extension ExtPose

Markdown Here

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Image from store Markdown Here
Description from store Markdown Here讓您可以使用Markdown來編寫電子郵件並在寄出前渲染它(把它變美觀!)。 這對那些不喜歡在撰寫電子郵件時浪費時間在排版按鈕的人是好事。 它特別適合那些要在電子郵件中插入代碼的程式設計師們 -- 沒錯,它甚至支援語法高亮顯示。 對於我們之中的數學家們而言,Markdown Here也支援算繪TeX公式。 使用起來十分簡易: 1. 在你的電子郵件程式中用Github口味Markdown寫電子郵件。 2. 對輸入框右鍵點擊,並點選"Markdown 切換"。 3. 你的電子郵件現在看起來很漂亮! (它已被算繪成HTML。) 4. 如果你喜歡它的樣子,就傳送。 如果你想要更改或是新增東西,再次點選Markdown切換來拿到原本的Markdown。 5. 需要時重複以上步驟。 Markdown Here主要針對Gmail與Thunderbird,但是也能在Yahoo與Hotmail運作正常。 除此之外,也可在Google Groups與Google Sites,Evernote的網頁界面,Blogger,Wordpress,與其他服務運作! 關於Syntax highlighting:使用程式碼區塊,並指定語言名稱。 瀏覽專案頁面來觀看範例。 隱私權:當你啟用時,Markdown Here會存取並更改網頁內容。 它理論上有能力存取其他網頁內容,但是不會做這件事情。 它也不會任何發送網際網路請求。 你的資料只會在你更改時更改,並且不會離開你的瀏覽器。 可以從Chrome、Firefox、Safari、Opera與Thunderbird的擴充套件取得。 這是開源專案。 瀏覽Markdown Here的Github網頁來獲得使用手冊、更多資訊、回報問題,或是貢獻。 http://markdown-here.com https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here

Latest reviews

  • (2023-05-26) Jason Chafin: Does not work in Gmail. The only reason I wanted this extension.
  • (2023-04-19) Zmoke Vlogs: not working in gmail
  • (2022-02-08) R Seyednezhadian: Hi, Project's GitHub repository has newer versions. Please update web store.
  • (2021-02-26) Terry Yang: [toc]标签不能用...很需要啊
  • (2020-12-23) Ali Khosravi: I it is very buggy on Chrome Ubuntu 18.04 In the end I preferred not to use it rather punching my keyboard...
  • (2020-12-08) Pavel Patrin: It help me to write everyday reports easily and well. Thank you very much!
  • (2020-10-21) Maciek Dems: This extension has ended my suffering... Love it!
  • (2020-08-26) Saul Fautley: Works great for adding code blocks easily when dealing with development support emails. Thanks for making this!
  • (2020-08-06) be mad: Where has this been all my life! Works great in Outlook 365. For those reporting it taking up CPU processing power... I think that's changed. However chrome also allows the following workaround. Change "Site access" to "On click" in Chrome's Manage Exentions -> Markdown Here -> Details. I then use right click -> Markdown Toggle over selected text in the text box to convert to markdown. Takes 41mb of RAM and 0.1 CPU.
  • (2020-07-10) Jérémie Litzler: I love Markdown, I love this extension: Thanks guys!
  • (2020-04-10) Vlad A. Ionescu: One of the few chrome extensions that I install.
  • (2020-03-13) 크림혼살: Please add gitlab editor supports
  • (2020-02-11) Florian Bereyziat: used to work, but not anymore. From the changelog, last change was 2015, so it seem gmail broke support since that date and the dev abandoned the extension
  • (2020-02-06) Alex: Leaks memory and consumes cpu while idle
  • (2020-01-19) Coco Mang: Simply does not work
  • (2019-10-08) 片桐健一: 最高だ
  • (2019-10-08) Bugu Jiang: awesome
  • (2019-09-02) Carlos Antonio Pinzón: I liked it a lot. However, toggling moves the pointer to the beginning of the message, and therefore, it becomes annoying to switch back and forth between edition and preview.
  • (2019-07-11) Filip Filmar: Sadly this extension stopped working in gmail quite some time ago, and has not recovered ever for me. Reporting a bug on the github site gives me assurances that I should just reinstall and all will work again, but that is simply not the case. What to do?
  • (2019-06-09) cxz redo: 没反应了 evernote
  • (2019-05-31) Baggio Baggio: 只能用完美来形容
  • (2019-05-16) Stephen S: There are no words to discribe how this has changed my life. It looks so much cooler now than before just like my emails.
  • (2019-05-13) 张逸帆: Perfect experience.
  • (2019-03-16) Davy Zeng: nice
  • (2019-02-20) Eliver Lara: Awesome
  • (2019-01-09) Tuấn Lê Công: Nice tool ;)
  • (2018-09-28) torn T: google浏览器更新后,插件不兼容新版本了,希望改进
  • (2018-09-28) 贾晨: 好是很好,但现在貌似不支持微信公众平台了,不能转换。。。。
  • (2018-08-29) Xi Lu: it is great! thanks to the developer
  • (2018-08-13) 陆乐: 非常有效!
  • (2018-07-28) Tudor Achim: Fantastic extension -- it's feature complete, doesn't broadcast your data to a third party, and is open source so can be audited. I use it multiple times per day.
  • (2018-07-03) bx he: i enjoyed this extension
  • (2018-06-11) Jeremy Hettenhouser: Worked as designed for me.
  • (2018-05-17) 天官赐福: 牛逼
  • (2018-05-01) 汪焱鑫: 在印象笔记的网页版,写markdown代码,然后点击右上角的markdown here图标 没反应啊是不是我的姿势不对?
  • (2018-04-27) Andre Telfer: This should just be a part of gmail. After reading the other reviews, I'm going to disable it when offline.
  • (2018-04-24) Yao Zuo: Doesn't work anymore.
  • (2018-04-24) apps. CatFish: 旧バージョンのGoogleサイトで使うと最高です。 あのまだるっこしい編集から解放されてサービス自体が生き返ります。 Googleサイト側の機能で目次もつけられるので文句ないです。
  • (2018-04-19) Quinton Ashley: doesn't work anymore
  • (2018-04-18) Bran Young: 好几年没有更新依然这么还用! 要是更新一下还了得?

Latest issues

  • (2023-01-22, v:2.12.0) Emmanuel Charpentier: Google Groups no longer accepts Markdown-Here-formatted posts.
    I noticed that recently Google Groups had serious problems with Markdown-Here-formatted posts. All appears to work in the post editor, but what appears after post is not : - Verbatim inline words (as in " text `verbatim text` text") appears in normal type - Verbatim source snippets (bracketed by "```" lines) are either ignored or formatted as normal text. Any workaround ?
  • (2021-11-16, v:2.12.0) InFi_Bebe_: How to adding the additional highlight.js module?
    Actually I want to add below module to my MDH for email jobs. https://github.com/BMatheas/highlightjs-cisco-cli but I can not find any solution for add this. Have any plan to add optional box for highligh.js module? or can providing that module in next version?
  • (2021-02-06, v:2.12.0) WP DEV: Trello
    Can this be configured to work with Trello, as a WYSIWIG editor, saving Markdown to Trello cards? If not it would be a great and very popular enhancement .. being able to hit Ctrl-I for italics or Ctrl-B for bold would be much faster in Trello Descriptions
  • (2020-06-24, v:2.12.0) Renata Tavares: Doubt
    I would like to use it not only in emails but in my site and platforms, how can I use it? Someone to help me? tks
  • (2019-05-14, v:2.12.0) Stephen S: The keyboard shortcut doesn't work in Gmail. Any way to use our own with an option?
    Keyboard shortcut doesn't work in Gmail
  • (2019-03-01, v:2.12.0) Rubén Fernández: Support for Gmail
    Hi there! The extension looks awesome, but it doesn't seem to work on Gmail. Any update on if/when it would be supported? Thanks a lot! Ruben
  • (2018-11-03, v:2.12.0) High CPU use when idle on multiple Chromebook/Chromebox devices
    On multiple Chromebook/Chromebox machines, including my Pixelbook and my Acer CXI3 Chromebox, I'm seeing high CPU use at times I'm not making use of the extension. It has caused my Pixelbook battery to last less than half as long as usual. Once I disable only this extension, the CPU usage goes way down and the battery lasts the usual long time.
  • (2018-03-31, v:2.12.0) Bonnie Cannon: check boxes
    Hi, does this support creation of check (tick) boxes? I tried but it doesn't seem to work, I don't know if I'm doing it wrong. If not, can you please add that features? It's what I really need it for, thanks!
  • (2018-02-16, v:2.12.0) Lawrence Cushing (Larry): Question
    would you show me what a firefox email address looks like?
  • (2018-01-05, v:2.12.0) Alexander Krivács Schrøder: Does not handle URL with parentheses
    If you try to do e.g. [testlink](http://example.com/test(1).html), it will make the url only work up until the closing parentheses (i.e. "http://example.com/test(1" and place the remainder of the URL after the rendered link, leaving the rendered text as "testlink).html"
  • (2017-07-24, v:2.12.0) Yu Lei: Email become unreasonable large
    In some online mails, the email becomes unreasonable large. In several mail loops with markdowned texts, a email becomes like 30MiB, which cause the edit window slow and taking long time to send.
  • (2017-07-16, v:2.12.0) Hüseyin Akkiz: memory problem, and never monetize your product.
    you already have memory problem, please fix it, or let us do it and since this is lame enough dont trust fulltime nerds who try to rip your money. thank you.
  • (2017-04-24, v:2.12.0) 康上明学: Style Profile Selection Support
    Hi Adam, I'm really enjoy this extension. It saved my life. I'm using it on several scenarios. It's better to have style selection feature, which allows me to choice proper style for particular scenarios. Thank you very much,
  • (2017-04-19, v:2.12.0) Rico Picone: chrome helper 100% cpu
    macOS Sierra Chrome 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit) Markdown Here 2.12.0 had to disable, 100% cpu with no tabs open


100,000 history
4.4518 (363 votes)
Last update / version
2015-09-07 / 2.12.0
Listing languages
