extension ExtPose

Checker Plus for Google Calendar™

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Description from extension meta

Zobacz nadchodzące terminy, otrzymuj przypomnienia na pulpicie, dodawaj wydarzenia bezpośrednio w oknie pop-up!

Image from store Checker Plus for Google Calendar™
Description from store 100 razy bardziej wydajne niż zwykłe rozszerzenia kalendarza, z powiadomieniami na pulpicie i głosowymi oraz świetnymi recenzjami • Zaufany twórca wielu rozszerzeń — ponad milion zadowolonych użytkowników na całym świecie. • Mnóstwo funkcji, opcji i aktualizacji • Obszerne FAQ na jasonsavard.com i osobiste wsparcie techniczne z bardzo szybką reakcją • Kliknij „Strona internetowa” lub odwiedź jasonsavard.com, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. Dodatkowe funkcje są dostępne po wpłaceniu „dowolnej” kwoty. • Obsługuje zadania Google • Obsługuje powiadomienia push • Obsługa panelu bocznego • Dodam Twoje sugestie. Popraw swoją produktywność i swój biznes dzięki nowym funkcjom, takim jak ta... • Szybkie dodawanie wydarzeń na wiele sposobów... - Kliknij dzień w wyskakującym kalendarzu lub po prostu wpisz go w szybkim dodawaniu, np. Lunch z mamą, niedziela, 11:00 - Zaznacz tekst na dowolnej stronie, np. „...obiad 26 sierpnia o 15:30...” i kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy, aby automatycznie dodać go do tej daty! - Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy stronę internetową i dodaj ją natychmiast do kalendarza na jutro lub na dowolny dzień lub godzinę! Wypróbuj to w Gmailu, np. znajomy wyśle ​​Ci wiadomość e-mail z prośbą o grę w piłkę nożną jutro, odpowiedz mu, a następnie kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy i zapisz w kalendarzu. Możesz również użyć wyskakującego kalendarza, zobacz film https://youtu.be/hrrZa2egQDc - Użyj paska adresu Chrome (Omnibox), aby dodać wydarzenie, po prostu wpisując „cal”, a następnie tabulator lub spację i tytuł wydarzenia z godziną lub datą. https://youtu.be/owtEUtueXp4 - Podczas przeglądania strony wydarzenia na Facebooku wyskakujące okienko daje Ci możliwość dodania go do kalendarza • Powiadomienia na pulpicie „jak w programie Outlook”, gdy wydarzenie ma miejsce, które możesz uśpić, a także z opcjonalnym powiadomieniem głosowym: Dodaj minutnik do gotowania, który krzyczy „wyjmij pizzę!” • Powiadomienia dźwiękowe i głosowe: świetne dla osób niedowidzących • Obsługuje wiele kalendarzy i Google Apps™ (dla firm lub edukacji) oraz hostowane • Możliwość działania w tle nawet po zamknięciu przeglądarki Google Chrome • Wyświetl kalendarz na miesiąc, tydzień, widok harmonogramu po kliknięciu ikony lub dostosuj własny widok! • Pokaż bieżącą datę, dzień lub godzinę do następnego wydarzenia i podgląd szczegółów przyszłych wydarzeń bezpośrednio na ikonie • Wiele opcji, które możesz dostosować, większość jest bezpłatna (95%), a reszta jest dostępna po wpłatach DOWOLNEJ kwoty, ponieważ dodałem te funkcje na specjalne prośby • Otrzymuj przypomnienia o urodzinach i wydarzeniach swoich kontaktów • Przeciągaj i upuszczaj wydarzenia, aby zmienić ich harmonogram w widoku miesiąca • Powiadomienia o wydarzeniach nawet wtedy, gdy nie ma połączenia z Internetem w trybie offline • Wyszarzanie minionych dni lub wyróżnianie weekendów Dziennik zmian: https://jasonsavard.com/wiki/Checker_Plus_for_Google_Calendar_changelog

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-13) Jorge Garrote Alonso: ultimamente se cierra constantemente, bloqueando chrome
  • (2023-09-06) Andrew To: Thank you Jason. I have been using your Checker Plus for the Google Calendar and Gmail for years. They are really helpful and they work the way I want plus better. Thank you!
  • (2023-08-24) Katya Kean: This extension fills a need, desperately, but lately it crashes so often and is so slow and ineffective, not alerting me before meetings, but rather talking to me 10 minutes after the calendar even started, that I had to disable it. I don't know how I'll function without it, but it's become more of a hindrance than help lately.
  • (2023-08-10) josh wanner: 6 Stars if you can make it a bit snappier, takes some time for popups to show, specifically in the month view, and still a bit slow in the week view for calendar popups to show..... also Duplicating events by control and drag doesn't seem to work as expected always but using the duplicate icon works faster than within the official google calendar site so that's fine. Switching between views can be a bit laggy..... I managed to create an autohotkey script that ChatGPT made for me so that I can open the Checker Plus chrome app, if it's not already open, and then to also show it quicker and hide it when I'm done looking at it - I find that to be much more effective than using the shortcut to open the popup within the chrome browser as that is quite laggy.
  • (2023-07-12) Gustavo Ladeira: It's perfect, specially with the premium features.
  • (2023-06-05) E. H.: Perfekt! Diese Chrome App ist perfekt für den Google Kalender, ich habe die Spendenversion und bin voll zufrieden! Danke an den Entwickler! Perfect! This Chrome app is perfect for Google Calendar, I have the donation version and I am fully satisfied! Thanks to the developer!
  • (2023-05-19) Michael Hartman (PRIME): This is a great app, but I've noticed it sucking up a lot of memory and CPU over the last week or so. I had to disable it. I don't know if it's something to do with using Sidekick instead of Chrome, or if there was an update, I have many more meetings, or something like that. I look forward to turning it back on soon to check if it's behaving again!
  • (2023-05-16) Dana Thomas: I've used this extension for a while and I absolutely love it. It has everything I need and I find myself using it multiple times a day.
  • (2023-04-24) JC: I recently had to switch calendar apps and wish I had done it years ago. This extension makes the Google calendar complete. I'm looking forward to future developments.
  • (2023-04-13) chamotoba: Excellent !
  • (2023-04-01) ehsan h: great
  • (2023-03-24) Keet Lee: Dude, I don't mind you locking themes behind a paywall, but I shouldn't have to pay for a simple dark mode.
  • (2023-03-23) Al Ia: five stars as always!
  • (2023-03-20) G. F.: Notifications keep poping up, though I already dismissed them..
  • (2023-03-16) Jack Sankey: Almost perfect and so helpful I had no qualms about donating. Some slightly confusing / opaque configuration options (though I can get it to behave the way I want) and a few minor features that would be helpful, but the dev is very responsive and cares about clean interface. I love that you can just paste a bunch of garbage with a date in and it will add the event in a pretty smart way (though then I'd want to have a link to go to said event to make sure it's in there correctly :)
  • (2023-02-16) Gary Vee: I cannot get this to work properly. Inconsistent notifications so I deleted it from chrome and now google calendar will not show notifications even though it is set to show notifications. No idea why this is happening.
  • (2023-02-09) Seth Winkelmann: About 80% reliable which isn't good enough for work, sometimes stops showing notifications altogether and other times shows the same notification 2 or 3 times including declined events even though they don't show on the actual google calendar
  • (2023-01-27) Vladislav Velichko: Amazing extension. Thank you so much. One minor thing I found: I edited repeating meetings (notification time 10 -> 1 min) and got popup about 1-2 days ago meetings.
  • (2023-01-09) Andrii Doroshev: Юзаю расширение Gmail от этого же разработчика. А тут еще и календарь нашел :) Очень удобно, 2 расширения и такие важные и удобные. Просто и очень функционально без лишних функций. Спасибо из Украины 2023!
  • (2022-12-22) Nicola Bernardo: Utilissima per coprire le falle di Google Calendar, affidabile e sicura!
  • (2022-12-19) Gilliam Flebus: Great widget but I really miss Calendar reminder integration.
  • (2022-12-08) D D: Ворует личные данные и передает эти данные кому попало. Последствия увидите в почте и в телефоне, так как он привязан а аккаунту. Не устанавливайте это расширение
  • (2022-12-01) Edward Wehr: Notifications do not work properly. For all day notifications I always get them 10 minutes before midnight, as it is set 10 minutes before the event. However, in G cal there is a clear distinction betweek event and all day notification. The only workaround that I found is to create all day notifications in G cal only, unless you want to be woken up at midnight.
  • (2022-11-22) Андрей Андреев: Давно использую расширение для Gmail этого же разработчика, а тут Календарь от Google, который также на смартфоне синхронизируется. Работает отлично, рекомендую!
  • (2022-11-08) linus mellumnav: excellent productivity extension, works perfectly
  • (2022-11-07) Ishan Sahu: Great extension!!! Thanks for building it up
  • (2022-10-23) Max Alex: Very usefulll.
  • (2022-10-19) Stoil Stanev: Вместо да почне да звъни упортито при събитие, показва незабележими известия, каквито календарът и без това си има.
  • (2022-10-12) Janet Matsen: I've used this on multiple computers and donate every time. It's GREAT. I love not browsing to calendar.google.com all the time.
  • (2022-10-12) KH KTOK: 最近のアップデートで、拡張機能のボタンに表示されている「次の予定までの残り時間」が同期されなくなりました。 同期するには毎回Checker Plusを開いて更新する必要があり、困っています。 With a recent update, the "time left until next appointment" displayed on the extension's button is no longer synced. I have to open and update Checker Plus each time to sync, which is annoying.
  • (2022-10-08) Brendan O'Brien: Works great - nice design Calendar is always there in the bookmark bar where you can check it
  • (2022-10-03) Wade Williams (Chaplain Wade): This is a must-have if you are using Google Calendar. It increases the ease of use exponentially. Every user of Google Calendar needs to add this extension to their arsenal. You will love it, too.
  • (2022-09-29) Víctor Duque (Duke): Excelente aplicación, te permite tener visible tus reuniones, ingreso facil y activo! 100% util
  • (2022-03-17) Walter Tapia V.: Excelente aplicación!
  • (2022-03-04) Ulukan Tezcan: Gayet iyi. Sorunsuz çalışıyor.
  • (2022-03-02) Nicole Abaya: thank you this is great
  • (2022-03-01) Munem Shahriar: nice. loved this extension
  • (2022-02-27) Kants Niat: Great job, love it
  • (2022-02-10) Forrest Flagg: Update 1 Star to 4 Stars: Jason reached out with some instructions about how to solve the issue with previous contributions not being recognized (https://jasonsavard.com/wiki/Already_Contributed) and was kind enough to refund my latest contribution related to trying to get access to the dark themes again. Having that issue resolved fixes the only real problem I had with the extension, which was that it was frustrating to use on multiple machines and browsers due to having to pay multiple times to access the single feature I truly care about across all my devices. Otherwise, the extension works fine. I only use it as a basic calendar viewer to see what I've got coming up so I can't speak to any of the more advanced features. That being said, there are enough configuration options to let me choose how to display events in a visually pleasing and logical manner. In my search for a decent calendar extension most of the other options failed that basic test.
  • (2022-02-02) 익명의 까마귀: My life is divided into two parts: before this, and after this.
  • (2022-01-05) Vladimir Bardyuzha: В последнее время заметил, что некоторые события просто игнорируются и не отображаются как ближайшие, даже после обновления данных вручную.
  • (2021-12-10) Himanshu Dev: Wonderful extension. Appreciate the work behind it.
  • (2021-12-01) Yulai Zhao: a lot better than official addon
  • (2021-11-30) Pablo Thyago: Não atualiza a opção de lembrete na extenção. Eu utilizo 90% do google agenda lembretes, pra lembrar de tarefas de repetições diarias.
  • (2021-11-09) Kums Murugesan: By far, this is the best Calendar Addon. Thanks for making this useful app. :-)
  • (2021-11-04) Tiến Đạt Nguyễn: Quá là tiện ích, tuyệt zời!!!
  • (2021-10-19) Pablo Laso: Probably the most useful extension that I have! Jason is an outstanding developer, and has implemented everything you may have even not thought about. The only limitations are those that are unfortunately already given by Google Calendar API itself. Amazing job! Congrats
  • (2021-10-16) Linda Nwabunike: Awesome!
  • (2021-10-14) Jeffrey Zie: This thing is so dang clutch, i had to buy the paid version. It's been almost 2 weeks since i've had it & it's been the most productive 2 weeks i've had in months.
  • (2021-10-11) Donny Peter: Maybe I missed to read some instructions. But shouldnt it be plain straight forward?! My attempt to add a calendar entry failed (even after clicking the "red" button). Even after multiple attempts, not able to add events to calendar. I dont want only all-day calendar enteries. Its useless if it doesnt allow me to set a time.


300,000 history
4.4318 (2,054 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-18 / 40.1.3
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