extension ExtPose

Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller

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Description from extension meta

Make scroll behavior smooth, ease-in-out manner, customizable with dynamically plotted curve. With bouncy edge feature.

Image from store Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller
Description from store This extension changes scrolling on pages loaded by http and ftp very comfortable smooth one. You can design animation curve of scroll as you prefer by previewing plotted curve in the options page. It has bouncy edge feature also. This is a port of a Firefox add-on that has same features: Yet Another Smooth Scrolling. If you like this extension, you should use YASS when you are on Firefox.

Latest reviews

  • (2025-01-12) С моей оценки в 5 звезд прошло 14 лет, с тех пор я пользуюсь им каждый день, и люблю это расширение только больше. Спасибо!
  • (2024-04-06) Jesús Miguel Cruz Cana: Works most the time but a few times it does not initialize properly and reloading the page is required in order to fix the issue. My settings: Mouse Wheel - Step Size: 240 - Smoothness(Forepart): 25 - Smoothness: 65.00 - Acceleration Sensitivity: 100 Keyboard - Step Size: 240 - Smoothness(Forepart): 25 - Smoothness: 65.00 - Acceleration Sensitivity: 0.25 2024 update: Changed from 3/5 to 2/5 as it does not work properly for pages using CSS "scroll-behavior: smooth".
  • (2023-10-11) Sergew: Отличное расширение. Огромное спасибо автору!
  • (2023-08-25) Allen Chen: generally performs nicely. much better than another competing extension called "SmoothScroll" ... BUT one thing REALLY ANNOYING is that when you already built up the acceleration in one direction and you suddenly scroll back the other direction, THE ACCELERATION DOESN'T STOP Meaning that the sudden stop you tried to perform WILL NOT actually break the momentum for scrolling past your intended target That is unnatural and goes against an obvious sceneario that the user surely encounter Having an acceleration without breaks is just trading one problem of tediously slow scrolling with another of uncontrolable chaos Although fortunately with the way of my setup the problem isn't that exaggerated *****BUT I do think a change in scroll direction to execute a brake in acceleration is a VERY crucial function for this type of tool***** I really wish the dev can see this and implement a fix
  • (2023-07-26) Melanto Nino: Very good! The extension now works again after its update from 25.0702023! Thanks a lot
  • (2023-07-21) Tecuta Alexandru: Why did the developer update this extension if it used to work wonderfully? Did he know the proverb ”if it ain't broke, don't fix it”? After the last update, it scrolls badly. I tested on 2 of my devices. I managed to downgrade to an older version 2.0.6 that I found on the internet, since the version updated on 19 july 2023 is unusable. To all users who downgrade: after you activate developer mode in Chrome, please load the extension as unpacked or else, it will keep updating itself to the last version, which is unusable.
  • (2023-07-20) Melanto Nino: Extension does not work anymore! Since the update from 19.07.2023, the extension unfortunately no longer works! The pages jerk and falter, before the update everything ran smoothly. Please correct. THANKS Guido
  • (2023-07-03) Piereligio Di Sante: The step size needs to be changed everytime I open chrome, otherwise the steps will be huge for my acceleration curve. The other settings seem that keep applied how they are. Also, it misses one thing: exclusion for touchpad, I'd like to have the original scrolling with the touchpad. Possibly keeping the bouncy overscroll
  • (2023-04-12) Orhun Kabaklı: Stops scrolling from working on some pages since some time. Can not scroll at all on google images and youtube shorts. Disabled until fixed.
  • (2023-03-29) Igor Kozarchuk: Laggy on some websites. Scrolling using mouse wheel doesn't work in Google Apps menu (9-dot menu with Gmail, Drive, Calendar etc.) if you try to open it from a new tab. But when opening the same menu from Google search results or google.com, then scrolling works good. UPDATE: to fix previous issue add the following link to the Black List in extension's settings: https://ogs.google.com/u/0/widget/*
  • (2023-03-23) Rafael: otimo,uso a anos, o scroll padrao do google chrome,opera,etc é irritante
  • (2023-02-25) Seung Chan Lee: 아주 좋습니다. 버그도 없습니다.
  • (2023-02-24) Martin Ždila: I use it for years in Chrome and Vivaldi (on Linux). A must have extension! I only found one page where it causes a problem in a "support chat" window where I can't type spaces because spacebar scrolls the main page.
  • (2023-02-23) Gia Khánh Trần: Cant open the extension setting
  • (2023-02-10) esgalmir: Very difficult to tune up, buggy bouncing feature, but the worst is --> space button on keyboard misbehave on some video streaming sites, it should pause/play, but it scrolls down like Page down. Because of this I uninstalled.
  • (2023-02-02) Andi K: Bisher war ich mit der Extension sehr zufrieden, aber wenn sie aktiv ist, kann man in Confluence im Editiermodus nicht mehr per Mausrad scrollen!!!
  • (2023-01-20) Тротуарный Ездок (AlcoRiding team): Позволяет изменять скорость скроллинга в браузере на Linux. И это хорошо!
  • (2023-01-15) Chen Andy: 很棒,但是有些網站一開始會卡在上頭 希望能持續更新
  • (2022-08-13) Radoslaw Dutkiewicz: Love the extension but PLEASE, fix scrolling speed on Amazon website. The framerate goes down to 5fps when you're on the item page and you scroll down. This slowdown is not present with native smooth scrolling.
  • (2022-08-12) Darwin Araujo: Perfect application fulfills enormously what it promises, I would only add that it activates and deactivates depending on the OS, in my case if it is in linux that it activates if it is windows no
  • (2022-06-12) Sneirox: This really change scroll speed on Linux and with smoothness!
  • (2022-05-16) Anderwriter: It's not perfect, but it's the best scroll-speed extension I've found. Apparently the changes you make don't take effect till you close its window. It'd be much easier if your settings took effect right away, so you wouldn't need to keep opening and closing the window to get them right. Thanks!
  • (2022-04-20) Al Biss: Wow ! It works amazingly well :)
  • (2022-04-13) Creative Carve Cite Climb: The smoothness of scrolling now is amazing! Great extension!
  • (2022-04-09) Matteo Venturi: Great but it's not working on PDFs (I'm using this on Edge)
  • (2022-03-12) Antonio Rodriguez: Absolutely excelent. It changed Chrome OS Flex experience on a laptop. From horrid scrolling to perfect, with some tweaking on the parameters. Thank you!
  • (2022-03-06) Daniel Clayton: Works so much better than it's "built in" counter part but hasn't been updated since Oct last year wth? Also I noticed when I was changing the settings it started acting really weird then I realized that I had changed the keyboard settings by accident. Why would that affect the mouse's properties? Another thing I found odd was I couldn't make even number adjustments while I was using the mouse on my leg. Okay maybe that one's on me but it was still odd.
  • (2022-02-16) Anton: It only works every few seconds, then it's "pausing and processing" and scroll is "normal" like add-on is turned off. Then when it starts working again it starts superscrolling to catch up what wasn't scrolled with the add-on, so you lose track where you are on the page. Makes it unusable.
  • (2022-02-15) Sandro de Paula: muito boa, rolando suave a tela. usei a seguinte configuração: step size: 150, smootness forepart: 80, smoothness: 50, o resto zero e off.
  • (2022-02-15) FantastikUS ST: USEFULL ,, since KDE mouse scroll LINE'S MAX is Limited to 12 only ! !
  • (2022-02-10) brandy pl: open打开了misc的功能,当滚动到底部end,会有一个横向的滚动条horizon scroll bar
  • (2021-12-30) Mike Hoopes: I'm using this with a 3DConnexion SpaceNavigator, which by default, in apps that don't natively support it, emulates the mouse wheel with the Rx axis, adding proportional speed control (the further you deflect the knob, the faster the "wheel" turns). This gives me more fine-grained control, with less physical effort, than using the actual mouse wheel. I'd call this an essential extension for 3D mouse users. Note that you will need to disable the built-in Smooth Scrolling flag in edge://flags/ or chrome://flags/. Here are the settings I'm using. These aren't some magical combination, just my first try at turning all of the knobs. I was trying to keep effort low, reduce "jumpiness", and get rid of the "bounce" at the page extents. They seem to work ok for me when 2D mouse wheel scrolling, as well - but your mileage may vary. Step Size: 200 Smoothness(Forepart): 70.51 Smoothness: 61.84 Acceleration Sensitivity: 0 Acceleration by Travel Distance: OFF Bouncy Edge: OFF P.S. It doesn't work everywhere, like here in the chrome web store, or chrome settings. It has worked everywhere I needed it, so far.
  • (2021-12-21) Arkar WINN MINN HTWE: Much needed on Linux.
  • (2021-12-19) Gordon Griswold: Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller is the perfect smooth scrolling extension for Google Chrome. CWSS is seamless, does not degrade browser performance, provides complete user control over the scrolling process; resulting in perfectly smooth webpage scrolling. My scrolling options are:103,39.17,71.49,187 and 1.14.
  • (2021-11-29) Даниил Колбасов: Охренное расширение для плавного и ускоренного прокручивания. Как я жил до этого раньше??? Жалко что нельзя сохранять и импортировать на другое устройства, приходится всё делать в ручную
  • (2021-11-12) Brennende Herz: Literally saved my Brave browser from uninstall ;)
  • (2021-10-27) Mart Berends: Amazing app
  • (2021-10-19) Ono Lox: The extension was so good, but recently in the new vivaldi 4.3 it gives a lot of artifacts, parts of the letters stay creating artifacts... so strange.
  • (2021-10-18) 김영수: 좋아요 엣지랑 비슷하게 되네요! SET: 160 4 65 85 1
  • (2021-10-14) Aethar: Thank god for this extension, chromium linux scroll is so broken and disgusting to use. This extension is literally perfect. The only extension ive ever reviewed, Thank you forever developer
  • (2021-10-04) Trường Lê: default option is bad
  • (2021-09-22) Evgeny Chertkov: Задумка хорошая, но на сайтах с постепенной подгрузкой элементов, например комментариев под видео на youtube или картинок товара на aliexpress страницу просто прокручивает назад по мере подгрузки, очень не удобно, пришлось отключить. Расширение скорей всего не при чем, дело в самом принципе подгрузки контента, но пользоваться в таком виде невозможно.
  • (2021-09-14) Parth Salat: Any type of problem with the mouse scroll/ page scroll sensitivity can be solved with this app! Note: right click on the extension and choose options to customise you scroll.
  • (2021-08-15) Patrice Lockhart: It's not really doing what I want it to do. Messing around with the settings isn't helping much. I want it to scroll smoothly when I use the wheel and I want the page to STOP MOVING when I stop scrolling. But it doesn't. It just skids down by itself, past where I want it to be. The settings I set make it less jerky when it is scrolling so I don't get as dizzy. However my mouse works fine on firefox, in fact it works fine on everything else on my desktop but Chrome. So many businesses are now requiring me to use chrome, like my bank, and it is pain in the neck to have to actually focus my attention on how to scroll down a page where I want to look at something. It's like docking a boat in rough water.
  • (2021-06-11) Lior Terentiev: Works without any issues on GNOME 40. Also added interial scrolling which I previously didnt have, definetly a bonus. 5+ stars. Thank you
  • (2021-05-21) Christophe B: Works great. could you add a reset to default. would like to suggest a feature when holding a key it would change to an alternate settings profile. For example a precision profile- small and low step size, acceleration, and smoothness- could be temp activated when holding "alt + space" else would use normal profile. Along the same lines/idea could also have hot keys(like other extensions) or menu when clicking the extension icon to switch between profiles. This would be nice because some sites are(for lack of words) better when used with different settings. another idea, could even assign a profile to a specific domain/website.
  • (2021-05-07) Giuseppe Bumma: È fantastica, oltre a poter regolare tuti i vari parametri dello scroll c'è anche l'opzione di avere il Bouncy Edge che c'è su Safari.
  • (2021-04-22) FatheredPuma81: Went through all the trouble of setting it up only to find out it's complete trash and doesn't work on everything. What a complete and total waste of time. Doesn't even come with Chrome's default settings smh.
  • (2021-04-05) Joaquín Ayuso de Paúl: Exactly what I was looking for on Linux Chrome. It emulates perfectly the smooth scrolling you would get with Mac (and the lack of kinetik scrolling in wayland)
  • (2021-02-03) Subatomic Nucleotide: Has recently made pages blur when scrolling to the top or bottom of the page.


90,000 history
4.4444 (2,304 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-21 / 3.0.6
Listing languages
