Right click → Save to cloud → Permalink on your clipboard.
→ Save images on the web to your cloud storage account just by right clicking the image and then you will have a permanent link that you can share with your friends!
1. Right click
2. Hit "Permalink to cloud!"
3. Permanent link will be copied to your clipboard.
This plugin is for nerds, not the Average Joe. You need to own an account from a cloud hosting service (Amazon, Azure etc.) and able to start a web application in a server to have this running. Please find the server code and installation instructions here: https://github.com/ahmetalpbalkan/permalinker
After successfully having the server enter deployed application's URL to Settings like this: http://hostname/api/1 then hit 'Save and Close'.
After that point any link, any image or any URL written as text can be uploaded to your cloud storage account with just one click!
Feel free to send pull requests! Source code for this Chrome plugin is here: https://github.com/ahmetalpbalkan/permalinker-chrome