Description from extension meta
Looks up the readings for kanji words and inserts them as furigana
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Description from store
A browser extension allowing the injection of phonetic annotations for Japanese text (furigana) on the fly. Uses the IPADIC Japanese dictionary.
* Works locally in your browser - no external server required
* Automatically detects pages where furigana insertion is possible
* Can switch between displaying the readings as hiragana, katakana or romaji
* Persistent mode - extension will add furigana to all pages automatically until turned off
* Customisable size and color for furigana
* Auto-start option: extension will be turned on automatically from browser startup
NEW in version 1.21:
* Minor bug fixes
Latest reviews
- (2022-01-18) jrme421: doesnt work on google docs, wasted hours trying to figure out whats wrong but it seems this extension works everywhere on google but the documents you write.
- (2022-01-11) ning qin: very useful even to a chinese, it can help to mark the kanji with pronounciation, for japanese leaner, so helpful, thanks bro, i am enjoy the function it brings. the people who installed it i recommmend come to prise it, and the maker will be happy.
- (2022-01-04) Botir Ganijonov: すごい! 皆に役に立てると思います。 おすすめします!
- (2021-11-22) koki imamura: very good
- (2021-05-25) よこやまさ: ほとんどのフリガナは許容範囲ですし、フリーなのに有難いくらいなのですが、ただ一つだけ 聾学校が「つんぼ がっこう」とされてしまうのは、すごく気になります。(盲学校や肢体不自由学校などの他の特別支援学校ではこのような現象は見られませんでした。) 誰かが、悪意をもって汚染したのではないかなという印象です。これを見て、不快に感じる聴覚に障がいのある方もいらっしゃると思います。 修正していただくようお願いします。
- (2021-03-23) Tyler Jones: It doesn't even recognize 一つ correctly.
- (2021-03-06) Richard Lee: How do I make it always on? I need to click the icon everytime.
- (2021-03-01) Admin User: 不知道为什么启动扩展之后浏览谷歌的页面会一直刷新
- (2021-01-24) Wow.. i needed it!
- (2020-11-06) Ludovic Gironde: Très utile quand on veut étudier le japonais sérieusement
- (2020-10-08) Quezako: Simple idea, great extension!
- (2020-10-03) Álvaro Peco García: LOVE IT! You can even install it on your phone with the kiwi browser
- (2020-09-24) Jane Thomas: uhhh....the readings aren't right and I can't even change them to be correct...
- (2020-09-11) lan guage: Why did I just found this excellent extension today? Why? Love it!!!!!!
- (2020-08-19) DeltA ;: Very good but some mistake occurs. Like 二人 = ふたり and not ににん。But overall it's really great
- (2020-08-09) zawa kodo: Not works with google search when auto start on
- (2020-06-27) Chris Pena: Would've been good if it at least got common kanji readings correct. 食べる should be read as taberu, shokuberu.
- (2020-01-28) ゴンザレズジョセフ: great except that it wont work on google when the site settings are to set the language google uses to japanese, it also can't be blocked on the one site it won't work on. Besides that, great
- (2020-01-13) MG K: 不准确 令和标注为りょうわ 祝い标注为わい
- (2019-12-24) eterNEETy エタニート: using Chrome Version 77.0.3865.120. works perfectly
- (2019-11-06) tusher amin: its helpful 役に立つ
- (2019-10-30) zhonghua lu: Helpful and easy!Especially providing kana for kanji long words.
- (2019-09-13) Luis Fernandez: The option to show in romanji is amazing. if I could do the same with hiragana and katakana it would be great.
- (2019-09-09) Baventhiran B: It didn't work for me, even with Rikaikun disabled. Any idea how to make it work? Will re-review once I can make it work. =)
- (2019-09-03) Gavin: It is really is a really great, I love your plugin, I agree with the others, there are situations it makes mistakes, but hopefully i can work it out. Another simple example is 2019/9/5(木) read as き when should be もく but as a developer/creator of a Speak Now Japanese app, I understand its difficult to achieve. Seriously great job
- (2019-08-30) Keiko: とてもすばらしい拡張機能です!ありがとうございます。 かなり難しいことばのふりがなも正しくて驚きました。 非常に基本的なことばですが、「研究」が「けんきわむ」になるのが残念です・・・
- (2019-05-28) T T: This is a very useful program. Thank you very much. By the way, I believe it would be better if you add a function that whether I can select hiragana. This is because usually, I do not want to select the hiragana when I want to select a sentence to copy it.
- (2019-03-29) lounera: very convenient tool ! Save my time to look up every Japanese words pronounce, thanks a lot dude.
- (2019-03-15) Povar Chan: Please add the block list because some page will cause refreshing all the time. Such as the google search.
- (2019-03-08) Severin Vogt: This is a really good and helpful extension. It's great as a furigana aid, and it is has the right yomi most of the time. It sometimes doesn't work on some sites, and it doesn't usually change color to links, but it is great nevertheless.
- (2019-02-17) Evgeny San: This extension is very helpful! Works perfectly
- (2019-02-08) yahya S. Satturi: Life-Saving plugin very helpful and smooth.
- (2019-01-22) Juan Diaz: Doesn't work on youtube
- (2018-12-23) GalladeGuy: It's a good extension, but I wish there was some way to turn it off for specific websites.
- (2018-12-21) chen weilix: 相當好用!!! But some words are not correct, e.g. "兄様". Is it possible customized or adding new words?
- (2018-10-21) bahrta sai: There needs to be an option to blacklist/automatically disable furigana on certain sites. For example automatically shows the furigana so this extension isn't necessary, but sometimes it shows anyway.
- (2018-09-08) 226 ago: 便利で、いいアプリですけど、例えば、大谷を「おおや」とか、野球を「のだま」とか。ちょっとだけ惜しい。
- (2018-07-12) Falcon: Loved it!
- (2018-07-12) Jason Wu: Very useful tool! Thanks
- (2018-06-03) die Doktor: Perhaps a Chrome update has broken it, but extension does not function at all.
- (2018-05-14) Jerry Tu: This sorta works. Often times if I'll need to refresh a page before activating it will work, but it does give me furigana. For beginners it isn't the worst tool available. I've given it a spin for about a while and it works well enough most of the time. It unfortunately isn't accurate all the time, giving uncommon readings rather than common ones sometimes. It will also give two different readings for the same word for unknown reasons. For whatever reason it also reverses the furigana sometimes (ex たし instead of した for 親しい). And it lacks furigana for a lot of basic words. giving a * instead. These problems don't happen too often, but they appear enough that they're very noticeable. For those learning Japanese, I recommend rikaikun or yomichan. They're far more accurate and prevent you from relying on furigana like a crutch. But for those who just want to read a bit, this works decently enough. I'd recommend checking out other ones first though such as Furigana Extension since that works better and seems to be actively worked on. I'm switching over to that one personally for my personal use. I'm only really reviewing this one since it's served me well enough for the time I used it.
- (2018-02-23) Yu Ze: It's working! You just need to check preferences at first.
- (2018-01-20) Juh: Não se esqueça de ativar o app, se não você vai achar que não funcionou xD
- (2018-01-07) SANS SOUCI !: Works perfectly.
- (2018-01-04) Аня: 私は日本語を学べますから、時々漢字が読みを正しくないです。振り仮名がとても助けます。ありがとう、クロティーム。
- (2017-10-30) Eduardo Gaytan: Love it!! It blows my mind how good works!!! learning kanjis helps a lot!!!!
4.5 (197 votes)
Last update / version
2019-03-08 / 1.21
Listing languages