extension ExtPose

Feedly Mini

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Easily add content to your Feedly while browsing

Image from store Feedly Mini
Description from store Feedly users rely on the Mini extension to quickly add new RSS sources to their feeds and save essential articles to their boards. This extension is the official extension from Feedly. It is created and maintained by the Feedly dev team. In version 50, if you have access to the annotation features, you will be able to add a note to the article you are saving to your boards. If you are part of the enterprise plan and have connected your account with Slack, you will be able to mention a teammate or a Slack channel directly in this extension and quickly notify your teammates. Privacy by default: We believe that you should own and control all your personal information. Feedly is a secure space where you can privately organize and research the topics and trends that matter to you. This extension is only activated when you click on the button to follow an RSS feed or save an article to a board. It does not have access to any other activity or personal information. This extension and the Feedly Web App share an authentication cookie so that they sync with the same account. You can learn more about privacy and personal information here: https://feedly.com/i/legal/privacy https://feedly.com/i/account/privacy If you need help using this extension, please contact [email protected] if you are a free user and [email protected] if you are a Pro, Pro+ or Business user Happy reading!

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-05) Belay Mulat: It doesn't work.
  • (2023-10-06) Elizabeth K: Feedly extension doesn't show up in Chrome at all.
  • (2023-09-06) BocaBroward TechExperts (Mez South Florida): funny I am using it right now but I had to allow ublock origin to trust the websites for feedly and also of course go to the extension options and allow the file url access to the same urls I am not positive that is needed, maybe not, but to troubleshoot i do them and collect errors for an extension than debug the errors. This is how you troubleshoot an extension turn on the extension developer options and then check collect errors on the extension options. Feedly does worki but you probably need to debug it unfortunately if the login is not showing up thats gotta be tracking protection in your browser or other extensions blocking it.
  • (2023-07-22) Jefté Inácio: Ótimo agregador para reunir suas fontes de notícias.
  • (2023-06-11) Tim Wooten: It doesn't work. Like many others have reported, it just shows a small white box and does nothing at all.
  • (2023-02-18) Alba T.: No funciona
  • (2022-08-05) Steven Vanuytsel: Following the 'extracting article content' message an empty white box shows up and nothing is saved to feedly. When hovering over the box it says 'feedly wants access to this site' but there's no way to provide it. Entirely unusable.
  • (2022-07-02) PC Technician: Most of the time it doesn't even do anything.
  • (2022-04-08) Gogogo K: ‘We were unable to extract article content for this pag’
  • (2022-03-12) Pedro Silva: Doesn't work. Briefly shows "Extracting article content..." and then a white square, but nothing gets saved.
  • (2022-03-09) Jyri Lillemets: It's broken and does not do anything anymore.
  • (2022-02-25) adadad: It doesn't work.
  • (2021-11-28) Jamie Ng: love it
  • (2021-11-26) Kullanıcı: Expensive
  • (2021-11-09) Steven Harris: Works not bad , but not very well
  • (2021-11-02) Ani Gupta: I have Feedly Pro+ and save a lot of articles to Read Later or my boards for my research. Could do with speed improvements. The occasional need to add the feed first to add an article into my Read Later or boards is quite annoying. Not like Pocket. Also, would be great to have an icon indicator, or notification when adding, to know if the article is already in my boards. Sometimes, I end up adding the same article multiple times.
  • (2021-10-18) Ryan Johnstone: This extension updated scant months ago does not work, however the several years-old extension Save to Feedly Board by the same dev works?
  • (2021-10-15) 永永YongYong: 还得跳到网页查看
  • (2021-09-28) Ryan Quinn: Doesn't work.
  • (2021-09-18) Trent Shell: This extension does not work at all. It briefly flashes "Extracting article content" and then shows a small empty box.
  • (2021-07-16) Anom: Installed the extension, tried to login, and got notification "Failed to login with code." Ironically, I have Feedly open in a tab and already logged in. Edit: I logged out and logged in again (in Feedly, not from Mini), and the extension didn't ask for login again. But, when I tried to add an article, the extension showed "extracting article content," and then nothing (just showing a small empty box).
  • (2021-05-31) Andrew Craig: Hello, Is there no longer support for this extension? I have pro feedly and I'd like to add content to my boards with this extension. All I see when I click the green icon is a blank empty box after clicking. Is there a fix for this?
  • (2021-03-18) Sabrina Renee Chong: Just downloaded it today but it doesn't work well. On some pages a tiny blank square pops up and then nothing. Disappointing :( It used to work well years ago.
  • (2021-02-27) Caleb Rudnick: Not working anymore, just get a blank box :/
  • (2021-02-24) Robert Ward: Has quit working again, Get nothing but a blank box when I click on the extension.
  • (2020-11-18) Eitan Caspi: Guys, you really don't wish to be contacted, especially by free plan users. There is a bug that the chrome feedly mini and "save to feedly board" extensions cannot save a link to a PDF file. The first only shows "Extracting article content..." and the 2nd "Error: Sorry, we could not find an article on this page!". Both the latest and under chrome 87 on Windows 10.
  • (2020-08-28) Curtice Morris: Says to login, I login, it opens feedly, click on the extension at the top, continues to say to login to continue. Basically a waste of space right now.
  • (2020-07-15) Fábio Henrique Araújo: Demanding login every time a try to use
  • (2020-04-09) multiteknik Service tv led: terimakasih sangat keren
  • (2020-02-23) Garrett Smallwood: Most of the time when I try to use this on the desktop version of Chrome, I only get the "Follow in Feedly" option, not the "Save to Board" option. I want to be able to 'clip' articles, not follow every single site that posts one article that I want to read.
  • (2020-01-25) Francisco Mendoza: I used to be able to save to my "Read Later" section but now I only have the option to save to boards, and "Read Later" does not seem to be one of them... could that be changed back? I don't use Boards but I do use "Read later" a lot!
  • (2019-12-16) Fernando: Le han quitado todas las opciones que tenia, ahora es solo un acceso directo.
  • (2019-11-18) Олександр Бугровий: Does not work when adding RSS from YouTube. For example https://www.youtube.com/user/JenniferESL/videos
  • (2019-05-09) Jamali Phillips: doesn't work as expected anymore.
  • (2019-05-01) Raúl: el icono debería cambiar de color cuando visitas una web con feeds RSS para avisarte. Ahora no hay forma de saberlo. Prefiero la extensión "Feedly suscribe button" de Firefox.
  • (2019-04-26) Matt Hawkins: I hate to give the one extension that I used to rely upon basically every 2 minutes, but... what recent update basically broke it for me. Or am I the only one who just keep getting "Extracting article content..." when trying to launch it?
  • (2019-04-19) Alexander Balakersky: It used to be my favorite extension. I would click on this button many times a day to get to my Feedly list. Now, it has changed into Add to Feedly button. Without anyone asking or giving an option to choose, or even a configuration option in the settings. A big major fail. I will be uninstalling this since I did not ask for that functionality to be forced upon me, oh and the functionality doesn't work really with anything but the simplest websites, and even then not well.
  • (2019-04-18) Kevin Vi: After the most recent update, clicking the button no longer takes you to Feedly. It's a dumb pop-up that extracts information from the page you are viewing to populate within Feedly. I hate it.
  • (2019-04-17) Mike Moses: Loved it until the recent update. I want to be taken to my feeds not asked if i want to follow or add the webpage i am currently on. This needs to be an option not forced on people.
  • (2019-04-17) Harald Held: I liked this extension until some time last week ... now it became essentially useless. Instead of taking me to the feedly website it opens a small message box saying "Extracting article content ..." which never finishes. What's the point?
  • (2019-04-16) Cronus: Im sure this extension used to take me to feedly when pressed with the other options appearing as a overlay button in the bottom right. How can I get the extension to take me to feedly on click or has that feature been removed completely?
  • (2019-04-16) James Murphy: why doesnt it take me to my feed when i click the extension??? Please add this option back!!
  • (2019-04-16) Yousuke Spyropoulos: I hate the new update. Clicking on the icon used to take me to my feeds, but now it tries to add the site to Feedly. Which renders it useless, as 95% of the pages I'm on are not feeds and as such cannot be added to Feedly.
  • (2019-04-16) Summer S. Wilson: Used to be great, click it and it took me right to my feed, which is what I wanted. It had a nice little icon that would appear on pages that you could use to add that page to your feed if desired. Apparently they did some kind of update and now clicking the toolbar icon just keeps trying to add whatever page I'm on to my feedly instead of actually taking me to my feed. Pretty much has rendered it useless.
  • (2019-04-16) Christopher Boyle: This used to take me to my feeds, now it adds stuff that i dont want instead. Where is the old version that did what i actually installed it to do?
  • (2019-04-15) Jan-Ole Potinius: Updated changed behavior of the extension. The old version opened feedly directly, the new one tries to extract the articles. It is no longer possible to open feedly!
  • (2019-04-15) 黃世華: How do I open "my feed" directly instead of "extracting article content" ?
  • (2019-03-12) Rachel Phillips: does nothing , don't save feed to see later on for new posts
  • (2019-03-03) Great!
  • (2019-03-02) Robin Dev: Esta extensión era muy buena, mostraba un widget en los sitios (blogs, paginas, etc) y te daba las opciones necesarias para manejar el contenido que te interesaba, pero en un tiempo para acá ya la extensión no aparece en los sitios. Al parecer ya no sirve.

Latest issues

  • (2024-04-13, v:53) Daniele Morrone: Feedly Mini not working
    Yesterday (or so) the Feedly Mini extension stopped working in my Google Chrome environment. On any tested page (including news articles with a clearly signaled HTML 'article' tag), the extension gets stuck in an infinite loop of "Extracting article content...". If I try to import the page into a board from the Feedly web interface, instead, the import works.
  • (2023-10-14, v:53) Jose Castro: failed to login with code
    Hi, When I use the Feedly browser extension, it briefly flashes "Extracting article content" and then shows a small empty box. It's unstable this way. How can I fix it?
  • (2023-07-12, v:53) Torbjörn Appehl: Indication when page is already marked
    Hi, Would it be possible to make some kind of indication when a page I am visiting is already marked by the plugin? Could be a change in the color of the plugin icon or something else. This would save me a lot of time. Thanks /Torbjörn
  • (2022-08-14, v:53) Pauluz The Web Gnome: Not working
    I have installed Feedly mini to Chrome, but this message pops-up: Sorry! We were unable to extract article content or find a valid RSS feed for this page! Would be great and appreaciated very much! Thanks you! Love the concept of Feedly!
  • (2022-07-10, v:53) Daisy: Not working with most of the websites
    The app doesn't fetch anything at all.
  • (2022-07-10, v:53) Daisy: Not working with most of the websites
    The app doesn't fetch anything at all.
  • (2021-10-17, v:52) Zdenko: Extension
    This extension does not work at all. It briefly flashes "Extracting article content" and then shows a small empty box.
  • (2020-08-10, v:50) Fimo Mogensen: Error: 929 / Bug / Authenticated requests with no session)
    Hi, Im geeting this error google chrome Version 84.0.4147.105 (Officiel version) (64-bit) "Error: 929 / Bug / Authenticated requests with no session)" and then i have to logout and in again everyday / time to get access - was working in the past
  • (2020-05-27, v:50) Alain Caltieri: Save to board
    Hello, First of all, thank you for the great app! I'm having a hard time with the Chrome extension though: I'd like to use it to save articles to my boards, but this option appears only for certain sites. On most, when an RSS feed is found, it prompts me to follow them instead. That's not what I'd like to do 99% of the time: I just want to save an article. Is it possible to have a setting to make the extension always save to a board / Read later? Or even better it would be to adjust the UX to make saving to boards always a viable option! Thank you again for your work!
  • (2020-03-14, v:50) Rendt Gorter: Chrome extension not working
    Hi: I just reinstalled the Chrome extension, but still ahve the same problem. 1. Add to board, works, 2. follow does not - just bringing up the Feedly home page and 3. View in Feedly brings up the wait GIF and nothing ever happens. How can I troubleshoot this problem?
  • (2020-03-01, v:50) cybermute: Feature Request: Support Writing Notes When Saving Article to Board
    Maybe better, support adding notes of the selected contents. (Similar function is supported by Google Keep extension.)
  • (2019-08-22, v:50) Ben Collins: Why does "Save to Board" only show up sometimes? That's usually what I want to do
    The way I read content is to bookmark stuff (or maybe read it right then if I have time), and then later decide I want to follow that source. It's almost *never* the case that I land on a page I'm not already following and then choose to follow it right then and there. Feedly Mini sometimes shows a "save to board" button in the dialog it opens, but not always. Why is this? Can we make it *always* show that? That button is what I'm looking for 99% of the time.
  • (2019-04-17, v:50) Allen Noland: Stopped working recently.
    I have used this for years now and it has always opened a chrome tab to my news feed. Monday I think it started displaying a small bubble window saying "Extracting article contents" with a spinning circle. Thanks in advance for fixing.
  • (2019-04-16, v:50) leonardo innocenti: DO NOTHING
  • (2018-08-28, v:35) Святослав: Размещение рекламы в вашем расширении
    Добрый день! Я представляю рекламную сеть Actionteaser. Мы работаем с большим количеством браузерных расширений и предлагаем следующие варианты сотрудничества: 1.Создаем блок(и) по заданным Вами параметрам и размерам для размещения в Вашем расширении. Оплата за клики (переходы). CPM от 30 руб. 2.Передаем с помощью фида (JSON или XML) список объявлений с информацией: картинка, ссылка, заголовок, CTR, цена клика. Вы можете делать из этого списка выборку для показа в Вашем расширении (ресурсе). Нас очень заинтересовало ваше расширение как рекламная площадка и хотелось бы пообщаться с Вами подробнее по поводу размещения рекламы и монетизации вашего трафика. Подскажите, пожалуйста, с кем я могу обсудить все детали нашего сотрудничества? Заранее благодарен, с наилучшими пожеланиями | Best regards | Bien cordialement Святослав Skype: siteup_actionteaser Traffic Manager at Actionteaser https://actionteaser.ru
  • (2018-08-02, v:35) Andy Kenward: Pro only
    Does this only work for pro accounts?
  • (2018-07-10, v:35) Jozsef Miskolci: It does nothing
    The button is just a link to feedly website. No other options. Is it temporary or this is just how it should work? If yes it is totally useless.
  • (2018-06-04, v:35) Mario Clemente: Feedly button does not work
    Just installed the plugin and this is just linking to the Feedly Software nothing else. :(
  • (2018-04-06, v:35) Cristina Villalobos: Save to feedly board FIREFOX
    Save to feedly board no longer work on firefox, netiher could find it https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-to-knowledge-board-feedly/
  • (2018-04-06, v:35) Cristina Villalobos: Firefox add on No work
    firefox add on disappear https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-to-knowledge-board-feedly/
  • (2018-03-16, v:35) Spencer Gibson: Feedly icon missing
    The icon (in the lower right) that I used to be able to click on to bring up a menu is gone :(


100,000 history
4.7635 (23,363 votes)
Last update / version
2022-01-27 / 53
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