Description from extension meta
Cette application efface votre historique de navigation à la fermeture du navigateur et empêche le suivi de votre activité en ligne.
Image from store
Description from store
Click&Clean is an innovative and totally free solution for your PC
that will help you to:
- Scan your PC for Malware
- Delete your browsing history,
- Remove download history,
- Erase temporary files,
- Clear cookies and Empty cache,
- Delete client-side Web SQL Databases
- Remove Flash Cookies (LSOs)
- Protect your privacy by cleaning up all traces of your internet activity,
- Clean up your hard drives and Free up more disk space, icluding secure file deletion using external applications, like CCleaner or Wise Disk Cleaner.
This powerful solution enables you to do all that mentioned above instantly,
with one click on the TP roll icon in the Chrome toolbar.
Along with the updated and improved functionality you would expect from every new version, we have also included an assortment of new tools and services.
Click&Clean has always been more than a simple cleaner!
v.7.9 Release Notes:
☢ Added New Anti-Malware Database (by BitDefender Labs)
✔ Compatibility with the latest:
☯ Comodo Dragon 18.1.2
☯ Chrome Stable v18.0.1025, Beta v19.0.1084, Dev v20.0.1105, Canary v20.0.1111
+ Minor improvements and optimizations
v. Release Notes:
- Added Close All Tabs by Domain
- Added New Anti-Malware Database (by BitDefender Labs)
- Compatibility with the latest Chrome Stable v.17.0.963.46, Chrome Dev v.18.0.1025.7, Chrome Canary v.19.0.1036.0
v. Release Notes:
- Redesigned Options Page, Menu
- Added Cookie and Site Data Whitelist (Beta)
- Minor improvements. A lot of the changes are behind the scenes: code optimizations..
v. Release Notes:
- Added the new Import/Export options feature, New!
- Improved support for multiple Chrome Profiles
- Improved browsing data hot-cleaning (session)
- Added New Anti-Malware Database (by BitDefender Labs)
- Updated version checker, New!
- Compatibility with the latest Chrome Dev. v13.0.772.0 / Canary v13.0.781.0
v. Added:
- New Anti-Malware database
- Georgian - ქართული translation by Beqa Arabuli
- Bulgarian - Български translation by Stoiko Stoev
- Automatic deletion of ChromotingConfig file
- GCL code optimizations
v. Added:
- The New Click&Clean Logo/Icon!
- Ability to switch between languages without requiring browser restart
- New Anti-Malware database
- Ability to use,,, to shorten URLs
- Swedish - Svenska translation by Göran Malmberg
- Ukrainian - Українська translation by Dimko Rodyk
- Chinese Traditional Han - 中文 (繁體中文) translation by 漢語文化協會推廣部
- Portuguese - Português translation by Fabiano
- Minor improvements and fixes
v. Added:
- Automatic and instant notifications of updates
- Minor improvements and fixes
- Improved Japanese translation
- Compatibility with latest Chrome dev. v.11.0.672.2
v. Added:
- Redesigned Main Menu
- Working with multiple profiles simultaneously!
- New Anti-Malware database
- Delete Web indexed databases
- Delete sandboxed filesystem (Web)
- Delete application cache
- Delete Web application data
- Reset search engines
- Delete extensions indexed databases
- Delete sandboxed filesystem (Apps)
- Compatibility with latest Canary build. v.11.0.655.0
- Japanese translation by Tomato
v. Added:
- Improved cleaning process speed
- On/Off button to quick disable/enable functionality.
- Options Dialog (when Chrome closes) fully translated into all supported languages
- New Anti-Malware Database
- Compatibility with latest Chrome dev. v.10.0.612.1
v. Added:
- New Anti-Malware Database
- Improved Video History
- Redesigned Options & Main Menu
- Better support for Search Engines, GMail
- Clear saved form data/passwords split into two separate options
- Compatibility with latest Chrome dev. v.9.0.570.0
v. Added:
- Compatibility with latest Chrome Canary build 8.0.552.0
- New Anti-Malware Database
- Changes into the Clear Private Data during Browser session
- Clear browsing/download history split into two separate options
v. Added:
- New Anti-Malware Database
- Compatibility with latest Chrome dev. v.7.0.536
- Traduction Française par Cyril Courbe
v. Added:
- BitDefender Malware Scanner! (by BitDefender Labs)
- Quick Help - Clear Browsing Data Cheat Sheet
- URL shortening using
- Tab to Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE, Flock
- Redesiged Tab Menu
- Compatibility with latest Chrome dev. v.7.0.517.8
- Spanish translation by Juan Esteban Jimenez Valencia
v. - Small but nonetheless important fixes and changes were made.
v. Added:
- Ability to send/receive files to/from your phone or any bluetooth enabled device
- Tab > Share option to make sharing and bookmarking simple
- Many useful features like Tab > Whiten, Youtube > Expand...
- Easy access to Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, Malware Scaner...
- Compatibility with latest Chrome dev. v.6.0.495.0
v. Added:
- Delete Extension Cookies
- Reset Zoom Levels and stored domain names
- Reset Chrome Local State (CountryID, install date, DNS cache, launch count etc.)
- System info: OS, CPU, RAM, Video
- Quick access to Security Center and Task Manager
- Quick access to ImageShack service
- SQLite support
- Fixed: favicons deleted if "Clear browsing history" is checked.
v. Added:
- Ability to specify different options for Session / when Chrome closes
- Secure File Deletion (7 Pass)
- Compatibility with latest Chrome dev. v.6.0.447.0
- Remove Google Gears data
- Redesigned Tray icon
- Ability to set custom icon
- Polish translation by Monsz
- Hungarian translation by Zamiere
Latest reviews
- (2025-02-16) 大畑乃之: 削除するのを一定期間を超えた物のみにしてくれないと不便なんだよな。この手の拡張機能に多いンだが。まあ、不要なCookieが消せる事が判明したので評価を少し上げて置く。 2023/3/18追記: ブラウザを開いてからそれ程遣ってない筈なのに、履歴削除通知が出て来る事が有るらしい。 2024/5/27追記: Quick Access Menuが特定サイトの左上に表示されるように成った。正直鬱陶し過ぎる。デフォルトでオンにするのは新規でインストールした利用者のみにしてくれ。 2025/2/16追記: 中途半端な状態でChromeのヴァージョン・アップを奨めて来るのを止めて欲しい。固定版しか要らン。
- (2024-07-28) J J: I removed this extension because after every few times I hit to clean it takes me to a page with ads on it. At first I thought I accidentally hit the wrong icon, but that's not to case, It's hot cleaner taking me to a page that has ads and other garbage on it with no function at all to hit, so I removed it. I just use Google's built in history and cookie cleaner. They do the same job.
- (2024-06-19) M G: Extrmely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-06-17) Serge Jarma: Thanks for all feedback and suggestions we really appreciate it! We are working hard to provide quality software to all users! Please don't use reviews as a support forum! Please read "QUICKSTART GUIDE" - For feedback, suggestions, issues, whatever, PLEASE contact us using contact form Thanks for using the Click&Clean browser extension!
- (2024-06-17) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-06-14) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-06-09) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-06-08) Serge Jarma: Thanks for all feedback and suggestions we really appreciate it! We are working hard to provide quality software to all users! Please don't use reviews as a support forum! Please read "QUICKSTART GUIDE" - For feedback, suggestions, issues, whatever, PLEASE contact us using contact form Thanks for using the Click&Clean browser extension!
- (2024-06-08) David J: Works great for me. Excellent way to keeep your computer running smoothly. The bext add-on/extension to use to clear all types of files. Does just what I need. Thanks!
- (2024-06-08) Chris Zalcman: I'm using Click&Clean for 10+ years now, this is by far one of the best cleanup tool I have ever used. To enable cleanup, quick start guide: And yes, this extension is completely free for all people!
- (2024-06-06) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-06-05) Bueno, recientemente apareció un menú de acceso rápido el cual tiene botones de pánico que lo que hacen es cerrar la pestaña actual y todas aquellas pestañas que pertenezcan al mismo dominio borrando el historial, caché y demás cosas. Es un botón que sirve para ocultar lo que estabas viendo o haciendo para evitar que los demás puedan ver lo que haces. Accidentalmente clicke en ese botón (que por cierto es enorme) y me cerró y borró todas mis pestañas de Youtube, las cuales no eran pocas y como borra el historial y caché es irrecuperable. No sé porque pusieron esto solo en Youtube, pero me quito muchas cosas que tenia pendientes.
- (2024-06-04) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-06-02) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-05-30) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-05-28) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-05-26) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-05-24) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-05-22) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-05-19) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-05-17) Ines Cabrejo Santom�: La verdad es q me gusta. Pero cuando vas a ''Extensiones'' en esa extensión salen cada vez más y más notificaciones, y cuando lo abras, no hay ni una notificación. Tb: cuando vayas a dar a que borre lo del historial, cierra TODO lo que tenías abierto. Eniweis... Se la recomiendo a niñ@s travies@s que no quieran que sus tutores vean lo q buscaron. >:)
- (2024-05-17) M G: Extremely amazing extension! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thanks!
- (2024-05-12) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you!
- (2024-05-10) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you!
- (2024-05-07) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you!
- (2024-05-05) M Da: super App assez efficace..... Bon travail ! Bravo ! de Mx,
- (2024-05-03) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you!
- (2024-05-03) Serge Jarma: Thanks for all feedback and suggestions we really appreciate it! We are working hard to provide quality software to all users! Please don't use reviews as a support forum! Please read "QUICKSTART GUIDE" - For feedback, suggestions, issues, whatever, PLEASE contact us using contact form Thanks for using the Click&Clean browser extension!
- (2024-05-02) Walt Chadwick: I feel intruded upon by this extension.
- (2024-04-30) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you!
- (2024-04-28) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you!
- (2024-04-23) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you!
- (2024-04-20) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser... In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you!
- (2024-04-20) Serge Jarma: Thanks for all feedback and suggestions we really appreciate it! We are working hard to provide quality software to all users! Please don't use reviews as a support forum! Please read "QUICKSTART GUIDE" - For feedback, suggestions, issues, whatever, PLEASE contact us using contact form Thanks for using the Click&Clean browser extension!
- (2024-04-16) Serge Jarma: Thanks for all feedback and suggestions we really appreciate it! We are working hard to provide quality software to all users! Please don't use reviews as a support forum! Please read "QUICKSTART GUIDE" - For feedback, suggestions, issues, whatever, PLEASE contact us using contact form Thanks for using the Click&Clean browser extension!
- (2024-04-15) Serge Jarma: Thanks for all feedback and suggestions we really appreciate it! We are working hard to provide quality software to all users! Please don't use reviews as a support forum! Please read "QUICKSTART GUIDE" - For feedback, suggestions, issues, whatever, PLEASE contact us using contact form Thanks for using the Click&Clean browser extension!
- (2024-04-06) Harold Meyer: Easy to use and valuable in many ways - not just cleaning. 2024 version: Too many pop-ups/notifications. Annoying.
- (2024-04-01) T. E. Sharp: I use it every day, multiple times a day, just like all the rest of you. But I will say, having it up in the extensions makes a world of difference. The Pioneering Father of all this, Mr Mcafee himself is. probably turning over in his grave because everybody's losing out on way too much money. It's very nice that they made this extension so handy and that it's so inexpensive. Thank you again. I will definitely tell everybody about it and you're welcome
- (2024-03-31) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser. In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you!
- (2024-03-23) Serge Jarma: Thanks for all feedback and suggestions we really appreciate it! We are working hard to provide quality software to all users! Please don't use reviews as a support forum! Please read "QUICKSTART GUIDE" - For feedback, suggestions, issues, whatever, PLEASE contact us using contact form Thanks for using the Click&Clean browser extension!
- (2024-03-23) John S: Best plug-in I have found for history, cache, and cookie management. Extremely helpful and even though the reminders were a bit too much, it was good to force me to keep up to keeping it clean and deleting files and cookies as we don't realize how much we go through in just a few hours... Great work guys! Thank you so much!
- (2024-03-23) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser. In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you.
- (2024-03-10) Nick Wells: Best extension I've found for history, cache, and cookie management. Makes it easy to delete all of previous info, but importantly also separate info you want to save so that it will not get removed with your routine cleanings. Outstanding in all respects. Thank you and I will keep this add-on with Chrome. Great work and great tool!
- (2024-03-08) Daniel Stein: This is far the better way to stay secure. It's really great and really handy for little things like when I have to clear my history, and even for the big stuff, like clearing my cache and cookies. Great and easy to use. Thank you!
- (2024-03-06) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser. In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you!
- (2024-02-28) M G: Extremely amazing application! Especially useful for Google Chromer's browser, and clearing all of the cache, browsing history, and other data when you close the browser. In today's age people want a fast program to clean up their system. This is a life saver. Just try it and you'll find out for yourself what an indispensable tool this is. It's as simple as that, and that's how simple a tool this is. Super Helpful App! Really like it! Recommend to family and friends! Thank you!
- (2024-02-09) Serge Jarma: Thanks for all feedback and suggestions we really appreciate it! We are working hard to provide quality software to all users! Please don't use reviews as a support forum! Please read "QUICKSTART GUIDE" - For feedback, suggestions, issues, whatever, PLEASE contact us using contact form Thanks for using the Click&Clean browser extension!
- (2024-02-06) Adam Stewart: Closing a window wipes out the history associated with it automatically, so you don't have to worry about securely closing anymore, Click&Clean makes it automatic. No more having to worry about saved credit card numbers. Brilliant app, highly recommend it!
- (2024-01-30) Serge Jarma: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for all feedback and suggestions, we really appreciate it! We are working hard to provide quality software to all users! All our Apps is 100% spyware-free! Our Apps doesn't collect and/or share personal information with a third parties! Privacy policy: For feedback, suggestions, issues, whatever, PLEASE contact us using contact form Thanks for using Click&Clean!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please read Click&Clean Quick Start Guide: How to DELETE HISTORY when CHROME CLOSES: Please make sure you have selected the following items: "Delete private data when Chrome closes" "Obliterate the following items from: [ the beginning of time ]" If you have signed into Chrome with your Google account, PLEASE manage your synced data on the Google Dashboard page: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- (2024-01-23) David J: Works great for me. Excellent way to keep your computer running smoothly. The best extension to use to clear all types of files. Does just what I need. Thanks!