extension ExtPose

Cite This For Me: Web Citer

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Automatically create website citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles at the click of a button.

Image from store Cite This For Me: Web Citer
Description from store Simply browse to the page you wish to cite and click the button to generate a correctly formatted citation. Then copy-and-paste the citation into your assignment, or add it to your online bibliography for safe keeping until later. You can also add other sources (like books, journals, and newspapers) from our main tool at http://www.citethisforme.com Sources are cited using the following format editions: APA: 6th edition Chicago: 16th edition MLA: 7th edition Harvard: N/A

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-24) Jorge: It classifies everything as a websites. Even if you are looking at a paper with a doi in a scientific website such as NIH it cites it as a website.
  • (2023-05-24) Sha yan: no ieee citation :(
  • (2022-08-29) LHS Shadow: Works very well and makes college and high school 10x easier. I did notice a bug where the date accessed is 1 day ahead of what it should be (ex. Accessed on 29, when you accessed it on the 28)
  • (2022-01-03) Evelyn Zhang: Save my life lol
  • (2021-12-15) Kareem Baba: Half of the time, the details aren't correct, despite the original author and actual publication date being explicitly displayed at the top of the articles. I'd rather manually type the reference as editing the given reference wastes more time. Furthermore, roughly 35% of the time, the extension is ineligible to cite a website.
  • (2021-11-06) MARTIN GONZALEZ MARTINEZ: hasta el momento a podido citarme las paginas que he abierto, :D
  • (2021-10-20) Alejandro Alvarez Londoño: it´s wonderful!!!
  • (2021-10-18) Jurij Fedorov: Wrong format. It auto creates a citation using proper info from the website, but this is not standard and not useful for serious use.
  • (2021-09-19) monabano: Not a single accurate cite..very disappointed!
  • (2021-07-04) j: bruh i cant even go to refme.com it redirects. i'd wish you luck with failing but you don't even need any. and also i think the rest are bots :/
  • (2021-05-12) Trebor_The_Protogent VODS: Does what it's supposed to do, works with a lot of websites, definitely deserves 5 stars
  • (2021-04-12) Aidan Myers: I have found that for school work we see no issue using the citations that it has created for me in the past. However sometimes it does leave out information so if you want to be 100% sure of your citations you still might want to enter the information manually.
  • (2021-03-29) Alaska Faulle: It does the job but it freezes sometimes, the interface is very ugly and it cites in a weird almost inaccurate way. I'll look at alternatives, but it's so annoying to use I would choose doing everything myself over using that. I know it's not very nice but I don't know how to say that without sounding rude. Also, the whole situation with the precedent extension is suspicious.
  • (2021-03-06) Megan O'Connor: Doesn't actually pull citations from most news sites. Most of the times I tried to use it I would get a not found.
  • (2020-11-05) maritza alcindor: I have been using this app for couple years; now I cannot sign in into the chrome extension. Anybody know how to fix this?
  • (2020-11-05) Benjamin D'Montigny: It struggles to reference Legalisation correctly, although this is a common issue I find with a lot of reference management software.
  • (2020-08-21) Ali F: It doesn't make accurate citations
  • (2020-08-20) Liam Curtis: very useful
  • (2020-08-10) nick musachio: Doesn't automatically cite anymore. I have to do it manually. What's going on? I have a chromebook.
  • (2020-07-27) bob clob: This is so good and helpful, especially for students and anyone who is trying to create a bibliography.
  • (2020-07-21) 666 nasa6ten: it was terrible
  • (2020-07-16) ong minxian: cant use
  • (2020-04-11) Sebas Vargas-George: It's citations are not good and do not follow the proper format. Also some of the parts of the citation, such as the date, are completely made up. The extension barely works and I find it easier to just go to "citation machine".
  • (2020-02-24) Pete Gardy: this app is like a bugger in ataco. do not get!
  • (2020-02-13) Elvira MANTILLA FORERO: Hola apenas la voy a utilizar, pero me ha comentado cosas muy buenas
  • (2020-02-09) Jossue Dután: Desearía que pudiera citar en IEEE
  • (2019-11-14) D. Russell: Super useful.
  • (2019-11-09) Lawler Interact Club: Awesome for school projects that require citations. So much more efficient than having to search websites that create citations for you. LOVE IT! Totally recommend for students. Help yourself get an A+!!! I love the way it takes no effort at all and is always with you all through your journey through chrome!!
  • (2019-09-13) O CS: please add vancouver style
  • (2019-08-21) Benny Boyy: this is gorgeous i cant believe i didn't know about this earlier! so happy this is in my life and more people need to know about this immediately!
  • (2019-08-01) Elizabeth Parker: I found this super helpful! It makes it so quick and easy to create high quality references for my bibliography - I hated going through each source and painstakingly looking for publication information, but Cite This For Me does it within seconds.
  • (2019-06-03) Massimo Scola: It doesn't work anymore. What happened? It was buggy before - yes - but now it doesn't work at all.
  • (2019-04-02) This is the most inaccurate piece of trash I have ever used. It won't even cite anything. It's one thing to miss the mark slightly, but it's another thing to not achieve them at all. And this achieves nothing useful.
  • (2019-04-01) I like the idea of it, but I can't say I love it mainly because there's no inclusion of stuffed crust pizza.
  • (2019-03-24) Deborah Farah: ponganla en español tambien porfa
  • (2019-03-03) Andrew Hickox: AFTER I completed a term paper, it holds my bibliography hostage behind a paywall. Do not use if you value your own time. Total scam
  • (2019-02-26) Matthew Smith: Glitchy and terrible
  • (2019-01-19) Pajama Jama: "Add to bibliography" DOESN'T WORK!! Please fix this!!
  • (2019-01-10) Teresa Moffett-Morgan: So easy.
  • (2018-12-10) Ricardo Serrano: Si le agregaran citas en formato IEEE sería excelente.
  • (2018-09-20) Paulo lol: Me ha encantado tengo muchas tareas y tengo que citar. Gracias esto es bastante util 5 estrellas
  • (2018-09-03) Fabian Mendes: This helps you a lot, quickly and clean. Very well citer. Theoly thing it has is that you must beusing the window you want to cite, otherwise it will cite the one you were look at it; a minor 'do not like that' error.. Highly recommended.
  • (2018-08-27) Benjamin Marquez: I love it
  • (2018-08-10) Luis Ruiz: Excelente herramienta para trabajos de la universidad la recomiendo mucho.
  • (2018-06-28) vigmar roa: Rápido y muy útil
  • (2018-06-19) Jana Ivancic: BEST THING EVER!!! YOU HAVE SAVED MY LIFE
  • (2018-05-31) Isaac Dodd: Used to be good, cant even use because it thinks I have an adblocker active
  • (2018-05-11) Angus Pook: cites what you wants in a second! rlly helpful tool

Latest issues

  • (2014-09-14, v:2.3) mahanjit konwar: citation for book
    there is a problem to cite a book, when there is a need to name a chapter with its corresponding author
  • (2014-08-18, v:2.3) Bari Khan: Plug-in issues
    Citethisforme Chrome plugin seems to be functioning but opens a new citethisforme window and fails to load the desired website details for referencing. Can you please help with this issue?
  • (2014-06-10, v:1.16) Christopher Lupo: Live at Alternativeto.net
    Hello, thank you hugely for your service I liked it so much I took a few minutes to add your application to AlternativeTo.net http://alternativeto.net/software/cite-this-for-me-web-citer/ About> Alternativeto.net is an Internet software database, like IMDb . It catalogs software and applications across many many platforms in a user friendly manner. The site also helpers users find alternatives to existing software and upcoming new software. You can update a description, screenshots, platform support, related links etc. to your service to help promote and provide official accurate information in one place. A rank and vote system is also included (feel free to favorite your service). I’ve really enjoyed contributing to the site and hope you will as well Here’s how you can update your app information> Just create an AlternativeTo account and then email them at [email protected] and tell them what username you're using. Also provide info about what application you want to get admin rights for and some kind of proof that you own the application. For example, you can send the e-mail from a domain that is used by the application Respectfully, Christopher Lupo Cheers
  • (2014-02-27, v:1.14) Tanweer Rajwani: Customized Citations
    Hi, This is an awesome tool. I'm a collegiate debater and the way we cite articles is a little bit different than most literary citation formats. I was wondering if y'all could modify the app to create customized citation formats.
  • (2014-02-14, v:1.13) Str1ke: delting
    I delete you extension however it keeps reappearing even though I've deleted it?
  • (2014-01-04, v:1.12) Marina Fairydust: cite this for me in Windows 8
    why did does it not works in Windows 8?


500,000 history
3.7913 (484 votes)
Last update / version
2023-09-19 / 2.7.0
Listing languages
