extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Create scheduled reminders of different types, such as static text, notification, opening URL in new tab and task.

Image from store Reminders
Description from store Reminders is a simple and yet functional tool that won't let you forget anything important. You can create a reminder of four types: 1. Text. A reminder of this type will just be displayed in the list of all reminders and could be removed from there whenever you want. 2. Notification. When creating a reminder of this type you will be required to set the time when the notification with your text will be activated. 3. A new tab. This type is very similar to notification, but instead of notifying it will open a new browser tab with a URL provided by you. 4. Task. Looks like notification but has two buttons which allow you either to mark a reminder as done or postpone the time of its next activation. Reminders of type 2 and 3 can also have a repeat option. Besides that, these types support playing a small sound when activated, which tune and volume you can set in the extension's options. UPDATE (1.1.3): - added possibility to set your own default reminder parameters; - some minor fixes. UPDATE (1.1.2): - some minor fixes. UPDATE (1.1.1): - added possibility to change a size of the extension's popup window; - added possibility to set a custom period of reminder repeating; - some minor fixes. UPDATE (1.1.0): - synchronization between browsers logged in with the same Google account; - added a new reminder type "Task"; - added a reset button that restores extension's default settings; - main reminder list is now splitted into the two parts, active and past reminders; - some minor fixes.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-07) Марина Поплаухина: Свои функции выполняет только частично. Никакого уведомления для типа "Уведомление" не всплывает и не открывается, подаётся только звуковой сигнал. В остальном норм, но по сути пользоваться нельзя (
  • (2023-09-15) gokhan from earth: great extension. please add weekdays and weekend-days option for repeated tasks
  • (2023-06-11) Sergey: напоминания со статусом повторения "ежемесячно", после 1-2 повторений, самопроизвольно переходят на вкладку "прошлые", и больше не повторяются, причем этот глюк остается скрытым от пользователя.
  • (2023-05-23) villaddarage: Great app.
  • (2023-04-17) Puneeth P: Extension is really cool and works well. But Changing AM-PM in time is really an big issue, which needs to be fixed
  • (2023-03-30) Paul Ruddlesdin: Love this extension. I use it daily mainly for timesheet reminder at work. It would be good to have a week day setting in the repeat options please
  • (2023-03-29) I use this app to help remind me of things I need to come back to later, and it really helps keep me on track!
  • (2023-03-21) serhat koroglu: Why doesn't it show reminder text popup while using any reminder type?
  • (2023-02-17) Colin Murray: Great app. For me, being able to open a new tab automatically on a schedule with a document I need to review (e.g. meeting notes) is extremely helpful. It gets a bit messy trying to configure it, the UI really needs a full-screen version. There's also no way to give alerts nicknames so if you have many alerts it gets very confusing very quickly. I'm also not 100% sure but I feel I have noticed occasional buggyness with when certain alerts fire or if they fire at all. Overall it's not too bad, but sometimes I have found alerts going off at odd times or having their schedule shifted or removed.
  • (2023-02-14) Cynthia: Its pretty much useless. You cannot even edit the reminder
  • (2023-01-08) Ali Afzal: it works the way you wanted, time saving and an example of true reminder
  • (2022-12-08) Retro Moto Co: unable to edit the date or time of reminders, making it completely useless
  • (2022-11-03) Vanessa Mazzari: How to delete tasks in bulk? Hello, is there anyway to delete tasks in bulk? Maybe via, an export/import function (csv file). Many thanks. Vanessa
  • (2022-09-26) Mikhail Golenkov: This simply doesn't work. Uninstalled after a few hours. Tried to set reminders, but they didn't work as expected. When a reminder pops up and you click on any part of the reminder text it just disappears. Clickin on Done reschedules the task to +10 mins. Setting button does nothing - the task gets rescheduled to +10 mins. Also when creating a new reminder any click on other apps kills the reminder form - just click somewhere else and come back to your reminder and it will disappear. Good luck. Cheers
  • (2022-08-31) Meghan Gonzalez: i love this extension it is the simplest one by far but the notifications do not work it says it will be displayed but no matter what options you select the notifications and tasks just go to the past folder with no visible notification even when chrome is open, is there a way to fix this the open a new webpage works perfectly but it not really suitable for every situation even if it just opened the extension to show you the notification that went off as it moves it to the past folder it would be perfect otherwise you have to manually check and see what notification just went off, kinda pointless.
  • (2022-07-13) Василий: Подскажите, пожалуйста, как сохранить все напоминания, чтобы при переустановке Windows их не нужно было заново вручную вносить. У меня больше 100 напоминаний активировано.
  • (2022-07-08) Dmitry Rogozin: отличное расширение. добавьте его для mozilla firefox
  • (2022-06-01) Sławek Białek: It is a bit tricky when setting the date/time, you expect something more obvious
  • (2022-05-24) White: Notification only runs for a day and turn off. Need to manually turn on again the next day
  • (2022-05-13) Sascha Knight: deutsch: Die Erweiterung tut was sie soll und von den hier beschriebenen Problemen, kann ich keine Bestätigen. Funktioniert bei mir super. Nutze sie nun fast ein Jahr, und hatte bisher keine verpasste Erinnerung. Danke an den Entwickler. @Entwickler: Interesse an einer deutschen Sprachdatei? english: The extension does what it is supposed to do and I cannot confirm any of the problems described here. Works great for me. Been using it for almost a year now and haven't had a missed reminder yet. Thanks to the developer. @Developer: Interested in a German language file?
  • (2022-04-26) Habib Kabalan: it wont let me change the time
  • (2022-04-16) Nima Gholami (AourA): This has a minor issue. the daily task won't work and just goes to Past tab and you need to reset the time again
  • (2022-04-07) Yasargul Aktepe: There is a bug: periodic reminders fall to past reminders after a few times.
  • (2022-04-07) Sanskar Vyas: The best one out there, I'd say.
  • (2022-03-24) Anisa Nurmalinda: i love the open tab feature, but can you add the recurring time for the weekdays please?
  • (2022-03-21) Adam Divix: - no login required - easy to setup re-occurring notifications - notification sounds - actually works!
  • (2022-03-06) Enamul Hoque Mohon: Awesome! Works for me perfectly.
  • (2021-12-30) ram p: This app does what it says, only one extra request to developer is if to save current web page as reminder instead of copy and past the web link as a reminder. Thanks any way :)
  • (2021-12-10) Timothy Ritchie: I need a reminder to go off every weekday. I had a reminder set up with this app to go off every day, since it doesnt allow you to customize for which days of the week. The reminder just STOPPED after 5 days with no indication that was going to happen.
  • (2021-12-10) Clint Gorman: I can edit existing reminders, set up recurring reminders, choose notification, text or open a new tab. This is great for reminding myself to call someone or to do something. Super cool. Other reviews have less than 5 stars, I beg to differ.
  • (2021-12-02) Nik Sharky: Сначала всё хорошо, потом в один момент просто добавляя напоминания - они не появляются в добавленных. Это очень раздражает. Ещё заметил, что иногда напоминания могут в принципе исчезать и добавленных.
  • (2021-10-13) adam adamou: THE BEST
  • (2021-09-01) Felix Tan hachmoni: Saya suka sekali ekstensi ini thank you so much developer
  • (2021-08-09) VIPIN BHATNAGAR: It is a good extension. But i can't give it 5 star, as it didn't solved my problem ultimately. I wanted a simple software/extension just like this one. Just to remind me to do some work at a certain time. But i am on pc, in office. so no headphones and no speakers. So i need something to send notification and it works best. But this extension can't send web push notifications.... i need notifications even when my chrome is closed. Many other sites can send me advertisements and clothes offers even when chrome is closed. But this extension lacks that feature. Pls. update this feature if you can. Btw great extension for people like me who just want something simple and easy.
  • (2021-06-29) Stevie 1da: Good so far, but notification reminders dates showing in the list are upside down. Earliest date reminder should (imo) be at the top rather than the bottom.
  • (2021-05-26) Noah Sanger: Bad.
  • (2021-05-26) Jason Sanger: Terrible.
  • (2021-04-25) Anthony Li: It's a great app - HOWEVER, it should be more transparent in telling the user about its features. i.e. just add an instruction manual. There is one thing that I suggest tho. Some of my reminders are strictly weekday based, so please add a type for that. If that is complete, I'll change to 5 stars. For weekend reminders, just set two repeating weekly.
  • (2021-04-13) Kawaii Chibi-chan: It is perfect and its super helpful!
  • (2021-04-03) Johnny Lee: Great custom reminders, but would love it even more if a popup notification appeared. Thank you for this awesome tool!
  • (2021-03-25) Karolina Pawełczyk: it doen't repeat a reminder
  • (2021-03-19) Mohamad Esa Channel: sampai saat ini aku masih suka dengan aplikasi ini
  • (2021-03-18) Luke Morrison: It was okay because it doesn't work alot though.
  • (2021-03-16) Yun Xie: It didn't spring forward during daylight savings, and now I am late by 1 hour. Great.
  • (2021-03-07) Sum 1: I did a test reminder that worked just fine, but now I can't add anymore.
  • (2021-02-27) Ron Black: Reminders us simple and does the job. It does not intrude on my privacy and does not ask for private info. I like it!
  • (2021-02-09) Kostya Trezorov: Очень удобное расширение, помогает в работе, Спаибо! 5★
  • (2021-02-03) Mina Hiu Yuet KUNG: nice. But how do you set it to PM or AM?
  • (2021-01-26) ANNA GIULIA C. de Cristofaro: I think it's awesome. It's simple and it works i though wouldnt work it does and is so u can use to pay atention in class thats what use them to.

Latest issues

  • (2023-02-24, v:1.1.3) Brian Cannon: It says that I can get a text alert
    How do I submit my phone number for that alert?
  • (2023-02-15, v:1.1.3) Patrick Lum: Notification popups do not work
    Chrome for Mac - I get the sound but not the notif popup
  • (2023-01-22, v:1.1.3) Rebecca Eurostar: No pop up notifications
    Hello, The pop up notifications does not work. If I try to set up a task and ask for a pop up it does not work. I tried using an old computer and the pop up works on that one. But not on the main one. I check the authorisations for pop up and both are set up the same way (allowed). Is there a way to make it work?
  • (2023-01-06, v:1.1.3) Sam: Thanks for a great app
    Not sure if easy to implement, but I have a bookmark that is actually a small piece of javascript which means when I click on it the link opens in a new window: javascript:void(win=window.open('https://www.radio-website-I-use.co.uk/london/radio/player?URL=%27+location.href,%20%27LBC%27,%20%27width=360,height=420,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,status=no,autoplay=1%27)) Is there a way the tab opener can incorporate this? Not to worry if not, I know how time-consuming these things are. Well done on the extension as it is already.
  • (2022-12-22, v:1.1.3) Z Sz: Url reminders
    Would be nice if there were titles in addition to the URLS. Would make it easier to manage if I have a bunch of URLs.
  • (2022-10-18, v:1.1.3) Jim Redmond: "Reminders" extension
    Hello support, Some of my recurring reminders have went from the active to past status. I don't see a way to make them active again. Why is this happening and how do i correct it? Thank you, Jim R [email protected]
  • (2022-10-18, v:1.1.3) Jim Redmond: "Reminders" extension
    Hello support, Some of my recurring reminders have went from the active to past status. I don't see a way to make them active again. Why is this happening and how do i correct it? Thank you, Jim R [email protected]
  • (2022-10-18, v:1.1.3) Jim Redmond: "Reminders" extension
    Hello support, Some of my recurring reminders have went from the active to past status. I don't see a way to make them active again. Why is this happening and how do i correct it? Thank you, Jim R [email protected]
  • (2022-09-30, v:1.1.3) Vanessa Mazzari: How to delete tasks in bulk?
    Hello, is there anyway to delete tasks in bulk? Maybe via, an export/import function (csv file). Many thanks.
  • (2022-07-18, v:1.1.3) Tomer Cohen: some bugs and improvements
    1.please add 24 hours clock support 2.cannot open date&time window with mouse click-it only opens with space
  • (2022-07-13, v:1.1.3) Василий: Сохранение и перенос пользовательских настроек
    Здравствуйте! Подскажите, пожалуйста, как сохранить/выгрузить все напоминания, чтобы при переустановке Windows их не нужно было заново вручную вносить. У меня больше 100 напоминаний активировано.
  • (2022-03-20, v:1.1.3) TheByKotik: Повторяющиеся уведомления
    Кратко: 1. Свой таймер с повторением каждые 768 минут. 2. Новая вкладка. Если пропустить уведомление (браузер закрыт) отправит их в "прошлые" и будет показывать сколько времени прошло с установленного времени вместо обновления таймера.
  • (2022-01-07, v:1.1.3) Jerold Tyslan: Deletion
    How can I delete a text or notification from my list of future items?
  • (2022-01-06, v:1.1.3) Lucas Mormandi: Pop up window has not work
    Is a shame. Because I loved this extention. A short time ago, pop ups (Very very important reminder) stops working. So, only the sound alarm remind. I´ve uninstall it and install again, but it doesen´t work. Hope you solve this. Regards, Lucas.
  • (2021-09-29, v:1.1.3) David Shannon: pop-up saying google cant open the web page
    frequently, though not always, a warning pops-up coincident with editing a reminder saying that google chrome cannot open the web page. Also, at times of heavy internet activity, eq after school, the extension is slow to respond as if it is accessing something on the internet. Can you confirm that use of this extension does not involve internet access.
  • (2021-08-30, v:1.1.3) Al Karaptian: question
    does this extension pop up a notification window
  • (2021-08-27, v:1.1.3) Al Karaptian: problem
    I can't get a pop up/notification to come up on chrome when scheduling
  • (2021-05-30, v:1.1.3) Domoina Lalaoarisoa: comment
    votre effet
  • (2021-05-12, v:1.1.3) David Shannon: reminder (not) blocking screen
    Could you provide the ability to move the input screen so that I can see what is behind it?
  • (2021-02-27, v:1.1.3) Ron Black: Add a custom period dropdown (Minutes, Hours, Days, Month, Years)
    It would be nice to have a dropdown in the custom period. For things like: Take pills every 4 hours Change air filters every 90 days (the wife gets crazy every 27 days) Change air filters every 3 Months Leap year happens every four years
  • (2021-02-27, v:1.1.3) Ron Black: Day buttons for repeat... Ex. Monday, Wednesday, Friday
    It would be nice to have a submenu on the Repeat Daily so you can uncheck the weekends. For things like Tuesday, Thursday late pickup for the kids. ... PsudoCode on How to extend current program: IF daysArray [exists and is less than length of 7] THEN check days to run reminder ELSE run reminder
  • (2021-02-08, v:1.1.3) Dr. James V. Rosa: Doesn't keep time the next day or after other logons from other computers
    Doesn't keep time the next day or after other logons from other computers. Therefore, EVERYDAY, all my reminders (notifications and tab openings) have to be edited (since they are all bad and have either the wrong day, wrong time, or both). Running Google Chrome on Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon. Thank you.
  • (2021-02-08, v:1.1.3) Pascal Sollberger: Can't see notification
    Hi I tried to create a reminder with a notification. When the reminder goes of, I hear the sound but don't see a notification. What could be the problem?
  • (2021-02-03, v:1.1.3) Mina Hiu Yuet KUNG: Can't change to PM or AM
    My problem is that I can't change to PM or AM. I want to set a reminder at 2:34 PM and it sets to night time. I don't know why. I just don't have the choice to choose.
  • (2021-01-28, v:1.1.3) Rebecca: Android or similar?
    First of all, I absolutely adore this app. I have used it to make sure I get to meetings on time for years and it is very quick and easy to use. Unfortunately, my employer just blocked Chrome extensions. So, I am wondering if you have another version of this, or something similar, for Android? Thank you for all the times you've helped me stay punctual!
  • (2021-01-22, v:1.1.3) Lynette Webb: Repeating reminders are not functioning reliably
    Overall I love the simplicity of this extension, thank you - I have a form I need to fill in twice a day on weekdays, and I love having it popup as a reminder when it's due. My problem is that even when I've set up a reminder to repeat daily, after a period it just stops and moves into the "past" category. I then have to spot it has stopped working (which sometimes means I miss a day or two of form-filling) then go to manually edit and adjust the date to make it active again. 5 days or so later again the problem repeats. I haven't found any solution to this and am not sure what I am doing wrong. Might it be that because I don't interact with the tabs that popups on weekends that it is deciding to end it thinking I don't want it?
  • (2020-12-07, v:1.1.3) Willy Sagenhaft: Translation
    Hello, if You like, I could create a German language file for this Reminder... My EMail address is: [email protected] Best regards - Eric -
  • (2020-09-01, v:1.1.3) Logan Burchett: Potentially Acquiring Reminders
    Hey Eugene - Would you be open to a chat about me potentially acquiring Reminders? Would love to learn more about the business to see if we could make something work. Best, Logan Burchett
  • (2020-04-21, v:1.1.3) Anika Henke: Cannot remove reminders
    I cannot see any option to edit or even remove reminders. Clicking, double clicking, right clicking, extension options, nothing worked. The omission of such a basic thing makes the extension unusable for anyone who has put in just a single repeating reminder because it can never be deleted.
  • (2020-03-22, v:1.1.3) Hugo Nilsson: Closing reminders
    Shorthand for closing reminders, nobody uses their mouse these days. I don't know if it is possible but it would be nice. anyway nice app I use it a lot, thanks
  • (2020-03-05, v:1.1.3) Farah Imrana Mahbub: My client is having issues because there is no way to repeat the alert everyday. So he has to put alerts everyday. Where on mine I have the option to set it everyday. We have the same version in chrome extension
    My client is having issues because there is no way to repeat the alert everyday. So he has to put alerts everyday. Where on mine I have the option to set it everyday. We have the same version in chrome extension
  • (2020-02-19, v:1.1.3) Amal K Johnson: Opening of URLs
    I added this extension to open a set of pages everyday at a particular time. If my Chrome is closed at that particular time of the day, it wont work. It will be better if you could arrange the extension such that the pages will open in the very next session when i open the chrome. The tasks should not be omitted like what it do now.
  • (2019-12-13, v:1.1.3) Max Fata: Buying this Extension
    Hi, My name is Max Fata, I'm interested in purchasing this Reminder chrome extension. I see you haven't updated it since 2018 and believe I could help grow the user base. Please reach back out at [email protected] if interested in selling it.
  • (2019-12-11, v:1.1.3) Aries Jhan: Rearrange order and specific date
    Please add these functions hopefully.
  • (2019-09-20, v:1.1.3) Mario B.: Put a date on the reminders.
    For example, every Tuesday i'd like a reminder to do x and x. It will work very nicely.
  • (2019-09-07, v:1.1.3) eMVeDik: Ссылку в напоминание
    Возможно сделатьследующее: когда через меню правой кнопки на сайте выбираешь создание напоминание - автоматически вставлять ссылку на сайт с которого делается напоминание? А так приходится возвращаться, самому копировать и вставлять в напоминание... А это неудобство.
  • (2019-09-07, v:1.1.3) eMVeDik: 2 в одном
    А возможно совместить в напоминании и текст и ссылку? Сайт откроется и можно не вспомнить для чего его открыл.
  • (2019-09-02, v:1.1.3) Kirk Norton: reminder
    can you add -- repeat - every weekday
  • (2019-07-03, v:1.1.3) Damon Rawls: Contact
    I have some suggested changes to the extension that you may find helpful. Is there a way to contact you directly?
  • (2019-05-24, v:1.1.3) Joshua Chandra: Disabling "Keep notification" causes popups to stop showing
    Could there be a timer set to control how long auto-dismissed notifications show themselves?
  • (2019-04-19, v:1.1.3) Kate Sullivan: Notifications simply do not appear for me, at all. Please help
    I hear a sound, but no popup displays. Also, no option to delete or edit reminders. Please help!
  • (2019-03-25, v:1.1.3) Minty: Daily reminder option not working
    The function to set daily reminders doesn't appear to work. The reminder appears in the past on the next day. The only way to fix is to change the date on each reminder to the current.
  • (2019-03-18, v:1.1.3) Minty: Import/ Export
    Is there a way to export your list of reminders or to share them with other users? Great app, many thanks! Dan
  • (2019-03-08, v:1.1.3) TImeframe for notification
    Firstly, thanks for this extension - it's awesome and perfect for my needs perfectly. It would be great if I could add a reminder in terms of a timeframe instead of a specific time. (As an example, 3 hours and 17 minutes from now.) Is it possible to add this as an option?


80,000 history
3.6987 (156 votes)
Last update / version
2018-05-06 / 1.1.3
Listing languages
en ru
