extension ExtPose

PDF Viewer

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Description from extension meta

Uses HTML5 to display PDF files directly in the browser.

Image from store PDF Viewer
Description from store PDF.js is a Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer that is built with HTML5. PDF.js is community-driven and supported by Mozilla Labs. Our goal is to create a general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs. This extension provides PDF.js as the default PDF viewer in Chrome. If you want to use this viewer to view local files, visit chrome://extensions/?id=oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm and put a check before "Allow access to file URLs". Please report any issues at https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues Don't have a Github account? I also accept feedback at [email protected] Known issue: PDF files generated via a form (POST request) cannot be viewed. Contains opt-out telemetry since version 1.5.285, see https://github.com/Rob--W/pdfjs-telemetry#privacy-policy

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-30) Yousef Alaa: works great
  • (2023-10-24) Liu Andy: 在文件夹打开PDF跳转到Chrome怎么还要选择文件?这样太麻烦了。
  • (2023-10-07) Christoph Thiede: Great extension, much more convenient than built-in PDF viewer, just one feature request: Please make it possible to open a PDF in the built-in viewer anyway. Just for compatibility reasons. For example, I cannot use other extensions for summarizing the PDF etc. when viewing the PDF in this extension (extensions are not allowed to work on other extensions' pages). Otherwise great!
  • (2023-09-26) Timon Saalbach: funktioniert soweit einwandfrei. Leider sind die gedruckten Dateien aber sehr unscharf.
  • (2023-09-23) Oscar Rego: man I went through so many pdf viewer extensions and this by far works among all of them
  • (2023-09-01) Lộc: good
  • (2023-08-25) Kanan Hasanov: Why didn't you add the background customization? It'd be better if you added this feature, 'cause I hate reading the text with white background at night.
  • (2023-08-14) El detective Yoshi: Super para evitar descargarlos en todo momento
  • (2023-08-07) Nicole Ahmed: The official pdf js extension. Sets the default pdf viewer in chrome to this. Can open local files if you allow access to file urls in settings. Highlighting works well (but only persists if you download your edited file). Remembers position on returning to url. Excellent.
  • (2023-07-01) Андрей Зайченко: Почему при изменении масштаба для печати содержимое файла оказывается по центру листа? До недавнего времени всё было нормально- уменьшаешь масштаб, изображение печатается сверху. Можно ещё что-то напечатать на оставшемся месте. Теперь- печатается по центру, лист больше нельзя использовать. Где ваша забота о Экологии?
  • (2023-06-25) Mohammed Yasin: Thanks for the new update.
  • (2023-06-23) Che Cosa??: excellent, buth i would like to be able to highlight things. im having some problem with the highliter, when i highlight something and then zoom out the marks move from the position.
  • (2023-06-04) Syed Bilal Alam: Very Excelent extension for chrome users loved this extension I came to know about this extension from stckoverflow and the experince is awesome this my primary pdf viewer now
  • (2023-05-23) Nickolay Romensky: I moved from Adobe Reader to this chrome extension due to many annoying bugs. I need only two things - (1) display the PDF and (2) remember the page when I open it next time. from my experience the (1) works very well, but the (2) does not always work, in most cases it show page which I read few days ago. dear developers, please fix this essential feature computers and IT in general are our biggest problem, I do not think people are able to write 100% error free code
  • (2023-05-10) bich ngoc: Very good
  • (2023-04-20) Pablo Infanta: Me gusto
  • (2023-04-04) socalled chou: first,i want to edit pdffiles,.. besides, it's a monster app. when i work on webside, quite a lot of pages will jump out when the webside has any sheet.
  • (2023-03-05) Erick Leon: Pretty good, I think the smart paste extension has the most updated version of pdf.js
  • (2023-02-24) Eric Townsend: 0 issues or problems. Smooth, fast, not sure why it has such a low rating.
  • (2023-02-07) Ильдар Мирный: Отличное расширение! Спасибо.
  • (2022-12-22) Erik Isberg: Recommended software. Solved one of the major problems with chromebooks for me. All other pdf viewers I have tried are utterly due to excessive lagginess, seconds and more. This one updates pages OK, also seems to do a much better job of navigating page numbers.
  • (2022-11-23) Rick Yoder: Out of date. The latest PDF.js has newer features. This extension hasn't been updated since 2019!
  • (2022-11-13) Milad kb: You can start from where you red the last page 5/5!
  • (2022-11-11) Ian Pan: As many mentioned, I'm surprised by the low rating. This extension makes PDF scrolling much much smoother in Chrome, on par with Edge's PDF support (which has always been better than Chrome).
  • (2022-11-05) wgh: This software will degrade the resolution of pdf when I want to print pdf file. Please fix this bug. please don't convert pdf to canvas when click the printer button.
  • (2022-09-16) Aniruddh Deshpande: This works perfectly! Chrome default pdf viewer is laggy while Microsoft Edge seemed to have a very smooth refresh rate. This extension changed that. I don't know why the rating is so low. The only con is that the pinch zoom (touchpad) is very sensitive so its better to use Ctrl +/-.
  • (2022-08-30) Radu Leonte: I dont use Acrobat or other softs. This is my preffered way of opening PDFs. Does anything i need, i can rotate, the pages are numbered both in roman (i, ii, ix etc) and arab (1, 2), displays chapters on the sidebar, can zoom in and out easily. 10/10
  • (2022-06-24) John Sebok: Works great and works with relative links within PDFS which most embed browser PDF views won't do.
  • (2022-06-24) Jonathan Schroeder: pay no attention to the spam bots, this extension is solid.
  • (2022-05-26) qi liu: 很好用,是否可以增加夜间模式吗,或者自定义背景和文字颜色的功能吗。 Good job, Can you add dark mode, or functions of customizing background and text color.
  • (2022-05-24) Jonas Elias: funciona perfeitamente
  • (2022-04-28) Mahdi Hazrati: خیلی خوب بود
  • (2022-04-25) Jordy Beltre: Uff 10/10
  • (2022-04-17) Андрей Булыгин: Don't know why rating is so low. For me it works better than default chrome pdf viewer.
  • (2022-04-07) Dennis Lee: Very fast and displays well, just that some download links gets opened instead. Not sure if it's another extension or the environment interacting with this one.
  • (2022-04-05) ziu C: 很棒,比Chrome自带的PDF预览工具滚动更流畅、加载更快。 :)
  • (2022-03-15) Husru: "Long Strip Margin" los pdf tienen una separacion de pagina, saben como hacer para que esa separacion sea 0 ? Los que leen manga me entenderan.
  • (2022-03-13) davidhcefx (David): 五星好評!太強大了,而且還是開源的,可以丟掉 Adobe 了。
  • (2022-03-01) Toby Wilson: need for update 2022
  • (2022-02-17) Will Hunt: I got it to speed up scrolling from very laggy on 4k screen and it did a great job. Scrolling is much faster now, way better
  • (2022-02-03) Andrey Kirchev: Man kann nicht beim herunterladen den Zielordner wählen !!!
  • (2022-01-22) Артём Васёв: Позволяет сохранить иногда не сохраняемые пдф файлы с сайтов для чтения оффлайн. Спасибо.
  • (2022-01-22) Turtles yay: It's good but the font is so atrocious that I sometimes have to turn it off to be able to read the text. What's with those random spaces in between letters and why are they sometimes the same size as the spaces in between words? Why are some letters on top of each other? (Is there a way to change the font to a better one?) Other than the font, this extension works really well.
  • (2022-01-19) Edison Martins Cavalcanti: Que aplicativo ruim é esse?
  • (2021-12-22) Furio Petrossi: Ottima, vorrei fosse aggiunta l'opzione di caricare files direttamente dal visualizzatore, opzione esistente nella versione originale.
  • (2021-11-29) Paul Schmied: It works OK , not great. Better for opening and viewing smaller PDFs, but the oddities are annoying. It doesn't work at all when viewing Drive through the Chrome browser. Opening the same exact Drive files with the Files app, it opens them at the selected optional zoom setting, but when I swtch to an internally indexed page, it changes the view to "automatic" .
  • (2021-11-28) David Cyrus: It works great! I'm surprised with the extension's low rating.
  • (2021-11-17) Picchio Knossus: The low ranking of the reviews put me off initially. Just try it out. People that are giving low rankings are probably using 1080p monitors therefore on their system the default pdf viewer bundled in chrome works just fine and when they look around for a different pdf viewer it is likely because they want more functionality. This extension is not aimed at them. This extension is aimed at people with 4k-like monitors that are frustrated by the unusable performance of the default pdf viewer but still want to be able to view pdf files in a browser rather than always downloading them to use the pdf viewer they have installed on their system. Having said that this extension still offers more functionality than the default one so you may like it even on lower resolution monitors.
  • (2021-10-06) aparioss: Great Actually replace the default Chrome PDF viewer Include an option to resume reading PDF files where left off.
  • (2021-09-01) McKey McCrae: I do love the extension but, I wish you could block certain websites from using it instead of allowing certain ones. I have a far shorter list of sites I don't want to use the extension on and it would be easier to just block those

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-31, v:3.9.49) Ethan Zhou: Any option to disable the red text blocks in content?
    I think I checked all the possible options to disable the red text block in contents of a book but actually I didn't find there is such an option.
  • (2023-09-26, v:3.9.49) Jan Speksnijder: download location
    Downloads are saved in default download location. How can I configure it is asked where to save the file?
  • (2023-09-25, v:3.9.49) Mike Gregory: I can't see how to install this extension. Please help an old man
    I can't see how to install this extension. Please help an old man
  • (2023-08-31, v:3.9.49) Mr.X: Dark mode
    Hi, is it possible to add a dark mode? A toggle button would be just great. Thanks.
  • (2023-07-13, v:3.9.49) Donavann Johnson: PDF Viewer Supersedes All Other Chrome PDF Settings
    Hello, I have an issue where PDF Viewer supersedes all other Chrome settings and opens all PDFs downloaded, no matter what Chrome's PDF action setting is set to and no matter whether Chrome is set for downloaded PDFs to open in the system default application.
  • (2023-05-28, v:2.3.164) Tri Bui: Auto_expanding chapters
    Can you modify the table of contents so that it is not auto expand every chapter, make it hard to get to pdf with lots of chapter
  • (2023-04-25, v:2.3.164) Sean McClintock: Add bookmarks?
    Hi, is it possible to add bookmarks using this tool? Thanks, Sean.
  • (2023-04-25, v:2.3.164) Sean McClintock: List of keyboard shortcuts
    Hi, do you have a list of all keyboard shortcuts? In particular, it would be really useful to have a shortcut which would take me to the page number box, so that I can type in the page number, hit return, and it would take me to that page, without having to use the mouse. Thanks, Sean.
  • (2023-04-17, v:2.3.164) Harsh Arora: Laggy zoom
    When zoomed in or out using precision touchpads, the interaction is not smooth and it is by far the only flaw I have found in the extension. Other than that, great work. Thank you.
  • (2023-03-14, v:2.3.164) Eldin Perez: Pregunta
    Esto sirve para telefónos con Android? :(
  • (2023-01-19, v:2.3.164) cesar freire: FALHA NA IMPRESSÃO
  • (2022-12-22, v:2.3.164) Samridha Shrestha: Pinch zoom speed is too high
    How can we reduce the pinch zoom speed. I need to frequently use the zoom but the speed of the zoom makes this impossible. Is there some parameter in the settings that can be used to reduce the zoom speed.
  • (2022-11-24, v:2.3.164) Tom Ho: Missing Letters in the PDF
    Hello, When I open files in this extension. Some letters are missing. Do you know what cause this problem and how to fix it?
  • (2022-10-10, v:2.3.164) Sergio Molina: Enable or disable by url
    Hello. This extension works like a charm. Thanks for your work. I would like to make a suggestion. There are a few websites with something wrong (I don't know exactly what) and this extension shows an error about corrupted pdf file. If I disable this extension I can download the pdf without problems. Is there a posiblity about a url list where this extension is disabled? "Disable this plugin in this website" or something similar. Again, thank you for your work.
  • (2022-09-23, v:2.3.164) Louise Creager: Chrome pdf
    I need to be able to use my pdf files to send upload etc. I can't because they are Chrome PDF's. I didn't set this up, they just download that way. None of the help in Google helps. Thank you
  • (2022-07-26, v:2.3.164) Bob Gordon: Corrupted files
    Love the extension, but loaded pdf's become "corrupted" per chrome after a short while and won;t reopen.
  • (2022-03-12, v:2.3.164) Sven AERTS: makes the searchword light up in another color than yellow-marker of course I'm reading a pfd that has yellow backgrouns :) ?
    Ctrl+F+searchword, makes the searchword light up in yellow-marker. What if the pdf has a yellow background? Is there a way to set the color to for example fluo-fuchsia? Thy
  • (2022-03-02, v:2.3.164) Clément Costa: Automatic print
    Hi, is there a way to launch print popin directly on opening pdf on new tab ? Thanks
  • (2022-02-24, v:2.3.164) Reuven Lev: Downloading PDF
    I would be happy to have the option for "Save As" when downloading a document, instead of the document automatically being saved in my "Downloads" folder.
  • (2022-02-18, v:2.3.164) Jacob Thomas: not able to view PDF's
    I was able to view PDF's before downloading the extension. Now, all I get is "PDF.js v2.3.164 (build: 12ff2527) Message: Invalid PDF structure" whenever I try to view a PDF.
  • (2022-01-26, v:2.3.164) Francisco Sanchez: Los archivos PDF aparecen sin contenido
    Al abrir un archivo PDF la ventana muestra el esquema o líneas del documento, sin el texto o contenido del mismo.
  • (2022-01-24, v:2.3.164) Submission Moniomi: PDF viewer open in new window or tab
    Is it possible to set up the extension to open PDF viewer in a new tab rather than replacing active tab?
  • (2022-01-21, v:2.3.164) Diego DiLarenza: pdf signatures
    can you sign and modify pdf documents?
  • (2022-01-18, v:2.3.164) 岡田拓真: メニューバーが拡大されたまま
    ある時からメニューバーが拡大され非常に見辛いです。 CtrlスクロールでもPDF自体の拡大縮小しかされません。 対応をお願いいたします。
  • (2022-01-09, v:2.3.164) Ed J: dark mode
    Is the feature for dark mode in the pipeline?
  • (2021-12-23, v:2.3.164) Zach Siegel: Mac - do not map "Command Shift F" to "Find in document"
    Hello, On Mac, the shortcut "Command F" triggers "Find in document". With this extension, the shortcut "Command Shift F" also triggers "Find in document". However, Chrome on Mac already uses "Command Shift F" for a different shortcut ("Always Show Toolbar in Full Screen"), and this extension prevents users from using that shortcut. I would call this a bug. This extension uses two different shortcuts for the same action, blocking a commonly-used default Chrome shortcut. Please change this behavior. Thank you, Zach Siegel
  • (2021-12-13, v:2.3.164) Sanam Shakya: PDF.js does not open some PDF.
    Is there a way to have this plugin open PDF only one certain site? And for other site use the default one? Please suggest.
  • (2021-11-28, v:2.3.164) Lisia Turra Bocchese: Desativar PDF viewer
    Precisao dativar o visualisador de DFP do Google Crome e não estou conseguindo. Por favor preciso de ajuda. Como devo proceder?
  • (2021-11-18, v:2.3.164) Roger junior: page blanche
    fichier ouvre pas
  • (2021-10-04, v:2.3.164) Rishav Masih: Git Hub Repo
    Hey, i really loved your PDF Viewer extension. I want to do something similar for a project. Is there a github repo for the same?? If so can I get a link to it. Thank you.
  • (2021-09-23, v:2.3.164) Shane Burke: Chrome Package
    Could we get a copy of the package so we can perform a scan Afternoon, We are looking to leverage your chrome ext but we need to get the codebase scanned. Is there a way to get a copy from you so we can submit it for our Security scanning platform?
  • (2021-08-27, v:2.3.164) Line CHAILLOY: Page blanche
    le fichier téléchargé ouvre une page blanche
  • (2021-08-11, v:2.3.164) Paul Proefrock: Printing freezes
    PDF displays in window OK, downloads OK, but if I try to print it, a dialog box opens which states "Preparing Document for Printing with progress bar and 0%" at which point the program just freezes. Tried removing App & Chrome and reinstalling but issue persists. Tried setting different printers as default, cleared all cache's, temp files, etc but still does it. Up until a couple weeks ago, it worked just fine. Ideas?
  • (2021-07-30, v:2.3.164) Terry McCaskey: White pages
    Within the last 2 days, some PDF files load as a blank white page. Some are loading completely fine. It seems to be only one type of PDF, because it happens consistently when the PDF is from one source, but not another. Like I said, it just started happening from this source within the last 2 days which makes me think something has changed, like an update. Any help would be appreciated.
  • (2021-07-26, v:2.3.164) Saad Rehman: Doesn't allow me to highlight or any other kind of annotations to the document
    Is it by design?
  • (2021-07-26, v:2.3.164) Daniele Cristiano: Barcode417 don't show
    After last update of Google Chrome version 92.0.4515.107 (Official Build) (64-bit) Firefox 90.0.1 (64-bit) Barcode417s are not displayed inside the pdf file.
  • (2021-07-14, v:2.3.164) scott uch: unable to read headder
    when i tried to to open some file not all the headder is not showing
  • (2021-07-14, v:2.3.164) Jorge Infante: About to extent the pdf viewer with another tools
    What is the method to add a buttons? I can't see where is the code of pdf.js builtin in the browser. Thanks
  • (2021-07-07, v:2.3.164) Hiroshi Oliveira: Digital signature with certificate
    Hello there! I got a issues when my pdf was sign using a digital certificate, the extension do not show the signature. When i open this PDF outside the Chrome with Adobe (as exemple) show correct signature. The PDF writer of Chrome show too, but i got a bug with that im my app Thx!
  • (2021-06-28, v:2.3.164) Diana Koenraadt: Does nothing??
    Hey, I've seen good reviews of your extension but when I install it it does nothing. It just sits there in the upper right corner and if I click it I'm sent to the play store. How do I turn the page I'm viewing into a PDF?
  • (2021-06-08, v:2.3.164) Lonnie Kleinsasser: Zooming
    So i am struggling to make the conversion to Google Chrome from Internet Explorer. i currently have this app on the computer for viewing .PDF's. However, a feature that Internet Explorer has that i can't get away from is using the mouse wheel to zoom in on the .PDF without having to hold down the control key. Then the left mouse button, if you push and hold it down, it pans around in the .PDF. is there a setting that i can switch the wheel to zoom instead of scrolling up? Thanks!
  • (2021-06-01, v:2.3.164) Pete Coletti: Save spread mode per tab?
    Could you add the ability to save spread mode per tab?
  • (2021-05-02, v:2.3.164) Ervin Moczni: Übersetzung / Google translator
    Die komplexe PDF Dokumente werden nicht übersetzt: außer Titel wird der Text auf der Originalsprache angezeigt !
  • (2021-04-01, v:2.3.164) Darryl Neufeld: Additional Functionality
    Any way to create an email button. So when I preview the document, I can select to email it straight away from the preview screen?
  • (2021-04-01, v:2.3.164) Clinton Magro: After some time not opening a PDF it looses the page you were at
    I am honestly a happy user of this extension however I do want to point out that the only reason why I use it is because it saves the "scroll state" but when I open a PDF which I haven't opened in a week or two... and the page is lost, then I have no need for this extension! It gives you a wrong sense of security - thinking you could rely on it to save the page but its not ... Please please please fix it
  • (2021-03-31, v:2.3.164) Kerry Coleman: Printing from E mail or saved from E mail
    When Printing from e mail I get a notice in the picture area that says: Google Chrome cannot show the print preview when the built-in PDF viewer is missing. Why? and what do I need to do to fix this problem. This has only been doing this for the last 3 weeks, before then it worked fine. Thanks
  • (2021-03-12, v:2.3.164) Lynette Nolland Hammond: Help
    I have Lost all my info for Google help please
  • (2021-03-09, v:2.3.164) Zaid chaudhary: Please add highlighting Option
    if you add highlighting option for pdfs, it will be helpful for making notes.
  • (2021-03-06, v:2.3.164) Freezeee Y: Update need
    Dosent work in Chrome ver 89.0.4
  • (2021-01-02, v:2.3.164) سینا حسن زاده: Not working at start up
    Hello, I've encountered a problem while trying to use the app. here is the problem : when I open pdf file by explorer (by double clicking the file ) as chrome is set to default app it opens pdf with built in pdf viewer but it opens with pdf.js after reloading or running at least a chrome tab before opening the file Thankss for great app


1,000,000 history
3.2897 (2,637 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-21 / 4.3.84
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