extension ExtPose

IkaEasy V3

CRX id


Description from extension meta

The extension significantly improves and simplifies the interface of the online browser game ikariam.com

Image from store IkaEasy V3
Description from store The extension significantly improves and simplifies the interface of the online browser game ikariam.com The extension is useful for Ikariam players ONLY. In this version, all the extension code is completely rewritten, from the extension core to each function separately. Many bugs of the old version are fixed, HUD and UI improved, some new features were added. All the main extension features are presented at the screenshots. Main features: - In the city: - Display of building levels in the city - Quick buttons for upgrade / downgrade building levels - Display of the amount of resources needed to increase the level of the building - On the island - Levels of mines on the island - Marking of cities of specific alliances (the ability to color the cities of alliances you are interested in) - On the world map - Search of suitable islands by specific parameters (resource, miracle, occupancy of the island) - Time to sail to the island - General - Fast city change (if you have more than one city) - The transporter:quick buttons for sending resources / army / fleet to your other cities (if you have more than one city) - Quick open of the form for a message to the alliance (if you are in an alliance) - Quick embassy opening of the (if available) - Display of income / outcome of resources in the current city - Buttons for convenient choice of the required number of resources (±500, +1000, +2000, +5000) are added. - Ikalogs - Combat reports saving at ikalogs.ru (many bugs fixed, code completely rewritten)

Latest reviews

  • (2024-04-16) Marcin Czepiela: Mega przydatny dodatek!
  • (2023-10-20) Sergio Campos Alves: usa a muito anos , mas agora precisa atualizar o edificil de estaleiro comercial novo,no wim 10 roda de boa no win 7 fica meio bugado umas partes shshshs
  • (2023-10-18) Andrew ferreira: precisa atualizar
  • (2023-10-12) Can Sözen: Please Update..... :(((
  • (2023-10-10) Vinnicius Magalhães Stein Cezar: When we have a Carpenter's Workshop or Architect's Office in town, when we see the preview to ugprade and/or see the amount of resources that will cost and will last after the upgrade, it doesn't show the real amount because it doesn't consider the Carpenter's Workshop or the Architect's Office levels.
  • (2023-10-01) Seftiuc Andi-Nicolae: We are not able to use Freighters while the addon is enabled. Any update on this?
  • (2023-08-03) Regioo_S: Bonjour, Je remercie beaucoup pour le développeur pour le script qui est vachement très utile mais je viens de remarquer qu'avec la dernière version 8.11.0 vous ne pouvez pas envoyer vos navires de charge car le script ne contient pas ce nouvel élément alors je suis obligé de désactiver le script à chaque pour envoyer les navires de charge c'est pour ça que je vais tenter un Google Traduction en russe pour que vous essayez de corriger le bug s'il vous plaît merci d'avance (cookieside.ru) ENG : Good morning, I thank the developer of the script very much because it is the newest utility that has been noticed by the latest version 8.11.0, you do not want to send a message to your car. cargo ships that's why i'm going to try a google translate to russian for you try to fix the bug please thanks in advance (cookieside.ru) Rus : Доброе утро, Большое спасибо разработчику скрипта, так как это самая новая утилита, которая была замечена последней версией 8.11.0, вы не хотите отправлять сообщение на свою машину. грузовые корабли, поэтому я собираюсь попробовать перевести Google на русский, чтобы вы попытались исправить ошибку, пожалуйста, заранее спасибо (cookieside.ru) Dobroye utro, Bol'shoye spasibo razrabotchiku skripta, tak kak eto samaya novaya utilita, kotoraya byla zamechena posledney versiyey 8.11.0, vy ne khotite otpravlyat' soobshcheniye na svoyu mashinu. gruzovyye korabli, poetomu ya sobirayus' poprobovat' perevesti Google na russkiy, chtoby vy popytalis' ispravit' oshibku, pozhaluysta, zaraneye spasibo (cookieside.ru)
  • (2023-07-28) Bruno Carvalho (brunoadc8): é bom, mas ta muito bugado depois da atualização
  • (2023-06-30) Kim Burkhart: They recently changed the layout on the page for shipping goods (where you select resources to ship and how many of which type of ship to use). It has broken how this extension works.
  • (2023-06-29) Edgars Žvīgulis: please update!
  • (2023-06-29) Peter Chen: Please update transport interface.
  • (2023-06-24) Bruno Martins: Great app, just missing an update with the current new building levels.
  • (2023-05-15) Jonas Dreher: Great extension, but the world map searching feature doesnt work at all, is there a fix planned? Thank you :)
  • (2023-04-01) 章天路: please put new building Dockyard into Buildings table
  • (2023-03-22) Luis Ramalho: Hello. First of all thanks for your fine work on this plugin. I'm getting duplicated left tabs for "Empire manager", "Transporter", "Embassy", "Report an IkaEasy bug" and "Open a map". I've already uninstall and re-install it. Thanks
  • (2023-03-14) Сергей Сергеевич: Отличное приложение. Но игра обновилась, а приложение нет. Обновите пожалуйста.
  • (2023-03-09) Mark Lin: Please update
  • (2023-02-19) Jorge Garzón García: No funciona la pestaña de recursos.
  • (2023-02-08) Robert LaCombe: Since the update when I try to save a battle log it says I am not logged into ikalogs even tho I am. How do I fix this issue?
  • (2023-01-21) Matias Bais: This is really cool The population growht per day is wrong though, the correct number would be around satifasction*0.38122 (i got that number with system dynamics) This is because every time you get a new citizen, satisfaction goes down by 1 For those who have problems with the resources tab i found out that if you unnistall the extension and install it again it will start working as intended
  • (2023-01-20) 任經天: very good, thank you.
  • (2023-01-19) Евгений Прудников: Отличное расширение, очень помогает в аналитике городов, но к сожалению в последнем обновлении сломалась вкладка "ресурсы" в управлении империей. Почините пожалуйста, без нее как без рук
  • (2023-01-14) Berkay Bilgili: Can you make a shortcut flags for other peoples islands? We can make shortcuts on world map but I want to see it on more strategic way.
  • (2023-01-12) Martin Novotný: Well, hello. I want to thank you in advance for the update after years when it seemed that no one was working on the extension. As others have mentioned the Empire manager in the Resources overview is now broken and is not showing anything. It started working yesterday and I can see that it has also been redesigned and the mood indicator of the residents also works. Image attached:https://prnt.sc/wBEq4a7E_MdA BUT it only works on 1 account out of 10. The problem with malfunction of Resources tab persists on the rest of the accounts. In conclusion, I want to ask if the Espionage and Military tabs in the Empire manager are being worked on. Likewise, if it is possible to contact you on Patreon, by reporting a bug button in the game or via email like once upon a time? I stopped patronizing a few months back after a few years because no one was responding to messages and no one seemed to be managing the extension anymore. It seems I was wrong, and I have no problem starting to support you again. To everyone who has problem with Empire manager, keep reporting it in game and here. Seems he is working on it. Also consider money support for author if he starts to communicate. One dollar or euro per month on Patreon is a really small price to pay for this great extension.
  • (2023-01-10) Leonardo Shimanoe: Ajuda muito na visualização dos níveis dos prédios de todas as cidades, entre outras facilidades, mas com a ultima atualização perdemos a visualização geral dos recursos... isso realmente prejudicou muito. preferiria que não tivessem atualizado.
  • (2023-01-09) Randall Burkhart: I appreciate that you have updated it, but the resource tab seems to be broken now. I am giving feedback, not complaining. I am sure this is a lot of work and something you do out of kindness and in your free time.
  • (2023-01-08) Akeem Grau Negreiros: Muy buena, es la extensión más útil que existe en todo Ikariam
  • (2023-01-08) Max Mitre: THANK YOU! You're awesome. Thanks for coming back after so many years.
  • (2022-12-24) jesus david torrenegra anaya: Hey developer, Are you still maintaining this extention? would you open source the code so I can contribute and update what is missing?
  • (2022-08-09) Máté Kuna: I love it! It doesnt provide any unfair things like auto-building, etc. It just shows extra information about buildings and economy, which I love. I like that I instantly see how is my gold income/outcome, the level of buildings, and also because of the desktop notification I never miss, if a building is finished. One small thing: If you buy the "move your city anywhere" premium function in the shop, when you click on the new location where you want to move your city, the move button doesnt appear, because if conflicts with this addon. You have to disable this addon, so the button will appear. Other than this everything works perfectly, this script is a very big help in the game!
  • (2022-07-11) Mister Gunsen: It's a neccessary tool if you wanna play ikariam efficiently. Good program. There is one feature i'm missing: I want to be able to get rid of the notifiactions on my desktop. Please add a switch so i can turn those off.
  • (2022-06-02) Jose Luis Sanchez Pereyra: Super comodo para hacer cosas mas rapido
  • (2022-03-22) Julia de Moraes: Very good, but i notice that the Empire manager is broken. Says that the citzen are angry but the are not
  • (2022-02-21) william madsen: Works great!
  • (2021-11-01) Leo Puji Christyanto (piyuid): Guys Please Update, change log ikariam 8.5.0, Ikaeasy not working. btw, i love it this extension..
  • (2021-10-19) Agris Kings: супер. спс
  • (2021-03-22) Александр: Можно добавить кнопку в значок расширения для захода на страницу игры?
  • (2020-12-13) MR dahi: we need update https://i.imgur.com/1o594LA.png ^_^ https://s1-ae.ikariam.gameforge.com/ https://s2-ae.ikariam.gameforge.com/
  • (2020-09-20) Alper AYDIN: güzel calisiyor. ban riski nedir? its working well. whats the ban risk?
  • (2020-09-16) João Victor Faustino: This app is forbidden. If you use it, your account can be banned.
  • (2020-09-06) Paulo Mendes: Working really great (2020 now) and still this is the best script/addon for Ikariam. Been using for a lot of years now. Thank you. Should improve some features :)
  • (2020-09-06) iMario: This App is working perfect. Ty for this nice tool!
  • (2020-08-06) KaReeM KinG: i need any thing to collect general plz :(
  • (2020-04-16) Fortuna Business: После обновления перестало работать вообще p.s. Всё исправили. Работает.Спасибо
  • (2020-04-15) N3phalem: Extension has some great features for the game but the problem is that it breaks Ikariam for me. After few hours of using I can't even log into Ikariam. If you fix the issue I will update review. Version Updated April 12, 2020
  • (2020-04-14) Сэм Селезнев: Не заработал после обновления от 12. 04. добавьте поддержку разных версий хрома
  • (2020-04-14) Suhardi Munir: I can't use this extension after updated. Great!! it work again
  • (2020-04-13) kampia 99: Excellent <3
  • (2020-04-13) Ariosvaldo Costa Junior: Apesar de acontecer de parar de funcionar em algumas atualizações, eles estao constantemente colocando melhorias no script.
  • (2020-04-13) Mátyás Sipos: Amazing script, working again! <3


10,000 history
4.3583 (187 votes)
Last update / version
2023-12-12 /
Listing languages
ru en
