extension ExtPose

Apprendimento delle lingue con Netflix e YouTube-AFL

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Apprendimento delle lingue con Netflix e YouTube Extension - App for Language (AFL)

Image from store Apprendimento delle lingue con Netflix e YouTube-AFL
Description from store >>> Dite addio all'uso dei dizionari quando guardate i film. >>> Uno strumento indispensabile che rende l'apprendimento delle lingue MOLTO più facile. - Una delle migliori estensioni di Google Chrome per l'apprendimento delle lingue. Questa estensione è una combinazione di Apprendimento della lingua con Netflix (Beta) e Apprendimento della lingua con YouTube (abbreviazioni LLN + LLY) in un unico prodotto, realizzato dal team di App For Language (AFL). **************** COME UTILIZZARE L'ESTENSIONE **************** 1-Dopo l'installazione, accedere a qualsiasi video di Netflix o YouTube che abbia i sottotitoli. 2-La prima volta che si utilizza l'estensione, RINNOVARE la pagina in modo che l'estensione venga caricata. 3-Godetevi i video in lingua straniera e imparate contemporaneamente. ****** Per ottenere prestazioni migliori su Netflix, disattivare la modalità di prova al seguente link: https://www.netflix.com/donottest ******In YouTube, il video deve avere sottotitoli con didascalie CC/chiuse***** ************************* ************************** ★ SOTTOTITOLI DOPPI -Con questa estensione gratuita potete confrontare simultaneamente ogni frase con la vostra lingua madre. Abbiamo anche aggiunto una terza opzione di sottotitoli per gli utenti premium. ★ DIZIONARIO ISTANTANEO -Cercare le parole non è mai stato così facile. Ottenete rapidamente il significato di qualsiasi parola nei sottotitoli e imparatela nel contesto. Non è necessario abbandonare il video e perdere tempo a cercare le parole nei dizionari. ★ COMODE SCORCIATOIE - Queste scorciatoie semplificano notevolmente la visione e l'apprendimento. Le trovate tutte nelle impostazioni dell'estensione. ★ CARICAMENTO DEI SOTTOTITOLI (solo su Netflix) -Ora è possibile guardare qualsiasi film con doppi sottotitoli nella propria lingua madre, anche quelli senza sottotitoli (per gli utenti premium). ★ SCARICARE I SOTTOTITOLI - Volete rivedere i dialoghi di un film? Ora potete scaricare l'intero sottotitolo per rivederlo in seguito. ★ REVISIONE OFFLINE - Grazie alla possibilità di ESPORRE parole e frasi, potete rivedere queste frasi interessanti, senza distrazioni, nel mondo offline, anche con Anki o altre app di flashcard, sul vostro telefono Android o iOS. ★ SALVARE LE NUOVE PAROLE -Conservate le frasi e il vocabolario accattivanti del film e mostratele agli amici più tardi ;) - Le parole salvate saranno evidenziate nei sottotitoli in modo da poterle imparare più velocemente. - È possibile imparare i vocaboli nel contesto salvando le frasi con il loro significato. ★ SALVARE LE FRASI - Non volete salvare una frase completa e senza senso? Basta modificare la frase e conservarne la parte interessante (per gli utenti premium). ★ PRONUNCIA DELLE PAROLE - Aumenta le tue capacità di ascolto e di conversazione con la pronuncia corretta di tutte le parole del film. ★ PAUSA AUTOMATICA INTELLIGENTE - Non perdetevi i momenti interessanti di un film quando non conoscete il vocabolario, basta passare il mouse su quella parola e noi sospenderemo il film per voi. :) ★ SOTTOTITOLI NELLA BARRA LATERALE -È possibile visualizzare l'intero sottotitolo del film nella barra laterale per controllare la frase precedente o quella successiva. È anche possibile saltare rapidamente a qualsiasi frase. ★ FACILE DA USARE - Personalizzabile. - Facile da installare e utilizzare. - Senza pubblicità. ★ ★★★★★ IN ARRIVO ★★★★★ ★: - Molte scorciatoie ----DONE - Caricare i propri sottotitoli (funzione a pagamento) --FATTO - Scaricare e stampare i sottotitoli----DONE - Traduzione automatica per i film senza sottotitoli nativi (funzione a pagamento) --- FATTO - Nascondere facilmente i sottotitoli con le scorciatoie di Netflix (funzione a pagamento) ---FATTO - Esportazione dei vocaboli e delle frasi dei film da imparare con Anki--- FATTO - Velocità di riproduzione personalizzata: la possibilità di rallentare il dialogo per aumentare la la comprensione --- FATTO - La possibilità di vedere TRE sottotitoli contemporaneamente (funzione a pagamento) ---FATTO - Una scorciatoia per la ripetizione illimitata di frasi per esercitarsi nell'ascolto--- FATTO - Auto-pausa personalizzata (funzione a pagamento)- FATTO - Possibilità di modificare le parole e le frasi salvate---DONE - Scorciatoie avanzate (funzione a pagamento) ---FATTO *Stiamo rilasciando almeno una nuova funzione ogni due settimane. Restate sintonizzati per saperne di più... :) ********************** ********************** Quanto costa utilizzare questa estensione? Nulla. È possibile imparare le lingue con questa estensione in modo completamente gratuito. Potete utilizzarla sul vostro computer con Google chrome e godervi qualsiasi film in qualsiasi lingua senza alcun costo. Nessuna fregatura. Installate oggi stesso e iniziate GRATIS! Abbiamo un abbonamento premium disponibile per gli utenti. Con l'abbonamento, avrete un'esperienza priva di pubblicità e l'accesso ad alcune funzioni aggiuntive. ********************** ********************** ********************** - Nessuna pubblicità fastidiosa - Non è necessaria la carta di credito - Accesso facoltativo ********************** ********************** **********************

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-22) jie huo: 还是不错的但些设置不好弄
  • (2023-10-21) en ki: is there anybody working on this plug-in? the Font Size still cann't work.
  • (2023-10-15) Petar Đerković: excellent tool and beautiful job, well done!
  • (2023-10-14) AKING LONG: 非常好的一款翻译软件,值得拥有!
  • (2023-10-09) Maria Joseph: I already paid annually, but it does not work. So I have tried to cancel also many times, but it cannot as well. Please solve this problem. And I do not want to keep my credit card number on your system. Please delete all my information with credit card number.
  • (2023-09-11) Ruslan Torshin: good
  • (2023-09-10) 쉐모아Chez Moi: well
  • (2023-08-19) Yu-Shao Chen: 感覺我找到理想的聖盃了 不過常常會有翻譯失效的問題, 我感覺和瀏覽器或是其他應用程式可能有衝突。 還在嘗試
  • (2023-08-18) Andrew Onishuk: As a developer myself it's hard to grasp how somebody can ship such a buggy product. I even bought trial and got no subtitles at the bottom of the video. No matter which language I use.
  • (2023-08-14) Ethan Rubenstein: It's great! I am learning German right now and I can watch German videos on YouTube with the German subtitles and the English subtitles. I can also watch English videos on YouTube and just reverse the subtitles. It is really helpful and I find it entertaining while also learning.
  • (2023-08-12) EggSalad: When the extension is active, the page lags. It takes a solid 10 seconds for a click to register. The subtitles also go away whenever the UI fades away
  • (2023-08-10) Rachel Tay: this is awesome. one small QOL fix: if you could keep the pointer on the side panel on the last spoken caption even if it isn't on screen at the moment, would be helpful when i miss a caption and wanted to double check without having to replay
  • (2023-08-08) Dong Kun Seo: this is so gooooooood!!! thank you
  • (2023-08-07) 냠냠: 리뷰작성해야지 한국어 나온다고 해서 남김.. 잘쓰고 있었는데 갑자기 자막 다 막힘.. 그전엔 진짜 좋았는데
  • (2023-08-04) Thái Nguyễn: very nice
  • (2023-08-04) 夜見空洞: good extension, but fxxk the popup website
  • (2023-08-03) yuting wang: I love this extension, which helps me a lot when learning English.
  • (2023-08-03) 윤하늘: 리뷰작성해야 한글자막 나온다고 해서 남겨봐요
  • (2023-07-16) 김강민: 한번 리뷰작성하고봅니다
  • (2023-07-15) 시한: 리뷰를 작성해야 한글자막도 나오나 보더라구요.그래서 작성합니다.
  • (2023-07-02) Jung Samkeun: good apps...!!!
  • (2023-06-24) Kadir Çinkaya: It deserves praise and at least a try.
  • (2023-06-15) 浩气天爵: 非常好用,这就是我想要的
  • (2023-05-27) シンボクゴ: 有一个奇怪的bug,上行字幕只会显示每句话的第一个单词,而不是显示整句话。
  • (2023-05-10) Tips: 不错,学习英文的好工具
  • (2023-05-07) Jihane Jennat: Simply amazing !! I just subscribed and shared with my class, you deserve more exposure, I will be a paying subscriber for as long as you guys exist ! I really love all the options, thank you so much for coming up with this great product !! :)))
  • (2023-05-06) gong lou: 没办法使用,不能翻译成中文,并且不管怎么设置,都是跳回到了仅有英文的内容,很失望....
  • (2023-05-01) Cindy Huang: I couldn't log in or subscribe for premium. There seems many to be provided but when I try to save words or download the script, it just can't work. Even if there was a pop-out window said that I've been logged in successfully, I wasn't actually. Don't know how to fix that. But I think the original intent of this extension is indeed exceptional.
  • (2023-04-22) 夏荥泽: It sounds cool, but too bad, I can’t use it smoothly because it makes my YouTube page super laggy.
  • (2023-04-20) 姜林: 相当不错,非常好用的
  • (2023-04-15) 김완서: 아직 어떻게 쓰는지 잘모르겠음. 일본어 자막 왜 안나오지?
  • (2023-04-15) Daniel Kiska: I firmly believe that this language learning application, Language Learning, will help me to learn English. I am pleasantly surprised that this application works very well not only on YouTube but also on Netflix! That is precisely the reason why it is worth learning languages through TV series, as many people say! Thank you to the whole team that created Language Learning. 🖤
  • (2023-04-03) 浅樱陌雨浅樱陌雨(浅樱陌雨): 可以使用,很棒
  • (2023-04-02) Alik Segal: Don't waste your time learning the language without this extension.
  • (2023-03-08) Sally Canfield: It helps me learn languages very well! I just wish it had a function where I could click on the subtitle in the foreign language and it would repeat the sound back to me.
  • (2023-03-07) Michael M: good
  • (2023-02-28) Yaegun Kim: Seems like it's working for other languages but it's not working for Korean. Even though in Korean drama, they never show you Korean subtitle. And they also made it hard to unsubscribe. Please fix it.
  • (2023-02-20) redacted: Hovering over word is taking forever to load the translation. pls fix it. i will improve the rating upon update.
  • (2023-02-11) ty W: 划词和查询速度很慢
  • (2023-02-02) Eddie Hwang: 用不了,垃圾
  • (2023-01-29) Cansu Kaplan: the app does not translate some words correctly
  • (2023-01-26) 김재상: good thank you
  • (2023-01-11) Shmuel: worked in the beginning, then the 'upper subs' didn't have any languages, i got some other very inconsistent bugs
  • (2022-12-23) Ricky Dong: help full for me but still have some bug about padding and position , and it still have some bug with small screen. but everything still ok. it will be good if made it support another big streaming too ( etc, disney + or another if possible. :D
  • (2022-12-20) 周政弘: 爛 翻譯字幕完全跑不出來
  • (2022-12-16) tao ma: 我很喜欢,但是我还不是很会使用
  • (2022-12-15) Alpha Pérez: I love it but... I just stopped working! I've tried fixing the problem for 4 days now :( I don't know what to do. (I was using it on YouTube) HELP!
  • (2022-12-10) Mohitur Rahman Zidan: Works like magic. just as i wanted
  • (2022-12-08) Sara From App for Language Team: Dear Users, Netflix has changed some part of its could without any notice so all extension stopped working. We are working hard on a new update to solve this issue, Stay tune for the update :) ***Update The issue is Solved :)
  • (2022-12-08) Christie A: these guys hide the cancelation button in dark grey so when you try to find it you can't. Disgusting

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-04, v: coralie B: Paiement without asking me + not working
    Hello, the app stopped working for me a while ago. (yes, i did all the steps mentionned on your website.). I have been charged again this year, no reminder, no mails, absolutely nothing and the app si still not working. It is really not ok, I would like a refund please.
  • (2023-11-04, v: 지우: [email protected] / i want to get a refund
    I just now paid one month subscription, but suddenly i don't need to use anymore for my private reasons. so i want to get a refund, so i send you e-mail now. fastly, i want to get a refund and can u help me? and please reply for me. -thank you-
  • (2023-10-27, v: Danila C: annullare l'abbonamento
    annullare il mio abbonamento
  • (2023-10-20, v: 지우: plz reply my mail message
    i sent my mail to u for solving my payment problem. please reply me for fast time. -thank you-
  • (2023-10-14, v: 장은진: I want to unsubscribe from this program
    I want to unsubscribe from this program I can't cancel my subscription because my Google account has been deleted and I can't log in again The deleted Google ID is [email protected] On October 14, the subscription fee was $34.99 Can I get a refund on this, too?
  • (2023-10-11, v: 지우: i want to cancel my subscription. i want to get a refund.
    i used trial version for 10days. and now i want to cancel subscription because i don't use often. so i want to get a refund about new payment after end trial version.
  • (2023-10-11, v: JustNekoChan: cancel my subscription for pro
    I get charged annually on my credit card but i cannot seem to access the pro account and/or cancel? very frustrating not sure if I just need to disbute with my credit card company or what.
  • (2023-10-09, v: Maria Joseph: No work
    Please cancel my subscription. It does not work.
  • (2023-09-14, v: Art Bondo: cancel my paid subscription
    i want to cancel my subscription
  • (2023-08-16, v: 正旺莊: Request a refund
    The user experience is very poor, it has not been changed for many years, and there are still many problems when I re-subscribe, so I apply for a refund, [email protected]. Thank you
  • (2023-08-11, v: Bori Blue: I couldn’t cancel the free trial because of the website error. Please make a refund.
    I tried to cancel the free trial, but the ‘user account’ on the website was not accessed due to an Internal server error. In the end, the payment was paid, so please refund it as soon as possible. Please check the mail.
  • (2023-08-11, v: Bob Bowden: Your website "My Account" link doesn't work
    How can customers solve their account issues if they get the error message 'Internal Server Error'?
  • (2023-08-09, v: light light: disney plus
    hello when is support for disney plus and amazon prime coming
  • (2023-08-09, v: light light: disney plus
    Hello when is support for disney plus and amazon prime coming
  • (2023-08-07, v: Naira Milene: Unsubscribe
    I ask to cancel my subscription. Thank you
  • (2023-08-05, v: Maria Paula Sanchez: Refund
    I would like to cancel the subscription and have a refund since it's not working properly but the free trial ended today
  • (2023-08-01, v: 煉獄: mouse dictionary
    If the mouse dictionary is turned off, the native language (bottom translation) will not be translated and will remain in the language of the video. How can I turn off only the mouse-over display?
  • (2023-07-29, v: Igor Matte: YouTube
    For some time now, when I open a video on YouTube, it occurs for a while and opens the video settings by itself.
  • (2023-07-24, v: معاذ السعداوي: Paypall
    can I pay with PayPal also bravo for responding to ppl unlike LR, you pay them and they literally don't even respond
  • (2023-07-22, v: 國崎優雄: Paid Account Cancellation Request
    I would like to cancel my paid account. I cannot view the page with my user account on the homepage. Please tell me about the procedure.
  • (2023-06-26, v: Esra Özcan: Ücret
    Merhaba bu uzantıyı indirdim fakat ücretli mi acaba?
  • (2023-06-25, v: Cesar B Correa: Pronunciation function does not work
    the pronunciation function on the individual words does not work.
  • (2023-06-21, v: otgr da: 字幕が出ません。
    機能は表示されますが、字幕が全く表示されません。 字幕が出る操作方法を教えてください。 This function is displayed but I can't see subtitles at all. I want to see upper one is in English. And my native language is Japanese. Please tell me how to operate.
  • (2023-06-05, v: Melike Burcu Utku: altyazıları sesli dinlemek istediğim zaman türkçe altyazıda sorun yasamıyorum ma ingilizce altyazıyı dinleyemiyorum eklenti bunu desteklemiyor mu yoksa ben mi yapamıyorum bilgi verirseniz sevinirim
    iki dilde de altyazıları seslendirmeli dinlemek istiyorum
  • (2023-06-04, v: 世X: How do I get my money back after forgetting to unsubscribe and being charged?
    How do I get my money back after forgetting to unsubscribe and being charged?
  • (2023-05-29, v: huina xing: How could I cancel my subscribtion?
    How could I cancel my subscribtion?
  • (2023-05-26, v: 공태석: Spacing errors between sentences or characters in subtitles, line matching errors between Korean and English subtitles
    As a foreign language learner, I request improvement in one inconvenience in the situation where you are receiving help from your program. When I download English-Korean multilingual subtitles and view them in Excel, there is an error in the spacing rule between some sentences or between words. Also, line matching between Korean and English is not correct. In addition, I will send the subtitle file with the actual error by e-mail. Please take a look, I hope it will be improved soon.
  • (2023-05-25, v: Vince Wilson: doesn't work
    not working, luckily i found one that works https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/netflix-multi-subtitles-2/fonifbfooiolaamiidncldalhnmgkabc
  • (2023-05-18, v: Esra Cengiz: Para iadesi
    Merhaba uzun süredir uygulamayı ücretsiz kullanıyordum, 18.05.2023 tarihinde hesabımdan 118,03 TL çekildi. Ben böyle bir şeyi istemiyorum. Abonelikte ben böyle bir şeyi onaylamadım, para kesileceğini bilmiyordum. Para lütfen iade edin. Esra CENGİZ
  • (2023-05-06, v: gong lou: Unable to translate into Simplified Chinese
    I don't know why, no matter how you operate it, the software can't turn into real-time translation of live video subtitles on YouTube. I'm really annoyed
  • (2023-04-27, v: ターマス: 有料版の購入について
  • (2023-04-26, v: Vincent Ma: I tried to subscribe but the page is always 404 not found.
    How can i pay to subscribe?
  • (2023-04-22, v: 夏荥泽: very laggy
    I was drawn by the feature that this extension offers and really wanted to use it on YouTube, but it slowed down my page a lot and even made it freeze. I didn’t see anyone else report this issue, but this issue is real. As soon as I turn it off, it won’t lag anymore. Do you know about this problem, can you fix it?
  • (2023-02-20, v: redacted: Hovering over word is taking forever to load the translation
    pls fix quickly
  • (2023-01-15, v: Shay Cleary: Spanish subtitles
    Spanish subtitles in Netflix are displayed without spaces and are just run as continuous letters,this only started today?
  • (2023-01-01, v: Raven Summer: Not Working
    Hello, We signed up for a tear but it is not giving us any subtitles, English or Simplified Chinese. It worked great the first day and then stopped. We basically bought a computer just for this app so it can be used for English use on the news each day for learning English. It was just what we wanted but is now not working. HELP!!
  • (2022-11-20, v: 김두혁: 사용하지도 않는데 4.99EUR 청구
    나는 사용하지도 않는데 벌써 5개월동안 청구가 되었습니다. 당장 자동결제를 멈춰주세요. 이런 사기꾼!
  • (2022-11-18, v: Emine Yilmaz: üyelilk iptali
    programı tanıtım amaçlı kullandım. Haberim ve onayım olmadan 15.11.2022 tarihine AKBANK kredi kartımdan 704.00 tl çekilmiştir. Üyeliğin iptali ve para iadesi rica olunur
  • (2022-11-06, v: Ziyu Wu: annuler l'abonnement
    Bonjour, je voulais annuler l'abonnement, comment faire ça, svp.
  • (2022-03-15, v: Helena Wei: I have cancelled my subscription in early Jan but still been charged in Feb
    Hi,I have sent you an email, I have cancelled my subscription in early Jan but still been charged in Feb, why? Please make a Refund and delete my account info FOREVER. thank you.
  • (2022-02-22, v: Shay Cleary: Saving sentences
    hi, In Netflix when i finish one film and start another I cannot separate the saved translated sentences and just one continuous file is maintained. Is there a way to delete the saved file and start a new one? Love the extention. Shay
  • (2022-02-22, v: 吉永夏子: Cancellation
    Hello. I couldn't cancel the free trial, so I just sent you an email. I would appreciate it if you could cancel. It may be strange English because it uses translation.
  • (2022-02-16, v: Vanessa Johnson: Cancellation
    I'm pretty sure I signed up for a trial that would turn into a year's pay for the service. I was getting all sorts of errors on netflix and trying to solve one after another. It is too much work to deal with for Netflix and does not have translation options for many words on both netflix and youtube when I hover over them which makes this service almost no use for me.
  • (2022-02-12, v: Hosein Falahaty: cancellation of subscription
    I was going to use this extension for learning Japanese. I could use it only for one day, but afterward, Netflix blocked it with the error code of 7111-1331. I think there is no way for me to use this extension anymore. The first month of using was supposed to be free-trial and I used it only for one day. How can I cancel my subscription so that I won't be charged for the subscription?
  • (2022-01-31, v: ros Ze: Refund and cancel automatic payment.
    Hello I needed a translator, I don't need it now, and I couldn't use it because it wasn't properly manipulated in the direction I wanted when I used it then. But I didn't think that the payment would be made and forgot. I would appreciate it if you could cancel the automatic payment and February 1st payment. If you need the information you want, reply and we will answer it. Thank you. Email using a translator. I pray that the translation went well. I sent you an email, but just in case... :)
  • (2022-01-23, v: Beschi Julius: Premium functions are not working
    I registered for free trial, I was charged 1 Rupee and reversed on day 1, but however the premium features are not working.
  • (2022-01-22, v: Lala Lala: silvia
    no me da la opcion de escuchar la alabra en el idioma y no puedo poner los subtitulos al español, la extension que elegi es gratuita , no me quiero imaginar que despues vea reflejada un cobro adicional
  • (2022-01-12, v: Si Thu Aung: learning
  • (2021-12-13, v: Tú Anh Nguyễn Lê: Subscription
    I subscribed before but canceled to go for another subscription plan (for which I think is more suitable for me) but I cannot find any way to re-subscribe and I want to be informed about different types of plans as well. please help
  • (2021-11-16, v: Mona Zhu: Exporting word with phonetics
    Hi there, I was wondering if there is a way to include in the export files the phonetics for the exported words? It would be really useful for languages such as Chinese and Japanese Thanks!


100,000 history
3.9971 (340 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-23 /
Listing languages
