extension ExtPose

Instant Save for Instagram and Flickr

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Description from extension meta

This extension allows saving of any Instagram or Flickr image via a single click on the context menu.

Image from store Instant Save for Instagram and Flickr
Description from store KNOWN ISSUE: There was a recent change on IG that caused some video download functionality to break, and I haven't yet been able to find a workaround for it. I apologize for the issue, and will update things once I'm able to find a workaround. Note from the Developer: If you find something is not working, please use the "Support" option to let me know before leaving a negative review. As you can tell from the release notes below, the websites this extension works on change their structure in a way that breaks this extension's functionality periodically. I have no affiliation with them, so don't know when those changes are going to happen until they get released to my account and I happen to run into the situation myself, then need to find free time to implement and release a change. Letting me know that something is not working using the Support option helps expedite that process. Summary: This extension is the only way to immediately save any image from Instagram or Flickr with a single right-click context menu click! Images from the main feed, a post or photo's page, or a user's overview or favorites page will save directly to your browser's default download location when you click on the option this extension adds to the right-click context menu. Release Notes: 1.0 added support for saving from the Timeline and Post Instagram pages 1.1 added support for saving from the user overview page 1.2 added support for higher quality, un-cropped images 1.3 fixed the plugin for Instagram's updated page layout model 1.4-5 updated name and logos in response to trademark complaint from Instagram 1.6 fixed handling for new types of videos 1.7 IG changed their app, and I can no longer modify the URL to get the un-cropped version, so this update gets the version currently loaded on your screen (if you click on a picture from a timeline to see it large, it'll grab the full version). I'm looking into a solution, but none are obvious. 1.8 Chrome v65 changed the behavior of <a> downloads in a way that broke this (opening images in a new tab rather than downloading them) - the download logic has been modified so that things work properly again. As an added bonus, the source user's name is now prefixed onto the file name. 1.9 changed the download logic because of another Chrome update that broke the previous download type 2.0 added the ability to download from Flickr 2.1 fixed an odd bug 2.2 updated the IG save logic for videos due to updated website structure 2.3 fixed a bug downloading videos with no comments 2.4 fixed a user-reported issue where file extensions had characters appended to them 2.5 added a "Labs" menu item off the main icon with in-development features - SaveStorm: When checked, any single click on IG or Flickr is interpreted as a download request. Works properly, but needs to be only enabled for short periods. - DL All Flickr: saves all open Flickr single-image tabs at one go. Still buggy when pulling large numbers down. 2.6 makes the Ctrl+Click (open in new tab) block that IG put in place work properly again 2.7 fixed an issue where videos downloaded from IG would have characters after the file extension 2.8 fixed an issue where clicking within a tag on the image would prevent the download from working 2.9 added the ability to download full-resolution photos or videos from Instagram Stories by left-clicking on the application icon in the top bar during playback 2.10 fixed video downloads 2.11 Added the ability to download IG TV posts 2.12 Updated the logic used to retrieve the username for the file prefix based on updates to IG's page structure 2.13 Updated the username retrieval logic when the page structure changed again 2.14 Updated IG Story photo retrieval logic based up an updated page structure 2.15 Included substantial updates around logic used with IG to retrieve video URLs, made necessary by some functionalities I was using being deprecated 2.16 Updated IG story retrieval logic to retrieve the highest-res image, and fixed saving videos from multi-image posts and from a user profile page based on structure changes 2.17 Updated image URL retrieval logic to pull from sourceset if available, fixed video URL retrieval from profile page, fixed video URL retrieval from main feed when after the initial set of posts. 2.18 Turned off debug log that I accidentally left enabled and caused extra noise in the console. 2.19 Updated the username retrieval logic when the page structure changed again 2.20 Fully fixed the issue of some images from Newsfeed downloading thumbnails rather than full-res. Partially fixed downloading videos from Newsfeed - it now works for the first batch of items on newsfeed, but there's a known issue for downloading videos beyond the infinite scroll and from a User page in a multi-image post - which you can work around by going to the Post page. 2.21 Fixed IG video downloads that were broken due to a new data structure, and migrated to Chrome Extension Manifest v3 2.22 Small update to name generation logic for images that internally use webp filetypes, which was causing invalid filenames 2.23 Small update to name generation logic issue causing long filenames including an HEIC filetype; these are now treated as jpg files. 2.24 Update support for PNG files

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-29) Fu Sheng Kok: nowadays keep having problems have to restart chrome only the app will work
  • (2023-07-23) Lord Cappuccino: Me encantó, es una pena que no funcione con los videos.
  • (2023-06-17) Jason X: не фурычит
  • (2023-05-03) arthak: Don't work anymore on instagram
  • (2022-12-18) Douglas Ribeiro: Parou de funcionar, era excelente! =(
  • (2022-12-15) Muntaser Muttaqi: Overall good. But there should be a shortcut.
  • (2022-11-23) Chay: Used to work great, but now seems to download flickr images in low res instead of full res. Not sure what changed, but it doesn't work properly anymore.
  • (2022-11-20) Edward Liu: Actually does what it says on the tin :)
  • (2022-10-31) G B (Satelitas): For me extension stop working as always used to be. From Flickr downloads come only in Large 1024. Noticed this like 2-3 weeks ago. Keep trying once in a while after, but getting the same low resolutios.
  • (2022-10-15) Pedro Pires: Doesn't work anymore on Flickr!
  • (2022-10-12) Sidney Ferreira: Essa extensão é excelente já uso há bastante tempo e é a unica que salva sempre na maior resolução e hoje parou de fazer isso, está salvando somente em uma resolução mediana, pode verificar. Esse problema está acontecendo no flickr.
  • (2022-09-30) Maria Jose Baena: it stopped saving source user's name prefixed onto the file name when saving an image or video from Instagram. y ahora ya ni funciona
  • (2022-09-29) Frank Bartlett: Works well for flickr, my only complaint is that if you are saving images on the accounts photostrem, it saves it as the size of the photostream image and not the full size. Also, for some reason it saves images as Jfif files. Not sure why there isnt a place to change the file type. PNG or just jpg would be preferred.
  • (2022-09-21) BeHappyBeVegan: Perfect for pics. Doesn't work for videos.
  • (2022-08-23) Simon Yu: Works great except for the fact that it does NOT download the pictures in high quality. The file sizes and image size is much smaller than the original. Everything else about it is good but I want to save things in high resolution!!
  • (2022-08-11) Леопольд Аркадьевич: Still saving same photo in photostream, need to press F5 every time. But there is nothing better then this addon on a chrome store.
  • (2022-08-03) rafael: Works beautifully. It would be even better if there was no need to right click, open the context menu and only then choose download IG image. Just have a button on the image that I can left click and download seamlessly, like other extensions.
  • (2022-07-02) Don Joslyn: Works great! Thank you!
  • (2022-06-17) ramset seti: It's still working with 5k res
  • (2022-06-10) Fedor: Working for inst. images, but please add video download!
  • (2022-06-06) Unicorn (Default): It just plain works! As of today, this is the only convenient and functional downloader I could find that didn't get the account I was logged into blocked by Instagram even though I downloaded nearly 400 images over the span of an hour while browsing.
  • (2022-06-06) 55 Cutiemai: I love this extension. but... Instagramの動画がダウンロードできなくなった。 画像はダウンロードできます
  • (2022-06-04) Teknyque: Hello, giving a bit more detail to the last user who mentioned the lower quality vids, so I made some screenshots. The First is a test vid, from a Nat Geo IG Story that's posted only 5 hours ago, you can also see the video res. The correct res is 1280x720 for all IG Stories normally, so something is going wrong when pulling the vid. https://i.imgur.com/jiH1kcm.jpg per Story Saver.net, if I post the direct link to the story https://www.instagram.com/stories/natgeo/2852695530377605542/ into the website, it pulls up all the storys, and the raw filename for this story is shown in the next Screenshot https://i.imgur.com/qhvHaIS.jpg Also, the Resolution is shown as 1280x720 for the raw file, so I'm not sure if it's relation to the extension's naming system or that can be kept. All in all, you have the best app out there, and have been a very responsive dev, so hopefull this can be worked out.
  • (2022-06-03) John Appel: Still works
  • (2022-05-31) Soner Şen: neither video works. :(
  • (2022-05-21) Richard Wesmiller: Perfect for images. Really like that it remembers the last folder that you saved images to so you don't have to keep re-navigating. My only complaint is videos don't download in highest quality. When I open them and compare them to the original, they are extremely pixelated and distorted. Wish there was a way to download highest quality.
  • (2022-04-24) Lucas Englund: Been using this a lot to save images from IG, but it recently stopped working outta nowhere. Doesn't work to right click and save, or to click the icon in the manu bar. Chrome version 100.0.4896.127 MacOS Catalina
  • (2022-03-10) Edward Peretti: Nothing happens when I right-click save instagram image. I don't think it works anymore.
  • (2022-03-03) Florian Trippel: Works as expected
  • (2021-12-30) Lj BunSo: its not working, i kept on clicking "save instagram image" but nothing happened!
  • (2021-12-20) Eugene Dotcom: Отлично
  • (2021-10-28) Ravnadal: So great to see addon that works and have constant updates to tackle instagram change in code. great work from author. Wish you could download videos on instagram. i don't know if it supposed to but if so the video download feature don't work not from the main page of the user and not inside the posts themselfs (posts with videos and pictures combined or just multiple videos at one post) stories will be a great feature also but may be i'm asking for too much. good work from the creator!!! keep it up
  • (2021-10-11) Nicolás Fernández: Funciona perfecto en flickr.
  • (2021-10-09) Fufu Fang: It works perfectly! I used it to download my own Instagram photo!
  • (2021-10-02) Sarfaraz A.: The issue of missing username in save option has started recurring again. Please fix it.
  • (2021-09-28) Alejandro Escohotado: This extension was giving an excellent service to me, but a week ago it stopped saving source user's name prefixed onto the file name when saving an image or video from Instagram. Now, for me, is useless 😕 Any chance to see a new version fixing this? Thanks for your work anyway 🙏🏻
  • (2021-06-29) Ezra Nicoloso: this extension didn't work, on Flickr i right clicked an image then i clicked the option that said "save Flickr image" but it didn't do anything Edit: it works now I found a way to make it work I wasn't patient enough it works perfectly
  • (2021-03-23) Stefan Adrian: It's still working as of March 2021, however: 1) Images downloaded is smaller than the original. I know this from comparing images downloaded form a 3rd party app. Slightly smaller but it's a little annoying. Can there be a fix where you (Dan) pick up the url for the original dimension/size? 2) You cannot download video. I kept getting either the .jpg thumbnail or .htm. Is there a fix for this? I've tried it from my main page and even going to the user's direct site. Thank you. EDIT: 1) Maximum height for instagram images that can be downloaded seems to be 1350. With another 3rd party app, I can download the same image with a height of 1700. 2) Some videos can be downloaded, but some cannot such as this one (if you can see the url): https://www.instagram.com/p/CMt4SUFLvMV/
  • (2021-02-09) Leonid Toprover: Перепробовал много (для Инстаграм в Chrome, Windows 7). Пока это лидер. Плюсы, отличающие от других. 1. Фото и видео. 2. Фото в полном размере прямо из ленты, а не только из профиля - не все расширения могут! 3. В имени скачанного файла не только набор цифр, а имя профиля. Это редкость! Минус. Вместо значка на картинке - пункт в контекстном меню мыши. Пожелание: добавить к этому пункту комбинацию клавиш.
  • (2021-01-31) Jenifer Paniagua: works perfectly great ! no issues and stuff
  • (2021-01-23) Evelyn: finally find an ins extension allow saving file with user ID. hope this tools could last long as possible. thank you.
  • (2021-01-12) Sorcha Lightwood: Thank you for this! I've been desperately searching for an extension which makes saving individual images, even within multi-image sets, easy. I do kind of wish it used a download button instead of right click, but that one extra click is nothing compared to the cumbersome nature of other extensions for Instagram downloading. Very useful, and functions well.
  • (2021-01-12) F H: Fantastic app , this is what I've been looking for since ages!
  • (2020-10-22) Brendon Wolf: Was fine for a long time, but started hijacking search results on top hits, sending me to all kinds of shady ad servers that Peter Lowe's blocker would halt. Other weird redirects, for example, would be any time I head to Asus' website, it would redirect me to the Russian subdomain. Functionality is great when it's doing its job, but it has no business hijacking other websites. EDIT: Apologies to Dan. It seems something else had hijacked his extension. Completely removing it and then re-adding it removed all the redirect issues I was getting. Rating adjusted.
  • (2020-10-13) MaxJet78: The downloaded file has 47 characters + the user profile name. Can this be made shorter or provide the option to create our own file name before it is saved?
  • (2020-09-21) Phu Cao: Just downloads *.htm photos
  • (2020-08-26) Mamone: Excellent. The only thing I'd change is that the saved photo is invariably the one of the original link by which the Flickr album was accessed. When you scroll through an album and find a better photo, you have to re-enter the album through that one to be able do download it. At least with me. But otherwise excellent.
  • (2020-08-17) Sarfaraz A.: Why have you taken out the user profile name in save option? Please re-add it.
  • (2020-07-15) Brian Chen: Where do the saved images go?
  • (2020-06-25) Matt: Doesnt work for FLICKR.

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-28, v:2.24) Molecular Rainbow: Location of saved pictures
    I cant find the pictures it saves with where are they located there not in file explorer, and i checked if it saved on instagram which it doesnt so where are these photos save to
  • (2023-08-29, v:2.24) Roger Goldberg: Usernames are no longer included in filenames when saving from the home feed
    It's as described. Previously it always used to include the username, now it's just a string of numbers. The username still gets generated as usual when saving from a profile page.
  • (2023-07-17, v:2.24) Qill AQ: How Did You Add Your Extension To The "Right Click Menu?" (Windows 11)
    (1) The "Option-Click" Feature iS Amazing. (2) i Was Trying To Do The Same For Other Google Extensions. (3) How Did You Do iT?
  • (2023-05-02, v:2.22) Sorcha Lightwood: Broken...? Weird File Name & Extensions.
    Stopped working today. The file name and extension are pure gibberish that expands forever, just symbols and letters and a few words that refer to a CDN. Please fix.
  • (2022-10-15, v:2.22) Sidney Ferreira: Não salva mais na maior resolução
    Essa extensão é excelente já uso há bastante tempo e é a unica que salva sempre na maior resolução e hoje parou de fazer isso, está salvando somente em uma resolução mediana, pode verificar. Esse problema está acontecendo no flickr.
  • (2022-10-08, v:2.22) OzzyOscy: Video stories no longer download
    Clicking the icon in the toolbar no longer downloads a story if it's a video. (The right-click one never worked for any stories anyway.)
  • (2022-08-20, v:2.22) Tim-Oliver Siegwart: Change Download Folder
    Is there an Option to change the download folder. By default it saves everything into the Windows Download Folder. I want to change it to another hard drive. Can"t find it in the settings, but I guess it is possible and I am just blind.
  • (2022-06-21, v:2.22) Carlos Mtnez: Save same image in photostream
    Still saving the same image in a Flickr photostream
  • (2022-04-20, v:2.22) Леопольд Аркадьевич: Saves same image multiple times in one photostream on Flickr.
    If you select next image in same photostream and try to save it from context menu, it saves the image opened previously.
  • (2022-04-20, v:2.22) Леопольд Аркадьевич: Saving picture by hotkey.
    Saving picture by hotkey besides context menu would be really nice.
  • (2022-02-10, v:2.21) Teknyque: Extension Not Downloading Highest Quality Videos
    I’ve been using your extension and it works well for the most part, but one big issue is that on some videos It does not download HD resolution IG Stories are normally in 1280x720 Resolution, but the extension will download them in 854x480. Could you check to if there is something holding the extension back from Downloading in the highest resolution?
  • (2021-07-11, v:2.18) Sorcha Lightwood: Doesn't Work on Instagram Anymore
    I've tried uninstalling, reinstalling, and disabling then re-enabling this extension, but it just won't work anymore. I have a set download location in my Chrome settings, and I've checked that folder to see if the images quietly downloaded, but they did not. Using the context menu button just does nothing, no images are saved anywhere and no dialogue box comes up asking where to save either.
  • (2021-04-07, v:2.18) Leonid Toprover: The nicknames disappeared!
    I was attracted by the fact that when downloading a photo from Instagram, a profile is written in the file name. It seems to have broken down?((
  • (2021-01-22, v:2.16) Andy D: Videos have stopped downloading
    Hi, videos currently aren't downloading - they're saving as download.html. This was working fine the last time I tried to download a video on the 19th Jan. Side note - are there any plans for saveable instagram stories? Thanks
  • (2020-09-01, v:2.13) Underground Svirke Srbija: Redirects ?
    Can you please let me know why your extension is redirecting me to "crushshustpp5" ad after clicking on a news source on Facebook? I've taken time to narrow down this, I have only 3 extensions, and when only yours is open, this is happpening.
  • (2020-07-30, v:2.11) Andreas G.: Doesn't add user name anymore
    Hey! Starting today the extension doesn't prepend the user name to the file name. Instead the file name starts with the underscore, so I think Instagram changed something and your extension can't fetch the user name anymore. Fix would be very appreciated. Love this extension :)
  • (2020-05-29, v:2.11) Enzo Giannattasio: save issue
    When i click save nothing happens, where does it save the images?
  • (2019-12-13, v:2.9) Daniel Salas: Instagram videos stopped downloading
    Hi - I have noticed that in the last several weeks, videos have stopped downloading. Is there a fix on horizon for this or possibly a workaround?
  • (2019-10-17, v:2.9) Brandon Hunt: not saving videos anymore
    this extension used to be able to save images and videos with the right click but now videos won't save. :( please help
  • (2019-09-18, v:2.9) Beverly Jablonski: Capture photos on Houzz
    OK I am using the extension to capture photos on Instagram. Got an extension for Houzz photos? I can't keep using the SnipIt tool. Takes too long.
  • (2018-08-07, v:2.5) Can't find the image
    Hi, I searched the folder, including"Download" folder,"Recent Download", and no found. And When I try to download the pic. I didn't get any remind of "Downloading" or "Complet download". Can you help me?
  • (2018-06-13, v:2.5) About video downloads
    Dou you have a plan to add video or IG histories to make we can download? will be great.
  • (2018-05-29, v:2.5) Julie L.: Won't save
    I'm getting the save link in the context menu, but the image is nowhere to be found. I searched my whole computer (it's new, so that was easy), and nothing is anywhere.
  • (2018-05-23, v:2.3) a problem with downloads
    Hello about 2 weeks ago i think instagram make chages cuz alot of extensions stop working, your extension still works but at the end of .jpg it adds a random letters and numers .jpg__dsiuhn_ etc... soy u need to go to explñorer and rename filename...
  • (2018-05-05, v:2.1) Unable to save
    According to the instructions, but did not find pictures in the download location, search the folder, nor found. After saving the right key, no small window or any other changes are popped up. Can you tell me what's going on? Is it that I can't use it alone?
  • (2018-02-09, v:1.7) I can't find the photo
    hello,can I ask a question:after I click the"save Instagram Image",I can't find where the photo is.Would you help me ??thanks a lot!
  • (2017-10-20, v:1.5) ThuBe Wind: saving
    I want to change the address photos saving. what should I do?
  • (2017-03-21, v:1.3) Vanessa Martin: not working
    this worked for a while.But, now it doesn't, I click to save the picture but it doesn't save the picture.


10,000 history
3.7979 (94 votes)
Last update / version
2023-06-18 / 2.24
Listing languages
