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Finds any mention of Donald Trump on a website and adds an actual Donald Trump quote to his name.
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Description from store
This Chrome extension looks through the text of a webpage you're visiting and adds a quote that Donald Trump either said during a media appearance or wrote on Twitter to his name. That's it. Nothing more.
Developed by Fusion. Learn more at
Latest reviews
- (2022-03-05) Absolutely love it, but it was last updated like 7 years ago, whoever made this extension, can you continue updating this with new quotes?
- (2021-11-08) Absolutely hilarious
- (2021-07-23) I am never going to uninstall this
- (2018-09-01) Have had this extension since 2015 hoping he would drop out and just disappear entirely. Now... In defiance to his presidency I will keep this extension on until 2020. I still crack up when I see mid setence ...Donald "Somebody's doing the raping" Trump...
- (2018-01-30) Into the concept; but it's well broken. It started occurring in places that said neither Donald nor Trump.
- (2017-08-02) Very nice EXCEPT it will sometimes replace "the" with Trump's name and a quote.
- (2017-06-07) Sometimes I forget I had this plug-in enabled and laugh so hard when I see a Trump-related news. It works like a charm and hasn't caused any crashes of my browser or any problem when I load a page. Definitely one of my favourite plugin.
- (2017-03-20) Love it, makes the news more bearable. Only downside is that there's no option to whitelist certain websites.
- (2017-02-08) Anything that can make the fact that we have a baby idiot running the country sting a little bit less works for me
- (2016-12-26) I was going to stop reading internet news altogether until I found this extension. Will definitely help me get through the next 4 years. Doesn't always work but good enough to keep me chuckling.
- (2016-11-12) Love it but it really needs to be updated with new quotes.
- (2016-11-09) This is in sever need of an update, like badly. I see better material than what the trumpweb puts on alongside trumpweb inserts, like, more quotes are right there(!)
- (2016-10-13) It's great but I would very much like an update. He's given you a lot of new material!
- (2016-10-12) Best extension!!! I forgot I had it installed when I looked up the recent polls and I died laughing!
- (2016-10-06) Very entertaining. The news is a tiny bit more fun to read now.
- (2016-09-28) Irina Svetlowa: Hi, I want to discuss with you the possibility of buying this extension - "The Trumpweb". If it's interesting for you - please contact me at: [email protected]
- (2016-09-21) Works pretty well. I noticed that a lot of articles and headlines only refer to him as Trump, so those don't work. But the rest of the time it seems to work well. I wish that the extension was updated frequently. It seems like there are only about 10 different phrases. I am a little tired of them, it would be funnier if there was more. Otherwise fantastic.
- (2016-09-15) It does it's job very well, but unfortunately it does an extra job of deleting every instance of the name "Donald" not accompanied by the name "Trump", resulting in me being very confused about Donald Glover possibly dropping his first name.
- (2016-08-09) this is the best addon no exceptions
- (2016-07-07) great extension, works fine on my browser, but please. wow is this extension missing the perfect Trump quote: "I wanna be associated with interesting quotes." howdya miss that one. honestly.
- (2016-05-21) It was fun at first, but now his name comes up so often, it's getting on my nerves. How the heck do I get rid of this ap? I've tried searching for it and can't find it to delete it. I have a Mac. Help!
- (2016-04-06) love it
- (2016-04-05) Equal parts hilarious and embarrassing. Extension wishlist: An original source link for every quote, more quotes, and not interpolating Trump family members.
- (2016-04-03) I like the idea but it is not working on my chrome. I am refreshing the page but no quote showing up whatsoever.
- (2016-03-31) 9/10 Needs more quotes.
- (2016-03-30) It was amazing at first but it hasn't updated in so long and the quotes are getting stale.
- (2016-03-15) You know what? It's great, try it on his biography: You'll not regret.
- (2016-03-03) I have loved this extension because it removes all the seriousness of any news article talking about Trump. What I didn't know it did was offer Trump a way to rebuttle railings against him. Today, Mitt Romney called Donald a phony and a fraud. Here's what this extension did for me. From, "The speech, according to portions of it released by Romney's office, will slam Donald "My net worth is many, many, many times Mitt Romney" Trump as “a phony” and “a fraud” who is “playing the American public for suckers." The Trumpweb is about fairness. I will never delete this extension so long as Trump is in the news.
- (2016-03-03) Natasha: This is so great. I love the reading serious articles interspersed with funny random lines.
- (2016-03-02) Ethan Waldman: This is too good. Amazing idea and it works on every single website I've been on. I think it needs some of his more ridiculous quotes in there, including the hilarious ones from before he ran for office. 10/10 would trump again.
- (2016-02-26) Charlie Ford: works for the most part. the best is when you forget you have it installed. Could use some more quotes, since many times quotes are repeated in the same paragraph.