Description from extension meta
The Next Generation Session Manager; A Really Working Too Many Open Tabs Solution; And Your Browsing Notebook.
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Description from store
Tabs Outliner is a fusion of tabs manager, session manager and an tree like personal information organizer. It’s also embed instruments that greatly help reduce open tabs count by making possible easily annotate and close-save open windows and tabs in their original context. And what’s more important - allow then working with there saved tabs practically in the same way as with open ones, thus greatly reducing resources usage.
It also implements one of the best ways to handle crashed sessions - an unfortunate reality for users with a habit of accumulating hundreds of open tabs.
☀ Complete Overview of all your open and saved tabs and windows, along with custom added notes and marks.
☀ Flexible and fully editable by Drag and Drop Tree - everything can be easily organized in logical hierarchies and delimited groups; unlike in other similar tools every node can be a parent for any other node, all items can be freely reordered to specify priority or importance. And all of this can be done not only with somewhere saved links - but with open tabs and windows!
☀ Close and save - just in one click you can preserve “in place” any tab or window in their original context and surrounding in the Tree. Saved windows and tabs can be freely mixed with those that are open. And as Tabs Outliner window is often active all the time, because it’s enormously useful to observe all currently active items, things saved in it does not fall out of the focus, as this often happen with other tools that save everything in some separate lists, so the actual action to close-save something to free resources become mentally much ease and really accomplished.
☀ Innovative Tabs Outlining And Organizing Features – you will be able annotate windows and tabs, add comments to them, summary of main ideas, to-do items. Text notes can be easily added in the Tree directly from web pages, just by Drag and Drop.
☀ Tree Style Tab feature - those who remember famous Firefox plugin with the same name immediately recognize inspired by it very useful way to relate tabs to one another. This feature relates newly opened tabs to the tab from which they were opened, which automatically builds strong context for all items and nicely visualize tabs relations.
☀ Crash Resistance and Restore Feature Done Right - no more hassles after browser crash or sudden system restart. No more being forced to all or nothing choice, like with the default Chrome crash restoration: to lose all of these “remind me of something” tabs, or to have again a completely unresponsive PC, if you load all of them back. This extension makes it possible to reopen only windows you need NOW, or even some individual tabs inside them, without losing others. Everything will be available to reopen anytime you decide and in the same context and place where they were crashed without consuming any resources, along with newly created tabs, as if you simply continue your session without any crash.
☀ Tabs List Exporter - easily export and share the annotated list of your tabs through Google Doc, Word, Evernote, email or some messenger. Hierarchies of windows can be exported individually simply by Drag & Drop. Or the whole tree can be saved as HTML file (by Ctrl-S in the main window).
☀ One Click Procrastination Stopper - Close-Save All currently open windows and tabs just in one click! Without losing all of the context and structure. Regain your attention and your PC responsiveness - momentary become ready again for some new work.
Everything mentioned above can be used absolutely for free, but to support project there are some additional paid features that can be indefinitely enabled for a small one-time payment and an unobtrusive banner that show up once in few weeks to remind about their existence:
☀ Keyboard Shortcuts and Clipboard support which enables whole new dimension and speed for tree manipulations and editing by pro users.
☀ Access to frequent local backups that are saved every few minutes for restoring accidental edits or deletions or to review latest changes.
☀ Automatic Daily Backups to your Google Drive. Not only this secure your data this also enables possibilities to access your tree remotely from some other PC.
This paid features are completely optional and application can be effectively used without enabling them. In additional that the tree is constantly save all changes locally, backups and data exports can be done manually at any time. It’s not required to pay anything for this.
Latest reviews
- (2025-02-08) David Matten: current review (updated Feb 2025): This extension is now seriously broken. I have been using the Paid version for 10y. Now the Tabs window goes stale, unable to reopen suspended tabs. You have to kill and reopen the tabs window. And left behind are handfuls of duplicate ghost tabs within the same tree. I can't imagine anyone new paying for it in this state. I give it two stars only because it has some [diminished] utility to me because I know how to manage around the new bugs. But a new user would just uninstall it. It's a pity if the project is truly abandoned. It was great while it worked. If the publisher doesn't want to maintain it anymore, hopefully they release it so it can become community maintained. old review (2015): exceptionally useful, especially for searching tabs & avoiding bookmark hell
- (2024-12-03) I used to love this extension, but it stopped working some months ago. Double-clicking on a closed tab does nothing. Many other recent reviews also indicate that this extension has died.
- (2024-11-01) Igor “IverCold” Verner: UPD: Было 5 звёзд, но расширение перестало корректно работать, а разработчик перестал отвечать на какие-либо письма.
- (2024-09-18) Tanuja Prasad: Nothing else like it. Could be improved as with anything, but functionally everything I need. Sep 18 2024 This has been down since July 2024. The reason, as I understand it is that this app has not been upgraded to Google's new MV3 requirement. Could someone from the company please respond if you intend to upgrade? If not, I will look for other solutions. (I am a paid subscriber).
- (2024-08-25) Yarin Kessler: All of a sudden this has stopped working - cannot open any of my saved tabs. Please fix!
- (2024-08-06) Ignat Remizov: Really useful! I can organize my tabs based on how I use my tabs throughout the day, I get to have folders of reference material like blogs, of various wikis and discussion forums, of different social media, of news articles that I'll read later, of different work sessions (web development, or business management, or design) and all of it is in an easy to see and switch fashion. When you have 1000's of tabs open, it is hard to go to the one you need, but with tab outliner I can just click the link and open the relevant tab. It is like bookmarks, but way more efficient and productive. Would suggest everyone to install this. Only thing is after a crash, is after using ctrl+shift+t, the outliner creates a new window without a hierarchy. I think it would be cool for the extension to identify that the tabs were returned from a crashed session, or any other previous session.
- (2024-08-05) Go Go Go! We are back! yessss
- (2024-04-14) Ben Hurwitz: EDIT (4/14/24): I can't recommend this extension anymore. It continuously seems to crash and I can't bring up the window any longer without reinstalling the extension. It's really frustrating. Gonna have to transition to something else... which will undoubtedly fail at some point too. Sad. ORIGINAL REVIEW (5/5/22): As someone else mention, there's always room for improvement, but this extension is totally awesome. If you have a tab hoarding problem (like me) and don't want to solve that problem (like me), or you just like to sort all your research tabs into clear, well-defined groups (also like me), this extension is definitely for you. There is a learning curve for sure, but it's totally worth getting used to it. I personally didn't find the paid mode worth it BUT (HUGE BUT) I would purchase the paid mode again to support development anyway. I in fact already did that when my computer died and I couldn't recover the key. Still worth it. If nothing else, the developer is Ukrainian. ALSO, because everyone seems to not know this, you can manually backup and restore your entire tree without paid mode. See <>. Donate for the paid mode anyway.
- (2024-03-26) M P: E: doesnt work anymore and database seems to be deleted Can't and won't live without this. Any chance you can make it for firefox too?
- (2024-03-16) Josh Sorensen: it is great, but could be better. like others i would like it if i could make a saved copy of "just the tabs currently open and not saved+closed" in addition to the version that includes the saved+closed tabs. also, recently it has been having issues with errors. the errors that appear are things like "Unchecked runtime.lastError: No tab with id: 2308." and many more "no tab with id: #". i don't know if this is related to a combination of extensions that are incompatible or just a bug that happened after chrome updated and the extension didn't update. either way there is room for improvements. i still like it though. the setup is nice and has good color schemes and useful ideas like naming window sessions. if they fix the part where it glitches and on the tabs outliner when you try and open a saved tab/window it doesn't work/open at all and added a button to save "only the open tabs in a window without saving the closed and saved tabs" it would be 5 stars. also, to anyone having problems losing the saved windows/tabs due to it not functioning when you try to open saved tabs there is a trick to get them to work properly. the trick is: step 1. open a new window step 2. drag the saved window with all the tabs in it into the new window on tabs outliner. step 3. if you haven't opened/maximized the list of tabs within the window that is not functioning, do it step 4. click the "delete" button on the "failed to open window". by doing so all the saved tabs within will be directly transferred to the already functioning new window. step 5. open the saved tabs directly (sometimes tab outliner has crashes and after i restart it sometimes reloading it strangely has copies of tabs open that are also closed/saved. I hope this problem gets fixed)
- (2024-03-08) Mat: Was great, but abandonware.
- (2024-03-06) Clicking the wrong X closed all my windows without warning.
- (2024-02-27) Xan Krigor: UPD 27 февраля 2024: В версии Хрома 121 у аддона появилась утечка памяти. Несколько дней мониторил ситуацию и в диспетчере хрома (Shift+Esc) обнаружил проблему. Постепенно в аддоне повышается объём использования ОЗУ, после того как превысит более 4.5 Гб в определённый момент он крашнется. Из положительного разве что это происходит в моём случае за 4 дня непрерывной работы, но чем больше вкладок тем быстрее этот процесс. Я предполагаю что дело в превью сайта (favicon), потому что иногда заметно как он обновляет у вкладок эти превьюшки, скорее всего они и копятся пока не забьётся вся память, но тут уже не уверен. В любом случае есть утечка памяти, а аддон не обновлялся годами и это значит что со временем он больше и больше будет ломаться. Придётся искать альтернативу. Обзор от 6 июня 2018г. Очень хороший аддон, но есть ли возможность добавить (возможно переключаемый) режим множественного выделения с Ctrl или Shift в самое приложение? Например у меня 100 вкладок и я хочу их сгруппировать в новое окно, но быстро это не сделать, только пренося по одной. Ещё очень бы хотелось такой плагин в Firefox, там конечно есть аналоги, но ни один не оставляет вкладки при этом закрывая их, как здесь, в итоге сидя с 2300 вкладками подлагивает, да и ОЗУ жрёт под 10+ гигов.
- (2024-02-10) Vítor Santos: Great extension for a tabaholic like me! As of February 7 2024 it seems that the toolbar button was not working, as many others reported on other comments, but the extension itself is still working and syncing, etc. and can be opened by accessing the below URL, which I have actually bookmarked. chrome-extension://eggkanocgddhmamlbiijnphhppkpkmkl/activesessionview.html?type=main As of February 10 2024 the toolbar link is working again, so problem was likely on Chrome side, not the extension. Hope this helps!
- (2024-02-04) Loved this extension for so long. Just heard about MV2 dep problems, hope I find info that it won't be a problem.
- (2024-01-16) Danil Tylevich: Дней 5 серьезно выбирал таб-менеджер. Перебрал больше 10 утилит с крутыми отзывами и признанием на рынке. Workona, Tobi, TabExtend, TabOS, Tablerone,, Raı, и еще около 5. Каждую установил и обстоятельно поюзал. Но каждый раз что-то не то. В Workona юзеру навязываются допотопный таск-менеджер и интеграция со сторонними сервисами облачного хранения хотя для меня хранение не связано с рисерчем, а такой таск-менеджер как у них - ну такое себе. Утилита TabExtend позиционируется как максимально простая утилита для таб-менеджмента за 8 долларов в месяц, но после ознакомления хочется сказать разработчикам что не стоит простоватость выдавать за простоту. Бесплатный Tablerone глючит и когда его закрываешь - принудительно открывается в новой вкладке. Недорогой предлагает мне как юзеру нормально усложнить свою жизнь. Бесплатный не решает главного - не дает возможности объединять вкладки в группы по своему усмотрению. Выдохнуть с облегчением удалось наконец с Tabs Outliner. Ребята без звука но с жирными субтиттрами на коленке сделали 3 объясняющих видео и написали справку Хелп, по которым все становится понятно хоть и надо некоторое усилие разобраться. Зато теперь моя боль про кучу вкладок - уже не моя, и что самое приятное - это абсолютно бесплатно. Теперь все удобно - когда хочу могу закрыть вкладки без боязни потерять нужную информацию т.к. знаю что и где. Разработчикам риспект. С удовольствием поддержу лайком и донатом.
- (2023-12-03) Mike Lainhart: I have been using TO since 2016.My current "tree" is over 3500 entries. I have "bought" the pro version about 3 times because I am so grateful for it and the way it supports managing my chrome experience and interests; I wish it were easier to subscribe or donate. Every time I run into concerns about the future of TO, I go searching for a replacement and kick the tires on promising wanna bes. Nothing has come close. Sure, I would like TO: -- to work across other browsers, -- to allow me to choose alternate ways (and more control over frequency) of backing up the "tree" (I make a local backup the beginning of each month and have made use of the automatic local backup on many occasions - never use the google drive backup), -- to selection of multiple links from separate sections and move them to a new section or delete them, -- to "pin" a link so that the saved URL would not be changed as I browsed away in the displayed tab, -- to accentuate a link with color and/or font/formatting -- to display my "Note" without the tab label -- to highlight the entry being notated, deleted, or closed more vividly to avoid inadvertent deletes. This wish list is NOT meant to be a complaint - such a list for everything else would be much longer and would be a complaint list. I certainly empathize with the developer ((in Ukraine?) and recognize how past developments can turn into an Albatross (I developed software for over 30 years for the aerospace/defense industry - I didn't have to put up with Monday morning coderbackers): maintenance is hard! There are issues raised that I know little about. I am not clear what the conversation around TO future entails. It sounds like either the chromium API or Chrome Store is changing in a way that will make TO not work. It appears that there are a few users out there that have dug a lot more deeply into the design and difficulties encountered in developing such a tool; is there an explanation somewhere that explains the issues? What does it mean that "This version of the Chrome Web Store will be discontinued in January."
- (2023-11-07) Alex Mapar: Fearlessly managing 2000+ tabs, grouped for different working sessions, goals and priorities. Used it for 6? years now across over a dozen machines and OS's and never had an issue with it. Indispensable!
- (2023-10-26) Eric: The dev for this went silent LONG before the ukraine war, so it's got nothing to do with that. The author has been heavily criticized by countless people for being unresponsive after their purchase didn't work out and for abandoning the extension but still taking payments. The web is full of people complaining about this for many years now so it has nothing to do with the war. In the mean time I have cracked the pro features (except for backup) for myself so they work in vivaldi since the dev can't be bothered to fix it, and since I refuse to use such a nonsense browser as Google Chrome. For anyone wondering how, here's a few hints to get you started: 1. devtools. 2. "iflite_gopro" 3. load unpacked extension. Barely requires rudimentary programming knowledge. If you can't figure it out from those tips, it's not worth your time. Good luck.
- (2023-10-21) Kevin Flowers: Simple design and handy features (esp. the keyboard shortcuts in the paid version). One thing worth noting, if you're expecting to use the keyboard shortcuts on Brave (and perhaps other Chromium based browsers, MS Edge, Vivaldi, Opera, etc.), then you'll be sorely disappointed. It requires you to sign into your Chrome profile to validate your purchase, but this is only possible on a Google Chrome web browser. [If you care for the technical details or happen to be the creator, then keep reading] The reason this seems to be because the creator went out of his way to not store your Chrome profile email (which is quite considerate of him and respectable from a data-sovereignty perspective). However, the downside is restricts the paid features to only Chrome users (which isn't the most privacy centric browser around). When you try to open the activation key within Brave, you get the following message: "License Status: Paid Mode License Key Present. Application registered to [email protected]. Warning. Permission to access current Chrome profile email is not granted. Email is not accessible. License Key cannot be validated. Paid features are disabled. Please, allow email access to enable them. Note that your Chrome profile email will not be transfered outside of this computer." Which has a button below it labeled "Allow Chrome Profile Email Address". When you click it, it displays a text box that says, "Your email will remain unknown to us Tabs Outliner now needs access your Chrome Profile email. However, this email will not be transferred outside of your computer. It will be used to calculate a serial number, which then will be embedded in the license key. So you will be able to use this license key on any computer where Chrome is logged in using the same email. This serial number is not reversible back to your email. Therefore, we will not be able to send you any messages, transfer your email to third parties or use it for any other purpose except the license key validation. This is done this way exactly to allow you to keep your Chrome Profile email unknown to the rest of the world (just use another email for communication purposes, during the purchase process or support, if you concerned to keep your Chrome Profile email in the secret)." With a button at the bottom labeled, "Allow Email Access and Continue to the" (it cuts off there for me). If you click the button, nothing will happen and the keyboard shortcuts remain disabled. But to be fair, it's unreasonable to expect all Chrome extensions to work perfectly on all Chromium browsers since that's not what their explicitly developed for. In any case, I still appreciate the dev's work and hope he's okay.
- (2023-10-16) yelenka k: Перестали открываться вкладки с pdf документами. И группы вкладок, содержащие такие документы, тоже не открываются :(
- (2023-10-03) Floofy Tanker: I can't even buy the Paid License it keeps telling me: Warning: Chrome is not Signed In. Chrome Sign In required to validate your license key and to configure online backup on your Google Drive account. Please Sign In to Chrome and try again. Alternatively you can open Sign In to Chrome dialog from Chrome settings, or by clicking the Profile name on the top right of any normal Chrome window (above the tabs strip).
- (2023-10-02) Joel Thomas: A screenshot of what my current outline looks like ( ) hopefully it gives you some ideas on useful it can be, how to keep the chaos clean and organized, etc.
- (2023-09-13) Wize B: Gave it a quick looksy. Shocked Tabs Outliner is even 2 stars, its way too complicated and not user friendly. Features like Save and Move tabs are paid only. Ive tried like 20+ 😆 This is not gonna work. Do you people struggle with 50 tabs? Try 100-300 tabs open at once! 😂
- (2023-09-13) Amit Phansalkar: This is literally the best extension I use (and I use quite a few of them, on and off). I see a lot of reviews about support issues, and I can't comment on that because my core use cases have been working without a glitch for years. I just love how well thought out the implementation is. Recently, the only thing I can think of that I would want from this is support to save and restore tab groups as supported by Chrome now. It's a lovely feature and losing that across the window restore is a bummer. But I understand it's not actively worked on, so I'll live with it.
- (2023-08-21) Giuseppe Pappalardo: Excellent!
- (2023-08-09) jason wo (ahmw): 一直弹窗强制需要付费
- (2023-07-05) Max: Some half-wit spammer is posting multiple times with fake 1 Star reviews about whole host of issues with this extension including having spyware, demanding money, damaging bookmarks etc etc etc. Don't believe a word of this idiot. Just look at all the 5 star reviews and you will see the truth that this is a "can't live without it" extension, and 95% of the features are in the free version. It's perhaps not the easiest to backup or restore your tabs but even that info is out there by the author for free if you look. Google and YouTube are your friends on this one. Given that author has become unresponsive (we desperately hope not because of any misfortune in the Ukraine) I just dread the day when the app ceases to function due to a Chrome update of some sort. I'd be totally lost without it. Hands down the best tab manager by a huge distance.
- (2023-06-14) tek marvel: Good, but you HAVE to save the email with the activation link, because you will need to periodically click it again to reactivate it any time it says you need to pay for it again.
- (2023-06-08) Luis Barbosa: Just Wow. Best tab manager style out there. Really collaborates with workflow, and even lets you save notes on any given url.
- (2023-06-02) Michael Zelnick (GallopingCow): I love this extension and have used it for years, but I would feel more confident in paying for the premium features if there was any evidence at all of it still being developed. As it is, the latest version is from 2021, and it sounds like the developer has abandoned it at this point. I'd love to see something like this on GitHub or somewhere that we could request features and fixes, such as the ability to restore deleted tabs (that weren't currently open in Chrome, and therefore can't be re-opened from recently-closed tabs).
- (2023-05-30) Tyler Black: Absolute must for any heavy tab user. I must have tried every tab extension on chrome and firefox, and Tabs Outliner smokes them all hands down. I don't know how one man managed to nail tab management a decade ago while scores of imitators still haven't managed to come close. It's quite amazing actually. Regarding the issues others talk about, I personally haven't experienced them. But even if I did occasionally run into issues, the extension would be worth working through them. It's just that good.
- (2023-05-28) Bob P: At first I was impressed by the features as they appeared to be at first. So I went for the $14.95 paid version. Was that my mistake? Then I was getting duplicates in the tree and couldn't open windows by double clicking on them, so I submitted a request for help. No reply. I finally found that if I restarted Windows I could open 2 windows out of 14 from this extension but no more. I saved the 2 windows in bookmarks and restarted Windows again. After 8 repetitions of restarting and saving to bookmarks, I'm leaving this review and removing the extension from Chrome. I'm all for the Ukrainian cause, so I'll think of my $14.95 payment as a contribution, trying to put a positive spin on wasted money and a lot of wasted time.
- (2023-05-14) Attack: Я не могу понять, при закрытии браузера вся структура дерева пропадет выходит? То есть вот кликаешь вкладки, открываешь в фоне, видишь древовидную структуру, а закроешь, откроешь браузер и он просто их показывает сплошными вкладками, будто и не группировав вовсе. Привык что на файерфоксе всё всегда сохраняется. Или можно это как то решить? Само расширение лучше остальных и его можно интегрировать прям внутри в браузер в сайдбар, в тех форках хрома, где есть такой функционал.
- (2023-05-13) Tony Green: Old saved windows cannot be opened, clicking on them does nothing. Workaround: using mouse move tabs from old window to new window, then open. At that point the extension loses it's purpose.
- (2023-04-29) Generation: Until very recently, this was the best tab management extension one could use. Now there is a new and seemingly well supported potential replacement called "Link Map" that lets you import your Tabs Outliner data. Link Map was promoted on here by the developer and I installed it and I think it works really well. Link Map is actively developed, so you can request a new feature with some hope of getting an actual response. Give it a try and see what you think:
- (2023-04-16) hectic heroes: $30??? Why so much??? You really are Greedy! You are disgusting. Other reviews are right!! Do NOT install!!!
- (2023-04-16) Chaos Online Payments: GREEDY DEVELOPER! BEWARE!!! I absolutely despite people who do money grabs! NOT FREE! COSTS $30 PER YEAR!! Avoid this junk spyware.
- (2023-04-16) Damien H.: Charging for Money WITHOUT indicating this is NOT FREE is called LYING! Stop being dishonest and stealing customer's private personal information!! AVOID!!!
- (2023-04-16) N H: Terrible. Wants $$$$ after less than 60 sec. Why no 14 day trial to lure me in and love the features??? Totally ridiculous. UNINSTALLED!
- (2023-04-16) bloodys spammers: I clicked "MOVE TAB" and selected RIGHT (indent) for hierarchy. IT THEN WANTED ME TO PAY!!! UNINSTALLED AFTER 30 SECONDS!!!!
- (2023-04-13) KC Yang (KC): I started using another similar extension recently.
- (2023-04-08) ahmet mutlu: it's a fishing trap. block bookmars after it reaches to specific count it seems. and asks for money. don use it.
- (2023-04-01) Greg M: Unable to get past "Buy Paid Version" -- endless circle of "allowing" access. Fail. Moving on.
- (2023-03-28) Orlando Moreno: Estaría bastante bien si funcionara. Las ventanas que cierro aparecen como "crashed", y en algunos casos cuando guardo una ventana, al recuperarla se duplican las pestañas. También se abren esas pestañas cuando abro una ventana con ctrl+n.
- (2023-03-21) Sergio López: This is simply one of the best tab management extensions out there! Do not hesitate to try it or even buying the paid version to support the developer!
- (2023-03-21) David Spector: User complaints receive no reply from developer. Product now seems dead.
- (2023-03-19) Garin Zhang: I love TabOutliner but it won't under maintainance any more. I could not find an alternative like it and I think someone should continue developing in this way. so I built a similar one. So if anyone is searching for an alternative, please try "Link Map". It is free. I just put it on the Chrome Web Store. url:
- (2023-03-04) Facundo Rosa: La extensión no funciona. La instalé. La usé por un año. Ahora se rompió y perdí todo lo que había guardado.
- (2023-03-03) Водзорд Нави: Лучшее расширение в Chrome Webstore. Горжусь тем, что Tabs Outliner создан соотечественником. Владислав, благодарю! Купил лицензию. Пора обновлять приложение! Chrome запустил Journeys.
4.4507 (3,304 votes)
Last update / version
2024-10-02 / 1.4.153
Listing languages