Description from extension meta
开源的 Selenium IDE, 现代的网页自动化工具 (支持行为录制和回放)。适用于网页自动化测试,表单填写以及网页内容抓取。
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Description from store
Kantu is the most popular open-source web macro recorder. If there’s an activity you have to do repeatedly, just create a web macro for it. The next time you need to do it, the entire macro will run at the click of a button and do the work for you.
Kantu's main focus is ease of use, good recording and reliable playback for all kinds of browser automation projects. It is a record & replay tool for automated testing and a "swiss army knife" for general web automation, automating file uploads and autofill form filling. It is also intended as an open-source alternative to iMacros and Selenium IDE.
Firefox Selenium IDE users, please note: The current version supports the most commonly used "Selenese" commands, but not all. => We are adding new commands as needed. So if you miss a command that you need for your test automation work, please let us know.
The more feedback we get about a certain missing command or feature, the higher it moves in the "todo" list :-)
Please send feedback and questions to
team AT
Latest reviews
- (2023-12-04) Joshua McFarlane: Good (although an extremely steep learning curve) when it works. But lately all I get is 'DOM not found' over and over again.
- (2023-10-05) ali raza: if anyone want to create automation in UI vision extention i can help you.
- (2023-08-03) Marco Cetina: It really makes our life way easier!!! I love it!!!!
- (2023-07-08) COW KING (THE COW KING): seems the developer has put some effort in it, but it's still unintuitive and difficult to use, lacks simple features. I need something simple enough to just help me click a specific button on a webpage when a specific url pattern is opened (such as automatically thumbup every video I watched on youtube). sadly it's not able to do that
- (2023-07-05) Lulu: Loving it so far! It is so easy to use. It is saving me a half day of work today. At first I couldn't get it to run. I then added and created another macro and saved it. Then I was able to run it! I didn't watch the tutorial so I'm sure this was discussed. No coding experience here!
- (2023-06-10) iProf Evolution: well, here is the problem, many problems I would say: first, doesnt open properly on chrome... only works in firefox. Even brave doesnt work, showing the follows "Failed to create macro: An operation that depends on state cached in an interface object was made but the state had changed since it was read from disk." I tried everything but nothing changed Second is a non option to open in another tab in easy way the links you click. At that point imacros is better and simpler to do. Third is how bad is the resize: I want to close the files tab and I cant; working in a laptop without extra monitor became a back and foward nightmare when you try to debug. Fourth is if you have an error in your json code and try to save, you dont have time to debug because automatically goes back to the previous saved version.... so all you wrote goes down to the drain, something made me furious after write some lines and because a missing } I lost everything. In the end has cool tools, a little trick to have ifelse command but eventually you get it. Need to be a lot more intuitive and for the love of god hire a good designer , the ui is horrible
- (2023-05-12) Romain Fromheim: Very powerful yet with a reasonable learning curve, really like it.
- (2023-03-15) Looks promising, but I cannot seem to get the macros to run after recording. The play Macro button does nothing.
- (2023-01-21) Wilbert Cedeno: I tried many automation extensions. Axiom worked, but was slow. All the other ones were hard to set up. This one worked really well and it was easy to use! Thanks!
- (2022-12-29) Matheus Carmo: From what I check in FORUM Error#301 XMODULE REALUSER nerver was solved... Error #301: RealUser Simulation XModule is not installed yet
- (2022-11-18) Gameplayz: randomly breaks after some time of running
- (2022-10-20) Gustavo Castro Leonel: não funciona
- (2022-09-30) Sean Chen: I just got this extension and I want to know if this extension has a hotkey setting
- (2022-08-24) yong liu: 运行起来很慢,记录功能还有速度都没有Selenium IDE好,不过功能强大点
- (2022-08-17) Mateusz Borowik: Fajne, Polecam.
- (2022-06-29) Outliner Itoh Takashi: Chromebookでまともに動作しない。
- (2022-06-09) januar andan: doesnt really worked after update
- (2022-06-08) MOLI MOLI (MOLI): 用了十几年IMACROS了,但是一直用的老板的无限制的插件,实在跟不上时代了。。试试这个,就是教程太少了。。。主要IMACROS一直用得很顺手。
- (2022-06-08) PAULO VINICIUS DE JESUS CASTILHO: Ótimo, se souber usar faz o que promete e permite customizar a automação.
- (2022-06-04) Steven Zhi: 非常好用, 希望能有中文版, 我自己的英文太差, 无法完全理解各种功能的用途
- (2022-06-03) Nate Levy: Worked great until today, now it won't load at all. Clicking the icon doesn't do anything anymore and going to extension options crashes the browser. Can't get to my tests to switch browsers
- (2022-05-21) Pran Krishna Das: Thank you to make life easier! :)
- (2022-05-18) Komik Kardus: BEST!!
- (2022-04-21) Stanislav Ginzburg: well, where I can get downloaded zip for extension?
- (2022-01-31) Jack Faulkner: So happy something like this exists and works so well. The documentation and support forum are great too.
- (2022-01-27) Dennis Bareis: In general this is a good product, it is very hard to work out as a beginner as there is no good introductory youtube videos or documentation. A good hint to get started is to click this browser extension's icon after installation. There are samples but these are uncommented, not sure what the logic is here... It's "command line" is quirky and should be an exe to make life easier.
- (2022-01-12) Ира Немченко: Остання версія дає збій( Код помилки: Out of memory.
- (2022-01-08) Pat MySecret: Correct me if I'm wrong, but not-so-good because once you record the macro, you can't edit its commands by keyboard later.
- (2021-10-12) Sam McClanahan: Very powerful, easy to learn, and particularly useful for website testing and RPA tasks.
- (2021-10-01) Keith Wilkins: This thing is brilliant! It just saved me about 1500 clicks. I got to play with my cat while a really boring part of my job was completed. It was easy to figure out how to make it happen too!
- (2021-09-30) N Adams: Autism is a must have to decipher this garbage
- (2021-09-29) 噗噗熊: 轻量化的web RPA,不知道怎么设置中文
- (2021-09-14) Heath B.: I switched from this after using iMacros for 10 years and it is so much better! It's almost perfect!
- (2021-09-07) Brendan Matychuk: I've been using UI.Vision for the last 25 months and it's saved hundreds of man hours and tens of thousands of dollars for my company. I appreciate the updates the devs continue to roll out!
- (2021-07-08) Shivam Nag: Can i schedule the created marco using this extension ?
- (2021-07-01) Daniel: The best browser automation extension available.
- (2021-05-10) Rogue Vpn: Exceptional work. The best extension. 10 starts
- (2021-05-05) Brian Smith: Thank you, Great Extension, Would you please add option speed = 1 second. sometimes - 0.3 sec is to fast (not always work correctly) and 2 seconds is to slow, but useful perhaps, 0,6 sec also would be very useful as well as 1 second. Thank you 💕
- (2021-04-20) Arch Eclipse: i've tried lots of macro. and this is the most useful i've used without limit / downside
- (2021-04-17) Robert Erich: Great tool! It's saved me hours on multiple projects. Very happy for this opensource project.
- (2021-02-07) John Hancock: If it would actually do what it claims it would be fantastic, BUT, BUT, there are no clear instructions on how it works, I wasted many hours with guess work testing. And then you find they have quietly added a $999 fee to be able to actually do. They ve had enough of my time so I'm off to try a couple of the other RPA softwares out there.. John Hancock
- (2021-02-06) Aman Arya: Amazing extension flawless working, love to prefer to the others.
- (2021-01-28) David Rice: Finally something that worked for me. I have tried 5 other website macro recording extensions on various browsers and none would work for me. I was about to give up and gave this a try. Worked great for me and saved me countless hours!
- (2021-01-25) 刘聪: 在哪里将语言设置为中文?
- (2021-01-20) Mone Fy: Thank you for saving our time!
- (2021-01-05) Mauricio Quezada: Hace lo que dice. Ya no tendré que repetir tantas veces las mismas acciones en un trabajo aburrido y repetitivo
- (2020-12-30) Shawn Williams: It's like iMacros but...Better :)
- (2020-12-17) Dolphin Light: Thank you, would you please add time command interval delay 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 seconds it will be very useful
- (2020-12-07) Johnny Sun: how is anyone supposed to know what those commands do, I just use type and click