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Dark Mode for Chrome

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Switch on Dark Mode for Chrome Browser. Protect your eyes when you are using the computer.

Image from store Dark Mode for Chrome
Description from store 黑暗模式 - Chrome 的黑暗閱讀器將在所有網站上放置黑暗主題,適合那些在夜間工作的人和黑暗閱讀器的在線新聞或書籍閱讀。 將瀏覽器中的所有網站應用到黑暗模式,並從黑色主題中排除任何域以獲得更好的體驗。 可以使用您喜歡的任何顏色創建您自己的自定義主題。 社交網絡的深色模式——Instagram、推特、twitch、youtube 和主流網站以及所有其他網站的深色主題將全部覆蓋為黑色。 如果網站有內置深色主題,您可以直接從夜間模式控制它,如果沒有(如 Gmail、Google Docs、Office Online、Github 和數百萬其他),深色模式擴展程序將轉換顏色以提供給您 具有流暢且一致的暗模式。 你將從暗模式擴展中得到什麼: - 手動打開/關閉暗模式 - 單擊擴展圖標以打開/關閉暗模式。 - 從深色模式中排除/包含站點 - 選擇“深色模式”>“為此站點禁用/啟用深色模式” - 為網站自定義顏色 - 更改您想要的所有顏色。 - 自動計劃 - 在該部分啟用“自動開/關”。 不再需要為不同的網站一個一個打開設置 - 只需一個應用程序即可在整個網絡中設置黑色主題。 選項頁面現已可用! 有用的功能: - 網站排除。 輸入正確的網址以從黑色主題應用中排除該頁面。 - 頁面排除。 (可選)將您不想應用的域添加到黑色主題中。 - 主題轉換器。 創建您自己的自定義主題! 隨時保存、重命名和應用。 只需安裝一個擴展程序即可為 Chrome 啟用深色模式。 夜班 激活 Night Shift 模式可將屏幕上的普通光線轉換為暖色調,從而防止您的眼睛受到傷害。 您可以在需要時單擊一下即可打開和關閉該工具。 夜班和深色閱讀器擴展程序會在天黑後自動將瀏覽器內容的顏色轉換為色譜中較暖的一端。 黑暗讀者 Dark Reader 反轉明亮的顏色,使它們具有高對比度並且在夜間易於閱讀。 深色模式將在所有網站上設置深色主題,適合夜間工作的人和深色閱讀器在線閱讀新聞或閱讀書籍。 Super Dark Mode 擴展可以使幾乎所有網站變暗,也可以使 Chrome 打開的本地文件(例如 PDF)變暗。 從此,晚上在屏幕上瀏覽網頁時,您的眼睛也能得到放鬆。 Youtube 深色模式或 Youtube 深色主題 YouTube 擴展的深色主題將 YouTube 主題轉換為高度可定制的深色木炭/藍色主題。 Youtube Dark Reader 擴展建立在默認 YouTube 主題(原生黑暗主題)之上,因此與使用 Stylish 或 Stylus 擴展注入的主題相比,它非常輕量級。 Instagram 深色模式或 Instagram 深色主題 Instagram 深色模式擴展將 Instagram 主題轉換為高度可定制的深色木炭/藍色主題。 Instagram Dark Reader 擴展建立在默認的 Instagram 主題之上。 Instagram 深色主題 Facebook 深色模式或 Facebook 深色主題 FB 深色模式擴展將 Facebook 主題轉換為高度可定制的深色木炭/藍色主題。 Facebook Dark Reader 擴展建立在默認的 Instagram 主題之上。 臉書深色主題 Github 深色模式或 Github 深色主題 Github 深色模式擴展將 Instagram 主題轉換為高度可定制的深色木炭/藍色主題。 Github Dark Reader 擴展建立在默認的 Instagram 主題之上。 Github 深色主題 Twitter 深色模式或 Twitter 深色主題 Twitter Dark Mode 擴展將 Twitter 主題轉換為高度可定制的深色木炭/藍色主題。 Twitter Dark Reader 擴展建立在默認的 Twitter 主題之上。 推特深色主題 Google 文檔深色模式和 Google 文檔深色主題 通過此擴展程序一鍵打開 Google 文檔的暗模式。 為 Google 文檔使用深色模式? Google Docs Dark Mode 擴展將 Google Docs 主題轉換為高度可定制的深色木炭/藍色主題。 Google Docs Dark Reader 擴展建立在默認的 Google Docs 主題之上。 Google 文檔深色主題 立即在您的網絡瀏覽器中下載黑暗模式! 適用於 Google、YouTube、Facebook 和許多其他網站的黑暗模式功能 - 立即獲取,讓您的眼睛在黑暗中放鬆! VK 深色模式或 Vk 深色主題 Vkontakte 的經典深色主題。 一鍵將 VK 切換到深色模式並返回。 深色主題 VKontakte 保護眼睛。 它消除了夜間的負載,用經典的深色主題取代了白色屏幕。 Twitch 深色模式或 Twitch 深色主題 Twitch 深色模式高度可定制的原生深色主題,適用於 twitch.tv(遊戲玩家平台)。 Twitch 深色主題是 twitch.tv 遊戲平台的原生深色主題,它使用內置的深色主題來打開和關閉深色模式。 TikTok 的深色模式 TikTok 的深色主題。 一鍵輕鬆將 TikTok 站點模式切換為深色或淺色。 隨時提出任何問題並為深色主題發表評論。 Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Social networks, mainstream sites and all other websites will be all together covered into black colors. Features extension Dark Reader : - Dark Reader - Turn on/off the dark mode manually - Click on the extension icon to turn on/off the dark mode. - Exclude/Include a site from the dark mode - Choose "Dark Mode" > "Disable/Enable Dark Mode for this site" - Dark Reader - Customize colors for websites - Change all colors you want. - Automatic schedule - Enable "Auto ON/OFF" in the section. "Dark Theme for Google" extension brings a customizable dark theme to some of the Google services such as Google Search and Google Images. The extension supports all localized Google domains. Using this Facebook Dark Mode extension you can customize many colors including background and link colors on the options page of the extension if you don't like the default configuration. No more needs to open settings one by one for different websites - just one app brings black theme across the whole net. Enjoy the dark theme New Tab Simply install an extension to enable Dark Mode for Chrome. Night Shift Activate Night Shift mode to invert the usual light from the screen to a warmer tone, thus, preventing your eyes from harm. You can turn the tool on and off in a single click when you need it. Night Shift and Dark Mode extension automatically shifts the colors of your browser content to warmer end of the color spectrum after dark. Dark Theme for YouTube extension converts YouTube theme to a highly customizable dark charcoal/blue theme. This Dark Reader extension is built on top of the default YouTube theme (native dark theme) so it is very light-weighted compare to using themes injected by Stylish or Stylus extensions. Download dark mode now in your web browser! Twitch Dark Mode A highly customizable native dark theme for twitch.tv (platform for gamers) This package will change appearance of all GitHub pages to dark theme, mostly based on Atom One Dark. GitHub Dark Theme extension doesn't collect/share/care about your data at all. Access permission only for store your custom domain for GitHub Enterprise feature. Dark internet changes all web pages to black colour. Dark mode for Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and all New Tabs The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the screen at night. PDF Dark Mode Dark theme for VK and Night Mode for Vkontakte Dark mode and night shift for all popular sites in one place. Dark Youtube, Dark Facebook, Dark Twitter, all these and much more in your browser. Simply install an extension to enable black mode for Chrome. Dark Mode and night shift - apply Dark Youtube & Facebook Skin. Dark YouTube theme protects eyes by changing Youtube & FB colors to black.Dark YouTube - an automatic way to apply Black Youtube Skin. Note! By clicking "Add to Chrome", you accept and agree to installing ' - Dark Theme for Chrome extension that provided by the service and the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Feel free to ask any questions and leave comments for Dark Reader. Your feedback is very important for us!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-14) BRUNO bruno: Absolutely beautiful! It's near perfect on every website I visit. Definitely for dark mode lovers.
  • (2023-11-14) v ds: I lost the extension I used previously and this one works amazingly well for what I needed it for. However do note that some websites the reversing of colours means the site isn't 100% useable (gmail for example) as some of the text blurrs into the background. Only reason it lost a star in my rating. With a little tinkering on their part I'd happily give the extra star back
  • (2023-11-13) adrien FERRE: I highly recommended this even at night I do essays and before I had this extension it was not easy for the eyes but when I got this extension it was easy on the eyes I really recommended this for you if your looking on the internet or writing a essay or doing homework or studying whatever you do on the internet then you can use this for your eyes thank you dark mode extension
  • (2023-11-13) Eric Ketzer: garbage. one of the worst dark extensions.
  • (2023-11-13) Marcelo Lisboa: Works well for most sites.
  • (2023-11-13) Diego Souza: The most reliable and consistent one I've tried. Love the adjustment sliders. Great extension!!
  • (2023-11-12) Claudia Silva: Just added it.... Im impressed tht it actually works good on all the pages ive tried so far...! Cool....
  • (2023-11-11) HASAN HÜSEYİN YAPI TİC. A.Ş.: The best thing on the web ever!
  • (2023-11-10) EDİRNE iL GÖÇ İDARESİ MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ: Great work. Good job developing this amazing extension. This app is great for developers who have sensitive eyes from looking all day into computer screens
  • (2023-11-10) anayely anayely: After trying multiple extensions, this one is the best I've tried by far! When I use it with Chrome, by default it works fine. The OPTIONS interface is a bit iffy. The RED X doesn't work immediately. It takes a while for the browser to refresh/catch up to show them actually deleted. Some nice additions would be to show the colors used when selecting a theme, then REFRESH the screen automatically. Another would be to allow editing and changes to any theme you select, versus creating a new one.nnThank you!
  • (2023-11-10) Genilson Lima .H: Looks good, but it takes a second or two to load on Chrome. When I search, it looks like light mode for at first, then flickers twice into dark mode. I don't know if this is because of anything else I'm using conflicting with it, or it's just loading slowly. Is this happening for anyone else?
  • (2023-11-09) Bianca Sorpioni: Very useful tool. It worked very well for me on google chrome.
  • (2023-11-08) Sanikon K: legit the only one that works and for everything
  • (2023-11-08) Juliana Santos: this is the best, but the videos and photos are not able to see.
  • (2023-11-07) Charlotte PONCEL: Great extension, love the Night Shift option.
  • (2023-11-07) Yago Luiz: its goo. it did what it said it would do. turn everything to dark mode.
  • (2023-11-06) Cyntia Paiva: Very nice except for one detail. If you could add a few more colors to the custom optoin that would make that option useful. As it is, there are only 3 browser colors so no matter what combinatoin is chosen, it's all a flat blob with missing text and boxes. ... Still, great work as I really needed the dark.
  • (2023-11-06) arcan barış çiçek: i actually like it as i can put the brightness and contrast i want, put in grayscale and i can use it for reading novels xD, i literally had to find an extension and i'd recommend this one :3
  • (2023-11-05) BreeL: Easy to use, dependable, useful plug-in. Highly recommended!
  • (2023-11-04) Lívia Slva Dias Fraile de Oliveira: Its awesome. Very easy to use. Also for websites like Pinterest its not graying the image...:D
  • (2023-11-04) Gustavo Baroni: I love the idea to allow user add YouTube themes.
  • (2023-11-03) Leticia Gonzalez Marcondes: Just installed. Have not had any problems so far. And it has not slowed down the browser.
  • (2023-11-02) Clark Kent: Instant one click dark mode extension is what I have always been looking for. And this gives me exactly what I want. It doesn't give me the hassle of reloading the page or typing some shortcuts. I am fully satisfied with this product
  • (2023-10-31) Gian Franco Cinalli: works pretty good. Useful and easy extension even if it doesn't work on some sites, but globaly i liked it.
  • (2023-10-31) rafael castanho: I can finally use canvas without burning my eyes :), AMAZING!
  • (2023-10-31) jonathan Lecocq: I think they should make it different setting for each tab.
  • (2023-10-30) Fafa Tim: its really good except that when you go into images you can't see any images and how do you get to the home page to customise your own options
  • (2023-10-30) Kainã 777 (Nã): I can customize the dark mode! I wish I could put 10* for you!
  • (2023-10-28) Matheus Massao Komatsu: I've tried a lot of dark/night mode extensions and they've all been kinda disappointing. This one is REALLY, REALLY nice. First of all, it actually works sanely. Second, it gives you an easy to use GUI to adjust brightness/contrast/saturation in real time, and the blacklist/whitelist option makes it a lot more versatile than most other extensions.
  • (2023-10-28) WOUTZIN OFC脳: Works perfect. Text is all readable
  • (2023-10-27) ATLANTIS 17: This dark theme transforms pages (Canvas) that no other Chrome extension has been able to. My morning online school eyes greatly appreciate it!
  • (2023-10-27) Bruno Souza: Love it and makes life easier since I'm usually on the computer due to being housebound.nOnly reason I didn't put 5 is because I listen to Youtube all the time but every the video changes, the dark mode turns off and you've got to refresh the page that your currently on for dark mode to come back.


1,000,000 history
4.693 (456 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-28 / 1.0.4
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