extension ExtPose

PrintFriendly - Print and PDF Web Pages

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Description from extension meta

Make web pages printer-friendly and convert them to PDFs. Easily remove ads and navigation, and customize what you print or PDF.

Image from store PrintFriendly - Print and PDF Web Pages
Description from store Since 2009, PrintFriendly has helped millions of people create printer-friendly versions of web pages and convert web pages to high quality PDFs. PrintFriendly removes ads and navigation, and enables you to customize the pages before you print or PDF them. 🎉 Effortless Printing You can print web pages with just a click, eliminating unwanted elements such as ads, navigation bars, and sidebars. Experience clean and well-formatted printouts that save paper and ink. 🪄 PDF Conversion Made Easy Seamlessly convert web pages to professional-looking PDF documents. Preserve the original formatting, including text, images, and links. Save web pages for offline use or share them with others effortlessly. 💯 Customizable Output Tailor your printed documents and PDFs to meet your exact needs. You can adjust font sizes and remove specific images or paragraphs. Enhance readability and focus on essential information. Upgrade your printing and PDF conversion experience today! Install PrintFriendly and unlock the power of clean, optimized printing and PDF documents. 🗞️ In the News Business Insider: “[It] strips away all the ads, navigation controls, and other unnecessary elements from a webpage that you want to print, share via email, or save as a PDF. You'll be amazed at how compact many webpages will seem in this stripped-down form.” Hubspot: “The extension removes ads and other cluttering elements from the web page to turn it into a pleasant reading experience.” PCWorld: “In short, it’s Web-page printing the way it should be. [It] will save you time, paper, and ink, and on those merits alone, it’s a must-have addition to Chrome.” ---------------------------------------------- By using this extension, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy: 🤝 Terms of Service: https://www.printfriendly.com/terms 📃 Privacy Policy: https://www.printfriendly.com/privacy ---------------------------------------------- 🛠 Change Log: 3.6.3 — 2024-07-19 — We fixed an issue of duplicate header images appearing at the top of the printer-friendly view and PDFs. We also updated the error message that displays when a PDF can’t be created. 3.6.2 — 2024-07-08 — Fixed an issue that was causing bylines to not appear on some sites. 3.6.1 — 2024-06-07 — Fixed an issue where images weren't loading on some sites. 3.6.0 — 2024-05-02 — Fixed multiple issues with PDF creation. These things now display properly in most cases when creating PDFs: publication dates, bylines, right-to-left languages, and favicons. 3.5.8 — 2024-04-07 — Fixed an issue that was causing PDF creation to occasionally fail. 3.5.7 — 2024-03-18 — Fixed an issue where the welcome page was displaying every time some users opened their browser. 3.5.6 — 2024-03-11 — Fixed the issue of the welcome page displaying when the extension is updated (rather than installed). Added a new instructional video to PrintFriendly's Chrome Web Store page. 3.5.5 — 2024-03-08 — Added a new welcome page after the extension is installed. Fixed an issue with print functionality on Yahoo-owned websites. 3.5.3 — 2024-02-29 — When right clicking the "Download Your PDF" button, the "Save Link As..." option works properly again.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-03-14) Patty Arnó Tirado: I don't have a clue of how this app got installed in my browser as I am the only user, but I just got home and as soon as I opened chrome, got the "print friendly extension has been installed" tab/message out of the blue. No my computer is not hacked, no I didn't install it by accident.
  • (2023-11-07) Ming Su: good, print Friendly!!!.
  • (2023-11-05) Cody Smith: So intuitive, user-friendly, and helpful. Has great smart defaults. Nearly plug and play and super easy to use. It's amazing this is free. Thank you so much for this!
  • (2023-10-28) Robin Lee: PrintFriendly version 3.4.6 doesn't work as well as before. It used to be that clicking on "Download Your PDF" would create a PDF with a filename same as the article title, with the last download location already selected. But since Oct 27, 2023, "Download Your PDF" will open a separate tab in the browser with a PDF named something like "pdf_[string of numbers]Letter.pdf", which requires it to be renamed and saved to a chosen location. So version 3.4.6 requires more steps to save a PDF.
  • (2023-10-23) Dean Kennedy: Would love to see it remember the default page size for PDF so that I don't always have to swap from Letter to A4. This was the old functionality -- but now it is always showing as Letter when I click the PDF button (which isn't even in alphabetical order vs "A4"). Would love the option to change this -- and ideally choose other common sizes too (A3 for me would be great, but I'm sure Legal and Tabloid/Ledger and other common sizes would be great too). Otherwise I love it. I think the tools are great for deleting and editing and I use them to clean up docs all the time where it's hard for Print-Friendly to pick up on what not to include (not your fault -- it's the way the web page coding is done on some sites).
  • (2023-10-15) K T: Kind of a disappointment that it doesn't give you the choice to include images or not. Most of the time, it's only giving text when there are images present and I'd like both or at least the option. **Update*** I've used this more and more and like it better now that images come up and allow some deletion but it's suddenly stopped giving the PDF download option. I hope it's fixed soon. ***Update again*** PDF download came back but no longer recognizes the whole page. Frustrating. I no longer recommend this add on. Skip it and find something else more reliable. It just doesn't work like it did before.
  • (2023-10-14) Diêgo Araújo: Perfeita!!
  • (2023-10-11) Petr Nuska: Worked just fine yesterday. Today, when attempting to "Save PDF", I've got too many redirects error. Is that something that could be fixed?
  • (2023-10-10) George Shoemaker: I was trying to print a Medium article. PrintFriendly knocked the PDF down from 20+ pages to 5. Really easy to truncate elements you don't want. Good tool
  • (2023-10-07) Hon Vuong: very good software
  • (2023-10-06) Vee Ramage: Constantly tells me pages with more than a couple of images are too big to convert, so almost completely useless.
  • (2023-09-07) nporter: I use this extension on my Chrome browser ALL the time. It's wonderful as I can delete content I don't want, ads are automatically removed making a much cleaner document & I can resize images that are often overblown on webpages. One thing that surprised me is that I recently just used it on Microsoft Edge & was surprised that there was an "Edit" button where you could add text & other formatting options. Is this not available on Chrome yet or have I missed that setting?
  • (2023-09-05) Ashutosh Patel: Awesome Extension very useful to customize your traditional PDF view.
  • (2023-09-04) Krishnendu Laha: For some reason the rendering is not that good on Chrome or any Chromium based browser. Tried on Edge and Vivaldi. But works like charm on Firefox and Safari. Weird that it works on less popular browsers rather than most popular browser engine 🤦‍♂️
  • (2023-08-31) Get This: 31 Aug 2023: Getting "We're sorry, but something went wrong" message all the time. Please fix this.
  • (2023-08-31) Prantik Banerjee: The best available tool. But not working from today. The following error message is being displayed: "We're sorry, but something went wrong. If you are the application owner check the logs for more information." Please help.
  • (2023-08-31) MzBee: Forced into downloading it....unable to use it...very difficult to use
  • (2023-08-29) Steve Marshall: The extension fails on some pages that the printfriendly website has no trouble with. I was hoping the extension would make it easier to use this great service!
  • (2023-08-12) Milan Kušnjačić: Prije je radilo dobro. Sad pretpregled više ne prikaže sve slike ili uopće ne prikaže, ne mogu se ukloniti svi neželjeni dijelovi.
  • (2023-08-12) Stephen Omilianowski: I have never been able to get it to successfully print a web page in a more friendly layout. Chrome's print is about the same result each time.
  • (2023-08-03) Ipek Kizil: it is horrible, changed the whole layout. the name should not be print friendly.
  • (2023-08-02) Luis Beccabunco: Una excelente herramienta, indispensable. Desde hace años lo tengo instalado, sin embargo últimamente esta creando saltos de paginas absurdos, innecesarios creando documentos de 3 paginas que caben perfectamente en 1 sola... no comprendo por qué ya que funcionaba perfectamente.
  • (2023-07-31) Vince Kuraitis: Generally pretty good but 1) sometimes misses graphics entirely, and/or 2) graphics show up in the preview yet are not printed. One workaround is to get a .pdf version of your webpage. In my experience a .pdf version is much better at showing all content.
  • (2023-07-25) Симбат «Simbat» Аракелян: Просто шикарное расширение. Раньше приходилось просто пдфить и танцевать с бубном в редакторе, чтобы было адекватно читаемо - теперь это делается за секунду
  • (2023-07-15) Julian LaFreniere: I never do reviews unless the thing being reviewed makes an impact or surprises me in a good (or bad) way. This was better than I expected it to be. I needed to find a way to copy a webpage and I have found that my version of 2019 Word is worse at copying them and keeping formatting and pictures/text than the older 2013 (and 2016) version(s)! Not sure why, but they older ones did a better job. It's like Microsoft disabled or something out of the Copy & Paste into Word process. Anyways, this extension was awesome because saving it as a PDF works just fine for what I am using them for. I recommend giving it a trying it you are looking for something similar.
  • (2023-07-09) Andrew Dale: This extension allows you to print out pages and delete the stuff you don't need, but even more impressive is the customer service and response! I have never seen anything quite like it. Their customer support is a 15 out of 10! Highly recommend this extension!
  • (2023-07-03) WOKE!: ice nice nice oh
  • (2023-06-13) Wesley Brouse: So easy to use, can grab just about any site and lets you get rid of any unneeded text. 10/10
  • (2023-06-07) Brittany Assunto: Great tool! Allows you to easily delete any parts of the page that you do not want to print. This extension works very well and is easy to use.
  • (2023-06-07) Rajesh Ragavendran: Best tool to print any kind of Webpages!
  • (2023-06-07) Ante Milardović: Best extension ever! Only wish you could do more to change fonts and font sizes.
  • (2023-06-01) Сергей Франчук: Очень удобное расширение. Спасибо разработчикам!
  • (2023-05-22) Young Little: 为开发者点赞!太好用了。唯一不足的是转为PDF后,公式间的换行没了,导致公式连在一起
  • (2023-05-18) Fahad Ahmed Sajal: Great extension . But i wish you may enable "Image" saving option and add "Share" option on next update.
  • (2023-05-12) Mo Liu: It doesn't work when needed. Especially on the Facebook page.
  • (2023-04-19) Quân Cây Đa: Only text without any image if saving Pdf file.
  • (2023-04-17) Robert Bernstein: Thank you so much! So many sites now are pure evil in terms of making it impossible to print from them. Your program lets me print, while saving paper and eliminating the rubbish! I definitely will donate! Thanks!
  • (2023-04-13) Dr Peter Yau: this extension is super friendly, very compatible to many websites and actually help to save the world by cutting paper prints with unwanted part removed.
  • (2023-04-11) 余翔: 太棒了,打印利器!!!!!
  • (2023-04-09) 姜繁: https://blog.csdn.net/hzf0701/article/details/107643772 能不要自动过滤博客文章的发表日期、版权等信息?或者让用户可以手动选择删除就更完美了!
  • (2023-04-03) cheppu ra bommardhi: really I love this Extension ....I tried many extensions but no one beat this extension Class 12 Business Studies🤞🤞🤞
  • (2023-03-25) Oleg Shubaly: Просто супер! Перед збереженням сторінки сайту у pdf у попередньому перегляді дозволяє видалити зайве.
  • (2023-03-25) Sorma00: Incredibile estensione! Davvero facile e utile!
  • (2023-03-25) One Shot: The best because it works right from my computer.
  • (2023-03-20) Shoto Ji: Brilliant!
  • (2023-03-19) David Robinette: I've been using Print Friendly for the last 4 years and it works perfectly for me (Windows 10 and 11 only.) Don't know if there is a Mac version. This app is a real time saver and one of the very few I have experimented with that does exactly what it says, and does it perfectly every time.
  • (2023-03-07) Juliana Koh: AWESOME Thanks for this - have been looking for ways to simplify print page (this useful feature was previously available in Chrome but have been missing for quite a while).
  • (2023-02-27) Toby Vũ: Tốt
  • (2023-02-09) Cee Pol: It actually worked and captured everything.
  • (2023-02-02) Lorant Nagy Z: Finally I searched for a printing app and fonund it. Before I struggled to print. This seems to work correctly and I think it's essential for printing an article from the web. Appreciate it a lot.

Latest issues

  • (2023-06-02, v:3.3.1) Opala Haider: hi
  • (2023-05-17, v:3.3.0) Petri Simolin: Just says "xxx.com did not respond". Preview does nothing. Print does nothing.
    Just says "xxx.com did not respond". Preview does nothing. Print does nothing.
  • (2023-05-13, v:3.3.0) Carlos Pinto: Not working!
    Today it's not working! It just says "pdf.printfriendly.com took too long to respond."
  • (2023-05-11, v:3.3.0) Ccgreen: ICON-IN extension BAR
    I have always changed the icon to show in extension bar. It has gone back to the default icon. When I try to change through options - it will not save. I uninstalled and reinstalled and same problem.
  • (2023-04-16, v:2.8.1) Mandy Wright: Suddenly not working
    I Uninstaller and reinstalled extension on Kiwi browser (Anroid) and get no error, but no file eithe
  • (2023-04-10, v:2.8.1) Robert Bernstein: How to Make it Work with New York Times?
    I tried it with the New York Times and it said "Ack! Print technology timed-out while trying to connect to this page." I tried the Chrome Extension, but I could not make it work.
  • (2023-03-24, v:2.8.1) Theon Arryn: test problem
    test problem
  • (2023-03-24, v:2.8.1) Theon Arryn: test suggestion
    test suggestion
  • (2023-03-24, v:2.8.1) Theon Arryn: test question
    test question
  • (2023-03-10, v:2.8.1) Bran Targaryen: testp from user3
    testp from user3
  • (2023-03-10, v:2.8.1) Bran Targaryen: tests from user3
    tests from user3
  • (2023-03-10, v:2.8.1) Bran Targaryen: testq from user3
    testq from user3
  • (2023-03-10, v:2.8.1) Quentin Martell: testp from user2
    testp from user2
  • (2023-03-10, v:2.8.1) Theon Arryn: testp user1
    testp user1
  • (2023-03-10, v:2.8.1) Theon Arryn: tests user1
    tests user1
  • (2022-03-03, v:2.8.1) Red-ark For Entertainment: CANT GET BACK IN THE PREVIOUS WEBPAGE
  • (2022-02-22, v:2.8.1) Lutz Hohle: Print in newspaper style
    An alternative view in columns, like in a newspaper would be very useful for your tool! For a good readability of printed text about 8 words per line are optimal, to not slip between the lines, like it happens easily with full A4 paper wide lines. Columned view also allows smaller font size, smaller margins. So you get more on each page and even use less paper. Newspapers and magazins didn't use this style without a reason. I have send you (Manu and Taylor) a email with an example. Lutz
  • (2022-01-16, v:2.8.1) Jon: Print too Large
    When I click print, all the text is huge and something that would normally take one page or two pages is now using 7 pages! I've uninstalled and reinstalled and restarted.
  • (2022-01-14, v:2.8.1) Dennis Becker: Using Wordpress and plugin Print Friendly
    All works fine on desktop but on mobile the Print / PDF / Email - shows then disappears and only the Print shows and you are able to only print one page of the document. Do you know why the controls disappear. Using Pro version and Wordpress. Thank you . dennis - [email protected]
  • (2021-10-21, v:2.8.1) Laura Carabin: Extension Not Working
    I've added it several times and it's just not there.
  • (2021-10-11, v:2.8.1) Aditya Gupta: Does not work anymore
    A bit sad.
  • (2021-10-04, v:2.8.1) GnomeVader: Images don't always load when trying to convert to pdf
    Thank you
  • (2021-08-24, v:2.8.1) Stephen Waddock: How do I enable PrintFriendly to print the images on a page?
    How do I enable PrintFriendly to print the images on a page? I'm trying to create a .pdf version of intranet article pages and would like the images to appear in the .pdf. Currently, when I select the PrintFriendly icon, it creates the .pdf without the images. Is this something I can easily option on?
  • (2021-07-12, v:2.8.1) K Diaz M: Extension not working
    The extension suddenly stop working. I mean, was converting few webpage info into PDF and suddenly stop working. Ext. was removed and downloaded again and problem persist. When ext. icon is clicked nothing happens and if cursor is placed on icon shown "Print Friendly & PDF wants access to this site" & when options (right click) is selected the blank page remains loading. How this can be solved? Thank you
  • (2021-06-02, v:2.8.1) Kent Gibson: print friendly
    Used print friendly today and now it is gone. Why the hell would it be disabled in Chrome? It is one of the best print programs available. What do I need to do to get it back??????????
  • (2021-05-21, v:2.8.1) Petro Taljaard: Printfriendly vanished. Why? Can not add it again as an extension. It said disabled in Chrome and it will not enable?
    Why can,t I enable my Prinfriendly extension on Chrome? It will not do it
  • (2021-05-09, v:2.8.1) Marcia Ward: Print Friendly not working
    Stopped working and icon disappeared. "This item has been disabled in Chrome." Clicking on Enable this item doesn't work. Please advise.
  • (2021-05-05, v:2.8.1) Saurav Sarmah: Not Printing or Creating PDF
    The page can be edited, but it can't be printed or converted to PDF.
  • (2021-05-04, v:2.8.1) Sally Farrington: icon not appearing
    Print Friendly icon does not appear. It is activated in my extensions. Please advise. I am using ChromeVersion 90.0.4430.93 (Official Build) (x86_64)
  • (2021-04-16, v:2.8.1) Paul Bajorek: Not working on Chrome 90
    Running 2.8.1 of the extension on chrome 90.0.4430.72. Just updated chrome earlier today. Since then, the extension does not seem to be working. When I click on the icon, nothing happens. w10 20H2 19042.867. Please advise
  • (2021-04-16, v:2.8.1) Bill Porter: adding title and date when printing
    At one time Print Friendly printed title, date and page numbers on the printed copy. It no longer does that. What can I do to gert it back?
  • (2021-04-07, v:2.7.39) Sharon Aurora: Reduce photo size not working anymore
    When I reduce size of photos, only the width is reduced which makes the photos look weird. I almost always reduce the size of the pictures, so this is definitely a problem for me. This just started happening today.
  • (2021-04-01, v:2.7.38) Danielle Schneider: new extension
    Isn't working. When you click on it after installing, according to the directions, it takes you to the directions page. When going back into the website, it keeps redirecting you to install the extension. It's just a loop and you can't actually use the site for what it is intended for.
  • (2021-03-09, v:2.7.35) Joan Oliver: print friendly
    I do not see an icon for print friendly. How can I use it if I cannot see and icon to click when I want to print something?
  • (2021-03-09, v:2.7.35) Joan Oliver: print friendly
    I do not see an icon for my print friendly. Where is it located? How can I use it if I do not see it?
  • (2021-02-08, v:2.7.34) CL Cheung: Chinese font problem, simplified chinese and tranditional chinese fonts
    I think many people got this problem. There are two kinds of chinese characters, one is mainly used in China, is simplified chinese characters. One is traditional chinese characters, mainly used in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Not all tranditional chinese characters have a simplfied version, so two character sets overlap. The pdf created mainly got a font problem, which map the simplfied chinese characters to a very strange font, and map the traditional chinese characters to a correct font. That makes a simplified chinese document looks very strange (as they will be in very inconsistent fonts)
  • (2021-01-23, v:2.7.33) cheng tang: distorted font
    hi team, the outcome always shows distorted font (Chinese) when converting Chinese html page into pdf. Would that be my own problem or something wrong with the tool please? Look forward to your reply and thank you for your attention.
  • (2021-01-11, v:2.7.33) Jen: Drop down boxes
    Print friendly extension used to open the drop down boxes so the content could be printed, emailed or converted to PDF. Why does it no longer gives that option? Can you recommend another extension that will give that option?
  • (2021-01-08, v:2.7.33) Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan: Is the source code available?
    Hi, Thanks for creating a wonderful extension I was just wondering if this extension is open-source? Cheers, Krishna
  • (2021-01-02, v:2.7.33) Gail McKeating: Print Friendly & PDF
    Print Friendly & PDF is no longer working for me. I click the little icon but nothing happens! Help!
  • (2020-12-29, v:2.7.33) 1118 888: There is something wrong with the Chinese font
    The size of the Chinese font in the downloaded PDF file is inconsistent
  • (2020-12-29, v:2.7.33) 1118 888: 中文简体显示出问题
  • (2020-12-22, v:2.7.32) Marius Becker: Not working on long websites with much text
    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your extention and how it works in general helps me very much. But on long websites with much text, even without images, the program will not work and it shows the error message "Sorry. An error occurred. Please try again." But trying it later or many times will not change anything. Can you tell me how to fix this problem? Thank you in advance!
  • (2020-12-21, v:2.7.32) Chuppito: Printing or pdf missing
    Hello, I'm trying to grab a pdf online. When I click on "print friendly" a dialog box opens but there is no pdf tab. Only the print tab is available, but cannot print. How to fix this error? should we remove lines of code in the google chrome element inspector? Thank you
  • (2020-12-02, v:2.7.30) stan cardwell: blurry photos
    photos inside an article are, what looks like, intentionally blurred out making the add-on un-useable. the pictures are completely loaded on the website. I know in the past PF would not be able to render pictures if they were not fully downloaded in the article.so I check, and the images are blurred in the rendering.
  • (2020-11-11, v:2.7.25) Noelle Sibley: Article out of order
    Sometimes the converter moves paragraphs around and the article is no longer in the correct order. Usually it happens with news sites - possibly their attempt to prevent a user-generated PDF version of the story existing? Here's an example of a webpage that did this: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/10/26/opinion/vocational-school-admissions-need-fix/
  • (2020-10-27, v:2.7.25) Amnon Levav: Amazing product - but how to change the font face ?
    Amazing product - but how to change the font face ? I tried to change the browser's default font from Serif to a sans-serif font but it doesn't work so the results look barely unreadable.
  • (2020-10-15, v:2.7.25) Lisa Hendrix: Dark screen and no printing
    Every time I click the print friendly button on chrome bar -- it turns the screen dark instead of giving me printing options. I don't see any updates to do anywhere. What could the problem be? Thank you
  • (2020-10-05, v:2.7.25) Luigi Pepe: download problem
    dear support, when I try to add your extension to my browser (chrome 49 for windows XP), there's a generic error, and download is interrupted
  • (2020-09-21, v:2.7.24) Matrix- M: Privacy and Security - Personal Info & Tracking
    I wanted to ask: 1. Does this plugin collect or record any personal information that a browser has (ie: passwords)? 2. Does this plugin track our browsing activities? 3. Does this plugin access our computer hard-drive and collect any information from there, including any snap-shots or imaging (cloning) of our hard drive content? I do believe knowing this is important to everyone. Appreciate your reply. Thanks


900,000 history
4.3335 (2,483 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-22 / 3.6.3
Listing languages
