extension ExtPose

Soapbox — Video Recorder

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Description from extension meta

Capture your screen and webcam to create professional-looking pitches, presentations, and demos.

Image from store Soapbox —  Video Recorder
Description from store Record your screen, your face, or both! Then, use our handy built-in transitions to switch between sharing a full-screen or split-screen view. With Soapbox, it's quick and easy to create your best-looking videos. No need to export, process, download, or upload. Once you've made your videos look squeaky clean, they're instantly ready to share. (Oh, so shiny.) Soapbox is a freemium Chrome extension from Wistia, designed to make video creation super simple. With this free tool, you don't need any fancy equipment or special training to get started! Simply hit the record button and you're ready to make a lasting impression.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-04-19) Nick K: Can't rate - as it's no longer available. As of today? 4/19/23?
  • (2021-07-23) Robert Felton: IT is my favorite tool to use....when it works. Randomly it doesn't work and it ends up wasting so much time.
  • (2021-05-31) Syed Asad: I recorded a video, took me an hour to record and when when it started uploading, went to 100%, the app crashed and my file was deleted. Without me ever pressing the delete button. Cherry on top of the cake is the fact that the file is unrecoverable, great! Excellent product smh. Absolutely loved you guys, but when I really needed the product, it dropped a deuce on my lap.
  • (2020-11-06) Dragonsheen: it is good and stuff but it makes my computer lag for some reason... i dont know why but it is good anyways
  • (2020-10-21) Craig Martin: I wish I could go lower than one star. This app works for like 30 seconds then crashes in the middle of my recording. Would not recommend.
  • (2020-09-14) Aprajita Kochhar: great job
  • (2020-09-01) Andrew D: Used this extension 3 years ago and just went to go use it again and not only have there been zero updates, it actually seems to have gotten worse given after clicking record, NOTHING happens. Might as well be abandonware from what I can tell.
  • (2020-08-21) Elizabeth: It worked but I was r=trying to make a YouTube video where I react to my show and the was no audio my screen was glitching and when i turned it off it worked fine so doe s anyo\one know how toe improve this if yo can please tell me.
  • (2020-08-17) Simply Sasha “Sasha”: At first it seemed pretty cool until it was time for me to download it and found out i have to pay for that. They make it seem like it's free to do the whole thing. Waste of my time... smh.
  • (2020-08-17) Lavender Stars: I Havent Used It Yet But Im Going To Do Draw My Life For Youtube And Lets Hope This Will Work
  • (2020-08-13) Sasha: How do I turn my sound off?
  • (2020-07-26) Daniel Chirillo: Excrement!
  • (2020-04-16) Jasmine Morales: I downloaded it, when I did I watched a tutorial and when i tried it out for myself I clicked "start recording" and it didn't give me a count down like it said it would and it didn't record neither me nor my screen
  • (2020-03-05) Julie Morris: I have tried for the last time to use this extension. It loses more videos due to 'corrupt' recordings than I can describe. I am SO disappointed it screwed up another video demo I did today. I appreciate the try from Wistia to create this extension, but this is the worst.
  • (2020-02-27) It's really great, and it's easy to use. Every 4 or 5 recordings seem to crash and I lose an entire video session. So better crash handling. I have a good computer, but they need to figure out how to prevent a 10 minute video from disappearing, corrupting (as I've been told by the extension) or not letting me finish the recording (It gets stuck in recording, and nothing will stop it except turning off the extension)
  • (2020-02-20) Bill Cronin: The web video editor leaves a lot to be desired. It's really hard to see what frame you're on, anytime you click on the timeline the entire clip jumps, it doesn't work well for large video files, and there are very few options for transitions or layouts. Nice idea, but the video editor needs a lot of love.
  • (2019-11-11) TheFlyingPig Oink “Calvin Daly”: Amazing perfect for making youtube videos and love the editing highly recommend for anyone trying to start a youtube channel.
  • (2019-10-18) John Fuller: It's a RAM hog and it doesn't work half the time. I read their troubleshooting page, but everything appears to set correctly with troubleshooting. Too much effort to get it up and running.
  • (2019-07-14) Austin: Very Misleading I add this and create an account believing that it was going to be free or at least cheap. After i record a 15 minute video and upload it so i can download it, I get told that i have to pay for a premium account. Which is $25 a MONTH. Its fine if you want to charge that much for something you can do for free with any editing software, but at least mention that you aren't able to download videos without dipping into your trust funds.
  • (2019-06-02) Anna Berentsen: Simply didn't work for me. The blue icon never turned pink, the "my videos" page was just filled with marketing material...the user interface is so minimal that it's impossible to know if it was loading, or if I had done something wrong, or if it was a bug with the software. If you are going to dumb everything down so much you have to make the software smarter.
  • (2019-03-21) Ryan Yuhnke: Does anyone know of any great alternatives to soapbox? I have had a very poor experience with Wistea and unfortunately I signed up for the 1 year plan :( They don't have a customer service department, live chat, or any method to help customers problem shoot other than submitting a ticket and praying they answer. It is impossible to get anyone on the phone to assist at this company so you have to be very tech savvy and a true DIY person to have success in my opinion.
  • (2019-02-24) Nikolay Tranov: You cannot download the video without paying. Couldn't figure out how to just record the screen without webcam or sound..
  • (2019-02-18) I havent used it yet but i was wondering if there was a way to remove the facecam cuz i just need a screen recording...
  • (2019-02-13) Kirk R.: Dumbly, there is either a free version, or a $99/MONTHLY version, and nothing in between. Want to simply download your video but not use any other spapbox feature? That will be $1,188 a year lol. Shortsighted, considering there are plenty of people like myself who'd like it's simplicity for vlogging. There are other solutions very very similar, that are $24 a YEAR (only 98% less $ lol).. And though I like soapbox more, I'll have to settle on one of those.
  • (2019-02-05) SKNameless: When I grant permissions it doesnt let me. It says error then moves me to the next step, even though I cant even use it because permissions arent having the ability to be granted even though Im granting them. I wont say I hate it because I have havent used it and simply because other reviews are saying its a fine screen recorder, thats why I have it as "Disliked it".
  • (2019-02-05) Lauren Koenig: I could never hear myself when i watched it after i filmed
  • (2019-01-16) Rens Knoors: Very usefull tool. But it's unreasonably expensive in my opinion. For future projects I'll be looking for alternatives just because of the price.
  • (2019-01-10) This program didnt save as the right file type and now i cannot post this on youtube! thanks a lot!
  • (2018-12-29) I loved this, but sometimes it can be slow or the audio is not very good. Also i would love if i can do live streams with this, please tell me if there is a way!
  • (2018-12-14) I can't tell if it tracks video views. How do I access the analytics? I'll change my rating if someone tells me how. It's really hard to find this info!
  • (2018-12-02) Scare Bares MSP: It was really good and easy to use, but I was upset that I could not turn off face-cam. I'm upset. So maybe make facecam and microphone optional?
  • (2018-10-05) Meghan Skrepenski: super simple to use...first time with tips I got it down! Soapbox...here's your new commercial ;) lol https://soapbox.wistia.com/videos/snGIqSczeQ
  • (2018-09-23) UnicTheUnicorn: Me and my friend want to make YouTube videos but it records our faces! We ONLY want it to record the screen, not us too. The other thing about this problem is that we explored through it a little, and theres no button that ONLY records the screen.
  • (2018-07-15) DJNinja: I Love This Extension! The Only Problem With This Extension Is I Can't Record. Can Someone Please Help?
  • (2018-07-01) Night Marilyn: it did not let me post
  • (2018-05-31) Dan Freund: I recommend this plugin several times a week. As far as building connections with prospects, I've found nothing better (other than in-person).
  • (2018-05-15) Tom McDonald: simple and effective, i am a non technical CEO of a small business and i use soapbox to produce educational webinars which i then send to the marketing team to post. all technology should be as user friendly and effective as soapbox
  • (2018-05-15) Candie Mitchell: This is a fantastic tool for anyone looking to capture both their face and screen in a video format. Really impressive tool, both the free and paid versions are awesome. Go, download it now. Good for personal or business use.
  • (2018-05-14) Caroline Drain: J'adore cet outil! Avec zéro connaissances en montage vidéo, mon équipe commerciale peut enregistrer, monter et ajouter des CTAs à des vidéos personnalisées pour leurs clients & prospects. Intégration de la vidéo dans un email ultra-facile (un simple copier-coller) et hop! on a la vignette de la vidéo avec bouton play. Et en plus, il y a toute la puissance, la créativité et le support de l'équipe de Wistia derrière ce petit plug-in. Un must-have!
  • (2018-05-11) Scott Stanley: What an awesome tool that Wistia has given us to connect to our clients on a personal level. I've never been one to be comfortable in front of a camera but Soapbox has made it fun for me! I highly recommend Soapbox!
  • (2018-05-11) Brecht H: Great tool, works like a charm!

Latest issues

  • (2023-09-25, v:2023.8.7-8240-6d81f4db96) como funciona
    como funciona, por favor un paso a paso
  • (2022-06-19, v:2020.11.18.7401) Mayur: Video camera overlay in a circle like Loom
    Loom is the gorilla in the room. I actually prefer Soapbox overall for the length/quality except for one big issue. The default share link has my video face on it. Not my preference, and then I have to go edit, and save. I think 99% of new users don't even know you can do that. This needs to be easier.
  • (2021-05-27, v:2020.11.18-7401-702a5778a7) Mike Salvato: background
    can I change the background when recording videos with soapbox? How?
  • (2021-04-18, v:2020.11.18-7401-702a5778a7) ALMA DINORAH GONZALEZ CASTILLO: Cambio de correo
    Hola baje la aplicaciòn a mi computadora para poder grabar un video que se va a otro sitio pero di mi correo electrònico y la informaciòn que puse al parecer no es la adecuada, como hago para cambiarla
  • (2021-02-10, v:2020.11.18-7401-702a5778a7) Bede Hodgkinson: Content use across accounts
    Hi there, I was wondering if I film a video on my account can this then by edited and shared by a different account? Many thanks.
  • (2021-02-08, v:2020.11.18-7401-702a5778a7) Steve Skancke: no video icon in upper right of Chrome screen
    I have downloaded the Soapbox extension but I don' have the video icon in the upper right of my screen and so don't know how to start recording. Please advise.
  • (2021-01-19, v:2020.11.18-7401-702a5778a7) حذف گوگل کروم
    کنترل وب لغو
  • (2021-01-16, v:2020.11.18-7401-702a5778a7) Afel Turnited (Katelley09098): Screen recording
    I am new to Soapbox, How do i record my screen?
  • (2021-01-12, v:2020.11.18-7401-702a5778a7) no icon
    There is no icon on the top of my browser . . . .please help. Thank you.
  • (2021-01-06, v:2020.11.18-7401-702a5778a7) Cofounding: Recording ppt presentation - how not to record the presenter view in full, but just the slides
    Hi Soapbox team can you please let me know - i am recording a course with powerpoint presentation - and would like to use the ppt presenter view (showing me the notes and next slide). how can i set it up not to record the presenter view in full, but just the slides? Thank you>
  • (2020-10-21, v:2020.10.14-7300-9b5d353f3e) Julia Mtz: no funciona
    no comparte pantalla ni sube videos. Mac catalina
  • (2020-10-09, v:2020.10.8-7265-54c2ee1e19) Rick Yramategui: zoom recording
    How do I download a videorecording from zoom and edit it? Specifically, I want to select about seven minutes in the middle of the recording and delete it.
  • (2020-09-30, v:2020.9.29-7245-935754b1fb) James Touhey: Login button not working
    When I click the Chrome extension icon it shows the login button, but nothing happens when I click it. I don't see any other link/URL to manually go to for login. The only login I see is for Wistia, but these are separate accounts.
  • (2020-09-06, v:2020.9.1-7211-d14456ef00) Skilta: unire due video
    è possibile unire due video registrati con soapbox ?
  • (2020-08-31, v:2020.8.27-7207-1c4bb51b4f) Paul Weaver: Error
    Hello! When I click on the extension within my browser for Soapbox, it says that there is a server connectivity issue. Can you help me solve this?
  • (2020-08-27, v:2020.8.26-7205-fa69f5abbf) Benjamin Hinkle-Wszalek: Soapbox won't open - Windows 10 with Chrome Version 84.0.4147.135 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    When I click the Soapbox extension, I get a message saying "There may be a problem connection to the Soapbox server." I have uninstalled and reinstalled the extension but am still experiencing this issue.
  • (2020-08-18, v:2020.8.10-7177-b6c1ac066f) Martyn Collins: not working
    I've downloaded the extension twice now but it doesn't seem to work. Also messaged your twitter account but got no response.
  • (2020-08-07, v:2020.7.23-7141-c0a99783b2) Crystal LeSueur: App not showing up after installation
    Soapbox extension showing up after installation. No icon nor is it found when I search for it in applications. When I try to reinstall it message says its already installed.
  • (2020-06-12, v:2020.6.5-7092-f35db144f9) diane quinn: the soapbox app doesn't load
    I installed soapbox, enabled all permissions and doubled checked this, and it says it is loading when I click on the camera icon in the upper right bar of my gmail account but it never opens. Updated chrome too. help!
  • (2020-06-12, v:2020.6.5-7092-f35db144f9) Test X: Cam Link 4K not working with soapbox
    Hi Soapbox Team! Hey I want to first begin with create tool to have when you want to create video and have yourself talking and not worry much about the backend on how will I save this file or other small tech things. I want to raise a ticket and question. I have recently bought a Cam Link 4k I know this is not a recommended hdmi to usb convertor. However I have such budget restraints. I have connected my sony a6300 all up-to date. To my macbook Pro running on OS 10.14.6- 15 inch 2016 - Memory 16gb - Graphics - Radeon Pro 450 2 GB. Now you see the cam link works with Google Hangouts, Zoom and from I heard and did research its meant to work with Soapbox. Can you help me get this all working as Soap box recognizes the cam link 4k but no video is displaying. I even tried to mess around with the settings to lower the specs. Please let me know how we can tackle and solve this issue. Cam Link 4K (0fd9:0066) resolution fps 3840x2160 25.00 AV Foundation 0x1100000fd90066 I have also attached some info about the cam going into chrome. Thanks, Aman
  • (2020-06-08, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Zoha Jabbar: Can't Access Videos
    Hi, I am unable to log into my account or watch my previously recorded videos. There's a server error message
  • (2020-06-08, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Giulia Virgili: INTERNAL ERROR
    There's an internal error and that makes it impossible to login and also impossible to watch any video from older links. Please check it out quickly, I need it for today!!!!!
  • (2020-06-08, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) felipe virgili berini: Can't log in!!!!!
    It notifies of an internal error, I need to make a presentation in the next few hours. I need it to work, please check it out
  • (2020-06-08, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Laura Maebe: can't login on Soapbox
    I'm not able to login on Soapbox when I click on the button in the plugin. An internal error occurs.
  • (2020-06-04, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Frank Blanco: Quiero hacer una presentación sobre mi persona !! no compartir pantalla no me da la opcion
    Quiere grabarme a mi mismo . y hacer una presentacion ,!! no compartir campaña .
  • (2020-05-15, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Helio Bernardon: Not working
    I try and dosen't record videos
  • (2020-05-07, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Nathan Blossom: Not Working
    not working! I've added soapbox to my chrome extensions checked all permissions and security and when i press the camera and share my screen, nothing happens, there is no count down and the application does not record. If it IS recording, how can I view it?
  • (2020-05-04, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Tarryn Watkin: not working!
    ive added soapbox to my chrome extensions checked all permissions and security and when i press the camera and share my screen, nothing happens, there is no count down and the application does not record.
  • (2020-05-04, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Trish Delaney-Brown: Not working
    I click on the soapbox icon and it says 'loading preview', but never loads a preview. It also says 'sharing screen' when I click on that, but it isn't showing the screen that I want shared.
  • (2020-05-01, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Scott Martin: Soapbox not working
    Hi, I click the soapbox video icon in Chrome and it asks to share screen then nothing happens?
  • (2020-04-27, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Pam Blanchard: doesn't record, same issues, can no one help??
    Hi, ive added soapbox to my chrome extensions checked all permissions and security and when i press the camera and share my screen, nothing happens, there is no count down and the application does not record.
  • (2020-04-24, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) king: I'll start my recording and then it'll crash
    I'll start my recording and then it'll crash.s it because my videos are too long
  • (2020-04-21, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Eamonn Filinski: Won't start recording
    I am able to see the camera preview, click the "Start Recording" button and then choose which screen/application to share then the share window closes and nothing happens. I've restarted Chrome as suggested and checked any permission which all seem to be activated. Can you offer any other suggestions to make this work?
  • (2020-04-19, v:2020.4.16-7058-f27005c58b) Ryan McNeil: Getting started
    Hi, I downloaded the extension and I get to the screen where I'm supposed to center myself then click "start recording" then it brings me to the screen share and I click on it to start...then nothing. No countdown, no recording red blinking circle, nothing. What am I doing wrong?
  • (2020-04-02, v:2020.1.21-7046-a5ae778a39) Lisa Thomas: Video editing
    Hi, If my sales team make the videos, can they share with me for editing? Thanks Lisa
  • (2020-03-18, v:2020.1.21-7046-a5ae778a39) alexan silva: salvar video
    ola gostaria de saber como faço para salvar o video no pc , não sei salvar na minha area de trabalho ,consegui fazer algumas gravações mas não sei salva-las obrigado
  • (2020-03-05, v:2020.1.21-7046-a5ae778a39) IT Systems Igenomix: PLugin se instala pero sal hacer login la pantalla desaparece
    Se realizan todos los pasos correctamente pero al dar al icono de la camara para grabar aparece la pantalla de login, introduces los datos y hace un popup y se cierra Probado en otro PC igual con la misma version de Chrome y misma cuenta de login y funciona
  • (2020-03-04, v:2020.1.21-7046-a5ae778a39) Bill Gaffney: I cant get Soapbox to start.
    I get a "continue to login" box. I have tried to login through Google which I believe is my normal method. I input my google email and that box disappears, but my camera tools never appear. The "continue to sign in" box reappears if I click on the camera icon in the top right next to the address bar. If I push it, the box for sign in briefly appears again for a split second and disappears to fast to even see it. No sign of the recording tools
  • (2020-03-01, v:2020.1.21-7046-a5ae778a39) Elvira Martinez Rosas: Cancelación de compra y REEMBOLSO
    En su página no se aclara el tipo de moneda. Me hicieron el cargo por 30 dólares en vez de 300 pesos mexicanos. Su página es engañosa. Quiero mi reembolso. Además de que NO se ha podido usar la opción de descarga para la cual se supone que hice el pago. Your page does not clarify the currency type. They charged me for $30 instead of 300 Mexican pesos. Your page is misleading. I want my refund. In addition to the NO use could be used the download option for which I assumed I made the payment.
  • (2020-02-03, v:2020.1.21-7046-a5ae778a39) Deb Hapka: Soapbox not working
    I've installed Soapbox, allowing access to my computer mic and webcam, but the application is stuck in "loading preview" when I try to start a video. This is a common issue across other users. I've confirmed my settings and Chrome version, what else can it be???
  • (2020-01-28, v:2020.1.21-7046-a5ae778a39) Aaron Reed: the preview popup window states loading preview
    looks like alot of people have the same issue. I've tried every trick possible to get this to work. From permissions, settings, security, and alot more.... nothing works. Not an easy ext to use :( And there's not help from support. I left an email and no response.
  • (2020-01-18, v:2019.12.12-7039-2b295fe2ef) Lendexa Mortgage LLC: create a video
    i am clicking the camera icon in the top right and a box comes up with only "loading preview..." and i am unable to make a video? how do i get started?
  • (2020-01-10, v:2019.12.12-7039-2b295fe2ef) Whit Symmes: Soapbox on Chromebook
    Hi, I'm checking out the free version on a Chromebook. A couple of issues- first, when I click in the timeline the 3 options for person + screen, full screen, and person only display, but there are no zoom buttons. Second, how do I remove something in the middle of the timeline? The scissors seem to only work at the beginning and end. Thank you!
  • (2019-12-05, v:2019.11.25-7036-4921f18ff6) Cory Abry: Not working
    Hello -- The Chrome extension appears to be glitched and isn't prompting the screen where you can select which screen you're recording. As soon as I hit "Start Recording" it just disappears and does nothing. Is there a bug that's being worked on?
  • (2019-11-27, v:2019.11.25-7036-4921f18ff6) Ana Uddin: Soapbox will not recognize my webcam
    Hi there, I have been struggling to use Soapbox for some time now and I'd really appreciate some help. I used to be able to use Soapbox on my Macbook, but now it says "oops no webcam!" although my webcam works fine on other apps and websites. I tried uninstalling and re-installing the extension, restarting chrome, etc. None of those things helped. What else can I do?
  • (2019-11-21, v:2019.11.20-7003-fe98a887ea) Nathaniel Stiers: Does not work
    After I click the blue icon to start my recording I select my screen and then click share Then nothing happens. The extension no longer seems to work. It worked for me once before but since then nothing happens. I removed and reinstalled the extension, signed out and signed back in, quite chrome and restarted chrome. Restarted my computer, checked my Mac's privacy settings to ensure all appropriate access was granted. Nothing seems to work.
  • (2019-11-18, v:2019.10.7-6976-1db833543a) Bruce Cline: saving video for email templates
    Am I able to save videos to attach to specific emails? For example, and introductory video email, a follow up email, demonstration email, etc? Or, do I have to create a video each time I want to send an email?
  • (2019-10-14, v:2019.10.7-6976-1db833543a) gleison salles: por que nao possso jogar
    por que nao posso jogar
  • (2019-09-25, v:2019.9.12-6926-2efd14e8da) Manuela García: Doesn't stop recording
    Hi! I try to record my video but when I click on the button to stop recording, it just keeps going. The camera doesn't turn off, the recording doesn't stop unless I click on the "remove from chrome" extension. What can I do in this case? Thanks!
  • (2019-08-17, v:2019.8.14-6889-e6c775167b) David Crawford: Failed to get access to your WebCam
    I just signed up for Soapbox and implemented the Chrome extension. II have a Logitech WebCam C170. When I click for Record, a blank screen pops up with the above. The drop downs at the top of that screen list the Webcam C170 microphone and camera but when I click each --- nothing! Please advise where I can look for answers or can you provide one?


60,000 history
3.9261 (176 votes)
Last update / version
2023-08-08 / 2023.8.7-8240-6d81f4db96
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