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Sua navegação tornada privada e segura
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Description from store
A Segurança do Navegador Avira protege você de sites maliciosos e rastreadores invisíveis
Navegação segura
- Navegue com segurança: nós bloqueamos mais de 80 milhões de sites maliciosos por mês.
- Proteja sua identidade: nós detectamos mais de 20 milhões de ataques de phishing e spam por mês.
- Faça download com segurança: nós evitamos que mais de 1 milhão de aplicativos potencialmente indesejados (PUA) se oculte nos seus downloads.
Navegação privada
- Anti-rastreamento: nós impedimos que milhares de redes de anúncios de monitorem você online.
- Experiência otimizada: nós permitimos seu acesso a todos os seus serviços web favoritos, sem interferências.
Pesquisas mais inteligentes
- Saiba antes de entrar: nós realçamos os sites infetados diretamente nos seus resultados de pesquisa.
- Antissequestro: nós asseguramos que você nunca é redirecionado para mecanismos de pesquisa maliciosos.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-21) Resources Mode: TERRIBLE extension. BLOCKS legitimate websites when you try to sign up for their newsletter. Blocks Youtube videos. Slows your browser down.
- (2023-09-16) ogredale: Haven't had any issues, though I only use it for the malware and phishing protection. My browser has a built in adblocker that is more customizable, which I much prefer. Overall, my experience with Avira has been great!
- (2023-09-08) Hebenézer Martins Mesquita: A página de resultados de pesquisas do Google mostra caracteres corrompidos. Quando desabilitei a extensão e dei um refresh na página os erros sumiram. Reabilitei a extensão no Chrome novamente e mais um F5 e o erro voltou. Chrome Versão 116.0.5845.180 (Versão oficial) 64 bits
- (2023-09-07) J J: At first I thought it performed well, and it did, however, I noticed it is powered by Adguard whose own Adguard extension takes lots of memory and CPU and this isn't customizable with adding filters. UBO Lite and Privacy Badger work best together and take less memory/CPU use.
- (2023-09-05) rui moreira: Estou a ver anuncios antas nao via e de uma hora para a outra comecou a dar anuncios dizendo ele mesmo que esta a bloquear anuncios.
- (2023-09-04) 皓月: 最近突然無法攔下YOUTUBE的廣告可以更新一下嗎?
- (2023-08-29) Alvin Liu: 中国外交部网站被他标记为钓鱼网站了, 佩服, 干得漂亮!
- (2023-08-15) TUKS PATHOM: ดีมากครับ ถ้าเราเปิดเวปที่ มีมัลแวร์ -ไวรัส ส่วนขยาย Avira จะบล๊อคให้เรา ก่อนเข้าเวปครับ สุดยอดครับ ขอบคุณ ส่วนขยาย ที่ดีมากครับ..
- (2023-07-15) Johannes German: Es un verdadero antivirus totalmente completo para nuestro navegador. Es perfecta, adios virus y anuncios. La recomiendo totalmente
- (2023-06-13) Maprangsoft Development: ชอบจ้า ดูว่าเว็บไซต์ไหนน่าสงสัย ทำให้ระมัดระวังได้
- (2023-06-03) Yurii Kryvonos: It works correctly. I am very happy with it.
- (2023-06-03) Sisco Martorell Tronchoni: Buenos dias. No me deja acceder para firmar documentos con el DNIe. Me dice: 003002 - Authentication Failed (no certificate has been submitted). Creo que es por este antivirus, ya que antes de instalarlo no me pasaba. ¿Sabéis como puedo resolver este problema? Gracias.
- (2023-05-24) Excelente extensão, mesmo usando versão free no desktop, não deixa na mão. Explica detalhes da análise e ajuda em como resolver ameaças. Na versão browser além do que foi citado, bloqueia e notifica sites que abrem sozinhos, ameaças em segundo plano, a navegação se mantém sem preocupação. Recomendo.
- (2023-04-29) I Am: из-за этого приложния стал тормозить google chrome.раньше все работало нормально
- (2023-04-07) Dizerma: отлично блокирует все опасные сайты
- (2023-04-01) Saud Aljaffer: Avira makes them "pre-installing" extensions where they always re-install themselves when a new Chrome user profile is created. And then they DO NOT remove them when their antivirus is removed from the user system. Poor software management from their side.
- (2023-03-22) 禮維: 如果不會攔截廣告,進入該擴充設定更改即可。
- (2023-02-26) Alberto Ascani: Funziona alla perfezione da anni.
- (2023-02-11) Juan Carlos Restrepo Peinado: La extensión es buena, bloquea la mayoría de anuncios.
- (2023-02-03) Den S: Avira установил этот шлак без моего согласия. Пытался всего лишь установить Avira VPN на ПК.
- (2022-12-31) banana: 安裝之前不會先問user
- (2022-12-21) Kathy Vogel (Baba): Great extension I've had no problems as of yet. It does the job it say's it will. I just wish I could use it in Microsoft Windows 10.
- (2022-12-01) JEISSON ALEXANDER MALAMBO MORENO: Es excelente
- (2022-10-16) 馮: 可以幫忙擋TWITCH的廣告嗎
- (2022-10-05) KK HH: 超棒佛心插件
- (2022-07-04) Jessica Silva de Lima: gostei muito dessa extensão. funciona muito bem me protegeu de muitos sites que abrem sozinho e tem virus e ainda tem a classificação do site q avisa antes de entrar se e seguro ou não.
- (2022-06-22) Bruno de Oliveira: Falha no MacOS 12.3.1 Chrome Version 102.0.5005.115 (Official Build) (arm64) Simplesmente o melhor que já tive. Faz tudo o que promete e muito mais.
- (2022-05-28) Jezreel Gacema Benjamin: Até hoje nunca tive problemas com essa ferramenta. Vale muito a pena instalar no chrome.
- (2022-05-22) Jay: Окошко с настройками плагина не вмещает весь контент - в итоге кнопка переключения находится где-то слева за пределами всплывающего окна при нажатии на значок плагина.
- (2022-05-13) Arda Eroğlu: HARİKA
- (2022-04-29) Iry Psy: ALLWAYS INSTALL when start NEW PROFILE! But I don't give any permission. It uses scripts and run all the time when I open a new profile! In all browsers. Deleting doesn't help, reinstalling the browser doesn't help! Clearing the registry does not help! Nothing helps! I installed Avira antivirus once. A day later, 3 errors appeared in the browser that someone was trying to install the Avira SafeShopping, Avira Browser Safety, Avira Password Manager extensions. Immediately deleted everything. But as soon as I open a new profile in the browser - immediately this error! Nothing helps! Avira tech support ignores this problem! They just imposed this garbage on me! I don't want to see it EVER
- (2022-04-06) Akbar Noto Ponco Bimantoro: The ads is great, but the unsafe blocker control should be by user since i cant turned it off, some content is miss detected as unsafe
- (2022-03-28) wang he: 很好用。 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\Extensions HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Google\Chrome\Extensions
- (2022-03-22) Bryan Lee: 試過很多相關的擴充軟體,是一套能夠確實的阻擋惡意的網站以及彈出式廣告 特別值得注意的是平均一個禮拜程式會更新一次 值得給五顆星
- (2022-03-11) Kim Puffer-Crossley: it is good except every time i log onto online banking, it says my password is public and i chage it but it still keeps doing that.
- (2022-03-10) 平井伸治: Vivaldiで使用しているが、 使用するメモリが、他のセキュリティ企業の拡張機能より多い。 ブラウザのタスクマネージャーでメモリ使用量が、210,000K以上。 2番目に多いNortonでさえ、110,000K。
- (2022-02-16) Mih Z: Gledanje filmova nikad brze i lakse :)
- (2022-01-28) Jörg Felsch: Hallo, In der langen Zeit in der ich den Avira Browserschutz schon nutze bin ich oft gefragt worden warum man bei mir YouTube ohne Werbung sehen kann, weil YouTube mit anderen Ad-Blockern anscheinend garnicht funktioniert. Ob das tatsächlich stimmt weiß ich nicht, aber da es kein Einzelfall war das ich gefragt wurde gehe ich davon aus das da schon was dran ist. Und weil sie grundsätzlich einen guten Job macht möchte ich mich bei Avira für diese geniale Erweiterung bedanken... MfG, Jörg
- (2022-01-26) 大榮: 能阻擋90%以上的廣告、有繁體中文、還可以設定個別網站開關,最重要的是免費使用,不給5星說不過去。
- (2022-01-23) MARCELO MESSIAS: As propagandas que chegam no meu aparelho são eliminadas automaticamente. Boa proteção.
- (2022-01-19) Mrs Square: Very Good at blocking trackers and ads - it actually shows you how many it's blocked which is reassuring. I FOUND THAT IT DOES NOT START WORKING UNTIL YOU GO TO ITS SETTINGS AND CLICK 'BLOCK TRACKERS AND ADS...'. also, a company complained about getting empty posts, I think that can be fixed if the users disable 'send do not track header'. Thank you
- (2022-01-10) Hello Puppy: It is a very nice extension. It protected me from adds and trackers a LOT which kept my device and my personal information safe. I can't believe something as useful as this is free!
- (2022-01-08) Matteo Cucini: ottima! ***** nei 2 anni che la utilizzo non mi ha mai dato problemi
- (2022-01-04) MikaLP YouTube: super nur epmpfelbar
- (2021-12-30) Christian Pagé: It's not blocking any ads
- (2021-12-21) aljesco: Этот хлам установил антивирус AVG в браузер без моего согласия
- (2021-12-20) theslaventy 2.0: Отлично блокирует всю рекламу, очечь хорошее расширение
- (2021-11-30) Ajit Kumar: Best Ad Blocker ever
- (2021-11-21) Timothy Sunders: Avira Prime olağanüstü ...
- (2021-11-14) Cheesy_ Txes: did not work for me wouldn't reccommend