extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

一个简单的新标签页,包含多个时钟、日期、天气、搜索、快速链接等! 完全可定制!

Image from store CaretTab-新标签时钟和日期
Description from store 如果您正在寻找完整的个性化体验,那么 CaretTab 就是适合您的新标签页! 从不同时区的多个时钟,到快速链接,再到时间内数字之间的间距,一切都可以改变! 在其他时区有同事吗? 添加尽可能多的额外时钟,以适合您的屏幕! 不喜欢记住网址? 显示书签栏和自定义快速链接,随心所欲! 研究课题? 使用搜索栏搜索 Google 或各种其他搜索引擎。 没有窗户? 在新标签页上显示天气。 您还可以使用背景和前景色、墙纸和图案随心所欲地更改外观。 一切都可以调整到你想要的大小,并且可以按照你喜欢的方式重新排列。 立即下载并成为你的! 特征: ✔ 在新标签页上显示时间和日期。 ✔ 数字/模拟/二进制时钟选项。 ✔ 添加带有标签的额外时钟。 ✔ 所有时钟的可定制时区。 ✔ 显示当前天气和预报。 ✔ 从新标签页搜索谷歌、必应、雅虎、百度等。 ✔ 显示书签栏或自定义链接以便快速访问。 ✔ 用记事本表达您的想法。 ✔ 在页面上包含自定义消息。 ✔ 从几个不同的颜色主题中选择或选择您自己的自定义颜色。 ✔ 使用各种提供的图案、Unsplash 中的随机图像或您自己的照片作为墙纸。 ✔ 选择您想要的大小、间距和位置。 ✔ 从少数字体中选择或使用您机器上安装的任何字体。 ✔ 自定义一切! 切换时间、秒、时间格式、日期、日期格式、搜索引擎、24 小时制、周数、选项卡标题等等。 ✔ 同步支持。 在所有设备上保留您的设置。 ✔ 支持多种语言! ✔ 适用于 Chrome 和 Edge! 使新标签页完全符合您的要求。 从极简主义到个性单品,任您选择! CaretTab 的目标是完全自定义,让您可以根据自己的喜好使其变得简单或复杂。 使用 CaretTab 新标签页,您可以完全选择起始页的外观。 这个新标签页的主要焦点是时钟。 您可以在这里随意选择所有选项。 您选择您使用的时区。 设置 12 或 24 小时制。 可选择显示秒、子午线(上午/下午)、分隔符、标签等。 您甚至可以选择模拟或二进制时钟设计。 需要跟踪多个位置的时间? 添加尽可能多的额外时钟,所有这些时钟都是可定制的。 在时钟旁边显示日期。 您可以选择该日期所基于的时区。 以您希望的任何格式显示它! 可选择显示年、月、日和星期几。 还提供周数选项。 通过颜色和背景图像选项使其符合您的个性! 您可以从预设列表或自定义颜色中选择背景和前景颜色。 从众多内置图案中选择一种,从 Unsplash.com 中选择一个列表作为每日随机照片,或者选择您自己的照片作为新标签墙纸! 在背景上设置过滤器以获得自定义外观,确保文本保持清晰。 从许多字体中选择或您自己的机器上安装的字体! 启用天气以查看当前状况和预报。 可选择启用当前天气或预报或两者! 通过选择华氏度或摄氏度、公制或英制、切换度数符号、切换天气图标、设置预报天数等等,让它成为你的! 通过两个不同的选项快速访问您最喜爱的网站。 显示书签栏以显示浏览器中保存的收藏夹列表。 或者选择“快速链接”选项以手动添加您喜欢的任何链接。 可以选择显示 Favicons 以及浏览器链接,例如书签管理器、历史记录和访问次数最多的链接。 使用方便的记事本小部件快速记下您的想法。 从新标签页搜索网络。 从 Google 到 GitHub 等范围广泛的搜索引擎中进行选择。 输入您自己的标签并选择搜索栏的大小。 将您选择的自定义问候语添加到新选项卡,并为其显示的大小提供完整选项。 甚至选项卡的标题也可以更改为自定义消息、时间、日期等等! 提供多种语言! 权限说明: - 存储:用于存储您的设置。 - 替换打开新标签时看到的页面:用于用此扩展替换新标签页。 - (可选)阅读您访问的网站的图标:用于显示您添加到书签栏或快速链接的网站的图标(徽标)。 -(可选)阅读您最常访问的网站列表:启用时用于在书签栏或快速链接上显示“最常访问”菜单。 -(可选)阅读和更改您的书签:启用后用于在书签栏上显示您的书签。 有什么建议吗? 在 Twitter @BlueCaret 上让我知道或发送电子邮件至 [email protected] 通过安装“CaretTab”浏览器扩展,我接受并同意将浏览器的新标签页设置为该服务提供的页面,并同意隐私政策和使用条款。 CaretTab 由 BlueCaret 设计和开发 https://www.carettab.com 隐私政策:https://www.bluecaret.com/privacy/ 使用条款:https://www.bluecaret.com/terms/ 关于 BlueCaret:https://www.bluecaret.com/about/ 联系方式:https://www.bluecaret.com/contact/

Latest reviews

  • (2024-03-05) Hari Prasath: Very neat. I think I finally found my New Tab extension to use forever. But I do hope they add more features over time. Like the weather widget can have customizable icon position for today's weather. And it would also be really helpful to have some text read out the weather, like "cloudy" or "light rain".
  • (2024-03-03) serf gh: уже настроил версию 4.0.2, поправил файл с переводом, всё хорошо, тут бац, выходит версия 4.0.4. снова никого не спрашивая обновляется, перевод кривой, где в каких файлах его теперь править неизвестно... .... версия 4.5.0, продолжаю править "4 Март" на "4 Марта"... каждую новую версию...
  • (2023-11-04) Mubeen Zakaullah_mbpkcs: Hmmm Achi cheez hai 👍
  • (2023-11-01) H: This used to be great, but with the new update it has just become unnecessarily complicated to make changes and it doesn't look nearly as good as it did before. Also, I had spent a fair bit of time setting it up exactly how I wanted it and then with the new update it's all gone and I have to start from scratch again.
  • (2023-10-30) M. Jabali: Amazing, I sort of dislike how hard is it to customize the screen compared to other extensions where you can simply drag bookmarks into it and drag things around, but honestly, how often does one need to customize it anyways... Few suggestions and ideas in case the dev is looking for them: - Maybe have an option for quick links to take logo images instead of favicons, or maybe customizable image? The 16x16 icon just doesn't cut it it either looks tiny as an ant or pixelated on my screen. - Add chrome://settings and chrome://extensions to special links, tried adding it with normal links and it doesn't work. - Few more widgets like one to play music from YouTube or Spotify would be nice
  • (2023-10-25) El detective Yoshi: Excelente. Me encanta, pero me gustaría poder cambiar el fondo nomás
  • (2023-10-18) DahuNejc: First I had some problems with configuring the new version. I contacted John (the developer behind this extension), and he was happy to help me with setting the patterns as I had them before - I think now because it has more option with the new update, it is a bit harder to set everything as you want. I'm using this plugin for a lot of years now and can recommend it. John, keep up the good work.
  • (2023-10-05) Rogerio Santos (Rogerinho): Top... a Melhor que já testei e estou usando
  • (2023-10-01) Hariharan The Great: The amount of customization is immaculate. Thank you very much
  • (2023-09-22) Anirudh: New update ruined this extension
  • (2023-09-18) DahuNejc: It used to be good, it had nice paterns now it is just ugly.
  • (2023-08-26) Wayne Ding: 曾经最喜欢的一个扩展,每次安装浏览器都要安装回来。升级之后就是依托答辩。 The extension I used to like the most, I have to reinstall it every time I set up the browser. After upgrading, it's just a piece of crap.
  • (2023-08-24) Joclyn Roberts: I really like the update; though it's a little harder to use than the older version, I appreciate how many more customizable options there are now. Congrats on the polished settings dashboard, by the way.
  • (2023-08-22) Alex Uguna: Limited free features suddenly. Became ugly
  • (2023-08-22) CJ Navarro: This version was a bit worse than the older version. Some features like having different fonts are behind a paywall, and the quick links doesn't break into a second line when you use the horizontal style. To make a second line of quick links, you have to make a new widget.
  • (2023-08-21) 鄭友齊: 自訂句子沒辦法隨機變換,快速連結跟自訂佳句文字大小沒拜法客製化,會一起變大變小,除此之外都很好,另外有無辦法將用戶訂定的內容輸出存檔,因為要是下一次又更新,又得重新弄一遍很麻煩,除此之外都做得很好,有小額支持管道也可以發給我們,讓我們支持下,感謝。
  • (2023-08-19) Joel Gwartney: I've had this for several years and absolutely loved it. The new update though... where the heck did my links go? I can't seem to customize it like before with the date and time, a quote in the middle of the page, and I don't see a way to add links. I know what I had up there before but I can't seem to get them set up. If you have to pay for premium to get those features, then screw that, I'm out. It was perfect the way it was, why go and change a perfect thing? (added after reading several others): Lmao, apparently not too many people are happy about the update, proof you shouldn't change a great thing. After reading some of the reviews and their replies, I have gone ahead and uninstalled this one as they clearly don't care what their customers want. Dang I hate having to find another version of this.
  • (2023-08-16) Peter Crist: Even though the major update wiped out me old settings - I like the new stuff. EXCEPT - I have found tthe weather forecast to be unusable - 104 this Sat in Minneapolis - I don't think so. What is your source?
  • (2023-08-16) Dave Run: This use to be a simple - effective extension, one of the very few i use on chrome. There were enought options and ease of use in the earlier versions to be usefull to those wanted a simple homescreen. But also you need to make a few bucks for your efforts and keep the feature coming for those who pay.
  • (2023-08-15) Yueyuu San: 能不能把先前版本的样式加回来?
  • (2023-08-13) Nadia Havlicek: I was so glad when I found it, it was so beautiful. But sadly, as everyone else, with the new update I found it unusable. I will be uninstalling. I customized and took my time, even when I had already customised it and when it updated everything got erased. But now, it's definitely way less customisable. I can't get it to look as pretty as it was before, and i really tried. Also, it was too time consuming tbh... I'm gonna have to find other one. And I loved it.. sad
  • (2023-08-13) Kim Tiểu Bảo: I used to love this app, for several years no matter i change browser or device this is always the app i see when i open new tab. Looks like it's time to give up, the new update makes the app unusable. Believe me I tried, installed and configured it for a few days all the widgets displayed overlapping in the center of alignment and position with pixel no change at all,... the new version is extremely bad. thank you for the good time but i'm sorry i will have to remove this plugin
  • (2023-08-09) Chen Lonh (Uoo): How to revert the version, I prefer the previous version
  • (2023-08-09) Drake Krewson: I like it I guess, all the other comments I guess don't apply to me. It took a while to get used to but the new update imo made the customization A LOT easier to work with. Problem: IT DID NOT ACCEPT MY WALLPAPER LIKE WTH??? I just plugged my wallpaper in and instead of the wallpaper appearing it just showed a gray screen T_T I'm using a different wallpaper for now, but pls fix
  • (2023-08-08) Nixos: the widgets overlap when minimized
  • (2023-08-03) Miller Liberatore: I used to absolutely love this app and the update has literally ruined it. It's literally unusable. I hope you return it to how it previously was.
  • (2023-08-03) Woe Xeh: Sadly, I don't like the new version and I will uninstall it.
  • (2023-08-02) Mo Evis (Evis): 我实在不明白为什么要更新 用了很多年了
  • (2023-08-02) meme drift: I'm having the same issues as everyone else. The latest update continually breaks my pages. Every time I log in now I'm having to recreate the tab. Pages often do not respond. If you can, please roll this back to the previous version, and give this one more time to cook.
  • (2023-08-02) 大码观: 更新之后真的变成屎了,之前的数据竟然没有了,还收费到没谱,还是上个版本好,太烂了😓,卸载了
  • (2023-08-02) João Pedro: The update was terrible.
  • (2023-08-01) Qiao Lan: 更新之后效果很差,摆弄过于繁琐
  • (2023-08-01) Jess Joseph: I keep "quick links," i.e., bookmarks, on my Caret page. The New eversion wiped them out. I had to set up the whole page again. Then when I logged on to my second computer at a different location, the old version was wiped out but it did not sync to the first computer as it used to. I know your update is well intentioned and that you spent a lot of time on it, but I urge you to make the old version available again so that we have a choice. I hate to give you one star. You were a five star extension. I came to depend on you. I wish you had considered that.
  • (2023-07-31) Terrorka: Начиная с 4-ой версии пошёл тихий ужас, настройки неудобные, со старой версии стиль не перенесли, нужные функции платные и ладно одноразовая покупка, так нет, подписка. Придётся искать замену
  • (2023-07-31) Arnold Seaman: Последняя обновление просто ужас, все же было нормально, почему настройка стало таким убогим процессом, зачем все испортили, даже импортировать настройки из старой версии невозможно, почему цвет у элементов настройки стал каким-то светло-синим цветом и как его изменить, верните старую favicon у новых вкладок, а не какой-то светло-синяя, похожая на буква "A" в черно-сером квадратике, chrome перестал дружит с расширением: chrome постоянно твердит об ошибке, о том что расширение отключена (но она работает - что за магии), также постоянно спрашивает разрешения, даже после как я их дал. Думаю наступили те моменты, когда будет хуже и хуже и дойдет до того момента, когда нужно будет искать альтернативу. (простите за мой русский 0_0)
  • (2023-07-31) Thiên Định Nguyễn: I really love the old design as it's bring the scalable level. I have multiple monitors and all the layout going crazy when I put my Chrome on the vertical screen :( Developers should bring the capable of screen resize back soon.
  • (2023-07-31) KachiVote: 更新之前是我觉得最好看而且最好用的新建标签页插件,没有之一,更新后一下就变得平庸了
  • (2023-07-31) Steven R. Olsen: The "New" version for the Chrome Browser is execrable. 1. Its layout is completely dissimilar. 2. The custom colors can no longer be identified using one unique alpha/numeric value. 3. Values for myriad items are locked. 4. Relocation of widgets???!!! 5. Clearly, all to brazenly force users to pay $2/mo. I have multiple custom layouts saved for the previous version that could be imported with ease. A suggestion to the developers: Perhaps a conversion algorithm to aid in the transition for this MASSIVE overhaul. Note: The MS Edge Browser is currently uneffected (hopefully, its mention here does not cause the developer to eliminate their possible oversight).
  • (2023-07-29) Piet Reicht: Alle Einstellungen sind nach dem letzten Update verschwunden.
  • (2023-07-29) Michael Nease: I like the new version. It was pretty easy and quick to set it back to the way that I wanted it. The amount of customization available is GREAT and easy to understand. I will miss having the zulu date displayed along with my local date (single date field limit), but I understand that eventually it's necessary to monetize this somehow. I do wish that you could have migrated the old set-ups somehow or at least given us some warning before we lost them. I lost quick links that it will take me awhile to find or even remember that I had. I admit that my first reaction was anger, much like that expressed by many others here, but after a few MINUTES spent getting my bearings, I tried the new version and I LIKED IT.
  • (2023-07-29) Jeremy星痕: 開發者很用心、即時的面對使用者的反饋,並修正 BUG,到 4.0.3 版本時已經可以非常好的使用此擴充程式。 ----以下為 2023-07-27 歷史評論---- 雖然利用全新的框架重新寫了此擴充程式,不過過去匯出的 json 檔案再匯入時會等待很久,可判斷為無法匯入,因此只好重新設定。每一次大更新都會導致前次的設定消失,實在是非常困擾。 另外語言選項只有簡體中文是非常糟糕的,並且翻譯的品質還很糟糕,比如 Save 應該是「儲存」或「保存」,而不是翻譯成「拯救」。 此外,原本可以放上一句自訂的文字句子,現在變成要付費才能放,這很不方便。
  • (2023-07-29) Nabee H: New update is HORRIBLE IT WIPED OUT MY WALLPAPER, WIDGETS and NOW WANTS TO CHARGE ME JUST TO CHANGE THE COLOUR OF THE CLOCK. It was amazing before this, and I had been using that previous layout for YEARS just for the new update to wipe it out :( Now my chrome homescreen doesnt feel how it used to and I can't seem to get it back to how it used to be!!!
  • (2023-07-28) Conrad Williams: New update deleted all my settings. Nice. Making a shiny new UI was not worth breaking everything.
  • (2023-07-28) Ashlynn Marie: I used to love it and while my previous look of it was pretty basic, I enjoyed it. Now, a lot of what I had on the page I can't do anymore. I can't do what I want with it and am honestly confused by the new system. I tried to make it look alright but I can't even do that. The new update is not good in my opinion and I wished it hadn't changed, especially so suddenly!
  • (2023-07-28) Damian Jah: Шикарно, все сохранённые ссылки протерялись после обновы...
  • (2023-07-28) Leech: Editing again to reflect my experience with the new update. Still nice customization freedom and definitely a lot of options but for the life of me, I cannot find an option for columns, which is integral to the custom background I made to help organize my links. Could be my own stupidity, but after a while of digging around I still haven't managed to find this option. My other issue is sizing, I'm unsure exactly what changed but the font sizing definitely doesn't work the same anymore. Can't add a small sized search widget without the text being miniscule, and other widgets simply don't look as nice or fill in the space as perfectly anymore, if that makes sense. A lot of these are personal issues. Still a great extension and I recommend it, but I think I'll be rolling back the update.
  • (2023-07-28) Gary Kimball: No other new tab extension even comes close to this one. Smooth and never-ending customizations. Import/export function is AMAZING. Beautifully done. Is there a place I can donate to support this work? Editing after most recent update: I found the new customization interface easy to interact with and there are several things that I can do now, but couldn't do before, or at least I didn't know how to and it wasn't obvious. It was a bummer to lose my customizations, but I ended up spending 20 minutes and making a better one anyway. Keep up the good work John, you're still the king of the New Tab!
  • (2023-07-28) WANG CC: 更新后无法使用 一直显示加载中 请作者查看下什么问题呢
  • (2023-07-28) Yulia Gilbert: used this extension for years and loved it... with current update its so hard to navigate, can't evern resize the cloack or at least it is not obvious as it used to be, half of the things are now premium
  • (2023-07-28) Mara Ximena: I used to love this extension for years, but now It removed all my settings, deleted all my bookmarks. and I lost them forever. Such a disappointing update, it has nothing worth, the extension used to be much better beffore. Now you have to pay for everything. I recommend DO NOT INSTALL IT.

Latest issues

  • (2022-08-14, v:3.6.2) Hazael Mathews: Weather
    How can I get the Weather feature to work properly. I have tried to put in my location but it will not come up
  • (2022-06-11, v:3.6.2) astelit: weather tab
    во вкладке погода, время захода солнца показывает неверную меридием, т.е. вместо 20:43 показывает 08:43 --- in the weather tab, the time of sunset shows the wrong meridium, i.e. instead of 20:43 it shows 08:43
  • (2022-03-16, v:3.6.2) Ali Sayyar: Stay forever
    Hi there I liked this extension but whenever I install it disappear again. I don't know what to do so that it stays forever
  • (2021-11-08, v:3.6.2) CJ Navarro: CaretTab won't work on Opera Browsers.
    It won't change the Start page on the Opera brower, Hence disbling the extension.
  • (2021-11-01, v:3.6.2) Tony Hunsberger: Countdown timer?
    Would it be possible to add a countdown timer to the clock function, like so many days , minutes, seconds to a time/date of the user's choosing?
  • (2021-09-01, v:3.5.0) 赵丹丹: Context moved to the left_top of the screen
    After the lastest update, when I open a new tab, all buttons and features are shown on the very left-top of the screen and I can't move them back to the center. I already uninstalled some times but can't fix the bug
  • (2021-08-29, v:3.5.0) Sufyan Dam: PROBLEM
    When I open a new tab the colours of my tab change and i cant access the setting, also, before this, I couldn't write my location for the temperature
  • (2021-08-27, v:3.5.0) S. Laps (lesergei): Option not available
    When I click on the hamburger button the options menu does not open, all the page icons that appear are very large, the only thing I can do is turn off the extension . Thank you
  • (2021-08-27, v:3.5.0) Louis: Weather Widget
    CareTab stop working when weather widget is on
  • (2021-08-27, v:3.5.0) Benjamin Wildermann: New weather
    If I enable the weather function CaretTab stops working. I can't cycle through the tabs and if I close the settings I can't reopen them
  • (2019-11-02, v:2.3.1) Bob Claflin: Make changes
    How do I make changes, like font size? I can't seem to find the "magic" button. Thanks
  • (2019-10-13, v:2.3.1) said hout: حوات سعيد 2126933378 الدار البيضاء المغرب
  • (2019-09-22, v:2.3.1) S Pepper: 5 second delay of font when starts
    - showing some default font before custom. chrome latest/win7
  • (2019-09-16, v:2.3.1) Patrick Ballard: options
    options is not available, worked before
  • (2019-06-26, v:2.3.1) Debanjali Saha Radhe krishna: launch prob
    cant launch it.. pls help
  • (2019-06-20, v:2.3.1) Henry Choi: The extension is keep being disabled.
    Suddenly, the new tab is returned to original without any interactions. And when I go to chrome://extensions and search for CaretTab, it says 'This extension may have been corrupted.'. If I click Repair button, it works when immediately but it seems that restarting chrome makes this back to original.
  • (2019-05-03, v:2.3.1) Oleg Vertmiller: Somehow my month May is named "Kann" in German locale
    I just noticed today that CaretTab says "Kann" to the month May in German localization of the extension. It may have to do with the way too direct automated translation because "Kann" means "may" in English. Thus, may capitalized is now Kann for German, haha! That can simply not be true! The month is called "Mai" in German. Please correct that little failure and roll out a quick update as soon as possible, because this is just awful! :D Yet, thanks for an amazing product so far. Keep up the good work. Besides that, I'm a totally satisfied customer. ;-)
  • (2019-04-29, v:2.3.1) Yannis D: Sort Quick Links
    I find this extension very helpful and sexy... and is the default home page on my browser. I would like to add a suggestion, that is to be able to sort manually and/or by name, etc. the quick links as they appear on the top of the page. An option to manually drag the links in the "Quick Links" setting page would do the trick.
  • (2019-04-26, v:2.3.1) Timóteo André: Delay when opening new tabs or clicking links.
    Two small issues I'm having, one is not such a big deal but the other has been kind of annoying. When I open a new tab it takes around 1 or 2 seconds for CaretTab to show up, I noticed this behaviour with other similar extensions so I'm not sure if it's just how Chrome works or not. The other problem comes when actually using any of the links I've added, they can take up to 3 seconds to register and open the website. It's actually faster to middle click and have them opened on another tab instead.
  • (2019-04-22, v:2.3.1) Eden Chan: setting panel
    A great extension! But the right setting panel will show and then hide when open chrome, it's a little bit annoying.


58,113 history
4.4012 (820 votes)
Last update / version
2024-03-03 / 4.5.0
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