes from the iPhone SE (2nd generation). Additionally, a new bug. Error message (Current Chrome version): Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check
- (2021-10-28) Didier: Ne fonctionne pas Je note qu'à part l'avis de d g, il n'y a pas eu d'avis depuis 2016 !!!
- (2021-09-24) Grdn: ne fonctionne pas du tout, sur aucun site. Et 3 jours apres l'avoir installé, google m'annonce que certains de mes mots de passes ont été corrompu par une extension, mais ne me dit pas laquelle. J'ai pas installé d'autres extension depuis de nombreux mois (surement + d'1 ans) du coup j'ai un doute sur celle-ci...
- (2021-07-29) koala bare: It's not doing anything when I click on it
- (2021-04-12) Pivní Pupek: Neukáže nic. Nefunguje.
- (2020-09-09) Anatolii: Уже не первый год не работает! Во всяком случае в старом браузере. It hasn't worked for years! At least in the old browser.
- (2020-06-30) Al Scotch: I click on it when the browser has nothing but a local jpg image and nothing happens
- (2019-10-28) виталий перлей: Лучшее, пожалуй, из немногочисленных аналогичных расширений и, что самое главное, вполне рабочее. Приятно, что разработчик постоянно работает над улучшениями и исправлениями. Спасибо.
- (2019-10-28) 山田内田: 2019/10/28 アクセス先の全データーの読み取りという機能が内蔵されているのが発見された。 やはり、このツールはダメみたいだ。 数年前 前回 バージョンアップ後EXIFが表示されなくなった。 何故かと思って弄るとロシアのサイトに飛ばされ金銭の要求をされた。 コレはもうだめだな。
- (2019-10-28) Teerawat Chankum: the best of EXIF Viewer for chrome
- (2018-08-10) John Frazier: Doesn't seem to do anything in Mac OS.
- (2018-07-15) MegaKkk2000: лучше бы по правой кнопке в контекст попадал кнопка о запросе показа, то показывает, то нет, на одной и тойже фото, где он (екзиф) есть точно!
- (2018-06-26) Richard Suttill: It doesnt work
- (2018-06-19) Ratoo Li: As long as the extension is enabled, CPU is 100% and prevent system from sleeping. Highly suspect shady mining business is going on.
- (2018-04-13) Pete Wilson: Terrible Options interface; annoying banner on startup with broken link
- (2018-02-23) Christopher Ashton: If there's no information, it shouldn't show a full popup. Ideally it'd show nothing. If that was fixed this would be very useful.
- (2018-01-17) Chalermpol Punjatep: EXIF Tags were still showing even if the images were closed and I have navigated to other pages. This tool is more annoying than useful. I'd suggest not to show tag but use context menu instead.
- (2018-01-12) Harry CBA: How to use it? Can you make it simple like just click the icon on taskbar. I don't have time to find out how to use it.
- (2017-11-27) Ilya: Как включать и включать это? Бесконечные Exif not found раздражают
- (2017-11-13) Paul Elisarov: Simple and useful. Just does what should be done and nothing else.
- (2017-10-07) Dan: With Chrome Version 61.0.3163.100 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit) it doesn't work anymore ......
- (2017-09-28) School GBOU RSHI32: better than others! lacks full tags show, but the best any way
- (2017-08-28) จิรพันธ์ คุ้มแก้ว: สุดยอดมากครับแอพ exif viewer อยากให้เพื่อนๆทุกคนลองใช้กันดูนะครับ รับรองได้เลยนะครับว่าทุกภาพที่ถ่ายจากกล้อง จะมีประโยชน์มากกว่าดูผ่าน acdsee หรือ faststone viewer ครับ
- (2017-07-07) Bag Dasan: Безглуздий додаток. Exif not found. Not funny/)
- (2017-06-01) W Ultra: 给一个中文的显示代码 [code]设备 {ExifViewer.CameraModel} 焦距 {FocalLength}mm 感光速率 ISO{ISOSpeedRatings} 光圈系数 F{FNumber} 光圈值 {ApertureValue} 曝光时间 {ExposureTime}s 曝光补偿 {ExposureBias}EV 曝光程序 {ExposureProgram} 闪光灯 {Flash} 测光模式 {MeteringMode} 焦距 {FocalLength} 白平衡 {WhiteBalance} 色域 {ColorSpace} 尺寸 {ExifViewer.Image.Width} x {ExifViewer.Image.Height} 日期 {DateTimeOriginal} 软件 {Software}[/code]
- (2017-05-27) greg heil: fails W7 Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit)
- (2017-04-15) Neil Zielinski: Does nothing. Zero. Zitch. Instructions say to over the mouse over the image at the data will appear in upper left. Wrong. Tried it everywhere. Wasted
- (2017-03-09) Martin Vogel: Wundervoll unaufdringlich und informativ. Läuft tadellos in Chrome Version 53.
- (2017-03-05) Viioir WorLD: 功能全面,可以自定义参数。界面一般,期望改善。
- (2017-02-20) JAI KISHAN: awesome
- (2017-01-29) shopnil shopno: very goood
- (2017-01-15) Tenshi Tenkara: Установил, вроде работает. Многие фотографии подписывает как "EXIF not found", но я так понимаю, что это фотографии такие, а не ошибка в расширении.