Description from extension meta
A clean and modern download manager for professionals.
Image from store
Description from store
What's New
- User color scheme support
- New light and dark theme
- Fresh and polished design
- Fixed some minor bugs
This extension blends seamlessly with your browser's UI and you can easily access all your downloads with a single click.
*This extension does not track you!
Latest reviews
- (2024-02-15) Martin Stengård: Great, just missing direct link to open Downloads folder. Also manual switch between light/dark would be great.
- (2024-01-11) Igor Kozarchuk: Nice. Should be an option to disable animation (floating download button) when a download starts. Also download shelf briefly appears when a first download starts. When you start Chrome, extension shows default blue gradient icon. Text color of "Show all" and "Clear all" buttons should be #91B4F7 - it would match Chrome's default accent color.
- (2023-10-17) Vlad Gerasimov: This is what downloads should have been in Chrome.
- (2023-10-13) 孙博: 非常好用
- (2023-08-04) Travis Du Bry: I really dig this extension and its functionality; if you liked the download process in Safari, this replicates it nicely. Never liked that bottom download tray in Chrome. Lately, though, a download window is appearing and requiring clicking on download to get the file to download. The download used to just happen automatically; what changed? Is this a setting that be reverted to its original function?
- (2023-06-29) Shay Dvir: The best
- (2023-02-10) a-fan mail ru: Отлично!
- (2023-02-09) Asuna: So good fr one of the best extensions. Makes using chrome less painfull fr. Thanku sm for making this <3
- (2022-12-11) Fer Hound: La amo.
- (2022-10-24) David Hicks: A simple, excellent extension that makes managing your downloads easier.
- (2022-09-27) Midotree: Disliked I thought it was for youtube. Not FILES.
- (2022-08-15) Will Chang: Very good indeed!
- (2022-08-05) Saco: Simple and does exactly what it's supposed to. Icon customisation would be nice but it's not that important
- (2022-06-09) masanori wakao: 以下の機能があるため非常に良い。逆に以下のいずれかもかけていると使う気にならないのでこの拡張は満足です。 ・DL時にウィンドウ下に表示されるインジケータを消せる ・DL進捗状況がわかる ・DL履歴をボタン一発で消せる ・DL管理画面を呼び出しやすい ・デザインにくせがなくシンプル ※目が疲れない。 ・キャンセル・リトライもボタン一つで可能
- (2022-05-23) Эдуард Рамазанов: чето не работвает
- (2022-04-14) David Mako: Does exactly what I wanted. Big thanks to the creator.
- (2022-04-11) avocado dragon: как выключить анимацию?
- (2022-04-06) kernel arch7: Almost perfect, but it doesn't allow you to drag and drop from the pop up section which is what I'm looking for, for a data entry task, good minimal design though
- (2022-03-07) lodestar william: 简洁不卡,很好!
- (2022-03-05) Phone Myat Thiha (Furousan): Finally! I no longer have to move my mouse to bottom right corner to close download bar that's been ruining my browsing experience for years. The extension even indicate download progress. Seriously, every chrome users should have this.
- (2021-12-29) Luca Trușcă: This should be the default in Chrome! I love it! :D
- (2021-11-20) Dmitry: Please, give the option to leave download shelf enabled.
- (2021-11-11) Sagittarius: It will notify when download started. thanks.
- (2021-10-30) Michael Uskach: Love it very much! I cannot activate dark theme, tried to switch back to light theme and then back to dark theme but extension remained white, what am I doing wrong?
- (2021-09-24) Hosty: alot of sites dont work.. far from the best
- (2021-09-11) Mike Bilel: perfection, should be built-in already
- (2021-04-16) Csenger Attila Szabó: LOVE IT! Simple and useful.
- (2021-04-12) Yuel Amaro: Almost perfect, needs to show the remaning time on the icon itself, like Mozilla Firefox download icon does!
- (2021-04-07) iWajdi: I BEG OF YOU, to Delete the floating download icon, it's too distracting.
- (2021-03-20) PHOENIX2145: Definitely the best Download manager since the original one got banned. Wish I could figure out how to change it to dark theme. Doesn't seem to have any options available.
- (2021-03-01) Iryna Tyshchenko: i dont know why but after a week of using it just stopped working, when you click on the icon it opens very slow and doesnt show anything in the list, and the buttons "show all downloads" doesnt respond also re-instalation doesnt help i used to love this extension, so pity it is useless now
- (2021-02-20) J K: The perfect download manager, visual confirmation of download starting and finishing but no clutter. Tried dozens of these until I found this. Unfortunately it's insanely hard to find because chrome web store is trash and filled with video downloader garbage.
- (2021-02-02) Ghaith: Beautifully made and satisfies my needs. I dig how the download button flies from wherever I triggered the download into the toolbar.
- (2021-01-10) Fullstack Pessimist: Hello. Thanks for such a great extension. Looks like I face a minor bug time to time. There is a 1-2px line in the bottom of the popup. How to reproduce: - no downloads (Files you download appear here text present); - black theme; - check bottom edge of the popup window, line is a little right to the center, line is white.
- (2021-01-09) Daniel Schwind: Ich war auf der Suche nach einem möglichst einfachen Download-Manager, der sich bei Start eines Download bemerkbar macht, doch keine übermäßigen Einblendungen vornimmt, auch sollte er nach Beendigung eines Download weiter "aufleuchten" bis ich die Übersicht geöffnet habe, damit ich weiß, dass ein Download stattfand - doch sollte er weiterhin zurückhaltend und nicht störend sein. Eben ganz wie der Download-Manager eines konkurrierenden Browser. In diesem Download-Manager fand ich all dies, drum bleibt mir nur zu sagen: Perfekte Arbeit, mitunter beste Browser-Erweiterung!
- (2020-12-12) blue: perfect. helps replace the awful brave download bar with clean interface like firefox
- (2020-12-07) Seems not working, now i used advanced downloads manager, it's same functionality and works as well.
- (2020-11-19) Ivan Melendez: Simple and amazing
- (2020-10-23) Grégory LE MESTRE: Simple and great... just need a link to contact the creator.
- (2020-10-04) Hoang-Phuc Tran: It has my desired UI but it doesn't have delete file button. I wish it will have that in the future.
- (2020-09-22) obulks: gooooooooooooooood!
- (2020-04-15) Guilherme Duarte: Was to hard to find this! Perfect. The best in chrome web store
- (2020-03-31) JOHNNY: Es muy buena y mas que nada SIMPLE eso es lo mejor, lo único que no me gusta es que no se pueda configurar el tema de la interfaz, ni tampoco el color del icono ya que es gris y poco visible.
- (2020-03-25) David: Really the best looking and functioning download manager option. Love having the downloads up in the menu/address bar. Thanks.
- (2020-03-23) Omar Darwish: Can The More Button Be Removed Along With The Lines, And Add The Search.
- (2020-03-17) Кадетова Юлия Е.: Отличное расширение, список загрузок в тулбаре и ничего лишнего! убирает дефолтный загрузчик хрома из нижней строки.
- (2020-03-01) wfHJvhG vfCsZJk: Благодаря тому, что расширение выполнено в том же стиле, что и вкладка загрузок Chrome, создается ощущение, что это не расширение, а часть функционала самого браузера. Лучшее, что я нашел в интернет-магазине. Еще бы русский язык, и цены бы не было! Due to the fact that the extension is made in the same style as the Chrome downloads tab, it seems that this is not an extension, but part of the functionality of the browser itself. The best I have found in the Web Store. If there was Russian, then there would be no price!
- (2019-10-24) Benja Cruz: Necesito que se pueda arrastrar el archivo desde el menu desplegable para adjuntar a un gmail.
- (2019-10-05) Призрак Лунный: Очень хорошо, но через несколько дней после установки пропала полоса индикатора загрузки в окне расширения. Переустановка не помогает. Very good, but a few days after installation the bar of the download indicator in the extension window disappeared. Reinstallation does not help.
- (2019-10-02) Dominik Truc: Best!