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Dark Mode for Chrome

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Switch on Dark Mode for Chrome Browser. Protect your eyes when you are using the computer.

Image from store Dark Mode for Chrome
Description from store Tamni način je proširenje koje vam pomaže da brzo zatamnite ekran (preglednik) noću Primijenite sve web stranice u pregledniku u tamni način rada i isključite sve domene iz crne teme za bolje iskustvo. Moguće je izraditi vlastitu prilagođenu temu s bilo kojom bojom koju želite. Društvene mreže, mainstream stranice i sve ostale web stranice bit će sve zajedno prekrivene crnom bojom. Značajke proširenja Dark Reader: - Dark Reader - Ručno uključivanje/isključivanje mračnog načina rada - Kliknite na ikonu proširenja za uključivanje/isključivanje tamnog načina rada. - Isključite/uključite web mjesto iz mračnog načina rada - Odaberite "Tamni način rada" > "Onemogući/omogući tamni način rada za ovo mjesto" - Dark Reader - Prilagodite boje za web stranice - Promijenite sve boje koje želite. - Automatski raspored - Omogućite "Auto ON/OFF" u odjeljku. Proširenje "Dark Theme for Google" donosi prilagodljivu tamnu temu na neke Googleove usluge kao što su Google Search i Google Images. Proširenje podržava sve lokalizirane Google domene. Pomoću ovog proširenja Facebook Dark Mode možete prilagoditi mnoge boje, uključujući boje pozadine i veze na stranici s opcijama proširenja ako vam se ne sviđa zadana konfiguracija. Nema više potrebe otvarati postavke jednu po jednu za različite web stranice - samo jedna aplikacija donosi crnu temu na cijelu mrežu. Stranica s opcijama je sada dostupna! Korisne značajke: - Isključivanje mjesta ✔️ Unesite ispravnu web adresu kako biste stranicu isključili iz primjene crne teme. - Isključenje stranice. ✔️ Po želji dodajte domene koje ne želite primijeniti u crnu temu. - Promjena teme. ✔️ Izradite vlastitu prilagođenu temu! Spremite ga, preimenujte i primijenite u bilo kojem trenutku. Uživajte u tamnoj temi Nova kartica Jednostavno instalirajte proširenje kako biste omogućili Dark Mode za Chrome. Noćna smjena Aktivirajte noćni način rada kako biste preokrenuli uobičajeno svjetlo sa ekrana na topliji ton i tako spriječili ozljede očiju. Alat možete uključiti i isključiti jednim klikom kada vam zatreba. Proširenje Night Shift i Dark Mode automatski pomiče boje sadržaja vašeg preglednika na topliji kraj spektra boja nakon što padne mrak. Dark Theme for YouTube proširenje pretvara YouTube temu u vrlo prilagodljivu temu tamni ugljen/plava. Ovo proširenje Dark Reader izgrađeno je na temelju zadane YouTube teme (izvorna tamna tema) tako da je vrlo lagano u usporedbi s upotrebom tema umetnutih Stylish ili Stylus proširenjima. Preuzmite mračni način rada sada u svom web pregledniku! Twitch Dark Mode Vrlo prilagodljiva nativna tamna tema za twitch.tv (platforma za igrače) Ovaj paket će promijeniti izgled svih GitHub stranica u tamnu temu, uglavnom temeljenu na Atom One Dark. Proširenje GitHub Dark Theme uopće ne prikuplja/dijeli/ne brine o vašim podacima. Dopuštenje pristupa samo za pohranu vaše prilagođene domene za značajku GitHub Enterprise. Mračni internet mijenja sve web stranice u crnu boju. Tamni način rada za Twitter, Youtube, Facebook i sve nove kartice Proširenje Super Dark Mode može potamniti gotovo sve web stranice, kao i lokalne datoteke koje otvara Chrome, poput PDF-ova. Od sada vaše oči mogu biti opuštene dok noću pretražujete web na ekranu. PDF Dark Mode Tamna tema za VK i noćni način rada za Vkontakte KAKO KORISTITI Dark Reader: 1. Ručno uključite/isključite tamni način rada: + Nakon instaliranja Super Dark Mode, morate ponovno učitati sve otvorene stranice. + Kliknite na ikonu proširenja za uključivanje/isključivanje mračnog načina rada ili upotrijebite prečac: Ctrl+Q (Windows, Linux, Chromebook), CMD+Q (Mac). 2. Automatski raspored: + Desni klik na ikonu proširenja. + Odaberite "Opcije". 3. Isključite/uključite web mjesto iz mračnog načina rada: + Desni klik na mjesto. + Odaberite Dark Mode > "Onemogući/Omogući Super Dark Mode za ovu stranicu" 4. Prilagodite boje za web stranice: - Na stranici s opcijama idite na "Opće tamne teme", odaberite "Moderna tamna tema". Tamni način rada i noćna smjena za sve popularne stranice na jednom mjestu. Mračni Youtube, Mračni Facebook, Mračni Twitter, sve ovo i mnogo više u vašem pregledniku. Jednostavno instalirajte proširenje kako biste omogućili crni način rada za Chrome. Dark Mode i noćna smjena - primijenite Dark Youtube & Facebook Skin. Tamna YouTube tema štiti oči mijenjanjem Youtube i FB boja u crnu. Tamni YouTube - automatski način primjene Black Youtube Skin. Bilješka! Klikom na "Dodaj u Chrome" prihvaćate i slažete se s instaliranjem ' - Tamna tema za Chrome proširenje koje nudi usluga te Uvjeti korištenja i Pravila o privatnosti Slobodno postavite sva pitanja i ostavite komentare za Dark Reader. Vaše povratne informacije su nam vrlo važne!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-14) BRUNO bruno: Absolutely beautiful! It's near perfect on every website I visit. Definitely for dark mode lovers.
  • (2023-11-14) v ds: I lost the extension I used previously and this one works amazingly well for what I needed it for. However do note that some websites the reversing of colours means the site isn't 100% useable (gmail for example) as some of the text blurrs into the background. Only reason it lost a star in my rating. With a little tinkering on their part I'd happily give the extra star back
  • (2023-11-13) adrien FERRE: I highly recommended this even at night I do essays and before I had this extension it was not easy for the eyes but when I got this extension it was easy on the eyes I really recommended this for you if your looking on the internet or writing a essay or doing homework or studying whatever you do on the internet then you can use this for your eyes thank you dark mode extension
  • (2023-11-13) Eric Ketzer: garbage. one of the worst dark extensions.
  • (2023-11-13) Marcelo Lisboa: Works well for most sites.
  • (2023-11-13) Diego Souza: The most reliable and consistent one I've tried. Love the adjustment sliders. Great extension!!
  • (2023-11-12) Claudia Silva: Just added it.... Im impressed tht it actually works good on all the pages ive tried so far...! Cool....
  • (2023-11-11) HASAN HÜSEYİN YAPI TİC. A.Ş.: The best thing on the web ever!
  • (2023-11-10) EDİRNE iL GÖÇ İDARESİ MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ: Great work. Good job developing this amazing extension. This app is great for developers who have sensitive eyes from looking all day into computer screens
  • (2023-11-10) anayely anayely: After trying multiple extensions, this one is the best I've tried by far! When I use it with Chrome, by default it works fine. The OPTIONS interface is a bit iffy. The RED X doesn't work immediately. It takes a while for the browser to refresh/catch up to show them actually deleted. Some nice additions would be to show the colors used when selecting a theme, then REFRESH the screen automatically. Another would be to allow editing and changes to any theme you select, versus creating a new one.nnThank you!
  • (2023-11-10) Genilson Lima .H: Looks good, but it takes a second or two to load on Chrome. When I search, it looks like light mode for at first, then flickers twice into dark mode. I don't know if this is because of anything else I'm using conflicting with it, or it's just loading slowly. Is this happening for anyone else?
  • (2023-11-09) Bianca Sorpioni: Very useful tool. It worked very well for me on google chrome.
  • (2023-11-08) Sanikon K: legit the only one that works and for everything
  • (2023-11-08) Juliana Santos: this is the best, but the videos and photos are not able to see.
  • (2023-11-07) Charlotte PONCEL: Great extension, love the Night Shift option.
  • (2023-11-07) Yago Luiz: its goo. it did what it said it would do. turn everything to dark mode.
  • (2023-11-06) Cyntia Paiva: Very nice except for one detail. If you could add a few more colors to the custom optoin that would make that option useful. As it is, there are only 3 browser colors so no matter what combinatoin is chosen, it's all a flat blob with missing text and boxes. ... Still, great work as I really needed the dark.
  • (2023-11-06) arcan barış çiçek: i actually like it as i can put the brightness and contrast i want, put in grayscale and i can use it for reading novels xD, i literally had to find an extension and i'd recommend this one :3
  • (2023-11-05) BreeL: Easy to use, dependable, useful plug-in. Highly recommended!
  • (2023-11-04) Lívia Slva Dias Fraile de Oliveira: Its awesome. Very easy to use. Also for websites like Pinterest its not graying the image...:D
  • (2023-11-04) Gustavo Baroni: I love the idea to allow user add YouTube themes.
  • (2023-11-03) Leticia Gonzalez Marcondes: Just installed. Have not had any problems so far. And it has not slowed down the browser.
  • (2023-11-02) Clark Kent: Instant one click dark mode extension is what I have always been looking for. And this gives me exactly what I want. It doesn't give me the hassle of reloading the page or typing some shortcuts. I am fully satisfied with this product
  • (2023-10-31) Gian Franco Cinalli: works pretty good. Useful and easy extension even if it doesn't work on some sites, but globaly i liked it.
  • (2023-10-31) rafael castanho: I can finally use canvas without burning my eyes :), AMAZING!
  • (2023-10-31) jonathan Lecocq: I think they should make it different setting for each tab.
  • (2023-10-30) Fafa Tim: its really good except that when you go into images you can't see any images and how do you get to the home page to customise your own options
  • (2023-10-30) Kainã 777 (Nã): I can customize the dark mode! I wish I could put 10* for you!
  • (2023-10-28) Matheus Massao Komatsu: I've tried a lot of dark/night mode extensions and they've all been kinda disappointing. This one is REALLY, REALLY nice. First of all, it actually works sanely. Second, it gives you an easy to use GUI to adjust brightness/contrast/saturation in real time, and the blacklist/whitelist option makes it a lot more versatile than most other extensions.
  • (2023-10-28) WOUTZIN OFC脳: Works perfect. Text is all readable
  • (2023-10-27) ATLANTIS 17: This dark theme transforms pages (Canvas) that no other Chrome extension has been able to. My morning online school eyes greatly appreciate it!
  • (2023-10-27) Bruno Souza: Love it and makes life easier since I'm usually on the computer due to being housebound.nOnly reason I didn't put 5 is because I listen to Youtube all the time but every the video changes, the dark mode turns off and you've got to refresh the page that your currently on for dark mode to come back.


1,000,000 history
4.702 (453 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-28 / 1.0.4
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