extension ExtPose

PotPlayer YouTube Shortcut, Open Links

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Description from extension meta

Quickly play or add a YouTube video (playlist), Twitch to PotPlayer using buttons on a page, also via context menu and middle-click

Image from store PotPlayer YouTube Shortcut, Open Links
Description from store > HOW TO USE IT: You need to install the latest version of PotPlayer to get it working - https://potplayer.daum.net < PotPlayer is a media player developed for Windows by South Korean Internet company Kakao (formerly Daum Communications). Player can play some video service links or any links if they are direct urls to some video. To open a video link or playlist link in PotPlayer you can use the buttons on the site or you can use the menu items from the context menu (the right-click popup bar) on a link or on the actual video page. You can also use mouse clicks on a link or a page to open it directly in the player. In order for that to work, you need to open the extension's preferences and enable the necessary features. Optional features (disabled by default): - auto-pause a video in Youtube player; - pause Youtube player when Potplayer starts; - play video using middle mouse click on youtube.com/watch* page; - sync current video position (time) with PotPlayer; - open a Youtube link in the player using middle mouse click on a link; - «Open/Add link to player» in the context menu for any link, html5 video player If it doesn't work for you or you have portable version of player then try to open the player's settings (key "F5"), then go to "Association" tab and check any association (e.g. ".mp4") and finally press Apply or OK button (after applying the settings you can uncheck previously checked association). It's recommended to always update the player to the latest version of PotPlayer (get the latest version: https://potplayer.daum.net). Twitch PotPlayer requirements: https://github.com/23rd/TwitchPotPlayer

Latest reviews

  • (2024-02-15) Ahiok UN: 可以唤起potplayer但是没有播放
  • (2023-10-20) bSun0000: Behaves weirdly in Vivaldi. Out of random menu items from the popup on youtube can simple disappear and to fix it you have to reload the page OR open the extension menu and unclick-click "Add link to a player" option. Can this be fixed? Is it this extension bug or chrome is messing with it? Really annoying.
  • (2023-07-25) cw noway: The extension is very nice, and helpful. But, I noticed in the Chrome browser, this extension does not list "PotPlayer" as a right click context menu item, when clicking a YouTube video link. The context menu item listed below is displayed in other browsers, such as Opera, Vivaldi, Edge, and more. In those browsers, you will see this in the context menu after right clicking a YouTube video link: [menu item] PotPlayer YouTube Shortcut, Open Links -> [sub menu item 1] -> Add link to PotPlayer [sub menu item 2] -> Open link in PotPlayer Why is this menu item not available in Chrome browser? It should be. And yes, the same PotPlayer extension from the chrome web store is installed, with the same settings, in all of the browsers listed in my review. Please add this context menu option to Chrome browsers also. Thanks. btw, PotPlayer is by far, the best A/V Player on the market in terms of capabilities, options, and performance. It blows away VLC, SMPlayer, and the rest of the other players.
  • (2023-06-25) Петр Савельев: Одно из немногих РАБОЧИХ программ для ютуба. Но на ютубе недавно стал открывает ДВАЖДЫ одну ссылку.
  • (2023-05-28) Руслан: Расширение просто супер, но хотелось чтобы оно еще работало на сайтах типа Rezka.
  • (2023-05-23) 김익명: 지금도 문제 없이 잘 됩니다. 안되는 분들은 팟플 업데이트 하세요. https://cafe.daum.net/pot-tool/AZHQ/7676?svc=cafeapi
  • (2023-05-15) 미어캐뜨: 유튜브에서 외부플레이어를 막아버린건지 사실상 사용이 불가하게 됐음.. 윈도우와 광색역 모니터를 쓰는 사람에게는 유일하게 정확한 색상을 볼수있던 플레이어였는데.. 아쉽다
  • (2023-05-01) 권성우: 이것도 맛같네 유튜브 영상끈킴이 기본이고 120~130KB/s 나옴 최신업데이트하면 뭐하노 이정도로 나오는데 영상을 볼수가 없다
  • (2023-04-17) とぴー: Age-restricted videos are not available.
  • (2023-03-01) kauã almeida: queria ter descoberto isso antes, útil e bom
  • (2023-01-13) ayano: текст в меню можно было укоротить, в кнопках тоже
  • (2022-11-19) Баранка Гну: В последнее время открывает в формате webm, а не mp4, как задано в настройках.
  • (2022-10-31) Евгений Прокопенко: Уважаемые разработчики! Расширение работает хорошо. Но есть один крайне неприятный момент. У меня настроено так: нажатие на ролик - воспроизведение в ютуб. нажатие на кнопку внизу - воспроизведение в плеере. Так вот, когда я воспроизвожу в ютуб, мне приходится нажимать на плей три раза. Т.е. я нажимаю первый раз - плей-пауза. Второй раз - тоже самое. Третий - начинается воспроизведение.
  • (2022-07-12) Kit Wong: don't works for jellyfin(10.8.1)
  • (2022-07-09) Валерий Иванов: Короткие ролики секунд на 5-10 по ПКМ не открывает сразу, только через пункт контекстного меню.
  • (2022-06-20) Boris Gold: YouTube 有更新了 按鈕無法顯示
  • (2022-04-20) Other Voices: It does not on twitch.
  • (2022-03-19) Captain Parzival: This extension works really well and fast. It would be more fun to use if I could run it any video from other sites as well.
  • (2022-03-01) 아이고맙소사: 걍 안됌
  • (2022-01-23) ло: прочитал что мол может и тут этот потплеер обосрался ( сервер перегружен или неправильная ссылка) - расширение не имеет окна , а для воспроизведения нужно скачать потплеер и ничего не произойдет ( сервер перегружен или неправильная ссылка) , бесполезные расширение и потплеер, разработчики спасибо вам за мартышкин труд - у вас ничего не работает
  • (2022-01-08) Евгений Прокопенко: Не работает в ютубе для обычных роликов. Только для онлайн трансляций.
  • (2021-12-12) 2s1234m: dont work!
  • (2021-12-09) Nan Ho Die (Ho Nan Die): If you copy YouTube Link to Potplayer is no this problem Only use this Extended function open YouTube to Potplayer will video download speed drops sharply-up to 120 Kb/s so slow if you have this problem you have to update parser for PotPlayer https://disk.yandex.ru/d/ZSIs0iN0hlLuNg copy new "MediaPlayParse - YouTube.as" to "C:\Program Files\DAUM\PotPlayer\Extension\Media\PlayParse" this can fix it
  • (2021-12-09) Benjamin Chiu: 用这个播放Youtube速度非常慢的,可以下载下面压缩包。 https://disk.yandex.ru/d/ZSIs0iN0hlLuNg 解压里面新的 "MediaPlayParse - YouTube.as" 到安装目录 "C:\Program Files\DAUM\PotPlayer\Extension\Media\PlayParse"就好了。
  • (2021-10-22) Ivan S: Сильно упала скорость загрузки видео - до 120 Кбайт/с (в разные дни, в разное время, даже с разных компьютеров). Пользоваться невозможно. При этом через браузер скорость нормальная и видео прогружается.
  • (2021-08-02) DAFEST: PotPlayer 210729 (1.7.21525) (x64) Stable RePack (& portable) by 7sh3 [Multi/Ru] без проблем работает.
  • (2021-06-25) Keszler: Doesn't work (in europe at least) anymore. Had to ditch Potplayer aswell, switched to SMPlayer which plays everything (including youtube and twitch links) perfectly.
  • (2021-06-24) Krishnendu Laha: Mind blowing! Pot Player improves both the audio and video quality significantly along with lots of customization and tweaks and this extension is just so perfect! Could've given 100 stars if that was possible!
  • (2021-06-11) Hadi Jamshidi: the only problem I have is the quality and I think It is player's thing not this tool. even 1080p, comparing two of them , youtube by Potplayer, the quality are NOT the same. Potplayer blurs it. didn't find any parameter to match 1:1 quality. thank you
  • (2021-06-09) Dzomba: Works perfectly only in US. :-( Doesn't work outside US. I don't know for Asia and other regions but in Europe when you click on button Play with PotPlayer it gives you error. Solution: Buy a VPN
  • (2021-05-25) kilojoule: 아주 좋습니다.!! 재생전용으로 변경하려면 윈도우의 경우 레지스트리 수정하세요.. - 컴퓨터\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\potplayer\shell\open\command - 기본값 PotPlayerMini64.exe로 변경
  • (2021-04-29) Александр Шевцов: Задумка отличная, но не работает. Хотел использовать для воспроизведения трансляций с twitch, но при попытке воспроизвести пишет "произошла ошибка воспроизведения, сервер перегружен или ошибка ввода адреса".
  • (2021-04-21) ZhenPing Tian: 安装简单,使用方便,感谢作者的杰出产品。
  • (2021-04-12) Tobias Rieper: Dude... thanks!
  • (2021-04-07) You Tube: Maybe just a coincidence, but ever since the latest update this extension doesn't work for me anymore. edit: Still doesn't work after the latest April 6 update... oh well. Removing from chrome permanently. edit 2: "it has been fixed" Thanks!
  • (2021-03-21) Alex C: This is what I was looking for for a long time. Thank you, you have read my mind! This is where you can find the preferences: chrome-extension://cfdpeaefecdlkdlgdpjjllmhlnckcodp/options.html
  • (2021-03-07) Mohammad Ridwan: It doesn't work with Portable version PotPlayer. Please add support for Portable PotPlayer!
  • (2021-01-12) 우바새: 재생전용 플레이어로 바로 넘어가도록 설정을 넣어주세요. 파이어폭스에서는 브라우저 설정으로 가능하지만 크로미움 기반 브라우저들에서는 그것이 안됩니다.
  • (2020-12-07) a iden: 部分视频无法播放
  • (2020-12-02) Jone: 非常棒,配合简单的web服务器,可以随时浏览NAS上的视频
  • (2020-11-18) Seong-Hoon Kim: [건의]팟플레이어(재생전용)을 기본앱으로 쓰고 있습니다. 하지만 마우스 클릭으로 팟플로 재생될 때는 재생전용이 아닌 방송모드가 되는 플레이어로 재생됩니다. 저만 그런지 모르지만 방송모드가 지원되는 것은 이상하게 재생이 안되는 유튜브 영상들이 있는 반면 재생전용에서는 그런 것도 잘 재생됩니다. 이것 좀 해결해 주셨으면 합니다. 이 문제 때문에 파이어폭스 씁니다. 파폭에서는 자체적으로 설정에서 연결프로그램을 바꿀 수 있습니다. 크롬은 안되더군요.
  • (2020-11-11) Nicolas Palacio Riveros: Muy buena, fácilmente me carga todo tipo de videos (incluso Lives) de Youtube a PotPlayer y me encanta porque PotPlayer lo tengo personalizado a mi gusto.
  • (2020-11-05) Андрей Бондарь: Сделайте так чтобы после просмотра видео в potplayer оно было бы отмечено на youtube как просмотренное.
  • (2020-10-28) 약국놀러가야겠따: 보통 팟플레이어 재생전용버전 (=potplayer mini)을 live버전 팟플레이어보다 기본동영상재생기로 쓰는경우가 많으니, 재생전용버전이 실행되도록 변경가능한 옵션이 있으면 좋을거같아요. 지금의 live버전은 재생전용버전보다 좀 더 무겁기도하고 복잡한 팟플레이어 설정을 재생전용버전과 공유하지 않기때문에 (각각 독립적 설정으로 작동) 확장프로그램 설치후 원래 자신이 쓰던 환경그대로 사용하기에는 힘든거 같아요.
  • (2020-10-21) Andrew Ke: Brilliant extension that allows watching youtube with Freesync in Potplayer. Smoother playback with less hitches than Chrome.
  • (2020-10-11) Just Smile ツ: Не работает twitch в potplayer
  • (2020-09-05) 흠이: 64비트 팟플레이어 설치했는데 안되네요
  • (2020-08-21) Fabricio S. Alves: Excelente!
  • (2020-08-12) Theokratia: перестало открывать видео с ютьюб
  • (2020-08-05) anonther usere: Finally. Works great in chrome. Unrelated VLC lua plugins from 2012 aren't working but luckily I found this playlist converter/scraper.


30,000 history
4.5935 (278 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-03 / 1.27
Listing languages
