extension ExtPose

Gmail Sender Icons

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Description from extension meta

Quickly identify the sender of email messages in Gmail without opening the message.

Image from store Gmail Sender Icons
Description from store Gmail Sender Icons is a Google Chrome extension that makes it easy for you to quickly and visually identify email senders in Gmail. It shows the company domain name of the email sender and the official logo (favicon) of the sender's organization alongside the email message. For instance, if you receive an email from [email protected], the Gmail extension will add a virtual label google.com to your email message and also a logo of the Google website next to the message so you can immediately identify the sender in the email list. Gmail Sender Icons has been featured on Product Hunt, LifeHacker, The Next Web and host of popular websites. The favicons and the sender's domain are visible across Gmail including search results. The sender's label is applied virtually and the actual labels of the email message are left unchanged. The Gmail Chrome extension uses the Google S2 service for generating the website's favicon while the Gmail messages are parsed with the Inbox SDK framework. All processing is done locally in your browser and no Gmail data is ever shared or uploaded anywhere. The add-on is open source and the code is available on Github.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-19) Martin Dluhoš: Excellent!
  • (2023-02-02) Francisco Gutiérrez Amorín: Very useful to easy identify emails, and also a nice phishing catcher
  • (2022-10-19) Jenna Moakley: It's one of my "Always On" chrome extensions. Thank you!!
  • (2021-12-13) Franco Colomba: By far the best "icon gmail extension" on the chrome web store! All others suck this one is by far the best one.
  • (2021-10-11) Lawrence Lam: Nice. And it's free.
  • (2021-03-22) Alex: Excellent extension! :)
  • (2020-09-13) Office of Er Gouttam: Not working ..can u reslove it ?
  • (2020-08-31) Richard Hoefer: Hello Amit Agarwal, I've used your extension for the past year and it really helps me to quickly skim my inbox for items of importance, and also as an authenticator check of the sender domain. I have ADHD and am a visual processor of information, vs text, and so the icon-only mode is very helpful. Have you considered allowing for user selection of which column the favicons display in? For example, I would like to see how it would look if the icons displayed in the column to the right of "importance Indicators", and to the left of the SENDER FIELD? Thank you!
  • (2020-08-16) full coal (no one in specific): nice
  • (2020-07-30) Philip Matthew: Works great! Suggestion: would love if emails sent from my team (with me cc'd) would show the domain of the TO email
  • (2020-03-28) Govil Gupta: quite good, just intalled
  • (2019-08-23) Sentient: I hope this icon is a little bigger.
  • (2019-03-29) Thane Brimhall: This plugin works great for me and helps me keep track of conversations when the subject line is unhelpful. The only improvement I would wish to see is the ability to blacklist a domain (for example my company's domain) and to include the domain of the other people on the thread instead.
  • (2019-02-02) Francesco Bocanelli: Excelente extensión. Elimina la labor de poner manualmente las etiquetas a los correos entrantes.
  • (2019-01-25) Stavros Skamagkis: This is a very useful extension to get a quick glance of the senders without reading the message's title at all. Really saves a lot of time. But unfortunately this extension makes Gmail consume awfully lot of CPU and RAM on relatively low-end computers. My CPU constantly spikes at 100% usage while I have this extension enabled, and I feel that all those consumed CPU cycles are not really necessary for a relatively simple function like this. So all in all it's a great convenience I'd say but it's kinda pity that it uses so much system resources. I hope you 'll be able to fix this critical issue in the future. If that happens, I'll be sure to update my review and give the extension 5 stars instead :)
  • (2018-11-15) Klaus Rogall: Layout nicht passend, wenn man anderes Design als das Default-Design eingestellt hat.
  • (2018-09-14) Balisoft Inc: Good extension, thank you.
  • (2018-08-25) Heiko Blaschke: Gute Umsetzung.
  • (2018-07-20) Ravi Kumar: perfect
  • (2018-06-30) Brian “Arthur” Carr: thanks developer well done really useful
  • (2018-06-29) sanjeet kumar: nice concept.
  • (2018-06-15) red9350: Used to work well, now it's broken on the "old" gmail interface
  • (2018-06-12) Excellent extension that provides constant value. I can immediately know if the email is from a known source. Google spam filter is great but when something falls through the cracks, by looking at the icon/sender I know it is spam. Excellent extension and highly recommended
  • (2018-06-12) YOGESH KUMAR: super
  • (2018-06-11) Sudhindra Arsikere: Too much space on the subject line.
  • (2018-06-06) Marce Speranza: Había dejado de funcionar con el nuevo Gmail, pero lo actualizaron y anda tan bien como antes.
  • (2018-06-06) Sourav Ghosh: Very helpful extension. I am using it for more than a year. Recently it stopped working in the new Gmail interface but it was fixed by the developer within 3-4 days after I sent him an email.
  • (2018-05-27) Sammo Steve: Helló. rendben működik, köszönöm, további jó munkát, szép napot, üdv.:Sammo
  • (2018-04-27) Patrick: No novo gmail os icones aparecem do lado direito e ocultos, só aparecem quando passa o mouse me cima.
  • (2018-04-27) Jacky Liang: Doesn't work for Vertical Pane or the new Gmail update. If you could get it working for at the least Vertical, I would come back and rate it 5 stars =)
  • (2018-04-27) Kevin Jacob Kurian: Nice extension. One of the reasons that I am still using Chrome instead of Firefox. It would be great if the app can be updated for the new Gmail interface too
  • (2018-04-26) Julio Del Valle: I really like to see sender icons, very useful . Are there plans to update it for works with the new GMail interface (released in April 2018)?
  • (2018-04-20) Lorin Halpert: Icons no longer showing up
  • (2018-02-24) Bérenger Lieber: Please add support for Inbox by Gmail! :)
  • (2018-02-04) Human: Отлично! Давно искал!
  • (2017-11-24) Heider Dideriksen: Excelente!

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-28, v:2.1) Cameron Kit: My own website favicon doesn't show up?
    Hello, Just installed this and love it. My own emails sent don't show my favoicon. My website: www.yoyos.ai. The favicon is uploaded to squarespace as a PNG 192x192. Any ideas why it wouldn't show up on your platform?
  • (2022-10-05, v:2.1) MAURO ROSALES RUBALCAVA: How I can get this extension?
    On my cellphone doesn't show the option to get it .
  • (2022-09-20, v:2.1) Vivek Bipinchandra Thakkar: Emails addressed to a group-Sender logo appears as my company logo
    hi, When i am a part of an email group and receive the email as a member of that group, i see the logo of the receiver and not the sender e.g. sender domain is .abc and receiver is .pqr if an email is sent by [email protected] to [email protected] (it works fine), however if it is sent to [email protected] and vivek happens to be a part of that email group the logo shows up as pqr and not abc Hope you can find someway to enhance it thanks
  • (2022-02-13, v:2.1) Azkar Choudhry: Clickable icons
    Is it possible for you to enhance the extension by making the sender icons clickable? The most useful link would be to find and display all emails from that sender. I think you can ever commercialize something like this. I will gladly pay for it.
  • (2021-11-25, v:2.1) Samuel Ferencik: no longer works?
    Hi, this has stopped working a couple months back (in 2021). I'm on Chrome. I've tried Incognito with only this extension enabled. I've tried disabling and re-enabling the extension. I've tried toggling off & on the "show domain icons" toggle. No help. Any idea?
  • (2021-11-21, v:2.1) Greg Bradley: Need to remove "email" prefix from domain.
    Many message come from domains that have an "email" or similar prefix which should be removed when referencing the favicon for the source domain.
  • (2020-05-27, v:2.1) Wayne Welsh: FluffBuster Chrome extension problem with TV Guide website
    FluffBuster Chrome extension causes TV Guide to think I've not Whitelisted them and won't allow me to view their listings on my 16" MacBook Pro. With FluffBuster extension for Chrome on I can't view TV Guide on my Mac. Without the FluffBuster extension on TV Guide works fine.
  • (2019-01-25, v:2.0) Stavros Skamagkis: This extension constantly uses 100% of my CPU on Windows 7.
    Unfortunately this extension makes Gmail consume awfully lot of CPU and RAM on relatively old computers (like mine). My CPU constantly spikes at 100% usage while I have this extension enabled. Could you check this issue out please? Would it be possible to optimize the extension to use fewer CPU cycles? I would really like to use this extension but it's kinda pity that it used so much system resources. Thanks in advance. Regards, Stavros.
  • (2018-06-12, v:2.0) Aligning with theme
    I use a dark theme (Morpheon Dark). Requesting the sender icons follow the theme background and text colors if that is possible. Alternately do provide option to choose background and text color much like a label.
  • (2018-06-10, v:2.0) Obfuscation
    Please move the favicon back to the left of the sender's name! At the moment, the favicon is on top of the name-label and obliterates the first part of the name.
  • (2018-06-10, v:2.0) Lora Myrick: Move the icon back to the left
    Is it possible to move the favicon back to the left of the sender's name? It has been over there for years, and this as been a great extension. I know Google has released a new Gmail UI, but is it not possible to keep the extension the way it was? Thank you.
  • (2018-06-08, v:2.0) Icon placement
    Would i be possible to choose to place the icon before the senderns name instead of the subject in new gmail? I would also like bigger icons with tranpsperent background. Remove the box
  • (2018-06-07, v:2.0) Chentao YANG: New version sucks
    the icon is looking terrible now
  • (2018-06-07, v:2.0) Leah Weinberg: New version
    Please put the old version back or make it an option! I don't like the changes today! I want the icon back on the left side by the name.
  • (2018-06-06, v:2.0) Niket Raja: Icon not appearing properly
    Check screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/e6hX5KK.png
  • (2018-05-29, v:1.0) Yahya Evirgen: SORUN
  • (2018-05-20, v:1.0) Puanani Lackland: I want to recover my email
    I wish to recover my email to where no one else can intrude or a developer can enter it again


20,000 history
4.4252 (127 votes)
Last update / version
2022-03-24 / 2.1
Listing languages
