extension ExtPose

RTF Viewer

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Display .rtf (Rich Text Format) files in the browser

Image from store RTF Viewer
Description from store This chrome extension allows to view RTF (Rich Text Format) files in the browser and does so automatically when clicking any link to an RTF file. The RTF file is then automatically displayed in the same tab (similarly to the pdf preview feature in chrome). This plugin does not depend on any external services to generate the preview. To open local files click on the extension icon in the toolbar or open files on the file system with chrome (requires giving the extension the permission "Allow access to file URLs" on the extension page). Please report any issues at https://github.com/zoehneto/chrome-rtf-viewer/issues

Latest reviews

  • (2022-01-01) M. M. (aus H.): Did not work for me
  • (2021-08-16) Juergen Menge: Does not open rtf files on Linux Mint.
  • (2020-09-10) Matt Nelson: is it possible at all to open local files in chrome with this? Files in web urls seem to work, but even if I do a local directory index page and click on a file:// url like [file:///C:/Users/username/Desktop/Sample.rtf] it does a download instead of rendering.
  • (2019-02-01) Dragon Ryder: worked great, just as advertised. just don't like that you can change site data.
  • (2019-01-26) It sucks, it did not work to open my file.
  • (2017-12-02) Abby lally: didn't open rtf files
  • (2017-10-30) Alixe Galatis: Worked first time, been searching to find a way to open my university files and this works perfectly! Panic over.
  • (2017-10-15) Jonathan Irwanto: pretty goo but it still cant open some files
  • (2017-10-14) David C: It does not see the files. When I put it in the tab url - got an error: Error: Field has no fldrslt destination
  • (2017-08-03) Leslie and Aaron Wood: Cant use it to open file
  • (2017-06-26) John Hankey: didn't work to open an rtf file duh
  • (2017-06-22) Keaton Martz: didn't work
  • (2017-05-30) Anala: É possível ler os arquivos em .rtf quando se clica diretamente em um link que direciona a um arquivo .rtf. Como quando se está no google. No entanto, se você baixou o arquivo e tenta abri-lo, aí não funciona não!
  • (2017-05-26) Smaurf: It does not open RTF files, it acts as if there was no RTF viewer.
  • (2017-05-08) Joaquin Landen: doesn't open files. i use it as directed and doesn't work.
  • (2017-03-31) Abinash Nayak: it's not working
  • (2017-02-18) Mr W: Saved my life! I had trouble accessing RTF files and tried everything I could...no luck. Luckily I managed to stumble upon this, it works like a treat! Unfortunately, you do have to re-download your documents from where ever you got them from, some formatting does get messed up and can only access from browser. Still, its better than nothing.
  • (2017-02-15) kevin kolodziej: It worked but I would rather have it open a tab window in the same browser.
  • (2016-12-30) CJ Valentin: Did not open my files.
  • (2016-12-09) Brandon Wolfe: Worked fine for me. Very helpful!
  • (2016-12-07) angeles sevilla: lifesaver
  • (2016-12-04) Jonathan Chen: worked right away THANK YOU
  • (2016-10-27) Samuel Curtis: It worked with the first use. Thanks!!
  • (2016-09-10) Sarah Kotz: Did not open my rtf file. Very disapointed.
  • (2016-05-13) Mallory Wang: All forms of punctuation show up as the words "undefined", making text almost impossible to decipher.
  • (2016-05-12) Dr Illum: Unable to get it to work. No app shows up and clicking on file doesn't work in browser.

Latest issues

  • (2022-05-18, v:1.4.0) A J [W]: Edit the rtf files
    Hi Dev, Is there any way that I can edit the rtf? Thanks, Aditya
  • (2020-01-16, v:1.3.5) share more smiles: formatting, pages, images, tables, headers, footers
    Could you please add support for more advanced formatting in your plugin. I have linked to a sample file that contains formatting such as pages, images, tables, headers, and footers https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApuK-UtOwHibguF9JQ5k9FU-G0TIUA?e=8pAqk0 Thank you!
  • (2020-01-03, v:1.3.3) A JOSE: Why does downloading the document saving with gibberish file name with no extension ?
    After previewing the document in Chrome, the download option lets to save the same into computer however the filename is gibberish and not having extension. Can you please help me any workaround.
  • (2019-08-01, v:1.3.3) Albert Lam: rtf to pdf api
    Hi: Is there an api or java files we can don't to convert rtf to pdf files? My email: [email protected] Phone: 416-577-2281. Or is there a webservice that can convert rtf to pdf file. Regards, albert
  • (2019-03-04, v:1.3.3) Would not open my .rtf file
    Hi, it would not open an .rtf located on my PC. How can I send you the file? Thanks
  • (2017-09-12, v:1.2.0) Paul Smith: RTF printing
    Have 8.1 in the past month chrome stopped printing rtf documents when I try to print it tries to save and then immediately crashes before I can do anything. I can print rtf in explorer but i prefer to use chrome but will have to change if i cannot resolve problem. Reinstalled chrome. my other desktop still works fine. tried canary no luck. very frustrated. Please help. do not need primary lessons. ran malware and avast before contacting you. Thanks Paul
  • (2016-11-03, v:1.0.4) Thomas VanAllen: No Go
    Your viewer will not open my RTF file.
  • (2016-09-19, v:1.0.3) Marina Guzman: can't view a RTF file
    i have downloadeda rtf file for school but it says i don't have to support to open a rtf file
  • (2016-09-01, v:1.0.3) Hailey Blunt: How are you supposed to use this?
    I downloaded a rtf viewer but it still wont let me open the rtf file I have downloaded to my laptop.
  • (2016-06-29, v:1.0.3) James Welbes: How to actually use it
    You might consider, oh I don't know, telling us how you're supposed to use this? clicking on the extension itself does nothing but open a link to this app in the Chrome web store. Double clicking on rtf files opens it in the same app it always used to open in. How am I actually supposed to open an rtf file with this extension?
  • (2016-06-10, v:1.0.3) Andres Vega: No funciona. (Not Working)
    Intento abrir un archivo RTF y me manda el error: Not a valid rtf document, observo que solicita la dirección del archivo que intentan abrir, pero el archivo esta en mi servidor privado. Como puedo solucionar el problema? --------------------- I try to open an RTF file and sends me the error : Not a valid rtf document , I note that requests the address try to open the file , but the file is on my private server . How can I fix the problem?
  • (2016-06-06, v:1.0.3) Lawrence Fiffer: RTF file
    I downloaded the rtf viewer but still can'y open a rtf file.
  • (2016-06-03, v:1.0.3) Adalynn Eller: Not Working
    My RTF viewer says there is an error viewing an RTF.


10,000 history
2.3913 (46 votes)
Last update / version
2020-06-01 / 1.4.0
Listing languages
