extension ExtPose

Google Slides Auto Resize Speaker Notes

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Description from extension meta

Automatically resize the slide previews when the Speaker Notes window is resized, or drag the sidebar to manually select a size.

Image from store Google Slides Auto Resize Speaker Notes
Description from store Code available at: https://github.com/daattali/gslides-betternotes-extension Show your support :) http://deanattali.com/aboutme/#feed-meeee Description ======== The slide previews in the Speaker Notes window of Google Slides are tiny and unreadable. This extension fixes this in two ways: the slides are automatically enlarged when the Speaker Notes window is resized, and you can also drag the sidebar to manually select the perfect slides size. If you've ever used Google Slides (or MS PowerPoint/anything similar), you may be aware of the Speaker Notes feature - it allows you to view the current and next slides as well as the text notes for the current slide . However, for some weird reason, the Speaker Notes in Google Slides only allocates a very small area for the slides preview, while giving the notes almost all the space. There is no possible way to resize the slide thumbnail, which makes the slide preview almost useless. Demo ======== If you don't have a Google Slides document to experiment with/verify this problem, you can test it out with this sample Google Slides presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18svsKPFNQrBLOSAmOouD410kX9fuaNp3e1K1GTTBLiU/edit?usp=sharing Extra features ======== - Resizes thumbnail preview for the Next slide - Ability to move the timer to the right because it sometimes takes up a large portion of the screen and hides some of the slide - Works in offline mode Supported languages ======== This extension will work if your Chrome language is one of the following: English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Hebrew. If you want me to add support for another language, please open an issue on the project page: https://github.com/daattali/gslides-betternotes-extension/issues Motivation ======== As preparation for my committee meeting, I used Google Slides to make my presentation. Shortly after starting, before havin any actual content in my presentation, I noticed that the Speaker Notes window is basically useless in its current form because of how small the slide previes are. After fiddling with the speaker notes window JavaScript and CSS for a couple hours, I decided that a much better use of my time instead of working on my committee meeting would be to make this extension. I then proceeded to spend the next several hours making the draft version of this extension, and thus successfully procrastinated from my real work for many many hours! On a more serious note - I do think this is a very essential tool for anyone who uses Google Slides to give presentations.

Latest reviews

  • (2019-07-11) KIM EUIMIN: Love it! life saver but....google keeps updating its chrome browser and each time it does that it seems to not work as well... could you please update the addon?
  • (2019-06-18) Kyle Salewski: This extension has been amazing and I've been using it for years! Google has FINALLY stopped dragging their feet though and will add it in the coming weeks. Thanks for all your work on this Dean! You've saved us where Google fell short! https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2019/06/slides-present-mode-updates.html
  • (2019-05-05) Michael G Stauffer: I love it! Seems so weird that google hasn't added this feature on their own.
  • (2019-04-01) Natalie Svoboda: WOW, I just decided I needed this in my life for a presentation in 3 hours, found it with a quick google search, and I'm off and running. Thank you!!
  • (2019-02-12) David Needham: This chrome plugin makes Google Slide Presenter View work how I always thought it should work. The screenshot sizes automatically scale at reasonable ratios. Thank you!
  • (2018-12-17) Timo Hegnauer: A lifesaver. I don't know why google didn't include this themself
  • (2018-12-01) A: This is a much needed feature and I was looking to write my own extension until I found this. it is not as clean as it could be but get the job done. Thanks
  • (2018-11-27) Pauline Romas: Exactly what I was looking for, now I can see the "next slide"! Thank you!!!
  • (2018-11-17) Daphne Close: Exactly what I needed. I didn't want to give it four stars, but you are limited in how large you can resize the presenter notes because the timer doesn't move.
  • (2018-07-08) Tim Newbold: Great, but no longer needed: this is a fantastic extension, however the speaker notes resize much better out of the box now. This is still really useful if you want to tweak how big the slides are, but for most, it's not really necessary.
  • (2018-03-15) Dmytro Saviuk: FOKEN AMAZING
  • (2018-03-05) khalid al falahi: thanks
  • (2018-01-04) Scott Bordelon: This is awesome. I'm completely stymied about why this isn't a standard feature in Google Slides. The slide thumbnail in the standard speaker notes view is completely unreadable without being able to resize it. Thank-you SO MUCH for creating this add-on.
  • (2017-11-21) Elías Alonso: This is a must have.
  • (2017-09-26) Kristine Kaland: This is the hero presentations need, AND the one they deserve.
  • (2017-03-23) Manuel Käppler: This is a really great addition to the already very helpful speaker view on Google Slides.
  • (2016-12-05) Tyler Proctor: Thank GOD!!! What was Google thinking not including this feature in Slides???
  • (2016-12-04) AKASH AGNIHOTRI: Thanks this saved lot of time
  • (2016-10-29) Mohd Ismail: its solving my problem with presenter notes. can we control the fond size of the notes? its too small
  • (2016-09-23) Wes Osborn: Makes the presenter view usable!
  • (2016-09-13) Jack Gaino: It's great though it has an issue: it currently breaks the 'Ask a question' functionality. The question panel covers the whole screen as soon as the preview panel is resized.
  • (2016-08-27) Joel Vasallo: PERFECT! You just saved my presentation! :D
  • (2016-07-27) Mike Mabey: Exactly what Speaker Notes was missing! Being able to adjust the preview size makes a huge difference in that feature being useful. Awesome tool, thank you!
  • (2016-05-13) Houtsma Bedrijfsadvies: Works perfectly to show the slides to the presenter but still leave room for other information, unlike MS Powerpoint or OpenOffice. Perfect for showing a presentation in a webinar. Werkt perfect voor het tonen van de slides en de speakernotes aan de presentator, terwijl er ruimte op het scherm overblijft voor het tonen van andere informatie, in tegenstelling tot Microsoft Powerpoint of Openoffice. Perfect voor het tonen van een presentatie in een webinar.
  • (2016-04-29) Nathan Blank: Installed it 5 minutes before a presentation, and it worked perfectly. 5/5 will use again tomorrow

Latest issues

  • (2018-10-24, v:1.0) Can resize entire window but not size of notes view
    Since the recent Chrome update I haven't been able to change the size of the notes view in Presenter mode. I can resize the entire presenter view window but not within the window (to make the notes area larger than the view of the slide).
  • (2018-06-02, v:0.8) Jonathan Hui: One thing, add options for previews of additional slides forward and backward
    This is so great! It would be even better if I could see previews of one more slide ahead though. Sometimes for lyric slides people might jump around and it would be really helpful to be able to click right on the correct slide.
  • (2017-11-18, v:0.8) uxsq (CodeZck): scam
  • (2017-10-19, v:0.8) Does this also fill the actual speaker note...
    ...text to fill the box? In other words, if you drag the window to make the thumbnails smaller, will the text fill the screen on the right? This would be a huge help to not have to adjust manually on each slide the size of the note text. Having a max font size would help too incase there is only one or two words int he notes.
  • (2017-10-13, v:0.8) David Price: Auto resize speaker notes - broken?
    I can't get this to work. I change the width by pixels. But only the notes section widens - not the previous /next slides. Am I doing something wrong?
  • (2017-07-20, v:0.8) Does this extension work when presenting a SlideShow offline?
    My client needs to be able to present without internet access. Does this extension still allow you to resize the notes when viewing offline?
  • (2017-02-10, v:0.7) Mike Schiller: Can't disable audience tools
    The Audience tools view won't let me disable the feedback link which covers the title of each of the slides. Unfortunately, I can't use the extension because of that.
  • (2016-05-12, v:0.6.0) James Phelps: Not working Chrome Mac OS
    I'm running Chrome Version 50.0.2661.102 (64-bit) on Mac OS El Capitain version 10.11.4 (15E65) The extension isn't work. I have cleared my history, flushed the cache, restarted the browser, etc to no avail. Would love to have this working for a presentation next week.
  • (2016-05-04, v:0.6.0) Quincy Acklen: Doesn't seem to do anything
    I so desperately want this. But I don't have the ability to grab the text area/preview area pane. There was a recent update to slides (in the last day or two) particularly around audience q&a along with notes that may have broken things.
  • (2016-04-02, v:0.5.0) Willem Karssenberg: language
    Nice extension, but this extension only works when language setting in Drive is put to English. It does not work when in Dutch unfortunately
  • (2016-01-05, v:0.2.1) Greg Squyres: Resize text
    I am trying out your resize speaker notes feature. It works well except one thing: I like to increase the size of my speaker notes text. In doing so, I expect the text to fill in the remaining white space. Instead, it remains in the upper third of the white space and provides a scroll bar. Is there a way to change this behavior?


5,000 history
4.6444 (45 votes)
Last update / version
2023-04-28 / 1.2
Listing languages
