Description from extension meta
Allows changing of colors for court reservations in Club Automation's scheduler. For viewing only, no internal permissions required.
Image from store
Description from store
A google Chrome Extension that allows users to modify colors of group classes, programs, private lessons and reserved court time to any color they would like. Allows HEX input to specify colors for court sheet. Multiple QOL features to improve the Club Automation experience.
Added Features for Update 1.7:
Fixed Group Class Attendance roster to be faster and not bog the machine down. Checks all users once a day via user details report.
Added Features for Update 1.6:
Group Class Attendance roster: Checks a user to see if they are a member or a non-member and displays a tag next to their name according to their membership status.
Court sheet: Added a download button to download all Junior program rosters for the day. Eliminating the need to do each class manually.
Added Features for Update 1.5:
User Check-In: When a user scans in with their phone or key tag and they have a program that day, it will automatically mark them attended for that date. It will not check someone in if they are over an hour late to the start of the program.
Added Features for Update 1.4:
Tennis Schedule: Added a button in the court info pop up that will open the roster in a new tab.
User Tab: Under registrations - if a user is registered in a program you can click the class # to open the event roster instead of searching manually for it.
User Check-In: When a user scans in with their phone or key tag and they have a court or private lesson it will automatically mark them as checked in.
User Check-In: When a user scans in with their phone or key tag and they have a group class (drill or league) that day, it will automatically mark them attended. It will not check someone in if they are over an hour late to the start of the class.
No internal permissions or code required. Simply changes the style of the booked courts.