extension ExtPose

new metroTab

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Custom new tab page with Metro UI.It offers several features such as speed dial,email facebook twitter notice,clock,weather.

Image from store new metroTab
Description from store new metroTab is an extension that replaces the new tab page with a more customizable version, with Metro interface. Also, includes some tiles that can retrieve information from their page and show it to the user in the same page. To add a tile, customize the look of the page or change the options (like the weather location), put the cursor over the avatar in the upper right corner and select the option on the menu. Any suggestions of new features or special icons, as well as notices of errors and failures are welcome. ----------- Update Logs: V1.1.0 update 2015/01/29 1. Optimize the Apps, improve 5 times speed up opening at first time. 2. Fixed some bugs. V1.0.9 update 2014/12/11 1.Fixed the locale of Portuguese bug. 2.Fixed the bugs about fetch color in image. 3.Fixed some bugs. V1.0.7 update 2014/10/16 1. Increased Wallpaper support website: www.Like5.com 2. Fixed some bugs. V1.0.6 update 2014/5/30 1. Increased cloud tiles and reminder features. 2. Currently collected 74 tiles include popular sites, games, plugins, we will update tile in future 3. Fixed some bugs. V1.0.5 update 2014/5/9 1.Change Google tile to Quick Search. 2.Change the dynamic tile logical, click the dynamic picture to the detail page; click the right top corner to the home page. 3.Optimize the codes. 4.Fixed some bugs. V1.0.2 update 2014/3/17 1.Added auto locate weather function. 2.Fixed refresh background after modifying tiles bug. 3.Fixed the bug that can't click the feature button due to the long title. 4.Added share function in menu. 5.Fixed the bug that appear blue background when modify loading extension. 6.Optimize the add tile Logic avoiding can't add new. 7.Modify the top right menu trigger event, now just mouseover or click the avatar then show the menu. 8.Fixed some bugs. V1.0.1 update 2014/2/27 1.Sort the default tiles contents and position. 2.Added some new tiles, such as Amazon, CNN, eBay, yahoo, etc. 3.Add restore to the default function. 4.Fixed the bug that can't launch Apps after setting "Open all the links of the tiles in new tabs" option. 5.Fixed some bugs. ----------- Chinese version (zh-CN) translated by Roland Su Italian version (it) traslated by Matteo Vada Hungarian version (hu) translated by Zsolt Benei Turkish version (tr) translated by Oguz GÜL Russian version (ru) translated by Cyrill Luppo French version (fr) translated by Etienne Fusz Hebrew version (he) translated by Shaked Zychlinski Brazil version (pt_BR) translated by Helder Tiago ___________ LIVE TILES API The extension now consults other installed apps and generates a live tile when gets a response. API docs at http://dev.frabarz.cl/metrotab/#api Thank a lot.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-16) wyatt S: its ok but please idk if there is but let me right click or something on a new tab on the plus sign for a new tab to make a new tab of this i like the look just make that easier please
  • (2023-07-03) danteasy: It works fine but settings export doesn't work when i press buttons
  • (2023-03-17) Alejandro Cuenca: No puedo usar la funcion Import/Export settings, alguien le funciona?
  • (2022-10-28) Ramon igo: nããão tem como fazer um backup, toda vez que da um problema no navegador tem que criar tudo novamente.
  • (2022-10-12) Andrea Pozzebon: For config and option export use these procedure :: https://github.com/frabarz/new-metrotab
  • (2022-08-03) Volgis Korh: Не работает экспорт настроек. А так, замечательное расширение.
  • (2022-05-30) Parakeet709: its good but let me remove amazon pls
  • (2022-04-06) Fabrício Gonçalves dos Santos: Muito Bom... porém, a exportação de arquivo de Backup não está funcionando. O que torna sua utilização complicada em mais de um dispositivo.
  • (2022-03-08) Ashutosh Patro: सर क्या आप एक लाईव लिव टाइल बनाने के लिए ला सकते है क्या
  • (2021-05-24) 风尘子: 不好用
  • (2021-04-02) TheLevHar Creative Studio: Like
  • (2020-10-23) Moisés Phontys: É bom, mas Infelizmente não dá pra pra fazer backup de minha configurações.
  • (2020-09-08) Willie Rosado: I've been using it for many years......
  • (2020-09-06) Boni Alvim: excelente.Uso há muitos anos.Me ajuda a organizar os links prioritários.
  • (2020-06-24) Daulri Ávila: Desativei recentemente essa extensão que durante tantos anos usei. Começou a me incomodar que, ao clicar em determinado link, percebi rapidamente na barra de conexão inferior do navegador, a mensagem... "aguardando hao.newtab".
  • (2020-03-18) Kevin Pillay: I am white.
  • (2020-01-28) László Kovács: For years.Not exported nor saved can not.No tiles.No data. Does not work! Please fix it. Thanks! If it gets repaired? Then ten stars!
  • (2019-09-27) Patrick Daniel: FOR THOSE LOOKING FOR UPDATES TO THIS EXTENSON FOLLOW ME HERE: https://github.com/patrickHD/newMetroTab-Revival I'm currently fixing some things with the app since it's been abandoned. First is the export function since that's a critical feature that's been broken for a while. If you have requests or ideas feel free to post them there or message me.
  • (2019-09-05) Евгений Блинохватов: Лучшая из стартовых панелей. Пользуюсь не первый год, все супер
  • (2019-05-22) Uladzimir Paliukhovich: Отличный начальный экран. Порадовала возможность создавать свои плитки, выбирать фон, картинку с компьютера или по url. Куча приятных мелочей, включая кастомный CSS (хоть это совершенно необязательно, но постарались, молодцы!). У меня посути вся семья пользуется этим расришением. Из минусов: перестала работать анимация при нажатии на плитку. Нажатие просто игнорится, хоть раньше работало. Наверное из-за версии Хрома. Но отключив настройку анимации все становится хорошо.
  • (2019-03-16) Gabor Zaka: Nagyon tetszik, de az export gombra nem reagál. Jó lenne, ha az egyik gépről át tudnám vinni a beállításokat a másikra. Így nem kellene újra beállítgatni. ( ha valakinek van tippje, azt megköszönném) Csak ezért 4 csillagos.
  • (2019-02-20) Jelle: het ziet er mooi uit en je kan het goed aanpassen.
  • (2018-11-03) Rene Jensen: Love it - but after the new version it do not open the link in chrome only the picture. I will wait 3 month and see if they change it, otherwise I will remove it.
  • (2018-10-18) Тайфур Юсупов: Поставил, а ссылки не открываются.
  • (2018-09-26) ХЛАМ ТАКСИ: All Ex!! But in case attempt to save settings, I can't make settings saving to file - please, fix it
  • (2018-08-17) Rafael Matias de Oliveira: Ferramenta muito útil para quem gosta de organizar os sites frequentes que utilizamos. Recomendo!
  • (2018-08-15) Karol Jasiński: I want an ability to backup :(
  • (2018-08-12) Crystle Roberts: it makes everything lag and it wont even load anything
  • (2018-06-25) Школа начинающего радиолюбителя: Суперское приложение. Вот только в последних версиях не работает Экспорт настроек. Исправьте, пожалуйста!
  • (2018-06-23) If it had the ability to put the icons where you wanted instead of automatically moving around I'd give it 4 stars..
  • (2018-06-18) Győző Kiss: Évek óta használom ezt a metro tabot, mert kényelmes a használata. Viszont tele van hibával. 1 A felhőbe nem menti el a csempéket, így ha átülök egy másik számítógéphez akkor ott csak a kezdőképernyő jelenik meg, de a beállított csempék nem. Ez elég súlyos probléma. A másik súlyos probléma az, hogy amikor új csempét készítek akkor azt nem rakhatom oda ahova én akarom csoportosítani és ez rendkívül bosszantó. A csempéket nem lehet csoportokba szervezni ami nagyon jó lenne. Nem csinálnak hozzá új fejlesztéseket, és hibajavításokat, 2015 óta semmi sem változott. Csak azért használom ezt a programot mert még nem találtam jobbat.
  • (2018-06-07) Didier Jacques: bug
  • (2018-06-06) Vijay Athwani: best
  • (2018-06-04) Juan M. Morales Ch.: Excelente deberian de tener más versiones vayan incluyendo más cosas, saludos y gracias.
  • (2018-05-02) Javier Rodriguez: A LOT IS BROKEN... BUT IT'S STILL AMAZING. This project has been abandoned for a few years now but as of May, 2nd 2018 It still works with the latest version of Chrome. Fore new users: DISABLE TILE ANIMATIONS. If you see that your tiles don't work this is why. Also, you cannot Save or Restore your settings anymore. My advise is to do what I did: Take screenshots of your layout and create a document (I used Google Docs) with a list of your tiles with their links and links to their custom icons. I use custom tile icons either from Google Images or from a Blogger page I created with all the images. LASTLY... Can't anyone reverse-engineer this thing? No one has come even close to creating an equivalent or better alternative to this. It's so sad and frustrating.
  • (2018-04-18) Gabriel Emanuel Fernandez Sarrameda: No tengo quejas (AUN)
  • (2018-04-11) vtastek: Find inicio.js and put this at line 512 before $.post window.open(this.href,"_self") Now it works.
  • (2018-04-01) Сергей Елисеев: Создатель, пожалуйста сделай так чтобы расположить иконки можно было в любом месте вкладки. А то они располагаются слева направо - это не удобно... Еще не создаются анимированные ссылки. Вставил URL любимого аниме, и хотел бы чтобы его рандомная часть видео повторялась. А так, очень удобно, продолжайте не забрасывайте!
  • (2018-03-20) James Smith: GREAT BUT NEEDS AN UPDATE. Some things could be easier and I can't backup my settings.
  • (2018-03-19) StopTfue -: liked it
  • (2018-03-13) WiredXLil_ Slayzz: it is like windows

Latest issues

  • (2023-03-09, v:1.1.0) Alex “psyll0n” Yakimov: Export Colors and Options / Tabs no longer works
    Hi, The Export Colors and Options / Tabs functionality in this extension no longer works. Are you aware of this issue and do you plan on fixing it? Thanks.
  • (2022-11-03, v:1.1.0) Israel Cristiano: Fix only Import/Export function. Please!!!
    Hello Dev. I've been a user of the extension for many years. It's the only one that follows me on all devices. It's the best of all. I only ask for one little thing. Fix only Import/Export function. Please!!! It will be of great help. Thanks for the amazing job.
  • (2022-10-31, v:1.1.0) Mike Wuetherick: new release broke all of the options
    None of the settings pages load in whatever the latest release is Also: please stop resetting all of the settings and re-adding all of the default buttons to the home page - this happens every few months it seems and I have to delete all of the garbage that gets added yet again. This also deleted my custom css entries, which is super frustrating
  • (2022-03-12, v:1.1.0) Thierry Laval: Problems
    Hi! Neither of the 2 options for exporting the configuration works. The one to import it works. Thanks
  • (2022-03-03, v:1.1.0) Amr Tharwat: Can't export anything!
    Cannot export anything! like tiles/colors/options settings the buttons acting like they not clickable, nothing happens. when i open the console, the output of clicking the first export button : "Cursor finalizado completamente con éxito". please fix because people upgrade their system sometimes with the need to import previous configuration.
  • (2021-07-16, v:1.1.0) Frenky B.: update
    the tile list is not exported. how to be i can't export config
  • (2021-03-27, v:1.1.0) Philip Atha: Custom Backgrounds Not Working
    A few widgets aren't configurable enough like the clock, it keeps defaulting to 24hr time instead of 12hr. The worst offender though is that the background cannot be changed apart from the few defaults.
  • (2021-03-22, v:1.1.0) Mike Wuetherick: Keeps resetting and adding back all of the default tiles
    In the last week or so suddenly it keeps resetting itself and adding back all of the default garbage tiles that come with it by default. Why? Should never re-add tiles back after it's been installed - I don't want all of that garbage.
  • (2021-02-13, v:1.1.0) Mitzi Ban: i can't export config
    i can't export config
  • (2021-01-09, v:1.1.0) Frenky B.: Please update!!!
    Please update!!!
  • (2020-09-21, v:1.1.0) Mahmoud Audu: Export tiles not working
    Hello, I just switched from awesome new tab (most of the tabs I used such as google got removed), I am loving this so far but I cannot use the export to save my tiles, I would hate to have to recreate it ( I have a lot saved), can you please help
  • (2020-07-28, v:1.1.0) Varnier Rei: Importar/Exportar Configurações no Mac
    Como fazer pra Importar/Exportar Configurações no Mac? Eu clico e simplesmente não acontece nada. MacBook White, Late 2009, MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6. Grato.
  • (2020-06-04, v:1.1.0) Kunal Punjabi: Revenue Opportunity
    Hi, I'm trying to reach the developer with a revenue opportunity. I can't seem to find the contact anywhere here. Could the developer please get back in touch? My email address is [email protected]. Skype ID: live:kunalpunjabi_3
  • (2020-03-26, v:1.1.0) Christine Bayly: Time and date
    Love this app! How do I set the correct time for my time zone in 12 hour, not 24 hour clock?
  • (2020-02-25, v:1.1.0) Jane Shturnova: Пропали мои плитки
    Здравствуйте что делать, если внезапно пропали плитки, которые я для себя настроила, и страница стала выглядеть как дефолтная? Как откатить это состояние?
  • (2020-01-11, v:1.1.0) DvigatelCDAB: export
    the tile list is not exported. how to be
  • (2020-01-11, v:1.1.0) DvigatelCDAB: Экспорт
    не экспортируется список плиток. как быть?
  • (2019-11-07, v:1.1.0) Alex Nope: after a certain update when trying to open extensions it gives an error page with this
    " Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension. Try disabling your extensions. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT " it opens extensions links only after a refresh of the error page
  • (2019-10-27, v:1.1.0) Emm N.: DST
    Hi, I live in Romania, GMT+2, DST just switched from 4:00 (AM) to 3:00, but the clock continues to be 4:00 even with DST on. I remember every time DST happens, I have to switch it on during summer and off during winter to get the correct time.
  • (2019-04-11, v:1.1.0) JLC otro: sobre configuracion
    No se puede guardar configuracion sobre titulos y colores, cosa que anteriormente se podia. Cual es el problema, seria bueno arreglarlo.
  • (2019-04-08, v:1.1.0) Fabrício Gonçalves dos Santos: Não carrega
    As extensões não estão carregando facilmente.
  • (2019-04-03, v:1.1.0) Giancarlo Cristiano: Problema exportar configuración
    Hola! no funcionan ninguna de las 2 opciones de exportar la configuración. Lo he usado tiempo atrás sin problema pero ahora al hacer click no hace nada. El de importar si funciona. Gracias
  • (2019-02-27, v:1.1.0) Helicrete Sydney: Tiles won't go to URL
    After I add a new tile when I click on the tile it doesn't go to the website URL I added to the tile, it just opens a new blank tab. How can this be fixed? Thanks
  • (2019-02-26, v:1.1.0) Göksel Yılmaz: Not work
    Please not open my tiles we waiting a update.
  • (2019-01-20, v:1.1.0) Dru Patel: Clicking export does nothing
    I don't know if your extension creates a file in the background or something but when I click the export button it literally doesn't do anything. I don't see a file dialog open up where I can choose to save the file, neither do I get a popup with the exported json data. Also a good feature would be to be able to save this data somewhere on the cloud automatically so that we never lose our new tab settings and we can sync these settings between multiple devices.
  • (2019-01-14, v:1.1.0) Fred Artero: Export metro tab set up
    Hello, I'll receive a new laptop, so to export all parameters setted in my old one ?
  • (2018-11-16, v:1.1.0) thierry ayroles: bug total
    en installant je suis revenu a une vieille version de g mail vis a vis de mes favoris les tuiles que je crée ne marche pas plantage de chrome bref je me retire


20,000 history
4.2387 (1,885 votes)
Last update / version
2015-01-29 / 1.1.0
Listing languages
