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This extension allows you to change the color of your visited links
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Description from store
Color Links enhances how users navigate visited page search results on the web by allowing the user to select the color of the visited link. Color Links is an excellent enhancement for color deficient users. The ability to control the color of the visited site link, improves the visual comfort of the search by creating a color contrast that is appealing to the user.
Browsing search results on can be overwhelming, especially when the default colors for referencing visited links can be similar for end users with decreased ability to discern colors. Multiple color options are available in this light weight extension that will help you immediately sort out your visited links. Color Links is not only light weight but it is only one click. One click and the visited link stands out giving you quick visual confirmation of where you have already been.
To get started, navigate to a page, toggle color links to the on (or green) position, and select your color. You can turn color links off at any time if you'd like by setting the toggle to off (or red).
Developer Notes:
If you're interested in the project, or maybe you want to contribute, be sure to check out the open source repository hosted here View the README for instructions on contributing. All contributions are welcomed, and we will get to them as soon as we can.
Latest reviews
- (2023-12-11) Make Name Acceptable Go: Works ok, basically as described, but... A. I don't really want to have to activate it every single time I go to a new website. I'd like a global version. Turn it on and all sites act the same. B. Several websites (including the Chrome Web Store) seem to ignore it. C. I'd like to be able to save my hex colors to the extension's color board so I can switch between them. So I'm going to remove this extension and try others, but I may be back if nothing better shows up.
- (2023-10-05) Luis Menacho: Ahora diferencio los link wuu
- (2023-08-03) Scott Fredrickson: Running as advertised on Chromium v112 on Linux Mint 21.1, including custom colors. It must be activated on each site, one site at a time it seems (left click, slider to right/green), but is VERY much appreciated on search engines. Universal activation would be delightful, but it is FAR better than Google defaults. Documentation could be better, but it isn't that difficult to figure out. Thank you !!
- (2023-06-10) Mike Bilel: works for almost everything but really needs an update for youtube!
- (2023-03-16) Ronan Mayling: Working on Windows 11 with Chrome. Happy to use the orange colour for clicked Google links.
- (2023-03-02) Filip Z: not working
- (2023-02-27) Spezi Machek: It works but only with the existing colors. Trying to use a custom hex color does nothing but default back to orange. I'd much prefer the custom color option to work.
- (2023-02-12) Roman Pertzian: it works
- (2022-10-08) Doug Holland: This is what I'm looking for, but if it works please tell me how. There are no instructions, and inputting the desired color code (FFC0CB) changes nothing.
- (2022-09-28) 野良: 使い始めですがいいですね google検索の既に踏んだリンクがわかりやすくなっていいです クレジットとか使うサイトでは怖いんで使いませんがw(権限的に)
- (2022-06-19) Bahadir Cagri BAYRAM: As a researcher, I'm in love with this extension. While conducting a literature review sometimes I can't remember if I already checked a paper or not and this really helps me to discriminate between visited pages and new ones.
- (2022-05-30) Daniel Rykheer: Visits doesn't seem to be `remembered` between sessions. The moment you refresh the page, the visited coloured link returns to the standard colour (I'm using it on MS Edge). Other than that, it's very useful for those having trouble distinguishing colours. I like the easy toggle and colour selection. Well don on that!
- (2022-03-24) Jim: Thank you been looking for something like this for a while, you can supposedly change visited links color in the internet options in windows but it never worked. Microsoft don't care either that's pretty bad !
- (2022-01-19) Mike: It used to work well, but not working well on Windows 11 - Microsoft Edge browser. It's hit and miss. Sometimes it works, then it stops working
- (2021-12-30) siren synapse: Some better default colors would be nice. A bit fussy getting the custom color to stick, but works. Here is a hex generator to make your own colors! Use sliders then copy the number given. I think you have to turn the extension on, then add the number, and save, to make it stick.
- (2021-12-25) Iz9 Iz9: Очень круто!
- (2021-11-29) Simeon Kosnitsky: This is a good extension but at some moment i have detected that it doesn't mark some of already visited links as visited. After finding source ( ) and checking how does it store already visited pages i have found that it use: instead of is good if you wish to save history across devices but it is limited by MAX_ITEMS 512 ( ) so you will can save only 512 already visited pages and no more. So i need to rebuild this extension somehow or use some another one (512 is too low).
- (2021-09-24) Módulos modulAR: Septiembre 2021 funciona muy bien , me ayuda a diferenciar rapidamente las paginas ya visitadas .....agregaria mas opcioones de color
- (2021-08-21) Amber Lynn Lawrence: I really like the fact that you can use any Hex color and you don't have to use only the few that comes with it (Google has a quick Hex color picker that gives you the code for whatever color you choose). This is making it much easier for me to see, thank you!
- (2021-07-18) LeopardBunny: It would actually be useful if it could replace links for websites that otherwise force color.
- (2021-07-15) Boris Baran: Doesn't work on the Google search results page :(
- (2021-07-09) Zack Ravens: Helped me a lot.
- (2021-06-27) Thomas Ho: Some websites don't change color of visited hyperlinks. This extension fixes it.
- (2021-06-09) ねろ: 下の方同様使えません…。 使えたけど、他のソフトと一緒で自動で反応しない…残念。
- (2021-06-02) Alexandro Lopes: Na primeira vez em que instalei no MS Edge Chromium a navegação ficou lenta e travada. Na segunda vez funcionou, mas não gostei do fato de ter que configurar a extensão para cada site e não uma vez só para todos.
- (2021-05-22) · Nayde ·: I recently discovered that previously visited links appear with a different color. I never noticed so far because I'm color blind. I can't see the difference between purple and blue. This extension opened the doors to a whole new world for me!
- (2021-04-18) sneyfa sun: Excellent Extension! Five Stars remark. But there has a little issue: some websites not convert all of their links from http to https yet, that make the http links still marked unread and the truth is that I have read the https links. Kindly remove the prefix http/https of website recognized. Thank you very much!
- (2021-02-09) Pretty One: Лучшее приложение по смене цвета просмотренных ссылок , удобное и минималистическое . Ничего лишнего , плюс возможность выбрать свой цвет в HEX. Спасибо разработчику.
- (2021-02-03) John C: Only changes the color on sites that don't force the color. I was hoping it would force the color over the web site code. Still better than the default color.
- (2021-01-30) MaXxX XaAaM: super simple et marche parfaitement merci!
- (2020-11-08) Сергей Клешнёв: Приложение хорошее, но разработчикам нужно иметь в виду, что оно имеет баг. В консоли разработчика выскакивает ошибка source maps. При отключении данного расширения ошибка пропадает. Good App, but it has a bug. It shows the source maps error in dev tools.
- (2020-10-13) Ulysses Omycron: Works as expected. I recommend custom color #47c1bf for visited links (it's the color the extension uses for the ON switch.) It meshes well for most websites that include cyan/blue/green links and looks totally different from them.
- (2020-09-27) Chuck R: Works fine with Chrome 85. I dumped the ugly red color I was stuck with using "Visited" for this extension because I can change the color.
- (2020-09-14) Leigh Frost: Didn't work at all.
- (2020-08-29) Vin Biker Dusky: No longer seems to work after last "update". Removing it will find one that works.
- (2020-08-23) siren synapse: The pre-defined colors work fine for me, but I can't get a custom color to work at all. Your choice of colors sucks. Give us a nice mellow, but brighter than google's, purple/maroon of some ilk.
- (2020-07-07) アスカラングレー: 使えない
- (2020-07-07) David Galbraith: OMG I've been so sick of that pale purple look on links since 1996! This is so useful. Now visited links really stand out (I picked deep green). I've used something similar in Firefox but didn't know I could get this for Chrome (actually Brave Browser--light-years faster than Chrome)
- (2020-07-01) SK L: Finally! Clicked links are discernible again---many thanks to the developer for allowing us to easily overcome the ridiculously similar default color choices for links. Chrome seems to have become increasingly oriented towards the nanny-state philosophy "this is what we have decided is best for you; live with it" . This extension helps peel back one of the many layers of frustration that result from that dubious approach. Thanks!
- (2020-06-28) JustHitTheDab: Thx soooooo much that worked amazingly !
- (2020-03-31) Lindsey Leeanna: Is not working in New Microsoft Edge with bing, but does work with Google. No worries they literally just added compatibility with Chrome. Unless this is a user error (lol), please inform. Cheers !
- (2020-03-25) Kathe Galiano: ME HA ENCANTADO QUE APARTE DE LAS OPCIONES PREDETERMINADAS UNO PUEDA ELEGIR EL COLOR QUE LE GUSTE COLOCANDO EL CÓDIGO. Lo malo: *No se diferencia el botón habilitar y desabilitar. *Tienes que habilitarlo en la pagina que estas visitando. *La pagina no da instrucciones de como personalizar el color : hay personas que no saben que deben buscar "colores código" copiar el código del color que eligieron y en la extensión dar clic en el (#) y pegar el código [ #E026A3 ] y clic en (save) o guardar.
- (2020-02-21) игорь мамонтов: Отлично работает!!!))) Хорошо бы добавить палитру выбора цвета. Писал Хрому чтобы сделали встроенную опцию,но ни ответа ни привета. Гугл такая мощная фирма но почему не сделали??? Спасибо "therynamo"
- (2020-01-24) William Brennan: Thank you so much for making this extension! Works great. I hate how Chrome's default is blue and purple links that don't have enough contrast between them!
- (2019-11-10) Otto Kan: Not working
- (2019-10-13) pfettig77: Doesn't do anything. Links are still blue and purple (or whatever).
- (2019-06-20) Cazador de DRAGONES: Funciona, cuando se instala presionas el icono en la parte superior derecha y te permite agregar el color que quieres para los enlaces visitados de esa pagina en especifico.
- (2019-05-30) Sayeed Alireza Zanjani: it works
- (2019-05-20) Eduardo Morales Hudtwalcker: Not working in incognito mode even with the option for it to work, now I can't tell which porn sites I've already visited !
3.5137 (146 votes)
Last update / version
2020-08-22 / 0.2.2
Listing languages